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1,821 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
I'm Josh. I play on a PS3. As you can see, I'm new here. Actually I've stalked around here for a couple days before I decided I should probably join. All of you seem like a friendly bunch of Zombie killers....I hope. I'm not the best Zombie player around, but I digress. I hope I can get settled in rather comfotably and get to know you guys/gals/zombies. My PS3 is Ramos_95. You can add me if you like. Alas, I'm not into DLC so I don't have all of the new Zombie maps.
Last reply by UKzF_LAuREn, -
- 5 replies
im illien. on playstation as prof_oak mostly here for tips n tricks for zombies. still have yet to do any of the easter eggs for BO2
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 9 replies
hello im peter AKA chelseatilludie on xbox, please feel free to add me if you want to play to a high round i would also like to do the easter eggs if anyones up for it. i play between 8pm 3-am uk time looking for people with mics and at least be old enough to play the game i dont like playing with kids
Last reply by Chelseatilludie, -
- 4 replies
I'm a hardcore zombie player, max rank and love anything that has to do with cod zombies! If anybody needs help on Easter eggs or whatever feel free to get ahold of me! Also check out Zombie break room on twitter and YouTube! Those guys make some awesome videos that are a must see for any Cod Zombie fan! Follow them on twitter subscribe and like on YouTube and please tell them that hero sent ya! Thanks!
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 6 replies
Hi guys, I'm new here. A lot of my friends call me Momo. I'm a sophomore in high school and I have a GPA of 3.7 and I am taking several honors and AP classes right now. I really want to work with game development software and 3D design/animation when I grow up, but my legal status is really putting a damper on my thoughts for the future. I came here from Korea when I was four; a few days before my fifth birthday. I remember my aunt giving me a child's make-up set in their gigantic luxurious house and I was really happy. That's how I remember how old I was when I came here. I started kindergarten in 2002 and I was a problem child. I was still trying to get …
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 1 reply
Hello to everyone my name is Asim Jofa and i am new here in forum i want to take part in discussions and looking forward to share ideas and views with others.
Last reply by gabbehhh, -
hi every one i am new member here, just call me lisa. Glad to be here. hope to know you all...^^
Last reply by m12, -
- 2 replies
I'm new to codz and still trying to navigate the site always looking for new people to play zombies with and Manet cleared something new. Hit me up my gt. StillTHUGGISH
Last reply by Tac, -
- 2 replies
Well this is my first time in a USA or english language forum, xD so my english probably is a little bad. My name is Abril, you can call me April if you like. I'm from Mexico, live near US frontier. Basically im here because i want to meet more people who like play zombie maps (no one of my usually friends like to play COD xD ). I'm 20 years old , i'm a college student in History major. So well i dont what more to add to this presentation xD so well see you around here xD. :lol:
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hello to all New hear but looks cool so far I have been killing z since 2008 Need to live stream soon Xbox one - Gamertag - AMoAG Xbox 360 - Gamertag - AMoAG Steam - Gamertag - AMoAG Hope to get back to slaying soon just got a new pc so getting all setup just wanna kill zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Alwase Zk
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 4 replies
Hello my name is Shadow and Im a huge fan of the Zombie franchise or just anything zombie related and I post frequent game-plays and stat updates on my zombie account also I know alot of people are having trouble completing the origins Easter egg which I will then later make a video on how to keep the staffs from disappearing
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 1 reply
Hey all, my name is James, thought I had done this but I guess not, I love music and video games, I play almost all games and platforms. Mainly xbox... So if you fancy killing zombies, blowing up Geth, racing round a track, snowboarding down a deadly decent or just playing poker drop me a invite. Xbox: speedmetal890 James aka speed
Last reply by heillingalj, -
- 4 replies
Hello fellow zombie slayers, My name is Logan Hoyer. I am an avid zombie player, and love hearing theories, easter eggs, and just everything about COD: zombies interests me. I am so glad i found this forum and i hope to be an active member for long time. Peace out!
