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1,821 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Hello I am TideoftheDead_115 I have been playing since WaW and Der Riese is still the best map I am an ok player and my highest round is 33 on MoTD Most of the forums I will post will be on maps and the story I am heavily invested in the story and I am studying lots about it. I think it's more complicated than Lost was Remember, there is a zombie killer in all of us
Last reply by TideoftheDead_115, -
- 2 replies
Hey everyone, im new here and wanted to say hi to everyone, im looking for a zombie partner, to have a laugh and do some high rounds and challenges with, ive recently had to make a new xbox live acc so i only have bone rank atm, but im a fairly good player. hoping to be able to learn some things here to. thanks for your time {Shadow}.
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 8 replies
Hello guys! My name is Danielle (Danii), im 17 and I have been playing Zombies since WAW.I have always enjoyed zombies over multiplayer and its something that I find fun and exciting. If I had to tell you my most favourite map it would be between Die Rise and Buried, both maps for me is my play style and the Easter eggs are awesome! That's about it, thanks for having me here - Danii
Last reply by MrTreeStoner91, -
- 11 replies
i did write out a whole topic about 5 minutes ago but unfortunatly i got logged out i took that long... to sum up what i rote im an experianced zombies player, i have played all maps but do not own all of them maps i own are ascension moon all the classic 4 maps nuketown and origins, i apologise for grammer rapeas i am a little bit pissed off that it took me a whole hour to try and greet you guys properly but as i said i got logged out for taking to long... go figure..... I know alot about the storyline and i have a few theorys of my own just like you guys so all i ask is that you humour me while reading them and please dont bashme for sharing ideas, as i th…
Last reply by MrTreeStoner91, -
- 9 replies
Hello everyone, my name is ShafterX. Im a 14 years old gamer and i love playing CoD zombies, i really love the storyline and the characters, specially Nikolai and Sal. English is not my language so sorry if i have bad grammar. I started playing zombies since WaW and i always played Nacht Der Untoten all the time, i didnt know that the map packs existed, so then i found them, and i started to love CoD zombies. So thats all about me, have a nice day everyone! ;)
Last reply by Robbie, -
- 5 replies
HI! im Xehix! i love to play and upload zombies videos to youtube i used to run a channel called and was doing okay until i wanted to make my own channel to put my own theory videos up and express my opinion about the story line without being under my peers on the channel! im currently working on a couple challenges for black ops 1 theory videos will be up soon! A.K.A tomorrow! :3 with zombie slaying love from Xehix!
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 2 replies
I have been lurking around the forums for a while now and I finally decided to make an account. I play on Xbox 360 and my gamertag is Emory11112222. My favorite map would have to be Origins, simply because it is epic. I also love Call of the Dead except for George, I hate him. I hope to start contributing useful information and I'll see you all around.
Last reply by The Twirp, -
- 4 replies
I'm a 17 year old Zombie slayer who started fairly recently (christmas.) Ever since my favorite game mode has been Zombies and i've now have all maps. My favorite maps are Shangri-La, Ascension & Mob of the Dead. I would like to play with some other players who know their way around Zombies, since you don't find that many in public games. I've been looking at the forums very often recently and i thought it was time that i started contributing (Even though you guys have it all covered)
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
Hey, I'm jbagot8, I joined CoDz about a week ago. I'm 13 years old, and if you don't want to play with someone as young as me, thats fine, I understand. I love how welcoming everyone here is I play PSN, and my favorite maps are Der Riese, Shangri-La, Buried, and Die Rise. I'm looking for good players to play any map (well, maybe not Tranzit). -jbagot8
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 8 replies
Hey CoDz users, what's up? My name is The Twirp, I'm new around here (obviously). Despite what you might think by my username, I'm 20 years old. I really enjoy playing some CoD Zombies, but have been forced to play solo lately due to all my friends moving on to other games or other reasons like that. I am looking forward to talking about and playing some zombies with some new people. Don't get me wrong, playing with randoms is fun and all, but communication and some zombie domination is always awesome. Can't wait to slay some zombies with you all, thanks for reading!
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys, Newbie Shayne here, A fan of metal detecting.
