New slayer on the battlefield? Introduce yourself to other CoDz members!
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1,821 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
What's up everyone! New to this forum Name is Jordan, and I play xbox, love killing zombies, but outside of gaming love to go skateboarding, but unfortunately I have to do loads of uni work every day . I also have a youtube channel which is fairly new but growing which is cool, would love to see it grow quicker though so please spend a second of your time to check it out! The link is Anyway really hope you check out the channel, and enjoy. If you want to add me up on xbox and play some zombies then my gamertag is jordansk8 Thanks!! - doing a Tranzit series at the mo! :)
Last reply by jlarochegames, -
Hey guys ive already made one of these but anyways I didnt really put much in my other introduction. Im tinasrob. My GT and PSN are on the right somewhere under my name. My name is Nathaniel King, although if youre gonna call me by my name i prefer Nate. EDIT: I also have a clan called G4L and another account of mine is G4L-Matrix on ps3. Clan details are in the teammate finder section
Last reply by tinasrob, -
by PuLsExEdGeZ- 2 replies
Hey guy's whats up? so yeah i have been following this site for awhile now but never had the courage to like actually sign up lol, anyways i want to help in anyway possible okay! peace! P.S. i am not a HL fanboy if you guys would have thought of me to be one of them, i basically find all that plain nonsense. so yeah..uh..toodaloo :lol:
Last reply by ClaireJeepChick, -
by Equilibriume- 3 replies
Hello everyone! My name is Equilibriume and im here just like the rest of you, because I love zombies! if anyone wants to add me on xbox my gt is: Equilibriume. I`m usually on but if it looks like I`m not doing anything then feel free to send me an invite to play, I`m usually down for anything. see you guys later!
Last reply by Lenne, -
by Aedanspurs- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hey guys and girls! How you all doin'? I guess this thread is about introducing yourself... i mean it says it in the name XD Right, lets get down to business. My names Aedan, ive been playing Call Of Duty since late 2009 and my first game was world at war (I know black ops was out but i bought WaW and MW2 to see if i liked the genre, and it shows that i did) I finished the campaign and after the credits ran i was greeted by Nazi Zombies on Nacht. Its needless to say i shat myself and played the first 3 round then i was overran. I didnt know the doors were openable at the time and was completely clueless. Shortly after finishing World at War i got my mum to buy me…
Last reply by Lenne, -
Hello all! I'm new to the forum and thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Eryn and my gametag for Xbox is Quinzels. I joined to hopefully find people to play some Black Ops zombies with me and my friend and also in the future play Black Ops 2 with.
Last reply by MegaAfroMan, -
- 1 reply
Hello fellow Zombie killers! I'm a member for some time now but never introduced myself. I'm a passionate Zombie killer from Luxemburg, Zombies for me is like its own game and I must say it's my favourite game of all time, I know the storyline by heart and prefer playing on solo because I got no Zombie partner and playing with randoms is a no-go for me. I'm into Zombies since World at War Nacht der Untoten. At that time Zombies was like the Horror mode of CoD lol, because I perfectly understand german and I read night of the undead and thought well Treyarch is going nuts... But at the end I liked it and today I can't get enough of it. Well, this forum is amazing, a plac…
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 2 replies
names Wolfie. Been looking at this site for about a month now and registered like 5 minutes ago. Want to meet more people to play zombies with and go freakin BERSERK and such. If you like Bullet for my Valentine, Celldweller, Blue Stahli, AX7, and stuff like tha then we will get along perfectly. I play on Ps3 most of the time names WoLfiEfaNgZxD or Wolfie_Fangz_xD im not sure one of those ( think its the 1st one ) HURRY AND ADD ME I GOT LIKE 90 FRIENDS AND THE LIMIT IS 100 RIGHT?! Okay that's enough about me add me if you wanna learn more :twisted:
Last reply by Wolfie, -
Hey! I'm YSK
by YSK- 0 replies
Finally I have decided to register for an account on here after years of anonymously scrolling through the website. I go by YSK and I am an absolutely huge Zombie fanatic. I have been addicted to the game mode ever since it was released way back in WAW and I've been obsessed with everything from High Rounds to Easter Eggs. Now that I'm getting older, I'm more of just a casual chill player who likes to just sit back and play the mode for what it is - but I do still enjoy the egg hunts and high rounds. I'm actually planning on getting into the content creating side of things by making my own guides, videos and eventually live streaming t…
Last reply by YSK, -
- 3 replies
Hello! Really, this isn't an introduction, because I've been on here for about 1 and a half years now, but more a Hello and an insight into who I am I'm Sam. For people wondering, my name isn't just a mish-mash of random letters. My first (and now removed) YouTube account was created when I was 9, so my dad picked the name. It was, what was then, his make of motorbike. a CCM404E. Boom! I'm 17, I live in the south of Devon, England, and have been a regular Call of Duty player since MW2. It's kinda strange, I don't remember being that into WaW, but I do remember being really hyped for MW2. Kinda weird huh? I have a PS3. I've been a Playstation user pret…
Last reply by heillingalj, -
- 5 replies
So I am new here, but a long time fan of Zombies! I've been playing since WaW. I stopped after Black Ops I, but I played BOIII Zombies for the 1st time yesterday and I fell in love all over again! I've always wanted to start a youtube/twitch channel and have dabbled with it a bit in the past but never took it far. But I'm looking to change that and I'd love to make Zombies a staple series of my channel(s). PLEASE LET ME KNOW if this would be something that would interest you guys! Which format would you like to see (Twitch/YouTube)?
