New slayer on the battlefield? Introduce yourself to other CoDz members!
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1,821 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
Hey fellow CoDz Members! I'm Ctrl I've been in and out on this forum for about 2-3 months now reading up on the storylines and guides and I had finally decided to register! I hope to give useful info and tips in the future. I'm a big zombies fan. Love the concept of the whole zombie apocalypse and things like that. I'm a huge sneakerhead . What that means is I love sneakers I have a collection of Jordans, Nikes and others. I'm the age of 17 and I live in Canada Hope to see you around! Ctrl
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, I'm back. After about a 5 or so day break, I see it fitting to make the introduction I never made. For those of you wondering, this is why I left: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=19563 I know it's sad, but right now, I feel like I'm on top of the world, and so does my mom. Everything is perfect. I feel like I can fly. Thanks to everyone for your prayers and thoughts. This is my introduction to the site, almost exactly 6 months after I joined. Hey everyone, my name is Ehjookayted AKA EyeCntSpel AKA Ehj AKA Eye AKA Edge. You may know me from around the forums. I'm a PS3 Ambassador, member of Richtofen, and former January 2012 UOTM. I've written the Master Zombi…
Last reply by BlindBusDrivr, -
- 9 replies
Hey all. Some of you old heads may remember me. Most of you however, I've never seen, nor spoken too. Maybe names have changed, colors have changed and it's been a long time since I've been "active". I regained interest when I found my account opened on my computer, to find my brother (an avid zombies fan) ran around posting stupid crap in German (my apologies, I've since beat the crap out of him). That being said, It's a new generation of zombies (and fans alike) and I can't wait to dive back in it. To the new staff, the site looks great and organized. Keep up the good work. I was at my peak on CoDz during the briefcase drop, and during the Nova era. Prided myself …
Last reply by RedDeadRiot, -
by sharkisevil- 2 replies
Hello, Lurking for sometime , got 3 friends hooked on zombies and I like the site. Have got some new tactics from reading and watching the site. HAppy Hunting Shark [brains]
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 6 replies
So first and foremost, as anyone who's been on the site for a while will know, this is like my third introduction haha. As I get older and life gets more complex, there are things that have to be sacrificed in the name of other pursuits. Unfortunately, being the rabbit hole of time that it is, CoDz (and video games in general) tend to be the first to go. With that being said, my name is Tac and I'm a college student who's looking to influence Middle Eastern foreign policy for the U.S. government, double majoring in Political Science and Philosophy with the intention of going to Law School in the coming years. My interest in Political Science is International Law (as y…
Last reply by Zelkova, -
- 5 replies
Hi my name is Andy or known as AlphaMarkII on xbox .
Last reply by JakeDuck, -
- 10 replies
Hola, hello, etc etc
Last reply by PurePainGaming, -
- 2 replies
Alright, well, most people that were around, making topics and posts in the months leading up to Ascension, know who I am, and my effort to get a series together explaining the CoD Zombies story line. Little did I know, it would fall through due to poor planing and the fact that in the following weeks, I started getting raped by school work. Luckily, I have been able to take a break from Homework, studying and Minecraft to start becoming more active on the forums. It wasn't only school work, though, that slowed my posts. I'm a Sophomore (10th grade) in high school, soon to be a Junior, and little did I know, my social life started blossoming do to a friend get…
Last reply by x FOROURHERO x, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys, the name's Veid! Amateur zombie slayer, and noob forum poster. I've been playing zombies since Der Riese of World at War and haven't stopped since. I'm strictly a solo player, but I do play Grief from time to time. My favorite map from all of them has to be Call of the Dead. The best map for zombie kiting and the Mustang and Sally shine the brightest here. Ever since I heard the radios in Der Riese and Shi No Numa I became heavily invested in their meanings. Spending time watching Youtube videos and reading comments on theories and findings. And, after a few years and waves of zombies I finally run into CoDz and here I am now. Besides p…
Last reply by FatedTitan, -
- 4 replies
Hello everyone, former iGaugezzz A.K.A. Dougie_All_Day97 (worst PSN, I don't know what I was thinking) here. For those of you who do not remember me I was a user here during Black Ops times. Let me tell you guys a little bit about what happened to me. I quit zombies a little after MW3 was released and got into competitive sniping and Feeding since zombies was dieing at the time. This lasted a good while until I began to join clans. Sniping got stressing afterwards.. it was fun at first but then it felt like a job, like I HAD to hit clips and win competitive HQs matches. I quit since I couldn't handle the stress. I tried getting back into zombies after Black Ops…
Last reply by Jarhead N, -
- 1 reply
Everybody ready for Moon? Well I'm still trying to get my time travel will tell ee, OrganizedTuba is my XBL GT. Just watched the rez insider moves, and that is going to be a hell of a map, can't wait to argue about whether the wave gun is the zap gun, jk. But hopefully I can use my collegiate work in English/Philosophy to bring something to the table on this board. Thanks.
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 7 replies
Hi Everybody! I am an old face returning under a new name! I went inactive on the forum after losing my game, but now (a year later) I realize I can still contribute! I hope to have a great time like always Thanks!
