New slayer on the battlefield? Introduce yourself to other CoDz members!
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1,821 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
hey guys im part of some other online communities and am excited to join this one i put my records in my sig and am hoping to improve them i just made a new psn and hope to see some of you out there on the "battlefield"
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 5 replies
Hey all, my name's ZombieSlayerUK or UK for short. I've been playing Zombies for roughly 3 1/2 years now, I still have a lot to learn at how to be a slayer and such. I'm 15, 16 in march . I look forward to getting to know everyone here and having a great time. Also I like to make art on Photoshop and Cinema 4D and mess around with new ideas.
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 4 replies
Been browsing the forums here for awhile, and I thought I'd finally join up. Lookin forward to playing some games of zombies with you all. I sorry if hard to understand me, English not my first language.
Last reply by GRILL, -
Hello fellow survivors!
by Guest- 3 replies
I stumbled acrossed this amazing forum and knew I had to join. I'm glad that there's more than just me that play zombies for the adventure. Well I'm playin all the time on Xbox -my gamertag is RequixEclipse
- 1 reply
Hello Fellow Zombie Slayers! My name's MaximusKillaz (Billy), been playing zombies since Nacht der Untoten on W@W i never play with randoms because my FL is mostly full of zombie players anyway. i always get to level 30 upwards on all the maps. LOVE zombies and seriously hope they make a game! If anyone want's to jump on Zombies with me then send me a invite my XBL: MaximusKillaz. Looking forward to speaking to you all soon. Happy Slaying! Oh and i hope there are NO trolls on this site i can't f**king stand them!
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 2 replies
Hello Everyone I'm Dan, I am a huge fan of zombies, I my best match is when I made it to level 42 on Buried, ever since then I decided to get into making crafts, so now I make Replica Perk A Colas. I can show you where to order them if you are interested.
Last reply by JHock115, -
- 7 replies
Howdy, I'm Ed_Richtofen, named after my favorite character in Nazi Zombies! I'm from the United States and Treyarch fanboy. I play xbox, am a hard core Nazi Zombie mercenary and like long walks on the beach. jk. Anyways, I'm here to research the zombie back story and get ready for Black Ops, because I missed out on alot of cool stuff with W@W. My gamertag is MONTE246, so hit me up if you want to play zombies, please only message me if you play legit and are not noobs! I only play like the best with the best! Co-Op: Nacht Der Untoten: lvl 28, legit (with my origional Nazi zombies team) Verruct: lvl 28, legit (with 3 people and a laggy connection) Shi No Nu…
Last reply by Cosmic_Silverback, -
- 1 reply
I am new to this site, and am excited to contribute.....I am also looking forward to finding new, SERIOUS Zombie players...Let me know if you want to play or friend request me!! Zombie Killing Platform - XBOX 360 Gamertag - Luvyella Location - Minnesota, USA I have all 4 original maps on Black Ops as well as the 3 new ones....hit me up!!
Last reply by m12, -
- 20 replies
Hello Everyone, I'm funkydisciple (also my PSN ID) and recently started playing Cod Zombies. Still a bit of a noob unfortunately and I'm hoping I might pick up a few tips and tricks such as keep getting cornered by zombies when a new round starts and i'm wondering how the hell do i survive the early onslaught? Love the zombies stories, the mystery, love Richtofen and hoping I can at least crack an easter egg. I'm from England, I live in a town called Chorley. Love making new friends so if you're on PS4 add me and hopefully get a few games of zombies in. Have a nice day.
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 2 replies
Hello everybody, my name is Cameron Mckean or iZombieCM if you want. I have been a Call of Duty Zombies player ever since WAW's Nacht der untoten. Ever since i got through that help door i have been hooked on theories, Storylines, Easter Eggs and the general map challenge. I have done all easter eggs except the maxis' side of BO2 because i could never find a team of friends to help me do both. Although i have done all of the three tower EEs I have not end gamed because as i said I could never get a consistant set of friends to do it with. My highest round in zombies is 41 on Mob of the Dead Solo, this may not be as good as those players up in the 100s but I think …
Last reply by MegaAfroMan, -
- 9 replies
Umm... Hi. I don't really know what I'm supposed to say. I'm Jhock115. I've been killing zombies for five years(I think. Christmas after Black Ops came out). Hehe... Besides zombies, I play trumpet, pokemon, and sonic. Questions? (... Nervous... I wanted a place to talk about zombies, and I was brought here.)
