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1,821 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
I, Conspiracy935, wish to introduce myself. I am a highschool student who enjoys blowing heads off of zombies just as I suspect everyone on this website does. I have a Steam account though I rarely use it. I am most commonly found on PSN though less now that my recent relocation has left me with the worst internet connection ever conceived. Feel free to send me a friend request but do not be saddened if I do not reply for a while. I also engage in Minecraft shenanigans from time to time so feel free to contact me with server info if you want another man. I am looking forward to the next Zombies installment as well as hearing your thoughts. Most sinisterly, Conspiracy9…
Last reply by Delta, -
- 16 replies
Hello to the 1 of you that has clicked on this page! I'm huffpuff1337, on all platforms (well, just xbox 360, it's the only thing I go on.) I really like CoD zombies, however I only got into it a year or so ago. Before that, my 'friends'(could you even call them that?) invited me to a game, I joined, and then proceeded to die 10 times in 1 game. Needless to say, my 'friends' weren't playing zombies with me anytime soon. Skip ahead a few months or so and i've started getting into it. I played a few sessions of TranZit on Public Match. After around 20 deaths in Town, I finally got the hang of it. Skip ahead a year, to a few months before now, and I have the Season Pass…
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 4 replies
Hello CoDz! Many of the veterans on this site should know me as TheOnlyShapeshifter, (an almost 4 year veteran myself) but since it's been QUITE a while since my last login to CoDz, I thought it would be very fitting to do another introduction, as this new wave of members has little to no idea on who I am! Well, let's see... I joined in the wake of the brilliant viral campaign, GKNOVA6, and have seen the rise and fall of the Henry Langham fiasco. I've been around since CarbonFibah (or CarbonFish) got his job at Treyarch, and I've seen mods come and go. I've been through 3 or 4 forum redesigns, and (along with UndeadXP) came up with the original idea of a Prestige sy…
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 11 replies
Hello CoDz forums, I am a zombies player who fell in love with zombies the first time I beat the W@W campaign. At first I was very nooby (obviously) but I have learned a lot over the years, and while still slightly nooby, i believe I will eventually be able to hit a 90+ solo by dedicating some time. To be fully honest, I have never reached round 50 before, my closest run was a 47, I believe, on Buried. I hate playing on easy mode. None of my friends are as dedicated to zombies as I am, and I can't wait till I am able to revive them in games like the most clutch person in the world. Well that was very rambly, I apologize. I play on xbox 360 and my gamertag is Ya Boy BrayJa…
Last reply by BrayJayTheZombSlaya, -
- 8 replies
Whats up! New to this site but no stranger to zombies. Some of you may remember me on BlackOps 1 for Xbox as NobleThread. Just wanted to say whats up to everyone on this site and I hope to contribute the community. Hit me up anytime!
Last reply by Naitrax, -
- 13 replies
Hey everyone! I am brand new to this site but definitely not new to zombies! I have been a fan ever since World at War. Since then, I have purchased every single zombies map in some way or another. The only reason I played CoD was really for the zombies. My friends call me a variety of things. I have been called a "zombies nerd" and a "zombie fanatic." In fact, when I am introduced by friends, they usually add in something like: "He literally knows everything about CoD zombies!" Though I put most of my time to my school work and my social life, zombies takes up a great deal of my free time. Even when not playing, I like to study up on the weapons, strategies, maps, and th…
Last reply by Delta, -
- 3 replies
I know these cyphers have supposedly been cracked, but am curious of possible other outcomes, thinking of TV in Nuketown, and moon. Richt says the password is A liar, later in Origings he calls Maxis a terrible liar. He also says, horrible accent, and something about stupid Rules (but could Rules be Rollsj, like with an accent one might roll their R’s. So wondering if Maxis could be a password or cypher. Plkyxl Xkarvd’l pvvl aga vabrmrno th hbv mepmwp rrscjms hy Kmwm- tqhz, buk rvit uxaairq, qw cvfal kivtek xhg hgg. V smax hvv Thrhpxvho pwc fref azxh zkvyq rovr gpeke slvx tuh xuhev erjempespe wxzmsi Iwe fing soef dxohwxnwer aveivrc. I frzimj iia aw yunthr vhu…
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 7 replies
im garcia109. i play cod zombies frequently and love almost any mode aside from zombies i have a career as a multi instrumentalist playing guitar,bass,drums, strings, etc. i enjoy listening to music and gaming glad to be on here hopefully meet some cool people
Last reply by LiL TS 420, -
- 12 replies
Hello Forum! My username is LiL TS 420 but we're all friends here so you can all call me Tate! I love any game that has to do with zombies/killing zombies. I joined this Forum because i love CoDZ and wanted to interact with other players who enjoy zombies just as much as i do. If anyone would like to play or become friends hit me up on here or add my GT: LiL TS 420 all letters are caps except the "i" and the spaces are included! I have almost every Blops and Blops II zombie map so HMU!
Last reply by LiL TS 420, -
Hello! . I've actually been on Codz for a little while now under a different username and never did get round to doing one of these introductory posts . So in brief summary I have played Zombies since Nacht on World at War up to Origins on Black Ops 2 and have completed all of the Easter eggs in between. I also have a fairly decent grasp of the storyline behind Zombies and have chosen to follow the Richtofen Easter eggs for Black Ops 2. Well that pretty much wraps that up and will hope to see you around!
