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1,821 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Hey guys. Kinda new to this place and was wondeing if someone could clue me in on somethings Im missing? Anyways... One thing I did notice was "ZombShes" If anyone can help..a little? That would help. ANYWAYS.. Thanks
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 5 replies
Well I joined about 15 days ago and I forgot there was an intro section.. Well I'd been reading stuff on the forum for awhile before I made this account but I just had to take my side in an argument about Syndicate being overrated (I think he is). Anyways I look forward to playing Black Ops 2 and reading Theories/Strategies/Opinions etc. Also I use the "Zombie Charts [uPDATED]" under General Gameplay Discussion all the time. Also also.. One question: It doesn't seem like it, but if someone leaves in the middle of a round, will the number of zombies per round adjust to the number of player? It's been a question me and my friends have wondered about for awhile.
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
- 1 reply
Hello friends, Mrtinkles here wanting to introduce myself to the CodZ community. I have been a lurker since Moon for Black Ops 1 was announced and I loved to read the theories and explanations some of you guys put up. People like you guys really put more value and thought into the games that really makes playing zombies for me a better experiance.I also love to do the major easter eggs on zombies so if anyone wants to join my quest to complete the Tranzit and Die Rise easter eggs (PS3) could add me on PSN: mrtinkles3. (I apologize if I only could put that last sentence in the Spur of the moment, Teammate finder section ) Anyways, I hope I could make some new friends to fu…
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 6 replies
Wassup ppls this is that badazz zombie killa Sam best known by King_Sam420 [PSN name] and just wanted to introduce and say a few things in this epic intro lol First off i had no idea about this site until my gud friend/zombie partner told me about this, he goes by jay-f2008. i met him thru find match randomly and noticed as we played that he could hang with me! im not too big on the solo zombies, im more of a team player,[mvp] playing with randoms, its just more fun to me and you never know what your getting into especially when you got noobs on your side. [but since now that BO2 saves solo leaderboards i might give solo a try.] Through out all my zombies days i still to …
Last reply by Delta, -
- 1 reply
I have an idea for you, what if the next game treyarch make is based only in zombies?And in this game you could put all the zombie maps treyarch has already done, remastered And make new ones too And finally connect all these maps with an story And multiplayer in it
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 7 replies
Hi guys, my name is raygunhopeful and I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone. I have been playing zombies since the beginning of black ops and found myself becoming addicted to it. Storyline, running trains, WONDER WEPONS!! ( yeah, i love wonder wepons) I decided to join this forum to discuss zombies in depth becsuse the people I play with normally are kind of noobs. I have an Xbox and I'm always up for a game, my Xbox live name is xdrt7. Yeah so thanks for reading and I hope that I can be of use when it comes to Easter egg hunting on black ops 2
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
- 5 replies
hello, and welcome to the site. before you post though, you must know this about black ops. A black ops beta : there's no such thing at the moment, anyone saying they have, or are selling, or any relation to a beta, are lying. harry: its fake, get over it. zombies in black ops: nothing has been confirmed (aside from the maps int the special editions) were going to have to wait. thanks
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 1 reply
As you could guess from my huge amount of brains, i'm fairly new to this site. I was thinking about donating, but...... what does donating do? Does it give you anything? Not that it matters, but i'm just curious.
Last reply by m12, -
- 2 replies
I just wanted to take a moment, from the madness that is Shadows of Evil, and say thanx to everyone here on CODz. I find myself coming here (pretty much on a daily basis) to escape from "Real life problems", and share a common interest amongst us all. I've been a member here now since 2012. I can remember a time when I was scared/nervous to even reply to a thread, must loan start up my own topic for discussion. After some time, and seeing the passion that a majority of you guys/gals had for COD Zombies was the same as the passion I had. I felt a lot more at ease. Here recently especially with the release of Black Ops III, I've become a lot more active in…
Last reply by ZombieRambo24, -
So I want to preface this with a couple things. 1. I was once here, didnt post anything, sort of faded away from zombies for a bit, and when I came back I went to the reddit. 2. Yes, I was part of PTG at one point. It was for a month-ish. Their conduct disgusted me so I walked away from them, with fake information that landed me in a pile of crap with the Zombies community. 3. I'm drunk as I write this, and I was drunk when I blasted on reddit if you saw that post like an hour before I write this. Sorry bout that. Revelations got me all kinds of turnt. Now that's out of the way! I'm Syphon, I don't really like the gamepla…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 2 replies
hey guys, this is just a short intro about myself and what I hope to get out of these forums, Well firstly, I'm just a regular australian looking to improve and at the same time, help out others in the community with something I have been a diehard fan of since world at war, I'm 16 and am always up for a game! I find that I am pretty decent at zombies solo and am now looking to play with party's, maybe join a Grief clan, and expand my playing that little bit more. I'm interested in the Easter eggs and am right into the theory's and all that good stuff, Well I've hoped you have learned a little about me, and I look forward to making some good mates and slaying so…
Last reply by -Armageddon-, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, my name is Matt or ActionPacked. Some of you may know me from my Call of Duty Zombies YouTube Channel or maybe not. Either way I am on CoDz now! I've been a long time fan of the site and can't wait to meet fellow members. You guys will probably find me in the "Find A Player" section more than any other section to be honest. But anyways, glad to be on CoDz again and see you soon!
