New slayer on the battlefield? Introduce yourself to other CoDz members!
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1,821 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Dayah, and like most of you I love killing zombies. I am a girl and I play on ps3. Message me if you want my username to add me I guess. :)
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys, I've been looking for a good site to discuss zombies & such things and this site looks great. I've been playing zombies since WaW, now on Black Ops & can't wait for BO2 to come out!
Last reply by yellow-card8, -
- 10 replies
I'm new here, and ever since BOPS2 came out I got back into CoD, mostly zombies though. Having a blast playing this again, and have always been a huge fan of the storyline and would like to discuss it with other members. Seems like a pretty ok site! Can't wait to start posting. So yeah, hello everyone.
Last reply by INeedVodka115, -
- 1 reply
Hello there guys, im new to this forums (i alredy have 50 posts 'couse im pretty active ) But i never noticed the introduction section, untill now. Well let me introduce myself. Im Evil, and im a Potato, my plan is to rule the world. You are probably wondering how can i become an Evil Potato. Well here you go, Dr. Maxis threw me into a teleporter that he made with element 115, after that i just became an insane potato, then they traped me into a ice prison or whatever you want to call it, and now that lava is all over the earth im finally free! Im gonna kill Richtofen and take controll of the zombies! :twisted:
Last reply by Delta, -
- 2 replies
Hey everyone I recently just registered at CoDz I'm not afraid to say that im 14 years old so I'm young so yea... Well, that's what i have to say right now... :P
Last reply by Niho, -
- 9 replies
Hello friends!I've been browsing this site for a while as a guest, and I finally decided to join after watching how close alot of the members here seem to be!I hope you'll forgive me if I dont write very great threads just yet,this is the first forum I've ever been on:/ My name is Laylah, and yes, I'm a girl.I'm 23 and I've been playing call of duty since my boyfriend bought black ops day he finally convinced me to try it and he loaded this thing called zombies and it was pretty fun.I don't claim to be as much of a zombie addict as some on this site,but I certainly love it Well I hope you'll all give me some pointers and help me learn my way around.Any threads i …
Last reply by LiL TS 420, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone, my name is raphasauer and I decided to join this community to discuss something that I like a lot: ZOMBIES! I play videogame a lot and I'm really into CoD zombies, my gamertag is raphasauer feel free to add me or invite me to play... Nice hunting for you guys
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 9 replies
Hello everyone! I am chase and I am glad to join here. I have played zombies for a couple years and I enjoy playing it a lot. I wouldn't say I'm an expert but I am not a noob. Haha. I hope I can play with some of you and do some Easter eggs maybe!
Last reply by Chaseslate23, -
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I'm Fib and I've been part of this community for just over a month, funny enough I found this amazing community while looking for a Firebase Z easter egg guide. I've been playing CoD zombies ever since BO2 when my dad got it for father's day when it first came out (one of the first games I ever played on the 360), we've been playing together ever since. I like most of the zombie maps I've played so I'll put my favorites from each CoD: Kino der Toten, Tranzit, Descent, Shadows of Evil, IX and Firebase Z. I used to play zombies just to kill zombies and explore the maps until the last year I started getting into the easter eggs (I attempted AW's easter eggs) and the lore. I…
Last reply by Fibroidkey794, -
- 4 replies
I've been on here for a few months but never really introduced myself, or explored all of the great threads that could be put on here. My name is Alen, I'm 18, turning 19 on September 9th. I love what this community have been doing, and it's really tough to post when everyone is always one step ahead of me! Not a bad thing though, I love to read everyone's opinion! I posted a few pictures of myself on the behind the avatar thread, just in case you were curious lol. I feel welcomed here and it's great to feel that way. Hope to get to know all of you!
Last reply by feedthemachine94, -
- 8 replies
Whats up! New to this site but no stranger to zombies. Some of you may remember me on BlackOps 1 for Xbox as NobleThread. Just wanted to say whats up to everyone on this site and I hope to contribute the community. Hit me up anytime!
Last reply by Naitrax, -
- 5 replies
Hi, I'm Bakinat0r. I've been a lurker on the site for a few years now, and decided that it is now the time to join the forums with the Black Ops 3 beta on August 19th and the release on November 6th. I've been a Zombies player since the launch of WaW, and have watched as Zombies grew from a small easter egg, into it's own mode with it's own characters and it's own story. I currently own WaW, Black Ops 1, and Black Ops 2 on PS3 with all of their DLCs, and even though they're not as liked, I have all of the Extinction DLCs for PS3 and Exo-Zombies DLCs for PS3/4. I look forward to discussions and gaming with you all, and maybe even hunting for easter eggs in The Giant and So…
Last reply by TheBakinat0r, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone, it's nice to be here. I came here to meet other people who love zombies just as much as I do! I love the "main" four especially, and I'm really glad they're all coming back! So if you want to talk or gush about zombies and the story and the characters and everything please don't hesitate to do so!
