New slayer on the battlefield? Introduce yourself to other CoDz members!
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1,821 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Hello everybody. I'm 35 years old and from Stockholm, Sweden. I recently got back to gaming and have been playing regularly for a couple of years again. Used to play a lot of games when I was younger but for a while everything else got in between. I've been playing a lot of Battlefied primarily but gotten bored recently after some odd 300 hours of multiplayer. Decided to try out CoD which I also played and liked when I was younger. But I just cant seem to keep up anymore. It's just too fast for me. Getting old I guess. However Zombies seems like a very fun and original game in itself. I've been trying it out and it's not easy by any means but its fun. I still s…
Last reply by eswok, -
- 1 reply
Newcomer Here! Just want to say hello to all!
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 2 replies
I've only been using this website for a couple months now but I love it! I'm a gamer/graphic designer and I love zombies, been playing since Nacht
Last reply by Delta, -
- 3 replies
Yo Gucci Thugs, I'm Hank. I'm here to talk about zombies and stuff. I'm From Canada, I like fitness and science and shit. Nice to meet you blokes.
Last reply by Hank Von BasedGod, -
- 1 reply
Obviously new to the forum. Been playing zombies for years. Ready to get to talk and know everyone and kill zombies!
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone! Been lurking posts around here for a while now and decided it was time to buckle down and make an account! I look forward to discussing the Die Rise Easter Egg with you guys and finding everything there is to be found! A handful of you might know me on YouTube as NoahJ456. I just recently hit 20,000 subscribers so I'm hoping to meet 1 or 2 of you on here! Anyways, love what your doing over here and thanks for having me on! Cheers, NoahJ456
Last reply by NoahJ456, -
- 2 replies
As the title shows, i'm FATSHARK AL or you can call me Al, either is fine. I'm a huge fan of Zombies so i am very happy to have found a place like this on the net, i do have to say however i wouldn't of found myself here if it weren't for Niik, the main man himself. So thanks Niik, i'm happy to be here. A bit of info about me: I do art (Avatars, Signatures etc. are something i enjoy doing hint hint) My forum name is also my GamerTag on XBox 360, feel free to add me, i'm always happy to kill Zombies with new folks! I am an Admin of my own "Miscellaneous themed" forum, so i'm very 'proper' when it comes to forum related matters or personal o…
Last reply by MrGibbs, -
by VileSnipes- 2 replies
Hey there, I'm a long time lurker and finally decided to make an account to join in on the conversations.
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 1 reply
Whats up Codz im not sure what i am suppost to say but i'm new here and thought i would post something to introduce myself im 27 and have been playing zombies since waw. I loved black ops 1 and did every easter egg and hope to do all the BO2 ee's as well. I'm prob just rambling on and dont wanna waste no one's time so i will end my post.Thanks for having a community like this for the hardcore zombies fans
Last reply by Flammenwerfer, -
- 3 replies
I've been on the site for some time now, but I am just now getting around to posting an introduction. The name's Will, but folks call me whiskey. (On account of the fact I only drink whiskey, any other alcoholic drink is irrelevant to me) I work full time, post random stuff on the internet in my spare time, and occasionally enjoy a round of billiards with some close friends. Yup, that's a bit about me. Feel free to message me on here or sexbox360 if you'd like to talk/chat. -Regards, Whiskey
Last reply by ninezerowill, -
- 1 reply
Sup? I'm limpdaddy102, most people I meet on xbox live just call me limp. my name is brendan, bren for short. Id like to believe I'm a good zombies player. I may not get the most kills out of a four person team, but I'm good at 'not dying'. I usually get the least, or second to least kills, but most revives. If we are playing together, and you aren't a stick in the mud, I'm really funny. I crack jokes all the time. I do use profane language but I try to keep that to a minimum. I want to get a pvr so I can put videos up on youtube. I usually only play at night, as I have a 1 1/2 year old baby boy, and he comes first. As of now I haven't done any of the easter eggs, but I…
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 6 replies
hi, i'm ben. chose this username because Marlton's my favourite character in the new Zombies. see you around !
Last reply by Jew Feedz, -
- 2 replies
Hey fellow COD members! I would like to make as many zombie-crazed-killing friends on this site, as well as find people to help me unravel the mysteries of the COD: Zombies Storyline for Black Ops 2. Another matter to attend to. YouTube-dedicated fans have been much into speculation of whether there is more to the story after completing the Tower of Babble achievement. Well guys, I have found something completely astonishing. Most of the Youtubers out there have guessed it, and many parts to it. The ONLY piece of advice I'm giving: STAY TRUE TO MAXIS!!!!! (what he says...) And guess what? You'll have to do more snooping than you ever will have imagined. I pla…
Last reply by Flammenwerfer, -
- 1 reply
hi my xbox live gamertag is waxpython or it used to be until i got banned from the pro now im waxpython v2 i like zombies ( obviously ) halo games especially halo 3 mass effect games and i'm a huge fan of the LOTR. Other than that not to much to say except i love teamwork it's too bad many don't value teamwork but i think it's the best way to have fun and get to high rounds.
