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1,821 topics in this forum
- 9 replies
What is going in fellow zombie slayers!! Uhhh were do I start!? My name is Blake and I love to play zombies when I'm bored or whenever actually. I play seriously and I play just to play. As we speak I am currently playing buried to get my KD up a bit. Maybe get the knife rank? Idk. We shall see. But I've have been looking for a good site to look for theories about what is happening in the Zombie world. And so far I'm liking what I see. I'm also here to look for zombies players that would help me out with ALL the EE's in BO and BOII. Also here to maybe add on in theories and what not. Anyways! If you guys ever wanna kill some Z-Bags feel free to hit me up! GT: BLazeking558…
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I never knew there was a site dedicated to black ops zombies! This would have been useful a few years back when I was learning how to play the game. My name is Jeff and the reason I found this site was to expand my knowledge of black ops zombies. My friend and I just made a video of our strategies for the Black Ops 2 zombie maps. If you struggle getting into the later rounds (not saying you can't), you should check it out.
Last reply by DougieBoy, -
- 17 replies
Hi, I'm Samantha I have 2 profiles on CODz one is Lady Psychotica, and the other is just my name - Samantha. I'm a girl obviously. I love playing zombies! I'm a stay at home mom, so I like to play a lot. I don't know anyone IRL who plays so I figured I'd try to find someone to play with . Just because i'm a woman doesn't mean I can't kick some zombie ass . I've gone 13 rounds as Samantha, and I think 12 as Lady Psychotica. I play on wii. If you wanna ally and play a game, HMU. Nice to meet you all!!
Last reply by Wolfie, -
Hey guys my name is tna1991, i'm glad to be a part of these forums. I come to these forums to see whats happening in the zombie world and thought "Why not just join already!". But I have a question, what can I expect from these forums? Thank you and looking forward to a long and trouble-free relationship with you guys. :D
Last reply by m12, -
- 5 replies
i am a somewhat experienced call of duty zombies player even though i only got into the franchise towards the end of call of duty black ops in the call of the dead map era always up for doing an easter egg/general gameplay, already put money away for black ops 3 and the season pass iff your ona nd wondering if i want to play just drop me a message or join my party and most of the time it will be a straight yes. gt-ghswarfare also im only on xbox one
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 3 replies
Hello guys I wanted to introduce myself here to this wonderful new forum! You guys can send me questions about the zombies storyline and I will have them answered immediately.
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 9 replies
Hi, i am a Ps3 zombie and multiplayer player that just enjoys playin' CoD i need some friends for my new account F34R_Th3_1D10T and i thought this would be the place to look. i also enjoy games like minecraft account is called acid_silence (i now this isnt the place to post that but i just thought i'd mention it) So add me if you what im not new or anything i just havnt been on the introduction thread So............Hi 8-)
Last reply by algzelaya, -
Hey everyone. I'm Dezire, I'm a veteran zombies storyline enthusiast since its origins back in World At War. I take really keen interest in zombies and am very active over on reddit. I managed to stumble across this website after seeing it linked on the zombies sub-reddit and decided to take a little look. Long behold its pretty cool. I look forward to sharing and looking into the information that this community has to offer and hopefully contribute some myself along the way. "The road is long and dark but I know where we are going" :D
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
Hey guys I just joined a little while ago looking for some good zombie theories and some willing team mates to play some zombies with me and have some fun! so if your willing reply or and me on psn: chinny4891 Thanks for your time! Ps: If you had a mic that would be great aswell. out.
