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1,821 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
Hello, my name is George! I am a pretty good zombies player (20+ on each map), and I love to read about the storyline. Ever since World at War Zombies, I was hooked! I have bought every single map pack. In my spare time I love to use this forum and I also have a channel (I've just started) where I upload Call of Duty related content ( I play zombies a lot, add me on Xbox: Faction935 and say that your from CoDz and I'd love to play!
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 3 replies
I joined about a month ago to try to complete the easter eggs on BOP2 but i cant find anyone
Last reply by Flammenwerfer, -
- 7 replies
Hey fellow CoDz Members! I'm Ctrl I've been in and out on this forum for about 2-3 months now reading up on the storylines and guides and I had finally decided to register! I hope to give useful info and tips in the future. I'm a big zombies fan. Love the concept of the whole zombie apocalypse and things like that. I'm a huge sneakerhead . What that means is I love sneakers I have a collection of Jordans, Nikes and others. I'm the age of 17 and I live in Canada Hope to see you around! Ctrl
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 11 replies
Hello one and all! (Be gentle) I am new here and just wanted to post this for some of you to get to know me! The zombies story line to me is one of the best stories told to me ever. I just recently got into the zombies story line deeply. I have made a couple YouTube videos on Mob of The Dead, on how and why the zombies are there, Analyzed brutis' quotes, and even analyzed (For a lack of a better word) the Easter egg song "Where are we going" found in the game. I'm not known on youtube or really known at all, But I still make those videos hoping to find that perfect audience! Hope you guys like me, cause I'll have a lot of things to post in the future…
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 8 replies
TravisSch. I am new to the forum, but not Zombies. I'm a big Zombies fan. I'm not the best player out there, but do watch Zombies videos to get familiar with the maps, weapons, etc. I'm play Zombies more for having fun instead of going for high rounds (though that is important too). Heck, I'm having a good time if I can make it to Round 20 on any map. I hope to interact with you all.
Last reply by legacy, -
Hey guys. Im nick aka saintofkillers aka gourmetchud (xbox and ps3), Ive been playing zombies since day one. I got land of the dead road to fiddlers green in late 2005 for pc and loved the hell out of it. naturally, years later when a friend came by and was crapping himself with excitement over the unlockable zombies mode in world at war I was hooked. Since then Ive woken up at 6 am every morning a dlc pack has come out and played them all the way till the next dlc or game was released. Ive learned and figured out alot about the zombies storyline but am mostly knowledgable about the original 2 games (I dont have many players to get the easter eggs done enough times to rea…
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 6 replies
Hello all, to those that remember me. Hello to those that don't. I've been gone from the forum about a month, but that's because I didn't want any MotD spoilers (ps3 player here), so I tried to avoid all CoD websites. With it coming up now, I am back.
Last reply by Shooter, -
- 4 replies
Hello all! Just wanted to check this place out because I saw my friend on here and realized that this place looks absolutely amazing! . I go by Greg or Live so which ever you call me is fine . Questions comments or concerns with me, my actions, and or my opinions can all be directed to my inbox which I never mind checking . I have a twitter and youtube account which you can obtain info by just messaging me . I thank you all for your time and hope you have a wonderful day!
Last reply by Delta, -
- 5 replies
hey guys am new to this website it looks to be a really good forum for people to post anything about zombies on here. you guys are problay wanting to kno whats with the name its because i am a leader of a clan called vyrusx we are on xbox and ps3 add me on xbox vYruSx SwaG i should be getting a ps3 soon if you are wanting to join or find out more skype = vyrus_nation / twitter = vyrus_nation / facebook = vyrus nation / or my website thoose are the things u can contact me on or here but other then that, thats it hope to speak to you guys soon. leader ~ vYruSx SwaG
Last reply by FatedTitan, -
- 11 replies
Hey guys, DeathBringerZen here. Story enthusiast, and all round easter egg hunter and high round hitter. If anyone want help doing ANY of the games EE's, or you have any theories that you need people to help test out, then hit me up. Also keen to play custom zombies with anyone who plays. XBOX GT: DeathBringerZen STEAM ID: DeathBringerZen Thanks.
Last reply by DeathBringerZen, -
- 8 replies
Well hello my name is Strett and I'm quite addicted to zombie slaying. I'm 22 from the small country of tea drinkers in England, UK. I'd regard myself as a friendly sociable chap. I'm new to codz forum and I'm trying to find my way around the website. I've been lurking the site for strategies and EE etc.. I've decided to join to socialize and get to know more zombie players. Random facts about myself : I rock climb, I'm dyslexic and cnt spell for toffee, I can do the rubiks cube and know pi to several decimal places because I'm a nerd and have nothing better to do, I'm pretty decent at archery, I can't do a backflip anymore, I've watched about 100 of the top25…
Last reply by GRILL, -
Hi all, My name is Danny i'm 28 years old and i am from the netherlands. I love to play zombies. I have 2 ps3 accounts i always use : trijangel and DTz-GHOST. Do u wanna know some more just ask.
