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1,821 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
Hi! I joined just a few minutes ago. I hope I can learn and give out some good strategies! My favorite map is ascension,by the way.
Last reply by xFaTaLx RaMpAgE, -
- 9 replies
Just made an account on here yesterday and am looking to create a team for zombies for Black Ops and Black Ops 2 for having a good time while also going for records and doing challenges.
Last reply by richlands24, -
- 5 replies
My name is Trevor and I live in Georgia. I am a huge Call of Duty fan and have played all the games in the series. I was first introduced to this site when I learned of the gknova site on the call of duty wiki. I first heard of the site from listening to carbonfibah on the Bash and Slash Podcast. I am a huge FPS fan but have also gotten into the Assassin's Creed series as of late. I think those games really got me interested in the whole aspect of being linked into past events (through the Animus in Assassin's Creed). So when I learned of the gknova site and heard of the theory that hypnotism was might be a part of COD Black Ops to relive past events, I became very intrig…
Last reply by Major ZOMBlE, -
- 1 reply
I have been on this site for a little bit but i figured that i would introduce myself.My name is john and i am 26, I am known also as abn bleach (bleach for short) on this website.I am a dedicated person who hopes to make a name for myself by helping carbon crack the gk documents and be very active on the forums.I have been playing video games since nintendo came out and i have been hooked ever since.I started to like nazi zombies as soon as i beat the game and since then i have been hooked.I still to this day look for easter eggs on der reise (just in case we all might of missed something especially since they announced black ops).I have just about every game console sta…
Last reply by carbonfibah, -
- 1 reply
Hi I'm new to this site and I love cod zombies I only currantly only have the iPod versian but Im getting W@W for Christmas my current record on the iPod versian is wave 82 on der rise and I'm always looking for somone to join me on multiplayer. Anyway nice to meet ya all :D
Last reply by m12, -
- 1 reply
Hey all, New to the Site and looking forward to killing many zombies with everyone. Played alittle bit of MW2 about a year ago, then i bought black ops acouple weeks ago and after i played zombie mode im hooked. Im a casual gamer i would say, Im on the xbox 360 and my GT is TactileSubset0 ( last is a zero i believe its one the 360 gave me and i thought it was a decent name)
Last reply by m12, -
- 2 replies
COD addict, here to find solid teammates.
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 3 replies
I signed up to this site because i love playing zombies and i will play any day almost anytime and i love reading the theories and the back story of this convoluted mystery
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 6 replies
Well, I'm not sure how to introduce myself, so I'll just say hey, I'm perfectlemonade (that's my gamertag as well) and I'm kinda in love with Zombies. What can I say? I've only been playing Zombies seriously for about 2 months ever since I started watching murkadurkah on Youtube, but my high round is 45, so I like to think I'm getting pretty good. Anyways, thanks for reading and see ya around.
Last reply by TheCrows, -
- 3 replies
Hello Everyone, I'd like to start off by saying that even though I just made my account, I've been lurking the forums for a while now. I never thought that I would make an account here, and I would just continue to look at posts anonymously (and creepily :? ). But now that I've decided to join, I hope that I can get to know some of you here. :D
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone. I have lurked these forums for awhile and finally wanted to start posting here. Just wanted to say hi to all and hope everyone is enjoying zombies as much as I am. :D
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 8 replies
Hey CoDz users, what's up? My name is The Twirp, I'm new around here (obviously). Despite what you might think by my username, I'm 20 years old. I really enjoy playing some CoD Zombies, but have been forced to play solo lately due to all my friends moving on to other games or other reasons like that. I am looking forward to talking about and playing some zombies with some new people. Don't get me wrong, playing with randoms is fun and all, but communication and some zombie domination is always awesome. Can't wait to slay some zombies with you all, thanks for reading!