Last reply by minator177, -
- 2 replies
Hi everybody, I've been a lurker on this site for about six months now and i finally decided to make an account. I'm 16, live in the United States and love zombies. I have every map pack in Black Ops and the season pass in Black Ops 2, so if anybody ever wants to play on Xbox, feel free to message me!
Last reply by Supernova4351, -
- 1 reply
I havent introduced myself yet and have been posting for a few weeks. My names Wilbizzle and I love zombies I play no other game other than Black ops2. I'm starting to get involved in the zombies zommunity and have plans to create tutorials, debunk myths, and get to round 50+ in solo Tranzit. I've been playing since WAW and really got into it in Black Ops and plan to help further our knowledge of this awesome game.
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 2 replies
Well, here goes! I'm Trevor, my GamerTag is x420x trevbo, though it changes with the winds. It will always have x420x infront of it though, as that has been my clan and gaming family since the 360 hit the shelves. I'm 22, nearly 23, and work for the US Gov't. I have been trailing the zombies phenomenon since World at War. Initially, I began playing the game, just as an escape from MP, when you get too bored, or just want to destroy EVERYTHING! Haha. Played throughout WaW, and then Black Ops came out, and I started to EE hunt. That has been my main goal in this game ever since! I love being on the hunt, whether it be solo, or with 3 other avid hunters. Most …
Last reply by Sylent, -
- 6 replies
So thought it was time for a proper introduction. I have been an avid zombies player since the beginning of black ops. I played world at war but not much zombies. Wasn't until black ops and discovering the storyline that I got hooked. And since being hooked zombies has been my favorite game to play. The back story and the gameplay is always fun to me. And since I've been hooked I decided I needed to join a forum and decided on this forum. After reading some post and seeing activity I thought this was the place to be. I'm an avid game really enjoy playing games in general. But when zombies is out its zombies and nothing else! Hit me up if u want to play…
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 1 reply
ok so I joined on Jan 30 2011. and because I felt I should be more involved in this community I thought it was a good idea to make an intro. so let's get started shall we . My username is zombiedude6776, I own every system except wii u (Can't stand nintendo) I own waw on xbox. blops on ps3, and blops 2 on xbox. I'm a decent player who is a major fan of the storyline (mostly the reason I joined). my gamertag is where you should contact me or my youtube if you need me GT:cooldude6776 YT:MRcooldude6776 that is all thank you for reading this um delayed intro
Last reply by Supernova4351, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone! Thanks for letting me be on this community. Everyone has already been so nice and helpful to me. I promise to be a active and friendly member. Thanks taking the time out of your day to read my posts. Have a zombtastic day!
Last reply by Jew Feedz, -
I guess I'm a little late to this but better late then never right? Hey guys and gals my name is Kenny I'm 20 I play on Xbox 360 GT=Jew Feedz. I feel I'm a pretty decent Zombie player and im always looking for more good player to play Zombies with. I just cleaned out my friends list so if you're looking to get some high rounds hit me up!!! -Kenny
Last reply by Jew Feedz, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone long time lurker here finally decided to sign up. I hope to become a contributing member soon. I really enjoy a lot of the in depth theories and research on this site and just flat out love slaying zombies. Peace
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 7 replies
Hey there. I've been a member for a little over a month so I guess I should post some kind of intro. I'm not really a forum guy. This is actually the first forum I've joined, ever. My main reason for joining is to find decent people to play with, since pub matches on BO2 are actually worse than BO1 (no lobby filter for leaderboard; leaving = high rd not saved = wasted efforts). I was hoping Teammate Finder would be a better alternative to pub matches, so I posted there. It's been about a month since, so I don't think that worked out too well. I wish there was some kind of real time chat interface for spur of the moment games. I prefer playing with…
Last reply by Riot, -
- 6 replies
Hey guys Im new to this forum so I thought I should post something on here letting you know a little bit about me. Im 18 and live in Ohio. Ive been playing zombies since Call of The Dead came out and been in love with it ever since. Hopefully Ill get to know some of you a little better and help come up with ideas so we can finally get this EE finished. I was also hoping someone could link me to a topic with the entire zombies storyline because I only know bits and pieces of it.
Last reply by chubskee, -
- 4 replies
hey guise, im new here (how do i edit my profile ) nacht 15 verrukt13 shi no23 der reise17 kino30 five14 moon14 town17 farm16 bus depot13 tranzit20
Last reply by koolkidfica,
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