Last reply by OhTerrorRise, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys, it is time to get motha freakin crazy, yeaaaaaaaaa boy!!! How are you zombie fanatics doing??? Just wanted to introduce my crazy self and meet all you awesome zombie enthusiast as well. I'm Stuckdizzle and I have been playing zombies since WAW came out and I'm really diggin Mob of the dead. I run a youtube channel in which I upload zombie tutorials of Easter Eggs, persistent perks, and puzzling theories. I am always active on twitter talking about the lastest and greatest news on zombies and any new discoveries. I live in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania (Go Pens and Steelers) and married with twin boys, so you can image my life being crazy by completely being …
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
Hey guys ive already made one of these but anyways I didnt really put much in my other introduction. Im tinasrob. My GT and PSN are on the right somewhere under my name. My name is Nathaniel King, although if youre gonna call me by my name i prefer Nate. EDIT: I also have a clan called G4L and another account of mine is G4L-Matrix on ps3. Clan details are in the teammate finder section
Last reply by tinasrob, -
Hey there!
by Rookie- 7 replies
Hello there guys! Names Kenny or Rookie, whichever you prefer.I am 17 and i am from Thailand. I am a university student yet spend most of time in front of my Xbox. I am a huge zombie story line enthusiast and I love discussing theories! I love achievement hunting and trying for high rounds too! Though i havent played any WaW zombies and only played Kino in BO , i am well acquainted with the story. Hope to make new friends ad discuss this zombies story line till the end! Cheers! P.S. Thanks @[WKZ]Clan for guiding me as i am new to forums!
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 9 replies
Last reply by Delta, -
- 5 replies
Hey everyone! I'm finally getting around to making an account and I'll hopefully be able to contribute to the forums in the future. I go by Peter, and I'm in college so I might occasionally be unable to get on my xbox and kill some zombies. I've been looking through the threads for a few months now, I have a good understanding of the storyline, I'm an above average player and I have most of the Easter Eggs and achievements completed for WaW and both Black Ops.
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 4 replies
So I guess I need to do this. Well My gt/username is The BS Zombie and Iv have been playing zombies since call of the dead. I go for high rounds and play a lot of solo zombies. I was into the story line before it got complicated (in bo1) and now Im not a huge partaker in the story line. I read some of it because its cool but I don't follow it like most of you guys do. So instead of being a story guy, Im more of a strategist. I like learning the best way to do something and I'm very competitive. I take pride in my shotties but when I lose them Im like ehhh the game cheated me I know Im a BA so i really don't care lol. Oh the bs in my name stands for my…
Last reply by TheBSZombie, -
- 3 replies
My name is Jarod, or Garod, or Gardo, or any other butchered version of my name that you can come up with. I enjoy playing video games, but see myself coming back to zombies over and over again. My friend from real life, JakeDuck, informed me about this site. I decided to check it out and here i am. I used to play alot on Xbox but as the next gen is rolling by, i'm slowly converting to PC. I am an above average zombies player, with minor cases of the following disorders: OCD, ADHD, Perfectionism, and ADD. So I might get off topic or easily distracted potato. But i hope to eventually be a regular contributor to this site. I hope that i can be included in what I've been…
Last reply by Delta, -
- 3 replies
Hiya. I'm EvilHERONeos (typo in username just noticed GAH) and i've been a guest on the site for a couple months and finally decided to delve deep into the treasure trove that is Codz forums. PM if you want to talk (or don't), and add me on PSN. Mostly do Solo but on occasions I like to enlighten thee in the game of me.
Last reply by EvilHERONeos, -
Hello, my name is Ernesto Molina and I'm 16 years old! Most of my free time I play BO Zombies and I am a achievement hunter. I love the zombie's story and to find out things about it! I'm also a Youtuber (Hispanic) of gaming. If you need anything just tell me! I always try to help! Thanks!
Last reply by netom96, -
- 4 replies
I'm a hardcore zombie player, max rank and love anything that has to do with cod zombies! If anybody needs help on Easter eggs or whatever feel free to get ahold of me! Also check out Zombie break room on twitter and YouTube! Those guys make some awesome videos that are a must see for any Cod Zombie fan! Follow them on twitter subscribe and like on YouTube and please tell them that hero sent ya! Thanks!
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 6 replies
Hello I'm TheUngreatfulDead935 and I am new to this forum but not unfamiliar, I have used this sight many times to find the latest info on zombies and thought it was finally time that I join so that I can discuss ideas and present some of my own. Looking forward to some intelligent discussions. :)
Last reply by MarkoRibeiro, -
- 3 replies
hola que tal mi nombre es MANYQUICK y contactenme si conocen a juggerwicho
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone my name is Twipz!, and this is just a little introduction about myself. I'm a UK Youtube/Gamer from the UK who loves playing Zombies and all types of games really! Ive been obsessed with zombies ever since Kino Der Toten!, and when black ops 2 came out i finally decided to get an elgato so that i could share my Zombie and gaming passion with the world!. So i hope you all enjoyed this little intro about myself, i can see myself making some new gaming freinds here :D
Last reply by Jolteon,
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