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1,821 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hi, my name is Agaguk Jarin and I'm a French Canadian who lives in Ottawa (The most boring town in Canada). I know a bit of all sorts of coding from action script to C++ or php or html lol. I am also an avid Microsoft Flight Simulator fan. I play all the Call of Duty's on PC. xfire: agagukloveairplanes steam: agaguk200
Last reply by dumbguy123, -
- 3 replies
Hi Everyone Just wanted to make a quick thread to introduce myself!. Im John, 17 years old (Nearly 18!! ) and live in the East of England!. I am pretty much fixed on playing Call of Duty zombies at the moment and loving it! . I mainly play on Kino Der Toten with my friend and at the moment out highest round is 34 which I dont think is bad at all! haha. anyway, hope to speak to you all soon and enjoy the forum!.
Last reply by Tac, -
- 1 reply
Juli3t here, I've been stalking this website for quite sometime, always interested to see the theory's and ideas out there for zombies. I just now decided to create an account for purposes found in the teammate finder section, haha! :)
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys, zombiekiller91 here. I've been following this forum for a while now and I just had to join. Seems like everyone is very helpful and nice. Can't wait to talk zombies with everyone!
Last reply by gabbehhh, -
- 3 replies
DarkWind here! Just a quick hello to everyone! Been into zombies now for well over a year and still I seem to find something new to try out, new ways of playing etc. Not gonna pretend I'm brilliant! I've been lurking around here for quite a while now but finally decided to make an account. Anyone wants to add on PSN its DarkWind_935, just let me know your from here!
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, its SlateFx. I am a british kid that loves playing zombies, I'm into Graphic Design and Video Editing, and really love gaming. I've been playing zombies back since late 2008, but always saw it has just something fun to do, but over the last couple of weeks I have really got into it, so I bought Moon and decided to try and get the highest round possible on all of the mpas. I play with my brother and two of my friends, we are pretty good and always have a fun time but we dont really make it into the high rounds I see around here. As you can see by my signature banners that I created, Ive had a few good runs but mostly I just need to improve. I hope to be an active…
Last reply by right_direct, -
- 4 replies
Hey all, just joined the site today - very excited, the community here seems fantastic! I'm actually fairly new to Zombies comparatively speaking. I used to occasionally play with my friends on WAW, but until I got the game myself last year I was more or less rubbish. Die Riese was where I hit my stride, now I'm not so worthless at all Anyway, flash forward to this year. Went ahead and bought Black Ops 1 and all the DLC's. I'm still pretty new to several of the maps, but having so many to choose from I feel like a fat kid in a candy store. My only problem is that the match-up system on live is so aggravating and tedious that it takes almost an hour just to get…
Last reply by iamintozombies, -
- 9 replies
Hey Friend. :] So I changed my name since the last Zombie Forum, but I used to be Nevernoz if anyone rememberes that name. But yea. For those of you who don't know me, my names Vinnie, just graduated from High School about a month ago. 18 years old. Xbox GT = YourdaWince. Pppsh. That's about it? I remember a lot of people, so I'd be surprised to see if anyone remembered me since I haven't been on in FOREVER. Or Tweeted; Niho... Coughcoughcough.
Last reply by YourdaWince, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, Hellish here! I saw these forums as a perfect source for me and to share all things CoD ZOMBIES! [brains] I'm not really a fan of the multiplayer in CoD, but I love the zombies! (And the campaign) My favourite part of nazi zombies (apart from the killing obviously ) is the story behind it all. I think treyarch did a great job and is why I prefer their games as opposed to IW's. One thing that is important with the deep story behind zombies is it's easter eggs in game... I think of myself as quite the easter egg hunter! And that's why I'm here, you can't hunt down those easter eggs without a great community! I'm glad I can join in when black ops II comes o…
Last reply by Hellish Warzone, -
- 3 replies
Hey, gang. Name's Jack, and I'm a bit of a zombie freak (both COD and other movies/tv/etc.). I play on both Live and PC, mostly co-op (zombies, spec-ops, etc.), and lately have been playing the WaW mod that allows for leveling and perks. My favorite map is Ascension, followed by Asylum, and I feel that the new maps (Call of the Dead, Moon) have really crapped the bed. In the rest of my life, I'm something of a geek; I work in IT, love sci-fi, though I'm former military and came up in the infantry.
Last reply by Solo, -
- 11 replies
Hey guys, DeathBringerZen here. Story enthusiast, and all round easter egg hunter and high round hitter. If anyone want help doing ANY of the games EE's, or you have any theories that you need people to help test out, then hit me up. Also keen to play custom zombies with anyone who plays. XBOX GT: DeathBringerZen STEAM ID: DeathBringerZen Thanks.
