New slayer on the battlefield? Introduce yourself to other CoDz members!
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- 16 replies
I'm back after another 2 or 3 month absence, and i need a little catch up once again. I see there has been changes to the site, and some news has been released about the new treyarch game.
Last reply by HammerFace, -
- 16 replies
Hi guys my name is daisyyy i have a sister in here, you guys might know her she's the awesome gabbehhh (; lol yeah she's always here having fun, so i didn't want to miss out i hope i get to become friends with most of the people here ^-^ i'm super duper friendly so talk to me well i guess i'll see you guys around :} nice meeting you all
Last reply by ladyvikings05, -
- 16 replies
Hello everyone, This is Spiderbite from NGT Zombies. I am happy to be joining CoDz. I hope that you guys can suggest up some challenges and custom maps. We might Even have an open lobby post now and then. Thanks and check us out on Youtube. Also check out our G2PO here:
Last reply by Strwrsbob, -
Im up to play with anyone who is decent, multi or zombs. Some of you may remember me I was here before. HAIii
Last reply by Sazh333, -
- 16 replies
Hello to the 1 of you that has clicked on this page! I'm huffpuff1337, on all platforms (well, just xbox 360, it's the only thing I go on.) I really like CoD zombies, however I only got into it a year or so ago. Before that, my 'friends'(could you even call them that?) invited me to a game, I joined, and then proceeded to die 10 times in 1 game. Needless to say, my 'friends' weren't playing zombies with me anytime soon. Skip ahead a few months or so and i've started getting into it. I played a few sessions of TranZit on Public Match. After around 20 deaths in Town, I finally got the hang of it. Skip ahead a year, to a few months before now, and I have the Season Pass…
Last reply by GRILL, -
hey its me mundi3 :D
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 15 replies
Long time no see everyone. I'm BinText. One day, my PSN and e-mail account were raped by someone. So I lost all. Recently I made a new account. The name is BinSys. My PSN account is BinSys. I have already submitted following 3 reports on this site. If you remember me, I'm glad. I'm performing some experiments now. I'll report them soon. Number of ombies viewtopic.php?f=53&t=18409 How much time each round takes? viewtopic.php?f=53&t=17804 Unmask time lag viewtopic.php?f=53&t=18416
Last reply by BinSys, -
- 15 replies
As a reminder introduction topics are for new users and users who have been away for a long time. It is not meant for a current users who are wanting the medal!!! If its persists the violators medals will be removed!! If you would like the intro medal and have been with us for a long time and never made an intro make one, your ok. If you made an intro in the past please pm a staff member and we can verify and give you that medal.
Last reply by J_Rogiers, -
- 15 replies
I just joined this forum and wanted to say Hi. Hi. My name is Banks. I'm obviously quite fond of call of duty zombies. I make music, visual fx, motion graphics, etc. Check out my short film in my sig if you want to see some live action nazi zombies. I'm also working on a ray gun prop that I hope to finish and post up soon! See y'all around. Thanks. Bye bye.
Last reply by mynameisbanks, -
- 15 replies
Well, look what we have here. I haven't been on this site since 2012, and boy has it changed. I recognize some of the names on here, but I am completely lost on the site. It was very different from the last time I checked. I've stopped playing the new Zombies stuff (haven't played since Black Ops 1) but I still do write stories, and I'm here to get feedback. Look forward to talking to you guys. I'm sad they took away all my brains.
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 15 replies
Hey guys its me Zelkova and I have returned from my long dormant sleep within cyber space. Most of the old members know who I am as I helped come up with some storyline theories along with Murder. New members have no clue who I am. I am merely posting to let the old members know I have come back
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 15 replies
Ooh ooh, no I thought of a better line, here goes. I guess I just keep coming back, huh? Nailed it. And that is internet old, by the way. Don't think me decrepit, if you please. Anyhow, hello. How's it going? Long time no type. What's in been, a year? Well, true to my word, I came back upon the next zombies. Well, it was an announcement that pretty much said nothing for a game that is half a year away, but pffft, I'll say it counts. A quick search tells me some things are the same, some are different. Well, some things are different for me too. I figured I could just jump in, but I'd rather circumvent the whole re-get-to-know-me thing, so I apologize in advance for m…
Last reply by Slade, -
- 15 replies
I take a few years off and I don’t recognize any names ? who ARE you people? ?
