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1,821 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
Hey everybody! While im not new to the forum i have had a very long hiatus and I am glad to say that I'm back in black for treyarch zombies! Can't wait to play these new maps!
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 6 replies
So first and foremost, as anyone who's been on the site for a while will know, this is like my third introduction haha. As I get older and life gets more complex, there are things that have to be sacrificed in the name of other pursuits. Unfortunately, being the rabbit hole of time that it is, CoDz (and video games in general) tend to be the first to go. With that being said, my name is Tac and I'm a college student who's looking to influence Middle Eastern foreign policy for the U.S. government, double majoring in Political Science and Philosophy with the intention of going to Law School in the coming years. My interest in Political Science is International Law (as y…
Last reply by Zelkova, -
- 3 replies
Hey everyone! I am so glad I found this site. Im still kind of new to CoDz but Im gettin good pretty quick. Little background, Im a 23 year old female from Alberta, Canada. I have 2 kids and a fiance. I love CoD (always have) and I have an infatuation with zombies. My fiance and I even have our Apocalypse Plan in place Cant wait to hear all your tips and tricks on how to survive zombies!
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
What's up everybody! Skywhale here. I've been a longtime lurker of this forum. For some reason it took me about 2 years to finally make an account and another 2 years to post anything. Didn't see the need until now. Anyways I'm a 22yo dude that works in a bowling alley on the east coast, US. exciting, right? I'm a fun person and most of my entertainment and free time consists of working out or chilling on my couch with a game in the console. I first started playing zombies at black ops. Kino to be exact. I remember when making it to the stage and turning on the power was a really good game. I bought jug and then died the next round without a gun, or bought bowie and the…
Last reply by Lenne, -
by urbanrooster- 4 replies
Hey. Name's Alissa. Member since my birthday last year apparently but haven't posted besides today, kinda odd, I remember being on here for way longer. Anyway I've been a fan of zombie mode since black ops' release and have done most of the easter eggs with a few local friends and randoms occasionally. I know my way around the game but forgive me if I screw up when talking about anything "behind the scenes." I don't know much about how it's made, just how to play it (and most of the lore). So yeah. I'll most likely still be lurking, but I made this just in-case I do get around to posting, considering BO3 is gonna be here in less than a month. peace.
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
So i have putting this off for a while but i suppose i better get done Hi im Matt aka shootinfish aka graphitesix I have been playing zombies since Waw DR and got into the story a little after that I have been a member of the site for a while now but never really logged in or posted but with BO3 releasing soon i will try to be a more active member In my spare time i enjoy trying to make electronic music and im trying to teach myself Computer science but i get distracted easily and spend most of my free time on the 360 or PS4 I look forward to participating in future threads till then thats it from me
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 3 replies
Hello, i am da boss. My minions shall defeat you all.
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 7 replies
Hey Guys, So im back on these forums after being away for ages - after I sold my 360 to get an Xbox one I have been deprived of Zombies and being feeling the withdrawal symptoms! haha so to say im looking forward to BOIII is an understatement! Used to be on these forums as EternalxChaos you guys probably wont remember me but I loved the content and stuff on here and reading all the theories etc... So you will probably see me about more! Djinn
Last reply by Lenne, -
by DarkZero269- 3 replies
Hi! Just joined these these forums today in hopes of finding other zombies players to slay some undeads :P If you'll want anything, feel free to ask (I'm guessing there's a messaging sistem implemented, or just reply to the topic I guess) Happy Schtabbing
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 1 reply
I am a new member to this site. I am a PS3 BO1&BO2 Zombies player, Also do YouTube. Wassup!
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 4 replies
The title says it all, I'm new here, though I have Gmail if you want to talk more, because I likely won't always be here, but rather on my G+(Vintage Misery for that as well)
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 4 replies
Whats up everyone? My names Corey I've been playing Zombies heavily since World at War. I like to consider myself an above average player. I usually play solo but I'm always willing to work in a team.
Last reply by ZombieDude, -
- 2 replies
Hello. My name is cairnschaos, otherwise known as rhyster1 on psn. i consider myself average at cod zombies, usually making it to round 20-25 on solo. i usually play gta and bo2, so add me to psn if you want to play. i'm currently trying to complete all bo2 eastereggs and would enjoy any assistance. my zombies rank is a skull. this has been rhyster1, over and out.
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 4 replies
Hey all, I have actively played zombies since black ops 1. I remember before that, my friend showed me the zombies mode on W@W in college and I died really quickly - wasn't initially impressed. When I finally returned to it by way of mistake (purchased the game on instinct for the MP after enjoying the last COD) - ended up playing zombies one night and was completely blown away. Kino was such a peculiar map, this morbid theatre of the dead and what it felt like to go down in the tiny strip of outside are with the box near the side stage - it actually felt like dying outside vs inside at that stage or nearby it. When the 2nd came out, I purchased the prestige edition a…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 2 replies
Hey I'm new to this site. I just wanted to join up on a group of fellow "zombie lovers"! I have been playing call of duty zombies for 7 years and I know most secrets and most of the story on zombies. I have played all of the maps and on the scale from noob to Zombie God, I'd say I'm pro level. I mainly play bo2 zombies. My best maps are der riese, kino der toten, town (greenrun) and buried. My favorite maps to just have fun on are shinonuma, der riese, kino der toten, shangri la, ascension, town and origins.