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I ran out of interesting topics, so dug deep into my pocket for this. This is in response to Chopper's mega intro. Enjoy. Jay the person Forget what you think you know, he's actually quite no non sense in the mold of MMX. He believes in hard work and preparation, his motto since school days and extended into work. He preaches effort will accomplish things intelligence alone cannot. He loves sports and participated to full extent back in the day. He bleeds black and gold and dies a bucco. His boy in Steeler gear: He owns a pistol and enjoys target shooting. That is the iconic CZ 75 found in BO1 Like a typical boring male, he also likes…
Last reply by Mr. Jay, -
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Hi there, I'm Jessica. My husband infestlithium forced told me to come here to introuce myself and get to know his zombie buddies, so here I am. I really like Mob of the Dead because I loooove the the 1930s/40s, serial killers, and how it's not roughly connected to the concept of Black Ops II Zombies but doesn't stray away from the original storyline even with new characters. Did I mention my highest zombie round was 3?
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 6 replies
I play zombies on ps3 (all three games) and steam (w@w custom zombies) i have reached 50+ on all maps and +70 on a handful i hve a yt channle just search thirst48 if you want to play zombies ust send request on ps3 or steam (Thirst48)
Last reply by DeathBringerZen, -
- 5 replies
Hello, name's Rickety Cricket. I've been on the site for almost two years, I'm glad to see that it's back! I just thought I'd post an intro for anyone new and for those who might remember me. I used browse these forums everyday and post occasionally and now that I'm in college and have a ridiculous amount of free time, I'll be here a lot more and I'll definitely be playing zombies way more too. So add me if you're down to play! I'm also working on some zombies fan fiction that I'm really excited to share with everyone here on the site. See you around, Rickety Cricket
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 11 replies
Just kidding, Im no Crazy Natzi Scientist. I just control him from a cool device called a controller Anyway, I really enjoy call of duty zombies and its immersive (most of the time) story. I also make homemade horror movies on my youtube channel: Zomboy Productionz, feel free to check it out. My specialty in the zombies community is probably map idea making. I put a lot of thought into my ideas and dont just throw something down on paper, or screen, whatever you want to call it. Im basically saying that my ideas are a lot more in depth. 8-) I am a pretty good Zombies player and have every map from World at War Nacht to Black Ops 2 Origins I hope…
Last reply by Group115, -
How's it going? Good. If you haven't already noticed, my name is ryd1966. I found this site sometime in October 2013. I created my account soon after. I hope that my stay here is enjoyable and I wish the same to you. ;)
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
Hi, my name is Aymeric, i'm 19 years old. I'm from france and i love this forum Very usefull I play BOII Zombie very much, i play too WaW nazi zombie and BO 1 Zombie. When i don't play, i'm on FL Studio for producing with my "LazerzF!ne" Project Thank You !
Last reply by Aymeric, -
Hey guys I'm Chance. I am 16 and located in the U.S. I have been playing zombies since 2008 and love playing it. My PSN is Chancez-- would love to play with you guys sometime.
Last reply by Chopper, -
- 8 replies
Hey guys, ques que up? I've been on this site for over 2 years now, and I don't have an introduction. What's ironic is that I reckon everything I write below, could be found somewhere else on the site, almost word for word! So, my name is Ben, but most people refer to me as Chopper, including most of my family, and a few friends. If I know someone well, I don't mind being called Ben. If not, I prefer Chopper I got into zombies just after BO1 was released. At the time I was living in Australia, and one day a friend invited me over to play his new game. We spent 15 minutes in MP, then he mentioned a zombie mode. Been hooked since, I actually bought…
Last reply by DeathBringerZen, -
- 4 replies
Hello codz. I've been told by my other half to join up. Can you guess who my other half is? I'm told that the correct answer gets 100 phantom brainz. Love Peanut. x
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
Hello, I recently just found out about this website from TZP. I'm fvdes, hope to find some cool people and good zombie players!
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 5 replies
Well, I should do this eventually! My name is Game Changer and I came here not too long ago after hearing about how good of a community you guys are. Honestly, you all are so great to talk to and get to know. It's really a nice change of pace to actually have a decent discussion that doesn't become "Your rights end where my feelings begin". My love for Zombies lore came long ago, when I was looking at Youtube videos. I clicked on a random video that turned out to be Moon's Easter Egg by I believe NiikTheGamingShow or someone like that and thought, "OH MY GOD BUZZ ALDRIN JUST BLEW UP THE EARTH I HAVE TO BUY THIS and the rest was history. Thankfully, I now know th…
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys my name is Travis but I'm usually known has travieman9 on all systems. I've loved to play Call of Duty Zombies from the start in WaW and continue to play in Black ops 2. I play often on Xbox an also occasionally on the PC. I own Black ops 1 and 2 on Xbox 360 where my gamertag is travieman9. I also own World at War on PC where my steam name is again travieman9. I play both casually (high rounds or challenges) and complete or help complete Easter Eggs. I'm willing to play any of the three games I own when I'm available and will play with virtually anyone intent on having fun or accomplishing something. Feel free to add me and maybe mention you are from here and I w…
Last reply by DeathBringerZen, -
- 3 replies
Hello guys My name is Amadeus, I'm 16 years old, and I'm from México (my english is pretty good though ). I personally think I'm very friendly, I try to get along with everyone. I've been playing zombies (and CoD) since Black Ops 1, when one of my good friends invited me to his house and we played a match of zombies, that's when I started loving it. Right now I only have Black Ops 2 w/ all DLCs because I sold BO1 to get this one . I joined the forums a few weeks ago I think, I just hadn't posted, so I guess it was time. That's it, thanks for reading!! :D
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys, Only just found this site, been looking for a dedicated zombie forum 8-). Hopefully be able to find some players also, as at the moment im playing as a lone ranger!. Anyway, hope to speak to some of you soon. B3atZz
Last reply by Lenne,
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