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1,821 topics in this forum
- 9 replies
hey all, I figured I would post here (being new and all that jazz). ..Um, where to start.... i am currently 19 and i was originally a lurker on the Black ops 2 official zombies forums until maybe a week ago, when i saw a post about a "zombies exclusive podcast" and so i went into that thread and check out the link to the PDT(Which is goddamn amazing if you guys are reading this!) and from there i was convinced to join on these boards and and put in my 2 cents. I am in a heavy metal band out of southern California and before we started writing our own music(around 4 years ago) my guitarist was talking about this "Nazi Zombies" game mode that him and his friend couldn't get…
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 7 replies
Hi im zombieslayer3579 i have been Obsessed with zombie films since the age of 3. I got my ps3 on the christmas after black ops 1 came out i only played zombies i got the dlcs just for the new zombie maps then mw3 came out i didnt bother playing that much because it had no zombies but now black ops 2 has came out i now can play zombies again .
Last reply by bagel_, -
- 3 replies
Hi this will be my third post on this forum! Anyway, you may have guessed by the title but I play on Xbox Live so if you want a good game of zombies, then just add me . My GT is the same as my username on here. I am from England and am a kid but I'll try not to annoy you with my voice! BTW I could play on any map you like if you add me, I have all (no brags). I would really like to attempt some zombies EEs on BO and BO2, specifically Moon, Tranzit and Die Rise. If you need help with the MotD EE then you could try with me if you like, because I have it . Also, the games that I mainly play are CoD titles but I can also play some halo. Summing it all up with a q…
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 2 replies
Hello! My name is Brandon,i just made this account, but i've been following this forum for a while,i don't have much to say, just i love zombies like all of you and it's great to be part of this comunity
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 4 replies
My name is Jordan but you can call me Bukkz. I have been looking around the Codz forums for a few months now and I can see that this is a wonderful little community. I hope to contribute to this forum to the best of my ability and to get along with everyone here. I have been playing zombies since Black ops 1 came out. I had never played world at war beforehand sadly so the zombie experience was new to me. The first map I played was Kino Der Toten when I was out at my mates, I was honestly freaking out a bit by round 6, then when died trying to camp out the Alley way. Good times. I have been enjoying reading all the theories and tips posted on here by some very intell…
Last reply by Bukkz, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys whats going on. I been checking this site out for a few months now as im a total zombie geek at times, and i love reading about all the theories to bounce off of my own. I been playing since the original zombies came out. Haven't stopped since, i absolutely loved five, call of the dead, and moon. Now im patiently waiting for MOTD on my ps3 and still over playing die rise :/. Got about 80k kills, 20k head shots and 3k grenades. Totally screwed myself in the beginning for rankings back running crazily on transit so im kind of over that part of it. Been stuck with the skull for ever now. But im a firm believer on you shouldn't judge a guy by his rank, i know…
Last reply by FatedTitan, -
by thedinobot- 4 replies
Joined in January simply because I was looking for people to do the Tranzit Easter Egg with, but didn't really stick around. Since I plan on being here a bit more, I decided to introduce myself. I play zombies a lot, but haven't really found a set group of people to play with. Mainly looking for people who can get to a decent round, but also have fun doing it. This is for 360. I'd say that on average, I can get between 30-35. After that it sort of gets boring and I haven't really found a good strategy yet to help me go farther. My favorite map is Die Rise. The map I think is most fun to play on is MOTD. On black ops its Kino as favorite map and Moon as…
Last reply by FatedTitan, -
- 9 replies
I've been following the CoDz twitter for the longest time... And just joined the actual site haha, so. Introducing myself, I'm a zombie commentator that like to go High Rounds in solo and even co op dual comms, strategies ad tips for zombies and just zombies in general. I'm kind of addicted and in love :3 But yeah! This is me and you can call me Jonesy!
Last reply by LmJonesyy, -
- 4 replies
I meant to make this topic a few days ago, but I lost track of time, im Eve. and I would like to say hi... I have lerked on the board since the days of olden..... for over 3 years, and I finally decided to join the other day, so yeah hi. And before you ask. yes, im a girl. :lol:
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 4 replies
Hello masses of CoDZ, I've been reading this site since Black Ops 2 came out and I got really into zombies(multiplayer finally got old), and I thought it would only be right for me to register and start contributing a bit, or maybe just lurking, who knows My favorite Zombies maps are Ascension, Moon and at least as of now, Mob of The Dead. I think that's all I want to say. For now.
Last reply by way2g00d, -
The New Guy
by Wally- 5 replies
Hello Codz, my name is Wally. I would like to introduce myself. I just made this account, but i've been reading these forums for over a year. I really enjoy the forums and would like to contribute to them.
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 3 replies
Hello, my real name is Chris and i saw the site when i was looking for the story behind zombies and BO2 wallpapers. I live in the Netherlands and I hope to find some people here who also play BO2 zombies on PS3. My PSN is christiaan076 and is free to add. For more about me, you can always ask 8-)
Last reply by FatedTitan, -
Hi guys! im eldoby and im pleased to be in this forums, i like CoDz and i like all the theories all the people have about them and the maps in them, also i like to play zombies on PS3 now i have BO1 and BO2, so i hope i stay here for a long time, have a nice day.
