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1,821 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hey guys whats going on. I been checking this site out for a few months now as im a total zombie geek at times, and i love reading about all the theories to bounce off of my own. I been playing since the original zombies came out. Haven't stopped since, i absolutely loved five, call of the dead, and moon. Now im patiently waiting for MOTD on my ps3 and still over playing die rise :/. Got about 80k kills, 20k head shots and 3k grenades. Totally screwed myself in the beginning for rankings back running crazily on transit so im kind of over that part of it. Been stuck with the skull for ever now. But im a firm believer on you shouldn't judge a guy by his rank, i know…
Last reply by FatedTitan, -
- 6 replies
Well, I'm Craig otherwise known as Hells Warrrior on Xbox. I've generally played Call of Duty since the original and mainly played multiplayer. However, in the last 18 months or so I have taken a big liking to Zombies mode and so have a few of my mates (4 of us in total). We try and meet up online 2 or 3 times as week. Not easy when you have kids, work commitments and wife's looking to watch crap like Eastenders, Coronation Street and so forth. I'm 36 and Live in Scotland (Fife) and I love the Scottish Old Skool hardcore dance sound. I mainly play for fun and to chill out after a days hard graft (would exactly call it that, I'm either stuck in the office, in th…
Last reply by D3AD SL3DG3, -
Hi guys, Sandwich here. Just thought I'd say hi to everyone, I've been a bit of a lurker on these forums for a while but never had the urge to sign up until now. If you want, hit me up with an add on PSN, sandwich181. Hope to get to know you all soon :)
Last reply by Sandwich, -
- 3 replies
Hey everyone! I am so glad I found this site. Im still kind of new to CoDz but Im gettin good pretty quick. Little background, Im a 23 year old female from Alberta, Canada. I have 2 kids and a fiance. I love CoD (always have) and I have an infatuation with zombies. My fiance and I even have our Apocalypse Plan in place Cant wait to hear all your tips and tricks on how to survive zombies!
Last reply by Lenne, -
Hi, I am newbie.This is my frist thread say hello to everybody.
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I am new.This is my frist post say hello to all.
Last reply by Anti Earth, -
Hello all, you may not know me but i am a close friend of Tom Syndicate, Check out my Twitter:!/luuukex
Last reply by Dandaman955, -
- 8 replies
Hey All, my name's Portly, I am 16 and a huge Zombies fan and player, I have all the maps for all three games, and I am a dedicated player, however I don't know a lot of people who enjoy my passion for Zombies, so I am glad I found this place so I could potentially find some like minded mates who share my love of slaughtering countless numbers of Zombies. I'm happy to be here.!
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 3 replies
I'm Mari, and I guess I've literally been living under a rock, because I just found this forum today, by chance. I've been into CoDZ since Der Riese, and am here to stay for the foreseeable future as well. My main interest lies within the lore of this series, which I see gets discussed a lot around here. Nice to meet you all !
Last reply by RichKiller, -
- 7 replies
hi all, i'm Bob. i only joind to ask you question, i want links at the best eestar egg giudes. only the ones on black ops ZOMBlES, you understands. like the ascension one, and lator maps.. also have clasic maps so any them be luvlee to. i realy hope this is ok . .
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 12 replies
Hey all, I am Gunoftruth Aka Andy my real name Ive been a huge zombies fan since 2008 and wish continue it here . About me: I'm From Hamburg Germany but i moved to the United States recently. I am in the Custom Zombies Community i am very well known in Custom Zombies community, I am currently making Cyborgs zombies mod in World at War, Cyborgs zombies are the special mode from the Chinese Call of Duty called Call of Duty Online. This mod is going feature one amazing map me and my friend have been working on, this map will feature the original Cyborg Characters, unlimited rounds of Cyborg hordes and more .I am to revolutionize World at War Zombies and much more. I…
Last reply by Gunoftruth, -
- 5 replies
Hello people! my name is curtis and i just joined your community because i LOVE CoD zombies started with WaW wich i would still play over black ops if it werent for all the damnd modders ruining it but black ops is fun too just wish they kept the original weapons for the original maps anyways hope everyone has a good day and be sure mssg me on xbl or on here if u wanna play my name on here is the same on xbox.. oh yeah and i dont play ps3 for anything but fighting games
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 4 replies
Just thought I would drop in and say hello, Very nice forum I'm XPG Richtofen massive Call of Duty Zombie Fan from WAW to present I play legit online and use mods offline only (No Haters)
Last reply by Spider, -
- 11 replies
My name Stephanie, and I enjoy playing Zombies. I love music and playing video games. I'm from Scotland. When I play video games, I aim to get a lot of achievements because I like the idea of fully completing a game. I enjoy listening to music a lot, I love singing, I collect vinyls. I also write poetry. I'm also not good at introductions .
