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1,821 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
i'm tlc7011 and i just found out about the gknova6 stuff yesterday. i joined this website because i thought it was one of the best i had ever visited. i am learning alot about black ops and i can't wait for an official announcement of a new zombie mode!
Last reply by YoungMaxwell, -
- 4 replies
Hello! My name is Ben or you can just call me SEA. I going to hopefully get to know a lot of you well in the future. I will start simple (just the basics), My life has been twists and turns, most for the worst and some for the best! I found out about this forum through a Youtuber named Spiderbite. I fell in love with Tac's awesome theory then it moved on from there. I eventually made a account, my first thread (or post) was just a simple analysis on the Zombies poster when I thought I spotted Richtofen in the background, the post didnt guarder lots of attention. Then I eventually made more but I've already met a great person which I know consider a friend j2dakilla. To ra…
Last reply by Tac, -
- 1 reply
Hello, of course my name is Willie Wall. But call me what you will . I have been lurking these forums for quite awhile. But never really thought about joining up until now. It has been ALONG time since I have participated in a forum community. But I assure you I know the edicits. My spelling will be off from time to time, also with correct grammer and all that jazz. So i'm sure to be flamed by some. But I will construct my threads as well as I can and I will also try to give back to this commuinty as much that I have recieved from readings it's threads. Thank you for the creators of this forum/group, I love the zombie storyline and the gamemode its self. I …
Last reply by m12, -
- 2 replies
Just wanted to say hi to everyone here. I've been coming to this site for a while to get my zombies info, but just decided to sign-up now. Thats about all i have for now. See you out there :)
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
- 1 reply
Im Ben Im new to codz i have a clan called GoDz on the ps3 for black ops im 1st prestge at the moment dont relly play zombies as much im trying to get tenth prestge it will take me ages my youtube channle is pls sub me il sub bak my vid are done by my lg cookie not good geting a camra soon xD My Psn is Bezcfc99-x
Last reply by m12, -
- 3 replies
I have been here for about 3 months and did not introduce myself! How ridiculous! Anyway, here we go: My name is Dorian, but I do like when people just call me Verruckt when they are referring to me (in-game/forums, of course), I am 16 years old, and despite the fact that I am really young, I think that I am quite a mature person(yes, very immodest of me, I know. :/). I respect others if they do respect me, and like joining and argument, although sometimes it can get out of control. (Some of you might have already noticed.) I come from Poland but currently live in England, I do enjoy playing Cod Zombies, but due to college and my laziness (and countless amo…
Last reply by TheSlushTurtle, -
- 5 replies
Hello CoDz. Name's Matt. I'm 23 years old. I am currently enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. Little more about me, I am a huge sports fan. Hockey is my favorite and I like all Boston teams. I am also a horror movie junkie. I play zombies on Xbox 360. I only have Black Ops 2 but I've played them all. I love zombies but I have no yet done any of the easter eggs. I'm also trying to figure the entire story line so I can know what's going on for Black Ops 3. Anyway hello all.
Last reply by Mestyyy, -
- 2 replies
I have been lurking around the forums for a while now and I finally decided to make an account. I play on Xbox 360 and my gamertag is Emory11112222. My favorite map would have to be Origins, simply because it is epic. I also love Call of the Dead except for George, I hate him. I hope to start contributing useful information and I'll see you all around.
Last reply by The Twirp, -
- 1 reply
Hey everyone, I'm f0nZ. I'm from Portugal and zombies mode is what still gives me enjoyment to play Black Ops. I usally play on PS3, but maps like Call of the Dead and Shangri-La I played on PC. Most of times I play with my friends and sometimes online but people suck there If anyone wants to play with me I would be glad to. PSN ID: f0nZ_92 Cheers
Last reply by General Dempsey, -
- 6 replies
Hi peeps. My names lead_psychopath, real name larry, loza, or loz and I'm 24 years old. The story of how I got my username is a bit random. A friend created a new account (he couldn't get shotties), which was LEAD_PSYCHO. He joked that I should do the same and have a LEAD account too, so that's exactly what I did. As I used the account more and more I realised that I'd gotten loads of trophies, that took a good few hours to get, so I decided to keep LEAD_PSYCHOPATH as my main account! I've been a zombies fan since the beginning, beating the WaW campaign and thinking 'wtf is this?!' But I never used to buy DLCs, so didn't really get the bug until Bo2, w…
Last reply by Mr. Jay, -
- 8 replies
Ive been lurking as anonymous for a little while and figured I'd register and make an introduction. Im chickenlips AKA Rob, 31yrs old from Hull, UK. Im an avid FPS gamer, playing mainly the BF series and COD. I Started playing COD since the franchise started and I've been manically slicing zombies since WAW. Infact only reason I bought BO2 was for the zombies !! Been a father of 2, I find my time at the PC precious (since I have to split my time on here and with the Wife ) so I like to play a few rounds of zombies and then absorb as much as I can on these forums before catching some zzzz's refreshed and ready for work . Any ways, that's pretty much all I h…
Last reply by chickenlips, -
- 3 replies
Long time lurker here and i thought it was about time to sign up for the new exciting continuation of the zombies storyline Looking forward to be discussing and contributing with you all soon.