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 4 replies
Hello everyone, former iGaugezzz A.K.A. Dougie_All_Day97 (worst PSN, I don't know what I was thinking) here. For those of you who do not remember me I was a user here during Black Ops times. Let me tell you guys a little bit about what happened to me. I quit zombies a little after MW3 was released and got into competitive sniping and Feeding since zombies was dieing at the time. This lasted a good while until I began to join clans. Sniping got stressing afterwards.. it was fun at first but then it felt like a job, like I HAD to hit clips and win competitive HQs matches. I quit since I couldn't handle the stress. I tried getting back into zombies after Black Ops…
Last reply by Jarhead N, -
- 1 reply
Alright lads & lasses. New guy, hopefully will be able to find some good players and talk about some Zombies!
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 2 replies
Hey everybody Been checking these forums on a daily basis for quite sometime and figure it's about time I join and try to contribute some (although I think all of you have it covered) before I make any other post I wanted to make this and basically say thanks to all of you that make this community so knowledgable and friendly and open to ideas without you all I would not enjoy the game as much as I do. If anyone feels compelled I'm on Xbox and my gamer tag is my user name any help I can give feel free to ask or just to play a game Again thank you guys. TanMan
Last reply by Slade, -
- 3 replies
How are you all going, l forgot to introduce myself yesterday. I'm a zombie addict and have been hooked for 4 to 5 years, WAW sucked me in and l haven't been able let go since. I've been coming here on and off for a year gleaming information and learning some tidbits. Thanks to all those people who contribute to this site! I'm from Oz and would love to hook up for a game with anyone from this region. Look forward to contributing to this forum GT: Dead Sledge
Last reply by D3AD SL3DG3, -
- 7 replies
Yo, Xbox gamer from Vegas. I play zombies almost everyday I'm 17 I only go to school on Fridays 12PM - 4PM. I have a sensitive mic so please if I forget to turn down my TV tell me! I have 100 games in total so if you have any other games you wanna play I'm up for it. I have all the zombies map for Black Ops 2, working on 1. My voice can be annoying so sorry. >.o GT: MidNightGaymer
Hi people my name is Emily. I am Naitrax's sister and we play zombies together sometimes. I really like it. Just stopping by here to say hello!
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 6 replies
Well, I'm Craig otherwise known as Hells Warrrior on Xbox. I've generally played Call of Duty since the original and mainly played multiplayer. However, in the last 18 months or so I have taken a big liking to Zombies mode and so have a few of my mates (4 of us in total). We try and meet up online 2 or 3 times as week. Not easy when you have kids, work commitments and wife's looking to watch crap like Eastenders, Coronation Street and so forth. I'm 36 and Live in Scotland (Fife) and I love the Scottish Old Skool hardcore dance sound. I mainly play for fun and to chill out after a days hard graft (would exactly call it that, I'm either stuck in the office, in th…
Last reply by D3AD SL3DG3, -
- 1 reply
wats up guys. iv been browsing this forum sence bo1. im a huge fan of this site and of the zombies storyline. im realy big on making theories and putting together the pieces of the zombies back story. now that i finally made an account i will be posting some theories of mine and look forward to becoming a part of this amazing community.
Last reply by Slade, -
- 0 replies
wats up guys. iv been browsing this forum sence bo1. im a huge fan of this site and of the zombies storyline. im realy big on making theories and putting together the pieces of the zombies back story. now that i finally made an account i will be posting some theories of mine and look forward to becoming a part of this amazing community.
Last reply by atebyazombie, -
Hello I'm RDB. I've been browsing these forums for a long time now but yet never made an account. I'm glad I joined the CoDz community and I'm looking forward to contributing to the forums and killin' zombies. My Xbox Live gamertag is TRickZ RDB1 if anybody needs it for some reason. See you later. P.S. I don't know if my signature is "okay" as far as the CoC goes, just shoot me a private message if I should change it.
Last reply by Robbie, -
- 0 replies
- 566 views Check it out doug
Last reply by Apophis2112, -
- 1 reply
hey im new here and im looking for people to help me get the achievements for zombies any I don't have looking really for people tthat know how to get the easter eggs and any other achievements on any and all maps on both black ops and black ops 2 my GT is Diabo1ica1Taco add me if you can help I work thirds and have weekends off and always down to play zombies or MP thank you for your help
Last reply by Slade, -
by FatSexyKiwi- 2 replies
Posting this so my friend can add me...
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 4 replies
Hi I joined a while back, posted and fell into inactivity but I have been around watching reading on theories, and hopefully perfecting my own in the long run, safe to say it's been too long since I last posted here. Anyhow I'm back.
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb,
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