Last reply by Doppelgänger, -
- 24 replies
So this is what i wrote yesterday : ( Hey Guys and gals! I am back This past month has been very hard, and long and painful for me. Being banned from this site has to be one of the worst things that has ever happened to me. I have been keeping up to date on these forums ( as a guest ) and see, that one of my friends (StopAnonymous) Has been getting the message across to most of you by putting my unban date. Anyway. I am writing you this at 20:40 ( 8:20 pm) because i have accidentley left my clock(on CoDz) , 5 hours ahead. So reallyi should be unbanned now, but hey ho, i deserve more than i get. So a few more hours won't hurt. During my ban, i had met plenty …
Last reply by Strwrsbob, -
- 4 replies
The title says it all, I'm new here, though I have Gmail if you want to talk more, because I likely won't always be here, but rather on my G+(Vintage Misery for that as well)
Last reply by Lenne, -
by GlobalNuke- 3 replies
whasa happa everybody? im a new member, but have been a relatively frequent visitor to the site. super hyped about BO and its zombie mode!
Last reply by m12, -
I'm a stubborn idiot who's yet to succeed at anything in life, I constantly seek out new things to give my life purpose, but to no avail. I was recently thrown out of high-school as a senior with only 30 credits needed to graduate, and I have a daydreaming disorder ( ... aladaptive) that keeps me from getting things I'd like to get done, done. I play online poker at the micro stakes, where I am a winner. I suck at Call of Duty multi-player, but can't seem to understand that when I lose a gun fight. I do enjoy figuring things out, and besting other people. I look forward to getting to learn about all of you, and …
Last reply by Delta, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Most of you probably know me from the Discord, but hi nonetheless. Call me Humphrey, I mostly work around fiddling with either Photoshop or helping out with transcribing information for the new timeline. It's nice to meet you all on the forums at least, and I hope to speak with you all soon as to interact with the forum.
Last reply by Spider, -
- 13 replies
Greetings everyone Just wanted to introduce myself and say that I hope to play zomz with some of you in the near future! A little about me, I enjoy playing zombies more than the actual MP. I used to be in a CPU online gaming community from the release of Medal Of Honor:AlliedAssault up to the release of the first MW. I am 30, married and we have a hilariously awesome 9 year old boy. What made me interested in this site is that first off its dedicated to zombies and secondly that it's a nice big forum. Only a couple of my IRL buddies that play zombies live in Hawaii so trying to get a game together with the 6 hour time difference is a bit of an arrow to t…
Last reply by lucky11202, -
- 3 replies
I'm not new but I never got around to actually making one of these but now I think it's appropriate since I'm posting and participating on the site much more than I used to be. Anyway, name's Rickety Cricket and if you watch or have seen Sunny in Philadelphia you may notice that my user name comes from one of the characters in the show. I'm a big fan of the show and this was alias when I played Garry's Mod so I figured I'd just use it universally for everything I do on the internet. I'm a big Zombies fan, obviously, but I'm also a huge fan of other series like BioShock, Dead Space, Halo, Borderlands and the list goes on. I also live in Iowa, and no I don't live on a farm.…
Last reply by Delta, -
- 2 replies
Hi! I'm new to this forum and am also new to the youtube scene. I just recently started making daily zombies videos and am growing really fast already. I would love to keep meeting more people and am looking for someone to collaborate with on zombies. I would love if you would come checkout my youtube channel here. I make top 5s and also other videos on zombies and would love to meet more awesome people :)
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 6 replies
Hey, I joined recently altough i had dwelled in the forums since the good ol' WaW days (didn't get to play it much) so i wanted to make an introduction. My real name is Kurt and you will be seeing me alot. I MEAN RLY ALOT! I joined because I have bright ideas, dark ideas, theories, I know ze backstory (Horrible stuff really) and I just wanna share my ideas with ya guys!
Last reply by zombieman9, -
- 1 reply
Heyy I'm ZombieSlayer3000 (call me Charlie or Chazz though). I'm 12 and play Zombies on PS3. Gamertag: artemisfowltwin1 add me . My favourite zombies characters are 1st)Dempsey, Nikolai, Richtofen. 2nd) Takeo.
Last reply by Pope, -
names kevin, love zombies especially the Easter eggs and the hidden stories they ROCK. XBOX 360 player my gammertag is:- iGod45 no one add me under the age of 16 thanks mature players only
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
Hey everyone loved zombies since it came out and even though im not the best (by a looong shot) i still like playing it. It's good to be here! :D
Last reply by m12, -
- 5 replies
Hello, name's Rickety Cricket. I've been on the site for almost two years, I'm glad to see that it's back! I just thought I'd post an intro for anyone new and for those who might remember me. I used browse these forums everyday and post occasionally and now that I'm in college and have a ridiculous amount of free time, I'll be here a lot more and I'll definitely be playing zombies way more too. So add me if you're down to play! I'm also working on some zombies fan fiction that I'm really excited to share with everyone here on the site. See you around, Rickety Cricket
Last reply by Lenne, -
I'm Nathy, I like to play zombies and usually play 2-4 games a day, I only ever play 4man on mob/die rise
Last reply by GRILL,
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