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1,821 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
hey guys my buddy Doctor Richtofen recommended this site and i just wanted to say hi and hope to speak to most of you ;)
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 4 replies
looking for new friends to play online with, Fav is Der Reise, im not a selfish player always open doors and always help out add me Violated_jinxy :)
Last reply by m12, -
- 2 replies
I'm Jeffro_boy i made this account back in 2010 but have been a lurker Anyway I plan on making more posts to the site! Oh yeah I'm also looking for guys to kill maggot bags with. PSN is Jeffro_boy :D
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
- 7 replies
Hey Guys I'm new to the website and my name is DarknessProject, but you can just call me Darkness. I am an avid zombies fan when it comes down to the zombies storyline that TreyArch has established. I feel that in order to get the most effect out of the game, you must do the easter eggs fairly, and not cheat on the matter. I also like the Extinction universe made in Ghosts as well as Advanced Warfare Zombies. They all have a unique danger to them that keeps the thrill alive! Anyways I'm always looking for some people to play with as well as a team for each universe to delve into the achievement pool (I am an Xbox 360 and Xbox One user). I am from Wisconsin in the US and l…
Last reply by DarknessProject, -
- 8 replies
Hey guys, I'm Brad. 18 from England and love playing Zombies as well as CoD multiplayer as well as other games. Zombies is one of my favourite things to play & I have all the maps for Black Ops and Black Ops 2, looking to get all the maps for Advanced Warfare when I can run the game. I play on PC only so will add you on Steam and play through that. I've played Nacht der Untoten, Verruckt, Shi no Numa, Der Reise, Kino der Toten, Town, Farm, Bus Depot, TranZit, Die Rise and Buried. So I still haven't played Ascension, Call of the Dead, Shangri-La, Moon or Origins however I do own all these maps. I'm looking to enjoy myself here, make friends, discuss Zombies (very i…
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
Hello, everybody. I am a guy who has just joined the forum at the time of writing this, and I hope to enjoy my time here. I play Zombies in Black Ops for the PS3, and have gotten bored of simply playing Solo. So, I have come seeking people to play with. I have read the code of conduct, and hope that I do not accidentally break any of the rules. I do not intend to do so, and thus, I hope we get along well because of that. I have been playing Black Ops since about a month before First Strike came out, and have enjoyed Zombies mode more than the regular game. Much more. In fact, I enjoyed it so much I picked up the Classic Zombie maps recently, and hope to enjoy th…
Last reply by Rias, -
- 3 replies
I've played Zombies on-and-off again since 2010, but only a couple of years ago, I realised there was a lore to it, with an intriguing background, and ever since I've been invested in the Zombies storyline. I've visited these forums before in the past but never decided to sign up, but with the Black Ops 3 gameplay trailer on the way in a few hours I said "Why not?" and decided to sign up. I am very much looking forward to being a part of this community.
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 3 replies
While browsing the medal request topic I realized something, I'd never done an introduction... Well, now that that's out of the way, I look forward to slaying with all of you on 360
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 4 replies
My names Jessie, I constantly play nazi zombies. My favorite maps are der riese and kino der toten. I play ps3 and am in the L0ST clan, which my boyfriend runs. I am head over their website We just added a zombie section on our website due to me and iron being sick of trying to remember all our findings. I'm always trying to figure new things out and my current mystery of zombies right now is in what order the maps happen. Possibly you guys could help me out on that. :D
Last reply by m12, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, I'm MonopolyMan. Some, but few, may recognize me from some other sites as I have been staff on somewhat "big" sites. But I am probably most known (If known at all ) from 7s. Over on se7ensins I have so many zombies topics and I love zombies conspiracies. I hope to be posting all of them here, and share them with this community. For those wondering I have been playing Zombies sense WaW. But back then I had it for the wii so it had no zombies , so I had to go over friends houses to play. I never really was into it at that time since I did not have it. But after awhile I got an xbox and started playing a low of WaW zombies. I then waited fro BO1 and 2 and pl…
Last reply by legacy, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys im new to the forum and have recently been quite interested in Nazi Zombies. I have been reading the posts as a guest and really want to participate This looks like a sweet site! LiL Haxx0r (or Connor if you wish )
Last reply by BRA1NL3S5, -
- 4 replies
A friend told me about this site so I registered so hi :D
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 7 replies
Well, you heard correct, I am the new guy. So don't laugh as I bumble about the forums. Anyways, to get to the point, Im NoQuarter and I play on the 360 and am a big fan of CoDz. Thats really all i have to say, sorry to disappoint. Hope to see you around, -NoQuarterX ..that is if anyone even read this at all....hmm....
