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1,821 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
hello im digdug43 i am a zombies therosist i have collected on all my story from vuruckt to ascention but im looking for call of the dead and maybe shangri la theroies i will be posting my entire theroy sometime but im gonna read up on some of your others before that so thank you for reading this and happy zombie slaying [brains]
Last reply by LOLOLOLOL, -
- 0 replies
Hello peeps I'm new to this an not sure if I'm 1000 correct on if I'm doing this right but it wouldn't let me post on the other LFG forum thing untill I did this introduction apparently, but to keep it short I'm vGHOSTFACEKILLA AKA GHOST , An I'm really here because its becoming more an more clear how nearly impossible it is to find a group to play DEAD OPS ARCADE 2 on XBOXE ONE , so if any1 reading/reads this please HMU ^^^^ ,and we can party up and crush it also grabbing achievements while so , LFG HMU^^^^ /GT: vGHOSTFACEKILLA , EMAIL: Iankoreanbro94@gmail Much appreciated , Thnx: GHOST
Last reply by vGHOSTFACEKILLA, -
- 7 replies
New to the site but not new to zombies always up for a decent Zombie sesh, send me a friend request if your on PS3 with a message saying your on this site. Zombie rank Skull and shotguns see picture. will kill Zombies with almost anyone please be at 18+ though and have a mic. HAPPY KILLING
Last reply by Tasha, -
- 7 replies
New to the forum, but I think I'll be reading posts often since I'm a huge fan of CoD Zombies!! [brains]
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 4 replies
Hey! My name is Fluxanda, but you can call me Flux I am 15 years old, close to 16, and i LOVE gaming!! I enjoy playing loads of games, this ranges from RTS to FPS and stuff :3 A big hobby of mine at the moment is the Youtubes!!! I have a channel called Fluxanda and its a Zombies/Minecraft based channel (Partnered With Machinima), I also livestream at times! I also play basketball, just a lil-fact If you want to check either of them out i'll link them below. -Flux Youtube: Twitch:
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 5 replies
Hello fellow zombie slayers my name is Anthony and I love playing and talking about zombies! i'm very active on xbox(GT:Im Etroe). i'm looking forward to my time on this forum and making new players to slay zombies with! thank you for reading and time my friends!
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 9 replies
Hello CODZ, I am Epsilon 13...that's all I have to say about my self, lol. I think that this forum is pretty cool and that's why I joined. I've been reading various topics in this forum for about a few days and I find them really interesting. I find it odd how this community is nice, funny, and helpful unlike most forums. :shock: Anyways what I found most interesting on this forum were the strategy guides for the Zombie maps. I find them really helpful, especially the ones by Superhands, Edjookayted (is that how you spell it?), ChopperNator, and many others. I'm really looking forward to the "Masters Zombies Guide." Anyone have an idea when that comes out? (I …
Last reply by Wolfie, -
- 7 replies
hello all, I've been checking in on this site for quite some time (about 2 years or so) and finally decided to make an account. Anywho Nice to meet you all.
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 4 replies
hey guise, im new here (how do i edit my profile ) nacht 15 verrukt13 shi no23 der reise17 kino30 five14 moon14 town17 farm16 bus depot13 tranzit20
Last reply by koolkidfica, -
- 5 replies
Hello Fellow Gamers, I found this forum on google in hopes of finding a zombies community to find team mates. I am a new streamer on twitch, my layout has been designed and I use a mic and facecam. I'm a big fan of Black Ops 2 Zombies, most maps, as well as the new exozombies. You can find me at .. If you're interested in working as a team with me please just shout out.. My Console is limited to xbox 360 as of right now
Last reply by Dopey Legend, -
- 4 replies
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
Hello thar!
by abox- 3 replies
I am abox. Recently have gotten much more interested in the zombies franchise of CoD. I love reading some of your theories, really great content. Anyway, I am on XBox and my gamertag is : aboxinabox I have been frequenting MotD in multiplayer, best round with four "randoms" was Rd 25 and solo Rd 19 (I believe). Would love to find some reliable players that don't rage quit or drop out early (I don't) I use my mic almost all the time, friend invites are welcome ofc and my party status is always open. Once again, GT: aboxinabox Will be on shortly after UFC finishes up. Hit me up! I wanna play some Mob! - abox
Last reply by abox, -
- 3 replies
I always feel so stupid doing introductions anywhere but here goes: Okay so I'm That'sWhatSheSaid but people on other forums call me SheSaid. I've been following this site since GKNOVA6 discussions started really and I was here that exciting night carbon was at Treyarch, got the briefcase etc, but I don't know why I've only signed up now but anyways. As for World at War, I was not much of a gamer back then but I played and LOVED the zombie mode with friends so I'm desperately trying, like many of you, to discover about the latest zombie mode, if there is one. em, bye.
