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1,821 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Some of you may remember me, others possibly not. I wasn't the most active person but I did try to help out some people when needed. I guess you can call this my "Back to the zombies fan base" I never really left playing zombies... I just wasn't so involved with the forum after origins came and left. But now we have EXO ZOMBIES and I'm thrilled to come back to the forum I loved so much. So some people might need to help me with some rules or changes to the site ( That I haven't read already) Other than that I remember some old faces! I guess you can call this my resurrection?
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 4 replies
hi iam new i have played every cod zombies game there has been . just wanted to introduce my self and say i hope to become a very active member here.
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 2 replies
Anyone know how to do it or want to do it really want the achievements for all the last easter eggs I haven't done
Last reply by B Wrizzle, -
- 3 replies
To all fellow zombie slayers: I signed up on this site a couple years ago but hadn't been back much since. I've purchased and played A LOT of all COD zombie content released, completed almost all the Easter eggs, and am looking forward to playing Exo Zombies to see what's new and how it differs from Treyarch's versions aside from the whole futuristic setting. Favorite maps to to date would probably have to be Der Riese, call of the dead, green run(tranzit), and buried. Will be looking for no nonsense players to team up with when ExoZ comes out. Nothing worse than being a couple hours into a game and somebody starts doing dumb s**t that gets the whole team killed. My main …
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 6 replies
Hello, my name is Speed Cola and I have a master ace. Join it or you will be noscoped by the speed cola overlord
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 9 replies
I'm curious to who, and how many, are the most frequent here... Most of you zombie slaughtering fools know who I am already, but this seemed as good a place as any to bust in like the Kool-Aid man and say whatever it is that he says... It's getting to be about that time, just a few more months until we're glued to the game once again trying to form jigsaw pieces of a non-existent plot into some form of hidden story that only makes sense in hindsight... And I'm friggin' pumped about being right in the middle of that rabbit hole! I heard through the grapevine that these forums could use a bit of love... I will finally admit, this seems to be the more permanent home for tru…
Last reply by DeathBringerZen, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, my name is Matt or ActionPacked. Some of you may know me from my Call of Duty Zombies YouTube Channel or maybe not. Either way I am on CoDz now! I've been a long time fan of the site and can't wait to meet fellow members. You guys will probably find me in the "Find A Player" section more than any other section to be honest. But anyways, glad to be on CoDz again and see you soon!
Last reply by way2g00d, -
I am a new member here, and im an brazilian zombies player, i have all the cod bo1 dlcs in ps3, if u want to play with me add me: xxzCaantoUIF (:
Last reply by Spider, -
- 4 replies
Just thought I would drop in and say hello, Very nice forum I'm XPG Richtofen massive Call of Duty Zombie Fan from WAW to present I play legit online and use mods offline only (No Haters)
Last reply by Spider, -
- 3 replies
Hey I'm GodOfWarrio. I believe I was either on another site or an older version of this before I came here a couple months ago. Figured I'd write one of these things. PSN user. Zombie obsessed of course. I've always loved zombies. It's about the only reason I play COD. The map that really did it for me was Der Riese. A map that I still play every chance I get. I came here just looking for more people to play with. The goal hasn't changed but reading some of the posts on here seem to be fun and interesting. Sharing stories. It's a real good vibe around here. I dig it. That's about it really. So yeah. That's me.
Last reply by Tac, -
- 5 replies
As the title suggest, I am not some new person signing up but an old member who has not been active since 2011 (maybe shorter, I don't think all my post's made the transfer of websites). I doubt many will remember me. I tried to get as close to my old avatar as possible. I know, I know, "How could one stay away from this lovely site for 4 years?!?!" Well truth be told, I just lost interest in CoD. I am still kinda meh when it comes to CoD, but Extinction mode was about the only reason I picked up Ghost. I find it quite enjoyable. After watching the Exo-Zombies trailer on the site, I might just pick up the new game. But I have other games I might attend to first. I…
Last reply by Tyler212, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone, my name is Evolve. I've been playing zombies for six years now, and it is my favorite thing to do. I play frequently and also record my gameplay. My gamertag on Xbox 360 is "Evolve 115". I love to make new friends who share the same passion for playing Zombies as I do. Doing Easter Eggs and making high round runs are among my favorite things to do in Zombies. I first launched a YouTube channel about three years ago, but I was on and off with my posting. I recently created a new channel that will be dedicated to posting the highest quality Zombie content on YouTube. I will have tips and tricks, strategies, Easter Egg guides, and much more. If you are inte…
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 4 replies
Hey, I've been a zombies fan since day one. I can hold my own and really enjoy a good zombie slaughter. this game will never get old for me. I have no zombie slaying team mates anymore but I guess thats why solo mode is available. By the way I rock on solo zombo's, just saying.