Last reply by codz4891, -
- 1 reply
How we al doing. Im dougie new to this forum basically looking for some new zombie team mates since 99℅ of the people i find onlnie rage quit or have poor connections thanks lads
Last reply by S.O.P.H.I.A., -
- 5 replies
HI all, My name is Jay Jay and I been stalking the message boards for a while now :-) I like music , swimming , films , my puppie "koji" and of course zombies . I'm 32 years old and work as a cold room fitter ( boring ) lol !!! Hope to speak with as well as play with some of u guys soon ! Ps ... I'm a high round player as well as a ee Hunter . Love each equally.. :-)
Last reply by SaLaD_FiNgErS_HD, -
- 6 replies
this is me i just started and ive been haveing a bit of trouble with only time travel will tell achievment with the spikemores in the holesi put them in the right places and put them all whats going on they get set off oh and im going off topic now well hi! :mrgreen:
Last reply by zombie rambo, -
- 4 replies
Hey i am new please read my storys. I will show you good ideas please follow me on twitter my name is Jon Lowe.If you want to play with me my xbox gamertag is JWL317. Also please add me if you can bye :D
Last reply by Tankeo Dempsaki, -
- 1 reply
Gave my self a proper introduction when i first came here. Hello, My name in real life is Chris. I am currently Jobless because i had a crash racing motocross. I lost my job due to the extensive heal time it takes to heal my ribs. I broke / fractured / bruised3 ribs. I am 20 years old, and i have a beautiful girlfriend. Some threads i started that were pretty useful. Everything i found on Kino. Here are some stills of the Video tapes on kino Everything i found on Five…
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, I'm Eddy. I'm very interested in learning more about the zombies storyline, and meeting new friends to slay zombies with. :)
Last reply by Simply Epic, -
- 6 replies
Hi, I'm the killercroc but you can just call me Croc, or just Bobby. I like zombies a bit but am unsure of it, uhh yeah thanx for noticing!!!!
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 1 reply
Hey I'm Fallen Hero I'm new to this site. I'm an average zombie slayer and looking to improve my skill and complete Easter eggs.
Last reply by right_direct, -
- 1 reply
I've just started up a zombies channel, and would love if some of you guys would go and check it out and maybe give me some feedback if you feel like it. I mainly go for high rounds (high as in 100+), easter egg runs and speedruns and I'm going to start doing some world record speedrun attempts soon. I'm going to stream 4 times a week, generally at times when the big zombie YouTubers aren't, and if my channel sparks some interest in the zombies community i would gladly start streaming daily. Sorry for the shameless self advertising, i don't like having to do this, I'm just not having much luck getting …
Last reply by S.O.P.H.I.A., -
- 6 replies
Hey, I'm Sage, I have an account on these forums named: Simply Epic. I'm very interested in the zombie storyline, and have a youtube channel, however it got copyright strikes for uploading the uprising trailer, so forums for now .
Last reply by SageSmile, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone! I'm Sotyle (pronounced so-tile, not sawt-eel). I'm not new to the forums as I was on here about 2 years ago. I am a zombies fanatic who loves the story and making theories and predictions. I've always wanted to come back and I figure what better time than the say before Blackops 3! Anyways, a bit about myself: IGN: Sotyle System: Xbox one or PC Basic fact: In school studying Game Development interesting fact: I used to have a zombies theme'd youtube channel called GoStylz back in 2012/2013 and made videos with the sadly vanished EverythingPiff. Other information: I love theorizing and have tons of theories and pre…
Last reply by Tac, -
- 6 replies
I'm relativity new to the zombie scene and so I would like some friends to play some zombies with, if you're interested hit me up on steam.
Last reply by AzziX!, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys my name is Aaron Thomas. I am also known on YouTube as zombiekillzpro I absolutely love zombies so I decided to make a YouTube channel and to sign up to this forum so I can interact more with the zombies community. my YouTube link is . I upload everything to do with black ops 3 zombies such as tips, tricks, tutorials and even gameplay videos such as my first attempt of shadows of evil which is o my YouTube channel. I hope to hear back from you all so I feel more apart of the community. cant wait to say hi to you all :)
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 8 replies
Hello guys! My name is Danielle (Danii), im 17 and I have been playing Zombies since WAW.I have always enjoyed zombies over multiplayer and its something that I find fun and exciting. If I had to tell you my most favourite map it would be between Die Rise and Buried, both maps for me is my play style and the Easter eggs are awesome! That's about it, thanks for having me here - Danii
Last reply by MrTreeStoner91, -
- 1 reply
Sup? I'm limpdaddy102, most people I meet on xbox live just call me limp. my name is brendan, bren for short. Id like to believe I'm a good zombies player. I may not get the most kills out of a four person team, but I'm good at 'not dying'. I usually get the least, or second to least kills, but most revives. If we are playing together, and you aren't a stick in the mud, I'm really funny. I crack jokes all the time. I do use profane language but I try to keep that to a minimum. I want to get a pvr so I can put videos up on youtube. I usually only play at night, as I have a 1 1/2 year old baby boy, and he comes first. As of now I haven't done any of the easter eggs, but I…
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 3 replies
Die hard zombies fan loves the story and the other possibilitys that could be in zombs [brains]
Last reply by The Necromancer,
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