Last reply by Speedo Cola, -
- 1 reply
:D Hi all
Last reply by zombieman9, -
- 0 replies
Hi Boys and Girls, New on this forum so this will be my first post... Came here because I might have found 2 possible Easter egg leads on The Giant, in relation with the monkey bombs and the annihilator. Both actions taken came with game "interaction". Will be uploading a vid for that within an couple days. Ps. Gamertag PSN = safariflow
Last reply by SafariFlow, -
- 5 replies
Hello all. I have been humbly observing zombies from the outside, taking notes, marking statistics, gathering intel, and formulating tactics. My friends and U have been loving members of the Zombies community since its debut in World at War as Nacht Der Untoten. Years ago, my notebook, painstakingly filled with zombies information and statistics, was accidentally destroyed. In my recent years of college going, the time I was able to spend on tertiary life things like Zombies greatly diminished and I have fallen far below where my capabilities once were, though I always pre-order the next CoD from Treyarch. Having finished my CompSci degree I and a few old Zombies fr…
- 7 replies
I'm an aspiring player and I can't wait to meet all you guys and contribute to the forum :D
Last reply by Superhands, -
- 1 reply
Sup guys, Im a huge zombie player and I'm not to shabby either. I enjoy writing my own Zombie Stories, so look out for them in the coming weeks. Im from England and since the weather is stereo-typically bad, I'm confined indoors. Im a Amateur/Semi-pro MMA fighter and training is a passion of mine. Thanks for reading my post P.S. My friend made my Sig, if you want one $5/£5
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 6 replies
Hi, I'm thegrix. You may remember me from such sites as (mikery009) and (thegrix2112). I am here because I love zombies and l think this site is awesome, and I love the chat feature. I have a 360. GT: xX THE GRIX Xx soooo yeah...
Last reply by YoungMaxwell, -
- 5 replies
Hey, there! My name is Pseudo and I am a new member of the community here. I have been a member of the r/CODZ community for a while and just never knew there was a forum that covers CoD: Zombies. A little bit about me: I have been playing zombies ever since I fell in love with it back in WaW. I got is as a gift from my parents and it was my first ever Call of Duty experience. Ever since Black Ops 1 I've followed the storyline tightly and I still do to this day. I play Black Ops 3 a lot daily and my two all time favourite maps are Origins and Der Eisendrache. I hope and believe this forum will be a great experience and I can't wait to get to know the community!
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 6 replies
Hello, I'm Stash. Been playing Zombies since Day 1, big into the lore, high rounding and Easter Eggs. Joined the forum to socialise, have fun and attain my ultimate goal: Finding people interested in attempting the BO1 and BO2 Easter Eggs with me, though I'm down for whatever. P.S. - I was actually going to quote the entire Monty introduction bit from Gorod Krovi for a title for the hell of it, but that's a few too many words. P.P.S - British too, forgot to mention that, damn it!
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 2 replies
Hello, zombiepeople. I am Octopus, I guess. I have been lurking your boards for a good two days ago, scrounging up information on Ascension. However, I got off track, and started looking through other boards, and decided that I need to join this. Me- -I play almost exclusively on the PlayStation 3. -My PSN is Delta33345. -I own both WAW and Black Ops, as well as some other games such as MW2, and LittleBigPlanet. -As for DLC, I have Verruckt and Der Riese for WAW, and I plan on buying First Strike. -I plan to be frequenting these boards quite a bit. Playing Zombies- -I tend to play Kino der Toten the most. After that, Five, being the most conven…
Last reply by m12, -
- 1 reply
Hi Guys, I'm xXMotionVenomXx and I'm not actually new to these forums, I use to garwin151 on these fours but then I forgot my email & password so I'm back on a new account and ready to play some zombies If anyone on ps3 wants to add me my PSN is xXMotionVenomXx So im here to say I'm back and need more friends on my new account so people please add me peace :D
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 3 replies
I have been a zombie theorist for quite a while, but I never really got into discussions or got too deep into it, and I feel like ive missed out on years of good theories. Can anybody help me with some kind of table of contents or lead me to well accepted or otherwise interesting theories on the maps and overall storyline? This can include information on agartha and map backgrounds (examples - how buried got buried). Thanks for the help!
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 3 replies
My name is Jarod, or Garod, or Gardo, or any other butchered version of my name that you can come up with. I enjoy playing video games, but see myself coming back to zombies over and over again. My friend from real life, JakeDuck, informed me about this site. I decided to check it out and here i am. I used to play alot on Xbox but as the next gen is rolling by, i'm slowly converting to PC. I am an above average zombies player, with minor cases of the following disorders: OCD, ADHD, Perfectionism, and ADD. So I might get off topic or easily distracted potato. But i hope to eventually be a regular contributor to this site. I hope that i can be included in what I've been…
Last reply by Delta,
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