Last reply by YdaJdiMstr®, -
- 4 replies
I'm EC, I'm pretty decent I guess. I like zombies too btw
Last reply by Pizzaboy5799, -
- 6 replies
Hey, guys! My name is Syaddad and I'm from Malaysia. I didn't play any CoD Zombies but I saw one of the video that they played the zombie mode in CoD:WaW. So, I may have a little experience of playing these games. My favourite game in CoD is BO2, WaW and AW. So, nice to meet you, guys! Hope you guys can have fun with me!
Last reply by Pizzaboy5799, -
- 4 replies
I have been registered on this site for a while, but haven't yet posted or chatted until today! Just wanting to say that I love playing BOII Zombies, with my favourite maps in BOII being Mob Of The Dead and Origins! I hope you all have a wonderful new year and enjoyed an amazing Christmas! Hope to chat and post with you all into the wonderful year of 2015!
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 6 replies
My name's RickyTwoFins the german dolphin (its a parody on Richtofen's name, I blame late night gaming and origins ruining my sanity) I recently started playing console with my friends and we've now become obsessed with beating Origins. I somehow ended up as the info person and thats what introduced me to this wonderful forum. I've been lurking for a few months now and finally created an account. Thanks for all the helpful info I've gotten so far, I'll do my best to add even more! PS. I will improve the artwork, promise
Last reply by Speedo Cola, -
- 10 replies
I'm happy to join a forum that I enjoy to read. I am really interested in reading and getting deep into the story of Call of Duty Zombies. I have always been fascinated with the story and want to discuss more about it. Also, I have a YouTube channel. If you would be so kind, go check that out and maybe subscribe. I would really appreciate it. Thanks! TheVGExpert
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, and girls, I'm new to this page yesterday actually. I'm here looking for ps3 high round players that won't quit. Would also like to have a friend (good or not I'll get us their) with a capture card so i can get noticed in the records. I have a YouTube channel also with no jug challenges, no power, and just some random stuff on their. Psn and YouTube it's D-Money_headshot. My main goals at the moment are 200 solo but i always get kicked, and 120 co-op, first rooms and no power challenges.
Last reply by Speedo Cola, -
Hi all, I just got seasonally laid off from landscape supply so I actually have time to write something. I have been poking around this site and other COD zombie forums since the release of Kino and I was inspired to join near the drop of Tranzit. I may not be a heavy poster but I read quite a bit of content and stop in almost every day. I recently got my wife her US green card after a very long, difficult, and expensive process. TEX has been my gamer tag since 1988 back when you could only enter your initials at the arcade. I took a break from gaming after the N64 but playing W@W zombies at a friends house inspired me to get back into it. I just moved to Florida for the …
Last reply by Tac, -
- 4 replies
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 11 replies
My name Stephanie, and I enjoy playing Zombies. I love music and playing video games. I'm from Scotland. When I play video games, I aim to get a lot of achievements because I like the idea of fully completing a game. I enjoy listening to music a lot, I love singing, I collect vinyls. I also write poetry. I'm also not good at introductions .
Last reply by CarelessRockets, -
- 8 replies
This is pretty crazy considering I joined this website nearly 4 years ago and I'm just now making my first post. Hello everyone. *waves hi*
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 9 replies
Hello everyone! I am chase and I am glad to join here. I have played zombies for a couple years and I enjoy playing it a lot. I wouldn't say I'm an expert but I am not a noob. Haha. I hope I can play with some of you and do some Easter eggs maybe!
Last reply by Chaseslate23, -
- 4 replies
I'm a recently re deticated zombies player. All I really have left to do is complete all the easter eggs. I'm not someone that gets to crazy high rounds, I find that too boring and don't have the time. I'm not amazing but I'm not bad either. Achievements that come to mind are round 32 solo nuketown, perma jug and quick revive on die rise, red insta kill on die rise, mystery box perma perk (the one that gives you better guns) on die rise, 4 perks on round 1 on buried and die rise, hells redeemer, golden spork, acid and blundergat by round 15 on motd. My favorite perma perk was the one I got on buried where if you bought your perks on round 1 you only lost quick revive when…
Last reply by Tac,
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