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 4 replies
I'm a 17 year old Zombie slayer who started fairly recently (christmas.) Ever since my favorite game mode has been Zombies and i've now have all maps. My favorite maps are Shangri-La, Ascension & Mob of the Dead. I would like to play with some other players who know their way around Zombies, since you don't find that many in public games. I've been looking at the forums very often recently and i thought it was time that i started contributing (Even though you guys have it all covered)
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 5 replies
Hey everyone, I'm a casual zombies player that usually plays with one other friend and we try and get at least round 30+ on each map and have succeeded, apart from a few hahah. I basically joined this forum to maybe get some questions answered about the theory and storylines about CoD Zombies and to maybe find some people that enjoy playing different zombies and doing fun "challenges" in game (eg. shotguns only, knife only etc). Looking forward to getting involved in topics ! PSN: Fizziboi
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 4 replies
I'm a recently re deticated zombies player. All I really have left to do is complete all the easter eggs. I'm not someone that gets to crazy high rounds, I find that too boring and don't have the time. I'm not amazing but I'm not bad either. Achievements that come to mind are round 32 solo nuketown, perma jug and quick revive on die rise, red insta kill on die rise, mystery box perma perk (the one that gives you better guns) on die rise, 4 perks on round 1 on buried and die rise, hells redeemer, golden spork, acid and blundergat by round 15 on motd. My favorite perma perk was the one I got on buried where if you bought your perks on round 1 you only lost quick revive when…
Last reply by Tac, -
- 5 replies
So after a lot of hard work, I've finally saved up enough to buy myself a decent laptop and everything to start YouTube. It's been a goal and dream of mine for a long while now. Today I started my strictly Call of Duty Zombies channel, and uploaded my first video. I have around a 70 friends and members of family who have subbed to my channel to help me out. Since everyone on this forum seems to be pretty supportive and helpful, I was wondering if anyone could help me out by checking out my channel and maybe leaving my video a thumbs up! Honestly, any support would be appreciated, I'm just trying to get my feet on the ground with youtube! Thanks! My first video is linked…
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone my name is Twipz!, and this is just a little introduction about myself. I'm a UK Youtube/Gamer from the UK who loves playing Zombies and all types of games really! Ive been obsessed with zombies ever since Kino Der Toten!, and when black ops 2 came out i finally decided to get an elgato so that i could share my Zombie and gaming passion with the world!. So i hope you all enjoyed this little intro about myself, i can see myself making some new gaming freinds here :D
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 7 replies
What's up everyone? My name is Pavonis, I'm from Toronto, Canada and I absolutely love zombies and have played ever since Call of Duty: World at War. I can't wait for the newest map packs to come out to find some of the awesome Easter Eggs that Treyarch puts into them. I currently am playing Mob of the Dead and it has to be in my top 3 favourite Zombies maps of all time. I also make YouTube videos under the name "Typical Gamer" which you have probably seen if you needed some help on Mob of the Dead. I continue to make Mob of the Dead videos which I'm sure some of you will love! If you'd like to learn more about me, you can check out my newest Zombies related vi…
Last reply by Pavonis, -
- 9 replies
Hello everyone, my name is ShafterX. Im a 14 years old gamer and i love playing CoD zombies, i really love the storyline and the characters, specially Nikolai and Sal. English is not my language so sorry if i have bad grammar. I started playing zombies since WaW and i always played Nacht Der Untoten all the time, i didnt know that the map packs existed, so then i found them, and i started to love CoD zombies. So thats all about me, have a nice day everyone! ;)
Last reply by Robbie, -
- 8 replies
Hello! My names Rick, or gfn21. I've played COD Zombies for years, (as well as A LOT of other games) but I had no idea this awesome website existed. A few questions: 1.) Is there anything about the website I should be aware of? 2.) Does anyone want to play a round of Zombies, sometime? (If so, feel free to add me) 3.) What is everybody thinking about the presentation from the DICE Summit 2015? I'm not sure if it's just me…
Last reply by gfn21, -
- 3 replies
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 7 replies
Hi everyone! I'm new here, just stumbled in lookin for solid black ops zombies players! I'm a serious girl gamer who plays way too much CoD zombies. Started with W@W, still have all 4 maps on it, but been playing BlackOps since it came out pretty much exclusively. If anyone's down for a chill game, feel free to add me! I try to answer invites whenever possible Cheers! KarmaJoy
Last reply by TJDguy, -
- 1 reply
Hi! My name is Marty. I'm a Native American from Jemez Pueble, New Mexico. I play on the PS3. its my first Community site ever so i'm hopong people can guide me into the right direction. PSN: Kittenlover6996
Last reply by CalloftheVaffles, -
- 2 replies
How are you all doing! This is KnoxVegas aka Cody here looking to join with a group of people to blast some zombies! I play on the PC i don't play any games on the xbox or ps3 besides hockey and other sports games. So anyway im looking to get in some serious matches with some fun zombie players and looking to have fun!
Last reply by KnoxVegas, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone! I'm new here, I searched a long time for a site like this but finally I found it. Hope I can have much of fun and meet some new people here. If you look for a good and fun zombie player on XBL, you may add me: Shrinky NL Smell ya later.
Last reply by GRILL,
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