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 5 replies
My name is Jordan Shaw, also known as A7xElement115, and I am an awesome 'CoD Zombies' player and my skill level is average+ which means I'm your typical round 30 player, but I can sometimes reach higher rounds such as 45-50. My highest round is on Kino Der Toten, Round 67 and I am the best out of all my neighborhood friends. I am on Xbox, and my gamertag is "A7x Element 115" like that, with spaces without quotations. If you want to add me on Xbox, go ahead, I'm on all the time, excluding school hours and I go to my grandma's house at 6:00 PM so I won't be on past that time. See ya in the forums. …
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I'm Joe and please excuse my bad English. It's not my mother tongue. I've been playing COD Cold War on PS4 for 9 months. I play zombies almost exclusively with a mouse and keyboard. I'm disappointed in the game because there are a lot of bugs and the German language translation is full of bugs! This is also one of the reasons why I registered here. I have hope that you can help me. I'm also still looking for teammates who are really team players.
Last reply by Andy Theke, -
- 5 replies
I'll keep this short. Am at vacation now using a shitty 3G connection. I'm acesiezie and I have loved zombies ever since kino. I play bo3 zombies ans in lvl 1000 but I've stopped to farm dark matter. I hope this is a friendly community. I can't wait to meet all of u.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 5 replies
Hey everyone. I'm CajunBacon and i've heard alot about this forum and decided to try it out. I'm excited to be apart of this website and hopefully get to have a great discussions and have a great time. I have both a ps3 and 360 my XBL GT:CajunBacun and my ps3 GT:CajunBacon and if you add me please say you're from this site because i've had bad luck with random people adding me to troll me. anyways, I mostly play W@W zombies all the time because my black ops broke :cry: and i love zombie stories and i write them so i cant wait to share those with you guys. I'm also trying to make it in the music industry as a rapper and is trying to get support. Thanks for reading guys …
Last reply by CajunBacon, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys. I am TJDguy. That is my Gamertag and PSN account name too, so if you wanna play, send a message here on CoDz, and I'll check you out... not in that way, pervert. I'll be on here quite often, even though with most guys, they'll come, post five posts, the bye bye, no more of them. But I'm not one of them. I should be active, and all that stuff. So, yeah, see you guys around the forums, and hopefully we can kill some zombies. :D
Last reply by TJDguy, -
- 1 reply
Hey survivors! I am always searching for new Zombie Fans to play everything from the first Zombie Map up to the newest in any COD Game. [Plattform: PC] Let me know if you are opened for some nostalgic Zombie-Coop. Cheers!
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 2 replies
Hello fellow Call of Duty Zombie fans. The reason I came across this site is because of the fellows over at This is a great site and Im glad I found it. Its good to get all the updates on here. As far as me, I like gaming of course and love the nazi zombie mode on World at War. My wife and I play that mode quite a bit. The stroy line behind it is something that gets my gears going. I think its amazing that the mode was something Treyarch tacked on at the end and it became one of the most popular extra modes in a game ever. If you would like to check out the story I wrote for Cold War Zombies...They have Returned! Check out the Stories sectio…
Last reply by Adam1983, -
- 5 replies
Its been about 5 years since I last dropped by, but I decided to fire up black ops zombies this weekend for old time's sake. I used to be here a lot, but I never actually got black ops 2, so kinda just fell off the map. First game in about 4 years, and set a new record! I never bothered to go past 50 before, so I did one extra level just to say I did it. Unfortunately, zombies just takes too much time nowadays, it was great when I was a student, but game length just doesn't jive with work/wife/travel. I really enjoyed it while it lasted, but I think this is the end! Thanks for the good times, COD zombies, I had some really great games with people …
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 15 replies
Well, look what we have here. I haven't been on this site since 2012, and boy has it changed. I recognize some of the names on here, but I am completely lost on the site. It was very different from the last time I checked. I've stopped playing the new Zombies stuff (haven't played since Black Ops 1) but I still do write stories, and I'm here to get feedback. Look forward to talking to you guys. I'm sad they took away all my brains.
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 2 replies
Salutations and greetings ladies and gentlemen from your newest brother-in-arms and all around zombie slaying machine/addict AlbinoRhino190, or just Rhino for short. I stumbled upon this site looking for stratigies and help with Origins high rounds, ended up bookmarking it, and because of my frequent returns, decide to join the community. I've been playing around with zombies from the time I got thrown into five after the campaign ended on BO1, and got addicted shortly thereafter. I currently live in the midwest USA, have a great connection (barring stormy weather and power outages), play grief regularly and quite well (town mostly, but do enjoy the occasional farm or cel…
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
Well, here goes! I'm Trevor, my GamerTag is x420x trevbo, though it changes with the winds. It will always have x420x infront of it though, as that has been my clan and gaming family since the 360 hit the shelves. I'm 22, nearly 23, and work for the US Gov't. I have been trailing the zombies phenomenon since World at War. Initially, I began playing the game, just as an escape from MP, when you get too bored, or just want to destroy EVERYTHING! Haha. Played throughout WaW, and then Black Ops came out, and I started to EE hunt. That has been my main goal in this game ever since! I love being on the hunt, whether it be solo, or with 3 other avid hunters. Most …
Last reply by Sylent, -
- 1 reply
Ooh, makes me wanna do the salsa
Last reply by Niho, -
Hi, I'm a high school student PC zombie player from Finland and I would like to know how did I end up here? Anyways this seems to be a nice place. I would also like to have some zombie players as friends on steam (my steam name is usually [i7]JuppeXxX with colour codes due MW2). I consider myself as good zombie player but I may be too egoistic. My favourite weapons are Mustang and Sally. I own Call of the Dead and Moon (+ classic zombie maps) on PC and now when I'm here I would like to know which zombie map should I buy next? Either ascension (First Strike DLC) or Shangri-La (annihilation DLC). This may sound strange question but does Shangri-La map lag much? For e…
Last reply by JuppeXxX,
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