New slayer on the battlefield? Introduce yourself to other CoDz members!
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1,821 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hello codz,I felt like posting a thread to tell You all a little more about myself as i am a somewhat newer user (I joined december). My username is WKZ clan but i prefer to be called ThrowAmonkeyBomb or just monkey n the zombies community as that is what i go as on youtube.However,the purpose of this thread is not to promote my channel therefore there will be no link.I am almost 15,and i live in the US.I first heard about zombies from my friend DropThatPerk,and immediately wanted to try it.This was during the early days of black ops, and i rented it for the wii (the only console i owned) played some kino and loved it!I couldnt get past round 4,i thought it was so hard!I …
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 1 reply
Posting Glitches, Gameplay, DLC Updates, Theories and more! Please subscribe! REMOVED LINK
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 1 reply
Hi my name's Link I've been a COD Zombie player since BLOPS 1 and have loved the game mode ever since,I play on PS3 and ocassionally XBOX if I'm in the mood. I'm very interested in the storyline of Zombies and wish to learn more about it. Anyway nice meeting you all PSN: Hollow_Oath46
Last reply by MrGibbs, -
It occurs to me that the whole time I've been on this site I've never introduced myself. Hillo. My name is Joe. I like eating bagels and slayin zombies, and had been lurking for a while until I decided to make myself an account. I play on Xbox, and love proposing new theories and debating over theories. How you doin'?
Last reply by MrGibbs, -
Hello there to the CODZ community. Been lurking for a while,l thought it was time to come in and join up. :)
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 3 replies
I am Ds_Hunter001 (same name on my ps3 account) i just joined the forums but i have been slaying zombies since 2010, when i discovered Black Ops 1, I learned the moves and the guns, i know all of the story of zombies, every character i know, even the ones that are only mentioned, and i know every Easter Egg there is. With me there is only one rule: NO GLITCHES OR CHEATING OF ANY KIND!. If i'm on Verruckt and i hear the other guy trying to get out of the map, I leave, if i see anyone flying on Ascencion, bang, no more game. When i play i want to feel the fear when im running out of ammo and im about to be surrounded by the undead not just shoot at a horde of zombies r…
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
hey guys new 2 da site,been lurking 4 years thooo lol anyways da names SUPRA i play on psn gt killa_supra i play evey single map/mode so if ur looking 4 a good teammate hmu so whos ready 4 that grief wipeout!!
Last reply by SUPRA, -
- 2 replies
Hello Everyone ! I Never did one of these introductions to the forum, so no time better then now i guess, So my Name is Alex, but you can call me OPL, Razor, Awesome God of Canada, idk whatever works ! I Love zombies and the story line and often times i have theories and storyline ideas always coming into my head and often times they all can be backed up by evidence ! I Run a Partner Youtube Channel, Often times i will post any interesting findings i see, related to possible storyline, and Easter eggs and such, often times i will try to also do a video which ill add to the bottom of my post (Or where ever it would seem to fit the Best) I look to start disc…
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys! I'm pretty new to this and I already made a post and someone reccomended I introduce my self so here I go. I've been following the forums since the begining of Black Ops 2 and watch a bunch of zombie Youtubers and I kmow some things people don't. I hope to stay here for a long time and maybe a person who people look up to, but we always gotta start low but I'm I'll climb my way high! Anyways, I hope after discussing storylines for a gamemade in a fictional game with random people online will make my life better! :lol:
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 1 reply
Hello, my name is GR33NSurvivaland I am going to be running a Zombies Community Channel on YouTube, which anyone can upload on! Just comment or PM me if you want to help out as we need all the help we can get! REMOVED THis is the channel so be sure to check it out and Subscribe! REMOVED
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 3 replies
blingbling here and I would like to start off by saying fairly new to the site but have been a zombitch killer since WAW. I love eveything about CODZ and what it has turned out to be. Anyways lets play Xbox gt === blingbling504 - ps the easter eggs are the shizz too
Last reply by Devin_james504, -
- 4 replies
Hi Everyone. My name is Tony i'm a hardcore fan of Zombies i love zombies and i'm happy i found this site i hope i meet new folks here. My gamertag is frog800 add me, I currently have the shotguns emblem but it don't bothers me if you have the bones Rank We can still play together just please don't rage quit. I hope you guys understand, english is my second language.