Last reply by CarelessRockets, -
- 8 replies
Hello, my name is Dave. I have been a reader of these pages for a while, but have never got round to registering up until now. I am a member of the activision forums and have been for a couple of years, but would always come here for story based information as that is where my knowledge is severely lacking. With the activision BO2 forums very quiet now and their AW zombies forum almost non existent from the get go, it seems that this is the place to be to discuss anything zombies related! There are many things I would like to discuss/comment on regarding Outbreak/AW zombies as well as information I would like to learn regarding the storyline of Treyarch zombies. I loo…
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 4 replies
Hello everybody I am new! I am anxious to specify that I am French and that thus there are risks that I make faults rather grotesque... In brief let us pass, otherwise I adore the zombie (it is one can the theme of the forum ^^). I possess Xbox360 and... Here we are, in the forum :mrgreen:
Last reply by bagel_, -
- 11 replies
Hey everyone, My name is John and I'm new to the forum. I joined this site to learn about new strategies I haven't tried yet and to meet some new teammates to play with. I currently have a ps3 and a ps4 and all of the black ops zombies PSN = PhD_Strange Games = BO1, BO2, BO3 (ALL maps) Looking forward to playing with some of you. Cheers!
Last reply by Spider, -
- 9 replies
I've been following the CoDz twitter for the longest time... And just joined the actual site haha, so. Introducing myself, I'm a zombie commentator that like to go High Rounds in solo and even co op dual comms, strategies ad tips for zombies and just zombies in general. I'm kind of addicted and in love :3 But yeah! This is me and you can call me Jonesy!
Last reply by LmJonesyy, -
- 3 replies
hi there gentlemen. My name's Zach, my GT's Kingsly - you can call me what you like. I've been meaning to get to this introduction for awhile, but have been in the middle of a complicated move. Apologies about the lateness. I was shown this forum by FatedTitan, and have been enthralled in the topics ever since. About a year ago, I was posting in a different notable forum - but kind of gave up after it seemed more for finding players/glitches and less for theories. My first nazi zombies experience was back in college during WAW, but I didn't truly dig into the maps until Black Ops. It was just about killing zombies back then, seeing how far my friend &am…
Last reply by darkflareon, -
- 1 reply
hello everyone im new to this forum (im bad at spelling) I like to play zombies on black ops (sometimes cause it'll get boring ) my PSN is XSsuperXS and thats about it for now
Last reply by m12, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, Maxxdamn here I'm so happy i found this forum, looking for some like minded people here ;p I'm such a zombie freak but my friends have pretty much given up on the game so i'm playing pretty much solo now all the time.. Hoping to find some guys here who wanna do some easter eggs with me or some high rounds.. I average about level 40-50 so if anyone is interested please add me on xbox as MaxxDamn. Grtzzz
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 9 replies
Greetings fellow zombie slayers. My name is Damian DeMort, no that's clearly not my real name, but I'll probably be taking that to the grave. Just kidding, or am I? Anyway back on track, I joined CODZ May 23 2014, in hopes to find companions who would help me finish tasks I had set out to accomplish years ago, but due to the demands of real life, the mission was somewhat loss for a while. I had recently started playing zombies again, not only in hopes to finally complete the stories Easter eggs on both black ops games, but also find a somewhat stable group of players at my level or higher. Dealing with no mics, quiters, children, and trolls trying to take away from everyo…
Last reply by Damian-DeMort, -
- 4 replies
My name is HP. I have been a zombie head for awhile now. PS3 and PC. Add me on PSN "Aych_Pee" Will be playing BO3 on PC. Add my steam later. Thanks !
Last reply by Aych_Pee, -
- 1 reply
Hey all, I've been reading this forum since Black Ops came out as a guest. So I finally decided to register and join in. I played Nazi Zombies on CoD WaW and was really annoyed that there was no Zombie mode on MW2, so I stuck with WaW. When I heard Treyarch was doing Black Ops, I thought it would be insane to play it again and it is! Thanks, Rampage
Last reply by m12, -
- 2 replies
Hello Call of Duty Zombies Community My Name Is Dylan AKA Mr.Cr33p3rKill3r Here And I Decided To Finally Do A Introduction,Letting You All Know Who I Am. I Am A Teenager Who Lives In The United States. And As Many Of You I Am A Big Call of Duty And Zombies Fan! I Love Everything From Zombie Movies, Video Games, Ect. And I've Played Every Single CoD Since The First One. And I've Followed The Zombie Storyline Since World At War. And Can I Say Treyarch Your Doing Amazing With The Story. But Anyways Most Likely You Wont See Me Post A Lot, As I Am More Of A Guy Who Only Posts When It's Huge(Like The Entire Zombie Storyline), Or Theories And Stuff Like That. I Am A Pretty Chill…
Last reply by Mr,Cr33p3rKill3r,
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