Last reply by perfectlemonade, -
- 1 reply
Howdy forum, I'm Chavez1830. My buddy Boris450 and I (XBOX 360) have been playing since the beginning and have mastered the art of the zombie slaughter. We're struggling to find others who understand speed, angles and sheer boldness when playing. All that mixed with patience and split-second reaction make a great player. We've maxed out our achievements for two players and can't find anyone worthy to join us for 4-player achievements like Shangri-la. We both agree Call of the Dead is the best map to date (Although Buried may beat it) and we can go forever in Der Riese and Ascension like the rest of you. We feel there is nothing wrong with being absolutely consumed b…
Last reply by CrimsonZombie, -
- 3 replies
Hi everyone, so I've been lurking around the site for a little while now and figured it was time to properly introduce myself. I am a Cod fanatic and have played the series since cod 4 (potentially the greatest game ever). I am an avid fan of zombies and I'm looking forward to BO II. I am also a Math nerd who just earned his Masters Degree! Lastly, I would like thank everyone here for making this a truly amazing forum. It is definitely a special place unlike many of the other forums tied to the cod series (MW3 forum flashback :shock: ) I hope to make some worthy contributions to this already fantastic site! Thanks and hello :D
Last reply by Tankeo Dempsaki, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys, Only just found this site, been looking for a dedicated zombie forum 8-). Hopefully be able to find some players also, as at the moment im playing as a lone ranger!. Anyway, hope to speak to some of you soon. B3atZz
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 4 replies
I am Dr Edward Richtofen. I was formerly a Major General but I was transferred to weapons factory in Breslau, Germany nicknamed Der Riese. It's actual name was Waffenfabrik Der Riese. Here I joined a Group of scientists named Group 935. Our motto was " To improve the human condition". Here, I was also involved with many projects such as the Wunderwaffe project and the biggest project that the group had. Use a unknown element called Ununpentium nicknamed Element 115. When experimenting with this element, we found that one of its side effects was the ability to reincarnate the dead. This element had so much power that with it we created the Die Glocke prototypes which made…
Last reply by Tac, -
- 14 replies
Hi, my name is Sjoerd AKA I3lackI3ird and i am 16 years old. I live in the Netherlands, so i won't always speak english perfectly. I'm not quite sure what my favorite zombie-map is, but i think it is Verrückt, because it has just the basic stuff in it. So, yeah, that's my introduction. ;)
Last reply by I3lackI3ird, -
- 2 replies
Whats going on everyone. I am not new, just haven't been on the forums for about a year. I am looking at getting active again in the forums and playing zombies together. Anyone remember me? No? Well, OK then! :cry:
Last reply by MysteryBox, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys. I used to play zombies nonstop back in black ops 1, I quit when bo2 came out because I didn't really like the direction zombies was going at the time. I was pretty active on here and so I was wondering if anyone remembered me. I used to stream here: (not advertising, I literally don't stream anymore. just trying to give any info that might spark memories!) My stream title was usually: Jacob "The Zombies Guy" 404, or "we run (mapname)" I did 2 person runs mostly with my friend wtfiz. We had top 100 on a bunch of maps (proof of one of our runs and …
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 1 reply
U_Cant_See_Me here, this is my first post and I was wondering if anyone who play zombies on the PS3 and who is a serious gamer wanted to play. That's a introduction good enough for me. Kino Der Toten: Solo-17; Multi.-29 Five: Solo-11; Multi.-16 Ascension: Solo-10; Multi.- 21 Call of the Dead: Solo-14; Multi.-27 Shangri-La: Solo-7; Multi.-13 I have not yet completed the Ascension, Call of the Dead, and Shangri-La easter eggs yet, also since I play PS3 I don't have moon and the first 4 zombie maps yet (I blame Activision) but there are my stats.
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
Hello im Apafis I am Co-owner of Paradox Company with my partner RequixEclipse! I am new to this sort of thing so help me out lol.
- 9 replies
I've been just watching for a little while and thought I'd finally introduce myself. I'm a software engineer, working in Chicago, IL USA. If "Introductions" is the wrong area for this please accept my apologies. Hello all! I hope to interact with you some and laugh and learn and maybe share a bit of myself with you. Glad to be aboard
Last reply by DeckchairsFTW, -
- 2 replies
Let me be the first to say, nice website/forums I have my own theories about the zombie mode storyline but i'm curious to find out more, and to hopefully come up with some good strategies for zombie survival as well. Other than that, won't get much troubles out of me. lol.
Last reply by nikicruise, -
- 5 replies
Ah hey guys. Rissole25 here (yea I know, weird name but I just seem to use it). Just thought I'd like to join a friendly Zombie community to discuss theories, strategies, all sorts of stuff to do with NZ really. Black Ops was my first CoD. Absolutely loved Zombies, got Ascension, decided to burrow WaW from a friend to see how it all started, got CotD, swapped my Black Ops for Hardened edition and got Classic Maps, got Shangri-La, and finally waiting for Moon now As by the heading I'm from Australia. And yea. Forum looks nice and organized so I think I'll have a good time And I'm not really sure what else to put. But if you ever wanna chat, I'm all ears.
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 9 replies
So I figured I'd say Hi. Been playing zombies pretty regularly since BO1 and I'm thoroughly hooked. I stumbled upon this site while Google-ing some info on the new (to PC and PS3) Buried map and thought this was a really great site. I spent the past few days reading through various threads and was compelled to join. Anyway, figured I'd just say Hello and hope to learn some stuff (the story is REALLY difficult to follow lol) and help others out as well. If anyone ever feels like joining up for a game, feel free to hit me up via PM (I own WAW & BO1/2 for PC and BO1/2 for PS3). I run with a clan on both and are always playing every chance we get. Cheers …
Last reply by Shooter,
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