Last reply by amazing1pj, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, my names Thor Im from the UK, I'm 19 and have been following everything zombies from Nacht. I used to research the storyline and come up with my own theories based on the evidence and I loved it. I have been roaming through this website and the reddit slently for a few years now and just popped up recentley as I had something to offer on the ciphers. I do youtube videos but most of them aren't zombie related and I am helping out wherever I can for the website.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 4 replies
Hello everyone! I have been following this page for quite some time and finally decided to make and account. I have been a huge fan of the zombies games ever since the start. I have completed most of the easter eggs except for Shadows of Evil. Looking for people to do easter eggs and such so hit me up! The names Kyle. Hello =) HUGE thanks and shout out to whomever started this site. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! Gamertag = TwinSyndrome7
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 10 replies
Hey everybody, I'm MeatPuppets, and I'm an alcoho- I mean, I'm new here. I've browsed the forums looking for people in need of zombies players before, but now I've finally decided to get on my lazy ass, open my laptop, and register an account. I've got a Playstation 3, along with Call of Duty World at War, Black Ops, Black Ops 2, and all of the map packs for each of them. Hopefully I can find some people on here to play with at some point! I have no idea what else to put here, so please enjoy this picture of kittens voting in the 1920 election after the succesful (but grossly undocumented) feline suffrage movement of the early 20th century.
Last reply by mralways1, -
- 1 reply
Hi guys,I never posted an introduction. Dont judge me :evil:
Last reply by GOaheadRAGEQUIT, -
- 4 replies
Hey, I'm Dom A.K.A. DeckchairsFTW (before it was; Doms lube tube) and i basically enjoy playing zombies and trying to find out the secrets of it by looking round the maps and stuff. I was the founder (if you can call it that!) of a small clan of zombieists called Z115. It's not really a proper clan, basically me and a mate decided to make a clan, and i suggested the name, so we had it. Then all his COD playing friends nicked the clan tag, and it spread from there! You will oftn find me and him, and two other random frends playing on zombies. My favourite map is Kino, and on WAW it was extremely close between SNN and Der Riese. I have every single achievement off of …
Last reply by flamecommando36, -
by Killed by M- 4 replies
Hey guys I'm new here on the CoDz community, but I'm not new to zombies. I've been playing zombies since the zombies map back on World at War and I have all the zombies maps, I'm pretty good at most of them and I'm also interested in theories from the storyline. Hopefully I'll get to play with some of you guys and have some good games, peace. -Matt
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
Hello, everyone! My name is Eryn. My gamertag for Xbox One is catryn. I joined this forum to find people to play zombies with and have a good time! I like to play with people who know what they are doing, but who are also laid back and don't have a mini meltdown if something does not go right. I know the majority of the steps to the EE for Shadows of Evil and would love people to try and complete it with because I have not completed it yet. Also just looking for people to play matches just for fun with no true goal. Anyways, thank you for reading!
Last reply by Jami San, -
- 6 replies
Hi my name's Jennifer (or JennTheGiraffe) I am very new and very confused by this entire website and I am hoping I figure it out soon because I would like to find a decent zombie group. You don't have to be the best, just not a quitter and someone who is willing to communicate with a good mic, lol. I honestly hate grouping up in those random matches because no one ever talks and everyone dies after like round 10.. Anyway! I used to play COD BO2 religiously and I just now got BO3 so I am still figuring out my way around Shadows of Evil. Pleaseeee contact me if you're interested! :) Feel free to add me on PSN and send me a message! PSN: JennTheGiraffe
Last reply by Boom115, -
New here this forum looks cool!
Last reply by qAstro, -
Hey everyone! Uhm.. nice to meet you?
Last reply by Tankeo Dempsaki, -
Hey, thought I’d post here again as it’s been quite a few years since I was last here. Originally joined in 2012 (yikes!) and have been in and out a few times since but this has been my longest time away! I’m 24, from England (however living in wales), and looove zombies. Looking to find a few zombie loving friends with to do the easter eggs (yet to do them!) and just generally slay zombies with. Bit of a noob after so long away but slowly improving! if anyone is reading this and wants to hang and play, feel free to message. I don’t bite, much!
Last reply by Chloey, -
- 3 replies
What's up fellow zombie slayers? Been lurking around for a while, finally decided to sign up! :)
Last reply by epic_oreo17,
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