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1,821 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hello my name is Mr.Iron Lung, I'm not very good with introductions so yeah, I'm a very shy person at sometimes, also a Radiohead fan. And I hope to share what I know. Ps. I love you
Last reply by ZzFLEX ZAPDOSzZ, -
- 3 replies
Hello, everyone. Long time lurker, first-time poster. I've been following the forums since the release day of MOTD, but didn't join until a week or two ago. I'd like to think I'm good at zombies, but I'm also really good at lying to myself. Always looking for some people to play zombies with. I'm a 360 gamer, and my gamertag is the same as my username. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you and being a part of this pretty awesome community.
Last reply by ZzFLEX ZAPDOSzZ, -
- 0 replies
Hey I'm new to this site but have been reading some of the discussions on here so I thought seems like something I should be apart of. My names james I have been a fan of nazi zombies ever since I heard about it back when it was first released and yea that's basically me I live in the UK if that's of any interest and hit me up on xbox my gt is ZzFLEXZAPDOSzZ but tell me that you are from this site
Last reply by ZzFLEX ZAPDOSzZ, -
- 2 replies
It occurred to me that I've never done an introduction. So time to fix that. Been a member for over 2 years now, I was inactive for a good majority of that time. I replied to one post on the day I made my account and never posted again due to fear and anxiety that I would be shunned from the community (thanks brain). Only now, in the past couple of months have I been becoming more active on here. The name's Josh. RockyRhode here on the forums and PSN. I play zombies on PS3, high rounds are possible, but not fun, to be honest. Once you get to ~33 it gets boring. That's when you start grabbing random weapons and pack-a-punching them until you go down. At the time of th…
Last reply by RockyRhode, -
Hello everyone, my names Matt, 21 years old. I'm in the military stationed in Italy right now. I love hockey (Go Bruins) and yeah. I play CoD on PS3, I'm looking for more people to play zombies with, since I'm not the greatest :p
Last reply by Lifted, -
- 4 replies
Hello there,I am ViraL x Vandal,thats my xbox gamertag as well,And I'm a big zombies player,I don't mean like streaming or youtube,I'm kinda like a fanatic,and I'm actually pretty good at zombies,it's my favorite thing in Call Of Duty,and My favorite map would have to be Mob Of The Dead,I first got into zombies on Black Ops 2,I found it so fun,i bought WAW,and Black Ops 1,and all the map packs,I'm 15,I have a awful mic,and I wanted to find a nice place to chat,and talk ideas with other fellow zombies players.And this website seems perfect,If you ever wanna play zombies,or even multiplayer,or just talk for a little bit,you can pm me on here,or add me on Xbox Live if you wa…
Last reply by ViRaL x Vandal, -
- 3 replies
Hey Guys, Hope you are all good! We are CodeNamePizza ( Ben & Joe - Also known as Caspa and Stop Inn ) We have been playing zombies since the release of World at War and have loved it every since, Our passion for zombies led us into creating a Youtube channel which we have been uploading to for around a year now, We currently have 108 videos all to do with zombies and 1500 subscribers which we are very proud of, We are also partnered with Machinima Some of the videos we get amazing feedback for are " Myth Busting Mondays " This is a show that we put out every Monday where we bust myths in the zombie community which our subscribers leave …
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 1 reply
Hello I'm GK Jericho, the newest member of CoDz Forums and I hope to be involved for a long time and in a positive manner... I'm a casual gamer, since their are some things more important than video games. However, video games have soft place in my heart, as I have very good memories and made great friends over video games (No, not Xbox LIVE friends). Now, my history with Call of Duty is rather 'different'; Call of Duty 2: Big Red One (Made by Treyarch) was my first FPS game that I played and was more involved with COD during the days of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: World at War. However, I was worn down and disenfranchised by the serie…
Last reply by feedthemachine94, -
- 1 reply
ive been playing zombies since bo1 but then i started bo2 zombies because it seemed better, and it was. then i started waw because i heard a lot of people enjoyed the maps of zombies. i stopped playing waw because of the modders and stuff and just went back to black ops 2 so my order of the cod zombies is: 1.bo1 2.bo2 3.waw! im pretty good at bo2 zombies, my k/d is 205, my highest round is 40 on buried, 45 on die rise, 32 on tranzit and, 23 on town! if you want 2 add me, my psn is LazyRevive
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 3 replies
Hello, My name is Nick, live in the Netherlands and I'm almost 22 years old. I've been playing COD games on the Xbox360 since original Modern Warfware and always kept playing multiplayer until Black ops II. First time I tried zombies because I accidently saw a video of Syndicate & Xjawz in Ascension on BO and it seemed pretty exciting. First I was really bad at Zombies and didn't really know what I was doing. I thought it was a goal to open up doors asap and buy the most expensive weapon on the wall. Then I started to watch more videos from Syndicate which inspired me to keep playing and learning more about the game. Now about 7 months further I'm confid…
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 2 replies
hello everybody, been kicking round here since blops2 release and finally joined this noble cause 6 months back, so i thought id tell you all a bit about my zombies experience so far, that being said im relatively new to the zombies universe, my mate is old school zombies 8-) and decided to try and hook me upon the release of blops 2, he apparently succeded cod is however not new to me, i have faithfully followed the franchise since its dawn, but i was never online so had no idea bout the map packs, so only ever had couple goes at kino, five and the waw nacht. i never realy got past round 10, never got more than 3 doors anywhere, oblivious to everything going…
Last reply by Why1sTheRumGone, -
- 4 replies
I've been on here for a few months but never really introduced myself, or explored all of the great threads that could be put on here. My name is Alen, I'm 18, turning 19 on September 9th. I love what this community have been doing, and it's really tough to post when everyone is always one step ahead of me! Not a bad thing though, I love to read everyone's opinion! I posted a few pictures of myself on the behind the avatar thread, just in case you were curious lol. I feel welcomed here and it's great to feel that way. Hope to get to know all of you!