Last reply by XbOx360PreDaToR, -
- 9 replies
Hello, i am new to this forum. i would like to maybe meet some people here who could help me out and tell me how this place works, as i have not really used forums. any help would be appreciated thanks!
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 5 replies
Hello, don't know what to say here but I'm HolyDiver. I play majority on Xbox 360 and fear not I'm British. Feel free to ask me any questions.
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 6 replies
Hi i'm xMaTrIxSh0tZx, and i'm sorta new here to CoDz. I found this site from 5and5, i'm sure you have heard of him. I'm hoping to have a great time here at CoDz!
Last reply by Tac, -
- 8 replies
First of all I would like to thank Ehjookayted, who advise me to come here and introduce myself Hello there, I am a pretty dedicated zombie fan, and not just on Call of Duty zombies either, I am interested in almost all kinds of zombie-associated materials. I was first introduced to this site by some web browsing for I was bored from just the surface gameplay of the COD zombies and decided to explore deeper into the zombie lore, and I am pretty glad I clicked this site when I first saw it on Google-not only because the abundant amount of information that puts my zombie knowledge to shame, and also I have finally encountered many other dedicated zombie fans as w…
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 6 replies
Hi all, The names Nick also know as NOCKSCITNEY. I'm (almost) 28, live in Boston UK and love a bit of zombies. I play on PS3 and if you want to hook up and play my psn I'd is NOCKSCITNEY (just mention codz in friend request)
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 9 replies
Hello there. I a m just your average 15 year old who loves slaying zombies. My name Is Jacob, but most people who arent close friends / close online friends just call me Cooldude or in some cases, OCD (my usernames initials lol.. I didnt notice it when i made my account 2 years ago). Don't be discouraged by my rather young age, im not like most 15 year olds and dont mind playing with 18+ people who are more mature than most kids my age... I really hate my generation..It seems to be cool and normal to be pregnant by 14 and they think drugs are good for you. I am not like that. I would rather discuss and play zombies than do most "teen things" that teens my age do nowadays.…
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I've been lurking for the past few days, finally decided to join. A few of you might know me over from the HupitGaming forums or from Youtube, but most of you will not. Was not that much of a zombie guy until this game came out. I've adapted quickly and I'm quick to learn things, 40+ solo runs on all maps but bus stop and both easter eggs done. I've been doing a lot of easter egg hunting the past few days with a friend of mine, but we haven't advanced much more than the overall community. I'm pretty much making an account so I can post every now and then and contribute towards the revelation of the easter egg. Cheers. :)
Last reply by TheDunbarian, -
- 2 replies
Hey there! My name's Nikodem, but friends call me Nikson., im 16 years old and i'm from Poland. I'm pretty new to Z's, playing it maybe 4-5 months, but immediatetly fell in love with it! I have only BO 1 and 2, but thinking about getting W@W, also, i like Extinction and Exo Z's. (I play on PS3, but buying PS4 in near future) Also, apart from Zombies, I love Basketball, but teams from my country aren't good, so there's nothing to watch :) Also, i love some classic music, alternative, and Imagine Dragons! Always looking for EE crew, or just someone to play with. Anyways, Hello all, and have a good day/night! (Sorry if i butchered some of the words, or sentences, my en…
Last reply by Nikson, -
- 2 replies
Hey there! Im Xerox, a 19Yo from the UK. Currently in my second year at university but always have time to play zombies! I have played all zombies map, but my ps3 broke recently (all because black ops froze -_- ) so i wont be able to play on that anymore. BUT i have a ps4 and pc where i have black ops and black ops 3 (i also have bops 3 for ps4). Been following the zombies storyline since the start, but havnt had anyone to really talk to about it, as im the only one of my friends that like the storyline, so been meaning to join this site for a while.
Last reply by Spider, -
- 9 replies
Hi I'm DaftPunkFTW And as you can tell by my name I'm a Daft Punk superfan. I'm a girl so I feel kind of weird here haha I've been a lurker for quite some time and i finally decided to join in on the fun. I look forward to being apart of this community and meeting everyone because they seem so nice sorry if this is short but my only on this forum is through my PS3 and i get tired typing :lol:
Last reply by Nemesis_96, -
Hello There!
by Gift- 1 reply
What up you sexy people, Hi i'm Gift and I love Cod Zombies
Last reply by ChappersJohn, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hi! My name is NotAnAn0n. I recently discovered this forum after I started getting back into Zombies. Origins remastered was kicking me in the ying-yang and I was looking for a guide. Lo and behold, I happen upon this community of fellow Zombies nerds. As a (hint: self-proclaimed) writer, I instantly connected with a lot of the theorizing I saw here. I’ll try to keep active, but I might be found more on the Discord, as that is my preferred platform. I hope to be a great addition to the community!
Last reply by NaBrZHunter,
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