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- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I felt compelled to finally join the forums after lurking for a long time, I've read some of your wonderful theories and compilations of information and I am super happy of finally remembering to make an account. It's a pleasure to meet you all and hope we can become friends in the future!
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 3 replies
Hi I'm david and in relatively new to the zombies here to find people to help with zombies and make friends
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi. This is my first time entering this forum. I have been playing zombies since the start and only missed out on black ops 4 because I did not like it a single bit. I'm returning now with cold war zombies. I am really enjoying it and I love all the changes they have done so far. Can't wait for the next map.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
hello all zombies fans
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 1 reply
Hey survivors! I am always searching for new Zombie Fans to play everything from the first Zombie Map up to the newest in any COD Game. [Plattform: PC] Let me know if you are opened for some nostalgic Zombie-Coop. Cheers!
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 0 replies
@Hells Warrrior - test intro
Last reply by Joe Wilson, -
- 9 replies
hi everyone! i've been a long time lurker of these forums and have finally decided to make an account after the recent changes to the site. i'm an avid follower of all cod zombies storylines and time/quantum/multiverse components in general. i also love the Easter eggs and gameplay of cod zombies (especially IWZ). there are always very interesting conversations of the games here and i'm super excited to join! my psn is Gravitei if anyone wants to play 🙂
Last reply by Gravitei, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi everyone, new to the group. Avid zombie player since the beginning on WaW. Excited to meet everyone and be a part of the community
Last reply by Spider, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hey Forum I'm new!
Last reply by anonymous, -
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- 3 replies
Most of you probably know me from the Discord, but hi nonetheless. Call me Humphrey, I mostly work around fiddling with either Photoshop or helping out with transcribing information for the new timeline. It's nice to meet you all on the forums at least, and I hope to speak with you all soon as to interact with the forum.
Last reply by Spider, -
- 2 replies
What do u guys think of the new COD Cold War Zombies?
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 3 replies
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
Hello all, Tac here. October 20, 2010 was my first day on this forum, right before Black Ops and quite near the beginning of my comprehensible life (26 now this month). Sometimes that doesn't seem very crazy to me and then other days it seems simply incredible, I've made as close of connections to people on this forum as my closest IRL friends (and fuck off if you sneer at that like it can't be true). Per usual I feel I've thought about this post a lot as it approached but as I've come to create it, I'm more at a loss for words than expected. Real quick on that point I want to shout out @Ehjookayted for the way he was able to speak to and rally the forum. I ha…
Last reply by AlphaSnake, -
- 10 replies
hello this is the first time I've entered any forum i played black ops zombies since bo1-bo4 i played all launch maps and a couple dlc maps played waw zombies but that was not before bo1 my personal favorite zombie maps are kino der toten shadows of evil origins der riese verruckt mob of the dead moon Der Eisendrache thats all my personal favorite maps and no i never completed an easter egg but im working on it
Last reply by Trump Assassin, -
- 3 replies
Καλησπέρα παιδιά τώρα σας ανακάλυψα βασικά έχω ένα καναλακι στο youTube με τίτλο xristospiperakis. Δεν το έχω καθόλου με την τεχνολογία κ θέλω λίγο βοήθεια να το ανεβάσω λίγο.... θα σας στείλω ένα βίντεο κοντά στο θέμα του call of duty σε άμα βρείτε αξιόλογη την δουλειά μου ας κάνη εγγραφή κ προώθηση.... Ευχαριστώ
Last reply by anonymous, -
by Grimmstein- 17 replies
Hi. How are all of You? So not only am I new to this forum but the whole forum deal overall. Any of You have some nice tips for a newcomer? Regarding things about myself, I'm a chick and I draw for a living. I guess that'd be it. Obviously interested in zombies - Ultimis and a bit of Primis to be exact. Been playing since BO1 but that doesn't mean I'm good at it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Last reply by Grimmstein, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hello, This is sort of a re-introduction post actually. I was an active member here a few years ago under the name "Nightmare Voyager" and then I left because I sorta got disgruntled with the Internet in general. I wasn't entirely sure I would come back, I didn't feel a need to for a long time because I very much distanced myself from the Zombies community by then. However, with the advent of the Dark Aether Story, and me slowly falling back into browsing the forum and watching the Podcast, I kind of had to come back. The Zombies community seems to always be overwhelmed by its negative side, but whenever I pop in here it's always super positive an…
Last reply by Yuppa, -
- 8 replies
I didn’t think I would return to Zombies after Black Ops 4, but after the Zombies reveal on Wednesday I’m mega excited for this instalment, I already have Black Ops 3 downloading and ready to play again, I’ll not keep yapping on lol, cya you fellow slayers around the forum.