Last reply by feedthemachine94, -
- 4 replies
Hey! My name is Fluxanda, but you can call me Flux I am 15 years old, close to 16, and i LOVE gaming!! I enjoy playing loads of games, this ranges from RTS to FPS and stuff :3 A big hobby of mine at the moment is the Youtubes!!! I have a channel called Fluxanda and its a Zombies/Minecraft based channel (Partnered With Machinima), I also livestream at times! I also play basketball, just a lil-fact If you want to check either of them out i'll link them below. -Flux Youtube: Twitch:
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 2 replies
A quick hi to all zombie slayers and to all that make this site what it is, I'm a 39yrs old avid fan and slayer ( yes o.a.p) ,Always up for a good game and look forward to joining the community. Thanks .
Last reply by Why1sTheRumGone, -
- 3 replies
Hello I am Westy or you can just call me West, someone had already taken that username when I signed up so I had to make do, with Origins coming out soon i decided to get Strwrsbob to reactivate my account and join in with the conversation, I migrated from CoD24/7 after i fell out of love with Black Ops II multiplayer I feel much more at home here reading intellectual threads that the community provide, when I first read the zombies trilogy thread it blew my mind and I've learned a great deal from it. Anyway I've been playing zombies since Black Ops and I consider myself to be an average zombies player but improving all the time, I usually hit the mid 30's during good gam…
Last reply by Undead Nightmare, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys I'm PurePainGaming. You can call me Pure, Pain or PPG if you like. I'm a 16 year old gamer who's waiting for college to start. I'm interested in TV Shows, Films, games, writing and reading. I'm also looking to start in YouTube. Love Zombies and a lot of my friends aren't too interested in it so I thought I'd join here to speak about it to people. :)
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 5 replies
Been a lurker for over 3 years and a member for under 3, but just now doing an introduction. Hi. I've been playing zombies since the Nacht der Untoten unlockable map on WaW, then every other map as they have come out. Best thing to happen to co-op gaming in the last 5 years.
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 7 replies
Hi everybody! My name is Radical Larry, and I will be joining you lot on the Nazi Zombie hype train, nobody calls it that any more, but I am stuck in the W@W days, and in my eyes it is the best CoD, maybe CoD2 as well. I have been a lurker here for ages and never bothered to sign up, I regret not joining sooner. I am now part of you guys! It is sad that I joined at the end of BO2's DLC pack's, oh well, this forum will keep going, right? RIGHT?! (*Exits crazy mode) So yeah! On the last forum I was on I was barely active, but I shall change that! G'day Mates!
Last reply by Radical larry, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys is my old account banned or blocked how can i check? My old account name was CoDzOmBIeZ. Thank you :)
Last reply by Ak47, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone, my good friend of this site told me about it, and I thought it was about time to try it out. I've been really getting into the whole zombie story line and it's really interesting. I've done the Buried Easter egg and that was a lot of fun doing. As for myself, I'm Kyle, a 17 year old basketballer/video gamer/graphic designer/youtuber. I do just about anything that seems fun. I'm very easy to get along with and very friendly. If anyone is wanting to do some Easter eggs, I'm all for it. Just let me know. I also have a small YouTube channel if anyone would like to take a look at it. I do gameplays of, guides on, and glitches for, black ops 2 zombies. …
Last reply by PurePainGaming, -
Hey I'm new to the forum and just thought I'd say hi. I'm also new to Zombies, only got into it in the last few months but loving it so far. MP just didn't hold my attention long enough this time round. Anyway just a quick into, I'm Wooodd 31 and in UK, and after having a quick look around the site this is by far the most active Zombies forum out here. Good work.
Last reply by PurePainGaming, -
- 9 replies
So I figured I'd say Hi. Been playing zombies pretty regularly since BO1 and I'm thoroughly hooked. I stumbled upon this site while Google-ing some info on the new (to PC and PS3) Buried map and thought this was a really great site. I spent the past few days reading through various threads and was compelled to join. Anyway, figured I'd just say Hello and hope to learn some stuff (the story is REALLY difficult to follow lol) and help others out as well. If anyone ever feels like joining up for a game, feel free to hit me up via PM (I own WAW & BO1/2 for PC and BO1/2 for PS3). I run with a clan on both and are always playing every chance we get. Cheers …
Last reply by Shooter, -
- 10 replies
Hola, hello, etc etc
Last reply by PurePainGaming, -
- 4 replies
I've been here for quite some time but I thought I might as well introduce myself anyway. I am the type of guy who loves the storyline for zombies but isn't on the same level as some of the greats of this forum. I also love playing zombies but I'm not a pro at all and my highest round is 27 because of the fact I like playing for fun, not for competition. I also love cats, ducks and penguins coz they're hella cute. :3
Last reply by PurePainGaming, -
- 4 replies
Hey everybody! I've following the site on Twitter for awhile and have just recently registered/signed up. From everything I've read so far, I'm uberly pleased. Great job. Its nice to see such a strong community following. Ok, since I'm new to the site as a registered user, I'd like to ask a question on a topic, to me, that is so confusing. That would be understanding how the ranking system works in BO2 Zombies. There is so much misinformation out there floating around that I'm utterly frustrated by it. Some ppl say k/d is a factor. Some ppl say high rounds is a factor. Some ppl say that revives is a key factor. Its to the point that I'm grabbing my hair and tearing it out…
Last reply by PurePainGaming,
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