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1,821 topics in this forum
Hi! I am new to the forum and can't wait to start chatting zombies with everyone! :D
Last reply by Reddonkeyham, -
Hi guys! im eldoby and im pleased to be in this forums, i like CoDz and i like all the theories all the people have about them and the maps in them, also i like to play zombies on PS3 now i have BO1 and BO2, so i hope i stay here for a long time, have a nice day.
Last reply by FatedTitan, -
Hello everyone, my names Matt, 21 years old. I'm in the military stationed in Italy right now. I love hockey (Go Bruins) and yeah. I play CoD on PS3, I'm looking for more people to play zombies with, since I'm not the greatest :p
Last reply by Lifted, -
- 4 replies
Hello everybody, I'm Shane. My PSN is ROCKnROLLER13, and I'm looking for some people who are good at zombies. :P
Last reply by MysteryBox, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
- 2 replies
Gereetings! My gamertag is Biohazard92 and I am an avid COD WaW zombies fan. Hit me up on the 360 or iPod touch if you want to play some time.
Last reply by carbonfibah, -
Hi! I'm D4rkf4ll. I'm glad to have joined this awesome forum, because I love Zoooombies!!!
Last reply by m12, -
hey guys finally joined up on here after months of reading threads on here! im a WAW zombies fanatic and well with black ops just out im on zombies on that alot too! will be posting in that soon! :D
Last reply by m12, -
by Tiller0006- 2 replies
I'm mostly new. You might've seen a few of my posts. Anyways HI! Add me on PS3 if you like. PSN ID: Tiller0006
Last reply by Tiller0006, -
Hi! I'm Jack, I've been playing zombies since BO2 and I'm hoping my time here will allow me to improve :D
Last reply by JackTTR, -
We are vigiliis gaming and we enjoy doing zombie theory videos occasionally! Hopefully you guys find it interesting and enjoyable! We also do zombie content every week!
Last reply by WaterKH, -
- 3 replies
Im from the north easy of england mainly play ps3 in my free time im a designer. Here is some Zombie stuff im working on
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 3 replies
I am Andrew, Rookie zombie-theorist, Always falls for scams, Gets called a jerk FOR NO REASON, Sadly 13 and prone to bullying since well I'm 13 and play COD, Pretty much that one guy who stays on a COD zombies website, Born follower, scared of spiders and insects, hates micro-transactions, runs out of things to say easily, likes Big Macs. OK you have met me, obviously I'm new but since I'm 13, I'm the "Instagram using **** of this generation, like everyone else." guy and obviously I make theories and then I talk about proof/non-proof BUT HEY GUESS WHAT!? I HAVE NO LINKS! SOOOO..obviously I look like a liar, UHHHH I mean I get us kids can't say what we …
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
Hi there! I was once an active member pretty much three years ago during the hype of Black ops 2, after a long break away from the zombies community I think it is now time to reignite my love for Zombies! Anyway.. Cya!! Wow.. the forums have changed a lot during my time away, can barely find my way around here!
- 1 reply
Hi fellow cod zombies lovers. I got back into zombies after a long period of not playing and I wanted to be involved in the community so here I am I guess. I really like the story behind all of zombies, and that's why I am hooked onto zombies. I would really like to share some theories soon once I get them written up. Hopefully everyone could come around to reading it. Well thanks for welcoming me guys!
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys! Been looking for an active zombies forum for awhile now and just came across you guys! Looking forward to meeting all of you and becoming friends! But anyway, my name is Seth, and if you are interested in watching zombies videos, I do have a youtube channel that I just launched called RecklessProdsGaming! But yea! Look forward to meeting you all! Slay on!
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
Right, I don't know how to start this, so I'll just give some basic details. Hello everyone, my name is Jonathan, Jon, Jonny or just about anything you think of that I might respond to. I'm 14 (*gasp*), from the UK (*bigger gasp*) and joined CoDz back in November '10. I (used to) make lots of theoretical posts discussing things I'd found, and generally jumping to conclusions, but now I've calmed down a bit and am much more stable. My main feeling is that if you don't understand anything I say, just ask, as it will make it much easier on everyone. I left CoDz around July last year, as I had some real life issues to address. Now that that's all done, I'm b…
Last reply by Jonnyo567, -
- 10 replies
Hey everyone, I'm Ahmad. This is going to sound weird, but I've never really been a member of this site, even though I'm a dedicated zombies fan who's been playing since the early Black Ops 1 days (I really hope to be able to make up for lost time though). Nice meeting you!
- 8 replies
TravisSch. I am new to the forum, but not Zombies. I'm a big Zombies fan. I'm not the best player out there, but do watch Zombies videos to get familiar with the maps, weapons, etc. I'm play Zombies more for having fun instead of going for high rounds (though that is important too). Heck, I'm having a good time if I can make it to Round 20 on any map. I hope to interact with you all.
Last reply by legacy, -
- 5 replies
Hey all! I am new to this forum and website! I was looking around for news for Nuketown Zombies and found this website. I read through some of the boards and really enjoyed what I read. My name is Kyle, if anyone was wondering. Just a little bit about myself. I have been playing Zombies since WaW, and have loved it ever since. I am currently a Junior in college studying criminal justice, also with a minor in web design. If you have any questions please ask me! I will try to input my zombie knowledge of zombies as I can. Thanks for reading and I hope y'all have a good day!
Last reply by KJoeM, -
- 8 replies
I am a new guy here. I love to play CoD Zombies and I am currently the Knife rank! I have a Youtube Channel! - 264 subs. Thanks for reading and Subscribe!
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
Hey all! My name is James, 17, live in Amsterdam, been around this forum for a while now as a 'guest' until today that is! So uhm, for those interested: My favorite Zombie map is either Shino(WAW) or CoTD. (I have bought all the map packs, BO and WaW). Shino is awesome w/ a team of 4, never gets bored, love the 3-strike death hellhound thingy. Fav Playable Characters are Takeo and Robert Englund. Takeo is awesome, his uniform is cool, and his voice (especially his laugh) cracks me up every time. R Englund. Freddy, need I say more? Also Nixon is badass. A shame he only appears in "FIVE".
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 3 replies
Hello there! I'm BLINDguardian756, also known as Scott. My username is the same as my PSN, so feel free to add me - just say in the request CoDZ and I'll know. If you remember playing with me before, just mention that too. I do have Rezurrection, but my PS3 messed up today and will only let me play the 3 base Black Ops Zombies maps :x . Oh, some more stuff to say: my favourite weapon is the AUG, my favourite perk is Speed and my favourite character to play as is Richtofen (THE BLOOD! THE BEAUTIFUL BLOOD!). See you all around.
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
Names L0KKI a 20 year old male that is looking for players to play Cold War Zombies because solo is kinda boring, Played WaW Zombies when I was kiddo and I haven't played any other zombie title other then Cold War and WaW. Heres my Discord; LOKKI#9750
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 6 replies
Hey! Thought I should introduce myself here to the forums because I am a bit involved with the zombie community on the Youtube side. The zombies mode has completely taken over my interests when it comes to gaming, nothing can change that. Can't wait for the next Treyarch game to release, hoping for a completely new zombies atmosphere, etc. We'll see what happens, maybe they will release some more DLC, who knows? You can find me on Youtube here:
Last reply by lindajamison76,
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