Last reply by DeathBringerZen, -
- 14 replies
I'v been following the zombie story line for a looooong time. even when the first couple hundred people beat the story mode and unlocked zombies before they gave everybody it ( i felt cheated tbh) but ever since then iv been hooked on the zombies up until recently. Black ops 3, i feel like its not even zombies anymore. well yeah it is but it just dosent have the same feel it used to have back with black ops 1 or even WoW. The Easter eggs feel mandatory and without them you cant get very far. So i like to stay back and play black ops 1. i'm always down to play some zombies if you add me and we can do whatever, high rounds, Easter egg, just fun messing around. even glitches…
Last reply by KlowniiN-, -
- 14 replies
So I'm Lauren, yes I'm a girl. I live in New York and I love cats I would consider myself a pretty experienced zombie player. Especially on the maps I know like the back of my hand. ZBNS and DE, I'm getting pretty good with SOE also. But I basically wanted rant and see if anyone else expierences this problem of people just leaving games basically every game that you get into. So? I was reluctant to join a forum like this to find players because of the simple fact that I really don't like to talk while I'm playing and i know a lot of serious players make that a requirement. But I just can't stand the fact anymore that every game I join it doesn't go through to th…
Last reply by Lauren, -
- 14 replies
Message From: SPARTONWARRIOR3 Hi everyone, hope you're all having a great day and enjoying zombies! I love to play zombies all the time, reach high rounds, complete Easter eggs, attempt difficult challenges and help the community in becoming a much more skilled Zombie Slayer. I've been playing zombies since it launched back in 2008 and It has become such a huge passion of mine. If your looking for someone to give you advice on strategies, rank up fast, complete Easter egg quests, etc. I am more than happy to help you! Black Ops 3 Game Mode Ranks Campaign Rank: 20 Multiplayer Rank: 204 …
Last reply by andydabeast, -
- 14 replies
I'm new here, but I love zombies and I just wanted to meet some likeminded people I'm Hannah, I play BO on PS3 and my PSN is HannahBananaXD ... Add me if you wish And Hello :D
Last reply by Technicuddle, -
by Royal Gambit- 14 replies
hi, i'm new to the forums :D
Last reply by HammerFace, -
- 14 replies
i've always wanted a CoDz account like K.A.Z,and now i have one,i looooooove zombies and its awesome storyline i'll be getting a 360 for xmas,and me and K.A.Z will be playing alot
Last reply by Faust, -
- 14 replies
I am The_Librarian. I am an avid Call Of Duty Zombies enthusiast who likes to remain formal. I know that now may be seen as an odd time to join, but I feel that now is perfect as it may be the calm before the storm. And this storm is going to be huge...
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 14 replies
Hey, deth_bringer1234 on PS3. I only play Kino and have found many hours wasted killing zombies. Made it to round 52 last night. Started with 4 players, ended with 2. Finally at the start of round 52 we quite, just took way to long. I think it was a 6 hour game and we were done. Anyway, if anybody is looking for a decent player to have a game with, I am the man. and look me up.
Last reply by Tankeo Dempsaki, -
- 14 replies
Hello everybody, You may remember me when I tell you the name SickTrickZ-010 / Costari I came here to apologize for my very bad behavoir. I have been a total jerk, asshole, retard, childish, what ever you want to call me. I deserve it. And I'm really sorry for my immature behavoir. I quit BO zombies, due to not much time, bad internet and not much people to play it. Now I miss it, and tomorrow I will buy BO back. I don't understand why I acted so weird, maybe it has to do with my bad internet, not much time which resulted in not many people would could/wanted to play with me. I understand it, I didn't had many good highscores, and there a lot more pr…
Last reply by MrCostari, -
- 14 replies
I've been scouring these forums for a bit and I joined yesterday. Something I've noticed is that everyone on these forums is better than me so a few tips on anything would be useful. :)
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 14 replies
Hi, my name is Sjoerd AKA I3lackI3ird and i am 16 years old. I live in the Netherlands, so i won't always speak english perfectly. I'm not quite sure what my favorite zombie-map is, but i think it is Verrückt, because it has just the basic stuff in it. So, yeah, that's my introduction. ;)
Last reply by I3lackI3ird, -
- 14 replies
My name is Armageddon. Half-Noob at Zombies. I'm much better than all my friends (bar one, we play together alot) Hopefully I will be here for a long time Catch you all later, I'm off to start contributing :D
Last reply by Technicuddle,
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