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 2 replies
Hey, I'm zombieman12. I'm introducing myself a tad bit late as I've just noticed the introduction section, but better late than never! Anyway, I hope to help make this community a better place, as I've noticed the TranZit section is a disaster at the moment, what with everybody flipping out over whether or not theres more to the EE. Regards, ZM12
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 7 replies
Hello everyone, my name is Carlos, 16 yo, from Spain, Madrid. I have played COD since bo2. Now I mostly play on ps4, and i really enjoy everything zombie related. I have known this forum since i was lfg. Thanks and hope you enjoy my stay : )
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 6 replies
What's up zombie peoples!? Long time fly on the wall n decided I should make myself visible now. I play Xbox live my name here is also my GT. I never played a FPS before bo1 zombies. My buddies used to play zombies while I sat n watched as they racked up kills n hurled these crazy looking monkeys with cymbals into hoards. After 2 months of observing said f&*kit n bought a used copy of bo1 played kino and went down by some crazy dogs in rd 5. After a few hours (with aim assist, embarrassing I kno) I was up to high teens in rounds pap'ing n killin with a big smile like I just seen my 1st naked boob! N e way. Now with bo2 I started getting really interested on the …
Last reply by legacy, -
- 3 replies
Hello, everyone. Long time lurker, first-time poster. I've been following the forums since the release day of MOTD, but didn't join until a week or two ago. I'd like to think I'm good at zombies, but I'm also really good at lying to myself. Always looking for some people to play zombies with. I'm a 360 gamer, and my gamertag is the same as my username. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you and being a part of this pretty awesome community.
Last reply by ZzFLEX ZAPDOSzZ, -
- 1 reply
Happy to join there.... Have a lot of funnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 4 replies
Hello There This my first ever post and i must admit im not the most intelligent about zombies ever but this sight is about theories and learning about zombies so what the hell. I must admit the last time i played zombies was about 2 months ago but i still kept on top of information about it. I will have post based on theories not fact.-Borders
Last reply by johny1, -
- 2 replies
As the title shows, i'm FATSHARK AL or you can call me Al, either is fine. I'm a huge fan of Zombies so i am very happy to have found a place like this on the net, i do have to say however i wouldn't of found myself here if it weren't for Niik, the main man himself. So thanks Niik, i'm happy to be here. A bit of info about me: I do art (Avatars, Signatures etc. are something i enjoy doing hint hint) My forum name is also my GamerTag on XBox 360, feel free to add me, i'm always happy to kill Zombies with new folks! I am an Admin of my own "Miscellaneous themed" forum, so i'm very 'proper' when it comes to forum related matters or personal o…
Last reply by MrGibbs, -
- 10 replies
I'm happy to join a forum that I enjoy to read. I am really interested in reading and getting deep into the story of Call of Duty Zombies. I have always been fascinated with the story and want to discuss more about it. Also, I have a YouTube channel. If you would be so kind, go check that out and maybe subscribe. I would really appreciate it. Thanks! TheVGExpert
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone, I am ZombieCrapocalypse. I've been reading from this forum a bit, and I have found out that there are quite a few intelligent people here, each with an interesting idea or two about the zombies story, and each with tons of information to back it up. I've joined because I want to give kudos (or, [brains] ) to all of the people who have spent time researching to give us a better understanding of this awesome game mode. Plus, I might have a theory or two. Eventually. I may not be the best zombie player out there, but it's a great deal of fun, and I can't wait to learn from all of you!
Last reply by ZombieCrapocalypse, -
- 4 replies
My name is Jordan but you can call me Bukkz. I have been looking around the Codz forums for a few months now and I can see that this is a wonderful little community. I hope to contribute to this forum to the best of my ability and to get along with everyone here. I have been playing zombies since Black ops 1 came out. I had never played world at war beforehand sadly so the zombie experience was new to me. The first map I played was Kino Der Toten when I was out at my mates, I was honestly freaking out a bit by round 6, then when died trying to camp out the Alley way. Good times. I have been enjoying reading all the theories and tips posted on here by some very intell…
Last reply by Bukkz, -
- 2 replies
Hello! My name is Brandon,i just made this account, but i've been following this forum for a while,i don't have much to say, just i love zombies like all of you and it's great to be part of this comunity
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 3 replies
Hello and thank you for letting me register to this great site that has helped me alot when it comes to strategies or ee:s in zombies. For starters i'd like to apologize my kinda bad english writing cause im from Finland and we dont need to write english here so much so sorry about that. I have few theories in my mind and this seemed the right place to put them so i will be posting some of them when i have the time. I would like to say that im a fairly new to call of duty zombies but i fell in love to it when i first played it ( Tranzit, yes i know...) but that map made me buy black ops 1 and that took part of my heart so thats it for now, see you all on the forums i hop…
Last reply by Speedo Cola, -
- 2 replies
Hey everyone. I am Dave, I am probably on the older side of gamers here (34yrs). My PSN is Eggman7679. I have lurked on this site for a while, and have seen some great posts so I decided to join and help if I can. I am not the best zombies player in the world, but I give my best effort everytime and will not quit. Thanks
Last reply by InfestLithium,
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