Last reply by Trump Assassin, -
- 5 replies
HELLO AGAIN!.. I have missed you all very much and I am hoping that at least some of you remember me. It has been a while indeed and things in real life take over sometimes and having to put my health and other priorities first was needed to insure the best for me. I am more than happy to be back and getting some content out as well will be another goal of mines in the lead up to Cold War. In short for the people who care, I will list briefly what has happened since my absence and also why I am back! Mental health was taking over and I needed an escape and some fresh things in life to pick me up again. Me and my girlfriend are…
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 9 replies
Hello folks. My name is BicycleOfDeath, Bike for short. I'm in my late 30s from the Midwest US. I've played Zombies since WaW and early BLOPS before all of the easter egg stuff. Played most of it solo. Recently got back into it and I'm soaking up the lore and easter eggs like a sponge. Been focusing on BLOPS 3/4 before Cold War releases. I had no idea that Zombies went as deep as it has. It has the replay-ability that I've been looking for. Aside from Zombies; I'm a horror fan. Been gaming since the late 80s. Metal head. Pedal pusher. Twitch streamer (who isn't these, days, though). With cross-play coming w/ Cold War, I look forward to playing with old frie…
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 1 follower
- 21 replies
Greetings! I made my account here almost 10 days ago, after spending an uncounted amount of time reading so many theories and story explanations hidden under the surface. I've already hopped into a few threads since making my account, mainly Make-a-Map threads (I've been making map concepts since BO1 so expect to see a lot more of my ideas in those threads as they pop up!) and a few more serious theorizing threads. I can proudly say I have a very good understanding of what we know as solidified fact in the Zombies Storyline, but always find deep appreciation in theorizing of what else happened that never was recorded on the Timeline / followed up on / what could have been…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hi! My name is NotAnAn0n. I recently discovered this forum after I started getting back into Zombies. Origins remastered was kicking me in the ying-yang and I was looking for a guide. Lo and behold, I happen upon this community of fellow Zombies nerds. As a (hint: self-proclaimed) writer, I instantly connected with a lot of the theorizing I saw here. I’ll try to keep active, but I might be found more on the Discord, as that is my preferred platform. I hope to be a great addition to the community!
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 6 replies
Hello everybody! I am new to this forum and am really liking what I am seeing already! I just made my account and am really looking forward to interacting more on the wide variety of forums we have on here. I wanted to say hello, but to also give the link of my Zombies Streaming Channel. My wife and I made a YouTube channel, and would love to see as many of you as possible on our streams! Date Night:
Last reply by caljitsu, -
- 4 replies
hey guys. i am wondering what the best gun for bo3 kino is. i pack a punch the dingo and make sure it has blast furnace or dead wire
Last reply by Rapt, -
- 5 replies
Ok, so I installed the BO1 BGamerT5 crack and really want to get a mod on it. I did a bit of research and the Perish mod looks quite good. When I downloaded the mod and ran the program to install it told me to select "BlackOps.exe" and, because I was on the cracked version, I had like 4 .exe files to run Black Ops. When I want to play the game, I know which files to open and it works fine. I've tried all of them and it still didn't work I'm new to all of this (Cracked games on pc, modding and all) and I'm soo confused! I need help from someone who knows what they're doing if possible. I mean, anyone will do. I just don't want to waste time br…
Last reply by Spotlight,
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