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Just thought the first thing i should do before i get into posting etc would be to introduce myself to the community! Anyway Hello! For starters my name is Megan and im 17 years old. I first fell in love with zombies when my big brother got me into playing it when Black Ops was released. I was never really a Call Of Duty Multiplayer fan and when zombies got released it just blew my mind. So thats how i got into the whole zombie scene. I had actually been looking around for a community like this for a while and when i seen this site i couldnt wait to get signed up. Apart from playing zombies i study at college and spend most of my time in the gym. I look forward to …
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 7 replies
[brains] Nice to join this site [brains]
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 3 replies
I actually came across the website by accident and figured why not. Ive been playing nazi zombies since it came out, and actually enjoyed the game so much on my XBOX that i decided to buy a second copy for my PS3. I have all the maps on both systems and play all of the time. Im 25 years old which probably makes me one of the older members on this site, but whatever, ive been a gamer for to long to let my age factor into whether or not i play. I am from Chicago, i noticed quite a few of you are from across the pond, thats cool, i play with plenty of Brits. I think thats it for now, if any of you want to know anything, feel free to ask, i am an open book. P.S. Almost…
Last reply by XbOx360PreDaToR, -
- 9 replies
Been watching the forum for awhile now and also used to actively participate in Activision's forum back during BO2. Wishing I had joined this one sooner, but better late than never. Everyone here seems very passionate about zombies and I can't wait to jump into the conversations. Thanks for letting me into the cool kids club! Few things about me: Love zombies to the point of it being an obsession As far as maps, big or small, I like them all Loving exo-zombies Middle-aged, married, 1 daughter Zombie-purist - no cheating or glitching We all go home or nobody goes home - no one stays downed The more bleak and hopeless the odds appear, the more I like it Honor…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 4 replies
I should have done this a while ago, but here is my introduction! Obviously I am new to the forums, but I am not new to zombies. I have been playing since WAW and I have been hooked since. One of my two favorite areas of study is history (I include philosophy, theology, mythology, a part of history as well) and its presence in zombies has kept me following the zombie storyline ever since I was in the 8th grade! My other favorite is psychology but, that is unrelated. Before joining this site, I usually spent my forum dwelling in the official COD Zombies forum since WAW. I have been around for a lot of zombie related events, dating back to the Der Riese “Extra …
Last reply by Mattzs, -
- 4 replies
Hello there! I've been lurking around for awhile but never formally introduced myself and just started actually posting recently. I've been playing Zombies for a year and half or so and love it! Can't wait for Blops2 zombies!
Last reply by Shooter, -
- 7 replies
Whats up guys and gals! Im new to the forum even though there have been times I silently stalked these topics to get info for Zombies. Lets see... Im a chemistry major out of Val State University, i started playing CoD with friends on MW/MW2, my first actual buy was Blops1 and blops2 was when I started playing more than casual games. I used to suck at zombies on Kino til a random teammate taught me the basics (maximizing points, training, being patient/careful) ever since then ive been hooked. Sorry for grammar mistakes, i'm posting through my phone. Anyway, looking foward to being apart of this robust zombie killing community!
Last reply by AnkhRa, -
- 7 replies
Hello. I'm the leader and founder of the world's #1 Call of Duty Zombies clan, [NZP] The Nazi Zombie Pros. I enjoy playing Call of Duty, especially Zombies (obviously), making graphics with Photoshop, drawing, reading and playing basketball. Besides running a large clan (530+ members in 4 months), I have much experience in staffing other sites, running other websites, etc. In my experience I've picked up a bit of HTML coding knowledge (of course BBCode as well, that's so easy it doesn't even count) and am constantly improving my graphic design skills. :)
Last reply by The Nazi Zombie Pro, -
- 6 replies
Hello! Pretty new to the forum. I do zombie videos on YouTube and came here to help recruit people to be in my videos My youtube is OrthodoxNation so check it out and message me if you would like to be in a video. Glad to be here! Thanks for having me!
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 1 reply
I can't remember posting an introduction. I'm aegisjester, a 23 year old political economist that is pretty addicted to zombies. i'm from chicago, I'll be moving to montreal at some point, and I like to consider myself pretty good and shooting the undead in the head. I suck at easter egg hunting, but I concern myself with finding sustainable survival strategies in all maps. I'm always looking for new people to play with, especially if they're willing and able to open up doors sooner rather than later. Best rounds off the top of my head: Nacht: 17 Verruct: 22 Shi no Numa: 31 Der Reise: 30 Kino Der Toten: 39 FIVE: 25 Ascension: 29 All of…
Last reply by m12, -
- 2 replies
What's up guys ? I've been a member since last december but havent made an introductory post....yet ! My name is Frederico AKA Fred, I'm brazilian, actually living in Santos, a port city that's near São Paulo. I'm 28 years old and I've been playing video games since I'm 7. The first game I ever played was Genesis's Altered Beast. I play zombies on PS3, feel free to add me, just send me a PM saying you're from the community. Black Ops 2 is the first one I own, thought I played a coupe of times on Kino and Five. I'm a huge fan already ! If you need help translating anything in spanish or portuguese I'd be glad to help ! Cheers
Last reply by legacy, -
- 5 replies
Hey from Zagreb Croatia! Tomislav here! Me and the Wife like to paly COD 3 zombies in duo better than COD 4, and I do play COD 4 alone when the time alows it! Nice to meet you all! If someone wants to add a frend from croatia it is by nickname Stubazg. Pozdrav Zombies!
Last reply by stubazg, -
- 9 replies
Hey guys, i dont really have much to say about myself, but i love zombies and thats the main reason i have the games. I am interested in completing all easter eggs at some point and this site seems to be easy to get in touch with serious people who wants the same as me, completing everything and try to understand the story from my own perspective. Because just the little i have found out already is too exiting to just let go. But anyways, greeting from denmark and have a good day everyone ;)
Last reply by Tasha, -
- 3 replies
Hi. I`m Alexander. 30 years old and i live in germany. Bavaria. I´m Administrator from the german CoD community Your site is great. Many informations. Thats great for my members in germany. Best wishes
Last reply by Goetter,
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