Last reply by DeathBringerZen, -
- 6 replies
So I recently I joined the forum and I just wanted to say hi. Okay so your probably wondering about me.. well I hope so at least. Anyway i'm a cod player obviously and what I do is go around and annoy people on the game since i'm terrible at it but don't worry most of the time I play normally. My name is Acacia. It's pronounced A-cay-sha and it's a weird name I know. Theres a little weird info about me in my signature. I'm a shipper and I do a few fan arts for zombies. I'm pretty terrible at zombies my best round are: Der riese - 50 Town - 25 These scores won't show on the ps3 account I have listed because I did it on my normal account which is the one I don't f…
Last reply by bbobs2, -
Hi guys just thought id make a little introduction here my GT is DonvennO anyone can add it if they want, im an avid Zombies player (When im not working ) Iv played every zombies since the original and enjoy them thoroughly, Hope to play with some of you guys soon :D
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys, Im new here! ^.^ Although my account has been registered since Feb, I never actually got around to posting up until recently, So here it is =] I plan to stay active, So hopefully ill make friends with you all ^.^
Last reply by Delta, -
- 11 replies
i did write out a whole topic about 5 minutes ago but unfortunatly i got logged out i took that long... to sum up what i rote im an experianced zombies player, i have played all maps but do not own all of them maps i own are ascension moon all the classic 4 maps nuketown and origins, i apologise for grammer rapeas i am a little bit pissed off that it took me a whole hour to try and greet you guys properly but as i said i got logged out for taking to long... go figure..... I know alot about the storyline and i have a few theorys of my own just like you guys so all i ask is that you humour me while reading them and please dont bashme for sharing ideas, as i th…
Last reply by MrTreeStoner91, -
Hello, im damon, and i like zombies (dead). So yep, I love zombies in cod, and other games, but mostly Waw zombies. I plan to post many videos on bo3 zombies. my social media is in my signature, so be sure to check me out. anyways, see you around!
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys, just wanted to introduce myself I'm ApocalypticSk8r, got to say I love this forum and reading all these crazy theories everyone has but if you want feel free to add me on xbox live and we can slay the undead sometime. Xbox Live=ApocalypticSk8r
Last reply by Tankeo Dempsaki, -
Hey Guys. My Gamertag is xI Rack City Ix I'm good at zombies and playing legit I like to play on moon since it is a lot easier to me I only play on xbox 360 If anyone wants to play zombies with me hit up the gamertag :)
Last reply by General Dempsey, -
- 1 reply
Hi forum, Im pete Like the rest here im a zombie killing freak. Im on rounds 30+ on all maps. 40 on moon. im a team player and dont wine the whole game through. im a hardcore xboxer but bought a ps3 last week which im trying to find like minded players to game with. Hit me up. GT PackaPunchPete ... both xbox and ps3. Keep Killin.
Last reply by Zom-B_Hunter115, -
Hey guys
by Guest tacinsertion- 8 replies
Hey this is TacticalInsertion. i am looking for my password and when I make a new one, it doesn't work, so I made a new acct for the time being. When i find my old password (hopefully tonight) i'll switch back to that. I am going to be back for quite some time. I understand if any of you are pissed, but strwrsbob recruited me back. So basically, I hope I am still welcome?
Last reply by Royal Gambit, -
- 6 replies
What's up guys? I am The Dunbarian. In my spare time, I like to kill zombies. Basically, Zombies is the main reason I still like CoD, because for some reason it never gets old. I've never had a super-high round game (my highest is 45) although I believe I probably could if I ever had the patience to. Basically what I do in Zombies nowadays is just challenge myself (limit my weapons, etc.) I still like Nazi Zombies better than MW3 I'd also like to get a screen recorder and start doing YouTube commentaries, just cause I love this game so much. That's about it. This is the part where I post my records for all the maps: Nacht der Untoten - Round 18 w/ 4 playe…
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 3 replies
What's up? I was just browsing the net looking for random stuff And whadaya know I come across this great site I like zombiessss
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
I'm Hungry, short for HungryMonkey/Hungry--Monkey. I was googling something about the Thundergun writing and stumbled across this forum. I hope to make friends with most of, if not all of you.
Last reply by Technicuddle, -
- 2 replies
i have posted a chat room already, and ive been here for a week, but hello peeps! these are good discusions and i hope i can be one of you, actually accepted for once. this isnt a thing to pity, ive been an outcast for a long time, and honestly, being lonley sucks i have "friends" but.... Hey, and i hope to see you on the threads!
Last reply by Boom115, -
So before you continue to read on, this isn't an introduction, it's really just a return I've decided to make to the CoDZ forums. It's been roughly 8 months since I last posted and one day I spared a thought at home about these forums and decided to become an active member again. Things have changed since I made my first Introduction on here (which can be found here: **CHEAP PLUG ALERT**) but I am excited to come back and read the forums again (and especially hearing about the affiliation with GameStop) so I might as well get to the point and give you guys some details about me. IRL name is Ja…
Last reply by Boom115,
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