Last reply by FatedTitan, -
- 2 replies
Whats going on everyone. I am not new, just haven't been on the forums for about a year. I am looking at getting active again in the forums and playing zombies together. Anyone remember me? No? Well, OK then! :cry:
Last reply by MysteryBox, -
Hello thar!
by abox- 3 replies
I am abox. Recently have gotten much more interested in the zombies franchise of CoD. I love reading some of your theories, really great content. Anyway, I am on XBox and my gamertag is : aboxinabox I have been frequenting MotD in multiplayer, best round with four "randoms" was Rd 25 and solo Rd 19 (I believe). Would love to find some reliable players that don't rage quit or drop out early (I don't) I use my mic almost all the time, friend invites are welcome ofc and my party status is always open. Once again, GT: aboxinabox Will be on shortly after UFC finishes up. Hit me up! I wanna play some Mob! - abox
Last reply by abox, -
- 3 replies
So, I'm Shane (Xbox: xWarMachine115x) and I have followed this forum for a long time but only recently created an account and started posting. It's great to finally be an active and contributing member and I look forward to some great zombie discussions! Oh yea, and that "Introduction" badge would look awfully spiffy!
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys, I really love zombies and I found this site on twitter so... here I'm I started playing zombies on CoD WaW and loved it, now I play bo2 zombies on xbox..
Last reply by Lenne, -
What's up everyone. Finally signed up for the boards after reading here for a while for some zombies discussion. I enjoy all the story talk and the tips for maps, as I love the zombies mode. Separately, I have also recently begun to stream my game playing online, and it coincided with the release of the Uprising map pack. I started my new stream by playing Mob of the Dead for the past three days, and it's been a lot of fun. With a few different groups, I've gotten through most of the achievements now and been having a blast learning the map. There's nothing quite like the release of a new Zombies map! Anyway if you'd like to stop by my stream the link is …
Last reply by legacy, -
- 6 replies
What's up zombie peoples!? Long time fly on the wall n decided I should make myself visible now. I play Xbox live my name here is also my GT. I never played a FPS before bo1 zombies. My buddies used to play zombies while I sat n watched as they racked up kills n hurled these crazy looking monkeys with cymbals into hoards. After 2 months of observing said f&*kit n bought a used copy of bo1 played kino and went down by some crazy dogs in rd 5. After a few hours (with aim assist, embarrassing I kno) I was up to high teens in rounds pap'ing n killin with a big smile like I just seen my 1st naked boob! N e way. Now with bo2 I started getting really interested on the …
Last reply by legacy, -
- 2 replies
Whats up all, my name is matt, aka coopz. Im 26 from the uk, avid zombie player from the beginning, and always on the search for some people to play with as I find randoms tend to make things worse. What better place to find than here Ok so im on xbox live, usually on around 12am-6am (uk time)
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 3 replies
Hi. I'm looking for team-mates for zombies on Black Ops 2 on Xbox Live. Tranzit, Die Rise and after tomorrow Mob of the Dead, etc. I have them all so msg me up or send a frnd req on xbox if you wanna join me. If you msg me, just tell me if your from the Codz forum And I'm a good zombie player. Not a complete noob. :lol:
Last reply by DenyingErrors, -
- 2 replies
Big time zombies enthusiast, such a huge fan of this massive storyline 3arch has conjured up. I'm 26 from Ontario Canada, just really started digging into the storyline about a year ago and have been completely hooked ever since. I haven't had much of a chance to do the Easter eggs since most of my good friends are too busy or not interested enough to sink some 'quality time' into the EE's. so that brings me to these forums, I've been lurking for a while now reading everyone's incredible theories and figured I should try and get some new teammates who are just as passionate about zombies as I am. I play nightly, usually around 8pm est and on the weekends, any help would b…
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 2 replies
College Gamer Zombies, or in abbreviation CGZ. We are a zombies team that is looking to aid people in the conquest of information to help comprehend the story of zombies better. We provide analysis, breakdowns, and reviews for zombie maps and information. We hope you guys enjoy our company. We also hope to eventually branch out, so if things go well you too, could be one of us. Thanks for reading and lets begin!
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 9 replies
Hi I'm DaftPunkFTW And as you can tell by my name I'm a Daft Punk superfan. I'm a girl so I feel kind of weird here haha I've been a lurker for quite some time and i finally decided to join in on the fun. I look forward to being apart of this community and meeting everyone because they seem so nice sorry if this is short but my only on this forum is through my PS3 and i get tired typing :lol:
Last reply by Nemesis_96, -
- 0 replies
What's up everyone! New to this forum Name is Jordan, and I play xbox, love killing zombies, but outside of gaming love to go skateboarding, but unfortunately I have to do loads of uni work every day . I also have a youtube channel which is fairly new but growing which is cool, would love to see it grow quicker though so please spend a second of your time to check it out! The link is Anyway really hope you check out the channel, and enjoy. If you want to add me up on xbox and play some zombies then my gamertag is jordansk8 Thanks!! - doing a Tranzit series at the mo! :)
Last reply by jlarochegames,
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