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys! I had made an account here years ago and thought I would return in anticipation for Black ops 3! I recently made a "Short film" version of the Exo Zombies cutscenes I think you may enjoy. I removed and added music and sfx and slapped it all together so you can get a cinematic look at the story. I also made the poster which I'll include a link for below. Whats the general feeling around here regarding exo zombies? I know some of the community ive talked to in the past arent big fans, but whats the general consensus with you all? Anyways, hope to get some new zombie buds on here to make some videos with! Feel free to add me up! Xbox One - MALS0L0 Steam - Mal_so…
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 1 reply
Hey all I'm Ricker, always looking to play zombies and looking for willing players to do easter eggs. Hit me up.
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
I am new to these forums and found them due to an old post about zombie challenges. It looked like a good opportunity to talk with some fellow zombie lovers and maybe get a fun team together in the future. I play on the Xbox 360, Xbox One, and WaW on a laptop. I have played every zombie map on every game and have enjoyed all of them, sadly I don't have Black Ops 1 any more even though it had a few of my favorite maps. A funny, and rather annoying story I can share to kinda break the ice goes back to when I first lost Black Ops. I ended up borrowing WaW for the 360 to nurse my blood craving. From Natch to Der Riese I would play them on repeat loving the old maps even with …
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
Hey there! My name's Nikodem, but friends call me Nikson., im 16 years old and i'm from Poland. I'm pretty new to Z's, playing it maybe 4-5 months, but immediatetly fell in love with it! I have only BO 1 and 2, but thinking about getting W@W, also, i like Extinction and Exo Z's. (I play on PS3, but buying PS4 in near future) Also, apart from Zombies, I love Basketball, but teams from my country aren't good, so there's nothing to watch :) Also, i love some classic music, alternative, and Imagine Dragons! Always looking for EE crew, or just someone to play with. Anyways, Hello all, and have a good day/night! (Sorry if i butchered some of the words, or sentences, my en…
Last reply by Nikson, -
- 4 replies
My name is HP. I have been a zombie head for awhile now. PS3 and PC. Add me on PSN "Aych_Pee" Will be playing BO3 on PC. Add my steam later. Thanks !
Last reply by Aych_Pee, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys. I used to play zombies nonstop back in black ops 1, I quit when bo2 came out because I didn't really like the direction zombies was going at the time. I was pretty active on here and so I was wondering if anyone remembered me. I used to stream here: (not advertising, I literally don't stream anymore. just trying to give any info that might spark memories!) My stream title was usually: Jacob "The Zombies Guy" 404, or "we run (mapname)" I did 2 person runs mostly with my friend wtfiz. We had top 100 on a bunch of maps (proof of one of our runs and …
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 4 replies
I'd just like to say hello. I have been playing zombies for many years now and I absolutely love this website. This is everything that I've been looking for. A place where I can see theories and discuss my own. I am a big fan of the zombies story and have been following it since the recordings in Shi no Numa (although that being said I haven't yet got Aw exo zombies and I'm not really planning to unless anyone recommends it to me). I have a ps3 with all dlc (WAW through BO2) and a ps4. So once again hello and thank you the creators for making this site. :)
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 8 replies
Hey guys, I'm Brad. 18 from England and love playing Zombies as well as CoD multiplayer as well as other games. Zombies is one of my favourite things to play & I have all the maps for Black Ops and Black Ops 2, looking to get all the maps for Advanced Warfare when I can run the game. I play on PC only so will add you on Steam and play through that. I've played Nacht der Untoten, Verruckt, Shi no Numa, Der Reise, Kino der Toten, Town, Farm, Bus Depot, TranZit, Die Rise and Buried. So I still haven't played Ascension, Call of the Dead, Shangri-La, Moon or Origins however I do own all these maps. I'm looking to enjoy myself here, make friends, discuss Zombies (very i…
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 6 replies
Hello everyone I am Thanasishim and I am a big zombies fan and a proud xbox 360 owner. I love zombies and I recently bought ascension and cotd (Yeah I am pretty late). I have all dlcs for bo 2 and bo1 except shangri la.I would like to meet people who actually play zombies and cod unlike the cod wiki (Yeah they actually hate cod). My gamertag is like my name but sadly I don't have gold.
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 7 replies
Hey Guys I'm new to the website and my name is DarknessProject, but you can just call me Darkness. I am an avid zombies fan when it comes down to the zombies storyline that TreyArch has established. I feel that in order to get the most effect out of the game, you must do the easter eggs fairly, and not cheat on the matter. I also like the Extinction universe made in Ghosts as well as Advanced Warfare Zombies. They all have a unique danger to them that keeps the thrill alive! Anyways I'm always looking for some people to play with as well as a team for each universe to delve into the achievement pool (I am an Xbox 360 and Xbox One user). I am from Wisconsin in the US and l…
Last reply by DarknessProject,
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