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1,821 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
[brains] Hey guys im just really so happy to join your epic forums since im a huge call of duty fan and espically the zombie call of duty ones such as Call of duty world at war and call of duty black ops. I bet im going to enjoy my time here!
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 6 replies
Hey guys, Crows here. I'm back, some of you may be aware of that, some of you may not. But yeah, Hi, again :') Just gotta set one thing straight though. You can call me by these names; Crows Jamie Iron Man Or, The Doctor :D
Last reply by TheCrows, -
Hello, I recently just found out about this website from TZP. I'm fvdes, hope to find some cool people and good zombie players!
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 0 replies
I'm gonna introduce myself by pointing out something I doubt anyone ever caught in Blops II. Samuel Stuhlinger. "God has listened" = Samuel Stuhlinger roughly translates as "Red Chair" red chair is a metaphor in the business world for 'the voice of the customer' Samuel Stuhlinger's name means "God has listened to the voice of the customer" Black Ops II was heavily influenced by community suggestions, this is no secret... But Samuel Stuhlinger is a direct statement that they did so.
Last reply by Rage of Infinity, -
- 11 replies
Hey guys, You may know me as Ex-PTG Director extraordinaire 'Syphon'. Things went sour there pretty quick so I needed to get out, which I did. I has all the futerpoop intel from Benn and a little extra on the side, two weeks from now is gonna be a fun day... Anyway. Moving swiftly onward. I am here for fun, games and to talk Zombies. So, don't freak out about my PTG history. They were a bunch of twats!
Last reply by Damian-DeMort, -
- 2 replies
Hello...... I just joined of course.... ask away since i dont really know what to say. :?
Last reply by m12, -
- 3 replies
Just got Registered, will soon post on the Team Finder Board. Xbox Gamertag: Broskinator88 Find me, Request Me,and Lets Kill some Zombies :twisted:
Last reply by Delta, -
- 2 replies
Hello guys. First of all I must say that I'm brazilian,and I make some mistakes with english language sometimes. I joined the forum so I can find Teammates for the Tranzit Easter Egg Run,and maybe even a competitive Grief clan.Who knows? Also,I'm looking forward to theories about the zombies storyline,and will be happy to share mine and see others. See ya later,guys.
Last reply by -Armageddon-, -
Hello there to the CODZ community. Been lurking for a while,l thought it was time to come in and join up. :)
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
Hello all I'm new here. I look forward to talking zombies with you! :D
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
So, I thought that a little reintroduction was in order considering its been a while since I was last here. Like the majority of people who frequented this forum I jumped ship like a 'plague-riddled rat' as soon as the Zombie hype started to die down, and now I'm back with my tail between my legs as soon as I sniff a zombie again. Please forgive me my indiscretion. I'm Woood, 32 and from the UK. I'm mainly a lurker (both online and IRL ) but will most likely chip in from time to time. I've noticed some big changes to the site during my absence and I must say brava. Well played to all involved, great job. I have noticed though that during the transition I app…
Last reply by Wooodd, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone, Black Ops is awesome, and want to get more into the zombies part of it. So going to be checking out some stuff here and I look forward to seeing you guys around. Cheers.
Last reply by Delta, -
- 7 replies
i never introduced myself im killalkzombies if u even care to read the rest god bless u i love zombies im an enthusist but because of hammerface and 4 or 5 more members im leaving im not as dedicated as i thought codz used to be my absolute favorite site but its not about zombies anymore its about popularity and brains i guess i really dont fit in here so if you've read this far and even care then good job i might be back in a month to see the good-byes and then im off your over-hyper loud mouthed friend-killallzombies
Last reply by killallzombies, -
I have been lurking around here since just before black ops. I didn't make an account until around January and i haven't really been active but i hope to be throughout the summer. I first got into Cod like a couple weeks after Der Reise came out and all my friends were like OMG U NEED 2 PLAY ZOMBIES and i was like Meh but then i actually played it and i was like omg this is so awesome (btw that is boxxy in the pic i am also a big fan of hers as of recent) Back to codz: i loved all the info you guys put up on der reise and when i started following GKNOVA6 i was like How the FCK they figure that out. Carbon is a wizard that is my conclusion. Ive been here …
Last reply by Shooter, -
Hi, I'm Jonasan, and I love to play zombies My highest round is 41 on kino. I've got all the zombie maps so far, and I think the new one, Shangri la, is the hardest yet I normaly play solo, but sometimes play online, if you want a game, just message me, ethier on here or xbl, my gamertag is xJonasanx. Thanks for looking at this topic, and I hope I get to know alot of you :)
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 8 replies
I just joined this like a week ago. I'm not sure what to do here...... Some of the people I've seen are okay but i'm lonely!
Last reply by Purple Fudge Fish, -
- 1 reply
I need help on how to customize my profile
Last reply by xFaTaLx RaMpAgE, -
by vinnie4781- 1 reply
Last reply by Phillips455, -
by Alex_penguin- 3 replies
um im new and i need some help. how do u become a member? also how do u insert a pic? and also my birthday is on 17 of july how do i put that up in the birthday section? pls help! :cry:
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 5 replies
Ok, so I installed the BO1 BGamerT5 crack and really want to get a mod on it. I did a bit of research and the Perish mod looks quite good. When I downloaded the mod and ran the program to install it told me to select "BlackOps.exe" and, because I was on the cracked version, I had like 4 .exe files to run Black Ops. When I want to play the game, I know which files to open and it works fine. I've tried all of them and it still didn't work I'm new to all of this (Cracked games on pc, modding and all) and I'm soo confused! I need help from someone who knows what they're doing if possible. I mean, anyone will do. I just don't want to waste time br…
Last reply by Spotlight, -
- 4 replies
Hey all, I have actively played zombies since black ops 1. I remember before that, my friend showed me the zombies mode on W@W in college and I died really quickly - wasn't initially impressed. When I finally returned to it by way of mistake (purchased the game on instinct for the MP after enjoying the last COD) - ended up playing zombies one night and was completely blown away. Kino was such a peculiar map, this morbid theatre of the dead and what it felt like to go down in the tiny strip of outside are with the box near the side stage - it actually felt like dying outside vs inside at that stage or nearby it. When the 2nd came out, I purchased the prestige edition a…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 2 replies
Hello,I'm ToxicFusion1.Not good at introductions...uh,favorite map is Kino der Toten and Ascension,favorite gun is Ray Gun for non-PaP and Skullcrusher (PaP-d M16).Favorite modded map is Dead Sand.I prefer 4-player co-op when just screwing around during Zombies,three-player for serious,long-term zombie-killing sessions,two-player for easter-egg discovery,and solo for just burning time.Oh,when I get close to a corner,I might try to get away or try to ninja dodge and fail,then shoot uselessly with an m1911... Hell,if you want to know something,just ask >>.Other than that... Xbox LIVE Gamertag:ChainzofFreedom
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 4 replies
Hello, been reading a bunch of the Zombie Asylum theories and I'm really getting into it so why not make an account :lol:
Last reply by TheCrows, -
- 4 replies
Just stopping in to say hello again (I suck at introductions lol) Anyways the new site looks great :3
Last reply by firevice, -
Hiiii I'm Pricey And I Kill Zombies !!! **** That sounds like a Dating Site :D
Last reply by Pricey249,
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