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 4 replies
I'd just like to say hello. I have been playing zombies for many years now and I absolutely love this website. This is everything that I've been looking for. A place where I can see theories and discuss my own. I am a big fan of the zombies story and have been following it since the recordings in Shi no Numa (although that being said I haven't yet got Aw exo zombies and I'm not really planning to unless anyone recommends it to me). I have a ps3 with all dlc (WAW through BO2) and a ps4. So once again hello and thank you the creators for making this site. :)
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 4 replies
Hello everyone, my name is Winter, 21 yr, from Portugal. I have played COD since cod4 released here, but lately i have only enjoyed the black ops ones. I used to play it very competitively ( MW2 / BO1 GB's). But i then stopped. Now I mostly play on pc ( have a ps4 but don't like to play to use my own internet), and i really enjoy everything zombie related. I have known this forum since the release of Moon on BO1, i remember coming here to see if anyone knew where to get the excavator to work. But i since rejoined because i heard of you again in the CodZ subreddit and then decided to join in and try to do stuff with you guys. Thanks and hope…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 1 reply
My PS3 user: ericmase (add me)! I LOVE playing zombies in Black Ops. My top 11 maps in zombies is: 01. Der Riese 02. Nacht der Untoten 03. Ascension 04. Shi No Numa 05. "Five" 06. Shangri-La 07. Verrückt 08. Kino der Toten 09. Call of the Dead 10. Dead Ops Arcade 11. Moon (still waiting for it on PS3) What is your top 11? :D
Last reply by right_direct, -
- 9 replies
Hey! What's up CoDz forums, a noob here to this site but a veteran in zombies. I started taking interest in zombies only in 2010 when MW2 just came out during January, since before I totally hated zombies since I didn't understand the concept of it. Until, I told my friend about this and he trained me to love and play zombies more than anything else in the game. So, before some people angrily type in the reply section that it is actually Wunderwaffe instead of Wonder Waffle, LOL I know . I just thought Wonder Waffle sounded better and more comical than Wunderwaffe as a username. Anyways, I hope I have an amazing time here, and I …
Last reply by ZombieOfTheDead, -
- 5 replies
Hello new to the spot and wanted to say hello, hello, hello. I will be doing custom zombies maps and BO1 zombies to world at war on my new channel I fresh just started. Subscribe to my channel for updates and zombie killing. Next video will be a high round challenge!
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 2 replies
Hey Guys! I'm Gameboii10, which is also my PSN ID. I am a HUGE Zombie Player, with multiple high level games played with even one game I used only L96 after i got it from the box and hit 35 with a friend. (Kino Der Toten) I do multiple solo games, with lots of rape trains, lots of shotgun only games, or games where i can only use 1 box, which is usually something like a G11 (which sucks ) I have made it to 3000 kills in a Kino game, and made it to round 50 twice on that map. I have also done the COTD Easter egg and made it to the final part of the Kassimir Mechanism until we F***ed up and I realized how bad my eyesight was, as i cant read "SOME matroyshka dolls" not "…
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 1 reply
Hi everyone, been lurking since early BO1 days, been posting since 2013 but stopped for a while. Not even sure if any of you will remember me, but if you do then thats great I'm on Xbox One, will be getting BO3 at midnight. Just add me on there and send me a message telling me you're from the forum so I can add you back. Open to play with anyone once BO3 launches. I don't have AW anymore so I can't play on there but I do have Zombie Army Trilogy which is loads of fun. Good hold over till BO3.
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys I am zHunter115 and I love zombies and custom zombies. I hope to meet new people to play any games with. I play on ps3, ps4, and pc. Also I have a youtube channel. It is not the best but I certainly try
Last reply by zHunter115, -
- 5 replies
Hello everyone. I've been viewing this forum for about 6 to 8 months now, but I never really ever thought of joining the forums since I am not very active online. Hopefully I will continue my presence now that I have joined. ~Sinatry
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
- 3 replies
My name is CynicalPilot! I accidentally overlooked my introduction because, like many others I have been obsessing over the Tranzit EE and wanted to give my input one night while reading through some threads, but hey, better late then never! I play on PC which doesn't seem to be a popular choice around here, but sure hit me up if you're looking for a reliable teammate. Anyway that seems to be everything, nice place you got here!
Last reply by CynicalPilot, -
- 3 replies
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 3 replies
Hello guys My name is Amadeus, I'm 16 years old, and I'm from México (my english is pretty good though ). I personally think I'm very friendly, I try to get along with everyone. I've been playing zombies (and CoD) since Black Ops 1, when one of my good friends invited me to his house and we played a match of zombies, that's when I started loving it. Right now I only have Black Ops 2 w/ all DLCs because I sold BO1 to get this one . I joined the forums a few weeks ago I think, I just hadn't posted, so I guess it was time. That's it, thanks for reading!! :D
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb,
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