Last reply by Rissole25, -
by Verendipity- 2 replies
Hi. Im Verendipity. Ive been into zombies since ascension for BO1. highest round on solo is 38 town survival on BO2. add me on XBL GT= zZCryaoticZz. ;)
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 4 replies
Hi there. Was a guest on this site and would often come on to read about strategies and learn more about zombies, but have recently decided to become an actual member of the community. I look forward to talking to many of you around here, and maybe even playing with some of you! I'm on Xbox. -Seabound
Last reply by Delta, -
- 6 replies
Hey guys, just joined this site! Black Ops II was my first zombies experience, really loving it now! Currently trying to break 30+ on all BO2 maps solo...I've only accomplished this on Town so far (31). Always seem to get stuck on some random object around level 20-25... If any of you like playing grief, I'm usually down for a game! My PSN is NeedaLttleRevive (no "i" in little).
Last reply by SeaboundSlayer, -
Hi everyone ive been holding off on an introduction for awhile now... not sure why.. i guess i wanted to see if id fit in with the community first.. Im 23 years old and was born and raised in Manitoba, Canada. my mom was german and my dads mexican... wierd combo right?! i guess that makes me some kinda german/mexican hybrid...LOL I started playing zombies when black ops was released, i did play WaW zombies but didnt like it at the time... Iv'e been playing video games for literally for as long as i can remember and is a huge part of my daily life. I also play guitar and not to "toot" my own horn... :roll: but im pretty good.. at least that's what iv'e …
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 4 replies
Hello world! My name is DjTechnicsZRT! Once a lurker now a lurker and a member haha! Want to say whats up to PINNAZ and Liam. Applause for these two dedication. Especially PINNAZ as I have been following his extensive amount of work since October. Just wanted to do a quick intro! See you on the foum! Dj out! :mrgreen:
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 4 replies
Whatsup guys, new to the forums and plan on posting as often as I can so just wanted to make introductions- been playing since WaW the very beginning and very interested in the secrets of the game (shangra la and mars association, etc) Also to put it out there I play on 360 and always looking for good players to zomb with. Gamertag - Philladelphs420 peace and love
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 1 reply
hello all zombie lovers! i am sh3baproject! I am not new to zombies or cod, but i am new to the forums! I hope i can discuss the zombies story with all of the pros! And finally, i am a boss at grief! From, sh3baproject
Last reply by zombieman9, -
- 2 replies
Hi My name is Egg, male 34 from Manchester england. On most evenings after 9 and I'm also off work tuesdays and wednesdays. Guys I need some help with several different easter egg acheivment from black ops 1 and 2. Is it just me or are the easter eggs getting harder and much more ridiculous? I tend to do a lot of them on my own as most of the people I meet online tend to be either kids, shockingly bad players or really selfish players. So just for ease and so I'm not wasting my time I do them on my own. If you check my achievements you will see I am very competent. Here's a list of the achievements I'm trying to do. It's a case of if you help me, in retu…
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 6 replies
Hey, I joined recently altough i had dwelled in the forums since the good ol' WaW days (didn't get to play it much) so i wanted to make an introduction. My real name is Kurt and you will be seeing me alot. I MEAN RLY ALOT! I joined because I have bright ideas, dark ideas, theories, I know ze backstory (Horrible stuff really) and I just wanna share my ideas with ya guys!
Last reply by zombieman9, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, my name is Ari.. I'm 21 from Ohio in the United States.. My hobbies are video gaming, listening to music, drinking and just plain chilling. My Gamertag is: Sharpy420 I play all CoD:Zombies, even popping in World at War every so often. I'm just looking to meet a few cool people to play zombies with and hopefully a few people who are down to figure out future Easter Eggs, and also I need some help with the TranZit one so if anyone can help out just send me a message on xbox live. Well I look forward to my future here at the cod zombies forums, and I hope you all have a good one! // Sharpy
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 1 reply
Hello, I'm Ryan (Duh) and I'm about a month old to this site and still getting the hang of things. Great site By the way. ummmMM. I was actually a Moderator/Head Gaming Referee for a site Named I was a really good Moderator too. I was almost promoted to Admin but the site kinda shutdown for 'certain reasons.' I want to get used to the site and work on becoming a Moderator since this site, so far, runs the exact same as NxGamers to the T. P.s. How do I get User of the month medal? I have almost 150 posts in a month.. Is that good? eloel
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, I decided to try out this forum because i'm a zombies addict, if people are active here i'll probably stay. Yeah, my name is awesome.
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 2 replies
Welcome all! I have been lurking for a few weeks and decided to join and share my input on things. While I agree with some things, sometimes some of you seem to not know what you're talking about lol. But most of you do, so yeah whatever. Anyways, I am an Xbox gamer concerned with Zombies Games. Dead Rising, COD Zombies, you name it. I understand the storyline, and have done the Blops2 EE's. Sadly, when I really got into BLOPS1 Zombies, not many people played it, so I never got the chance to do those EE's. But I caught up the information and storyline. I am also into getting high rounds while keeping it fun. My gamertag is: SpeedoMonkey98 Send a message so I can dele…
Last reply by Speedo Cola,
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