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1,821 topics in this forum
I'm a stubborn idiot who's yet to succeed at anything in life, I constantly seek out new things to give my life purpose, but to no avail. I was recently thrown out of high-school as a senior with only 30 credits needed to graduate, and I have a daydreaming disorder ( ... aladaptive) that keeps me from getting things I'd like to get done, done. I play online poker at the micro stakes, where I am a winner. I suck at Call of Duty multi-player, but can't seem to understand that when I lose a gun fight. I do enjoy figuring things out, and besting other people. I look forward to getting to learn about all of you, and …
Last reply by Delta, -
- 1 reply
I am an avid zombies player and finally have found a place where I can help and be helped by other people youtube is ok but codz is awesome. Love you guys and your ideas.
Last reply by Delta, -
Hello CoDz! I never did make a proper intro thread and have posted a couple times. I love Zombies. I've been playing since the WaW days. Actually, for my bachelors party, myself and two of my groomsmen took turns tag teaming Nacht...we didn't even know the Box existed on that map at that time! I absolutely love the story line in the zombie gameplay, and is why I follow it. I'm not the best at Z play, but I am good enough to usually get to the 30's or 40's depending on map, but I don't usually have anyone good to play with me. Outside of CoDz, I love cars. I build, tune and race with most of my hobby money and time. Mostly autocross with my SMF-class CRX, but …
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
Hello all. I am Thief. I'm not really new. Been here before, Just never had am account. I am here because i wanna Investigate into the Nuketown & TranZit Easter Eggs for Black Ops 2.
Last reply by lilscrappy, -
- 2 replies
I'm here 'cuz i switched over from multiplayer to 99% zombies. partly due to the new zombie stats and 'cuz there's no more hardcore kill confirmed in black ops 2.
Last reply by Delta, -
I've been stalking the forum for a while now and finally decided to join. I started playing Zombies when I discovered it after beating the campaign in CoD WaW and couldn't believe how great it was. My alltime favorite maps are Verruct and Nacht. I usually play solo or with friends who want to just shoot zombies so wasn't able to get fully involved in the ee's on Black ops (although I would like to). I picked up the hardened editions of both Black ops 1&2 at release so I could play more Zombies maps! I am enjoying the new Black Ops 2 survival maps as they remind me of the simpler WaW maps. Tranzit is a welcome addition as well for when I feel like doing more in Zo…
Last reply by Delta, -
- 5 replies
Hye guys, just letting yall know I'm new here. Been browsing this site for a while, and finally decided to make an account, trying to get info on the easter eggs and looking at peoples ideas (exploring most of them). I've been playing zombies since Black Ops and love it! Absolutely love all of the easter eggs Treyarch comes out with too. You guys can find me on Xbox Live at: Mr Dandyballs and you're welcome to friend me if you want to play zombies sometime. Currently trying to figure out this damn Tranzit EE and looking for help, thanks!
Last reply by bbobs2, -
Oh, hi. I like zombies. Well, i suppose you figred that out since it's a zombies forum, right? Well, I play Xbox, and I can't stand PS3. No offense to you PS3 players, I mean I played a PS2, but I can't stand it anymore. Xbox just feels better in my hands. So, hope to see you guys around!
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 3 replies
How are things guys? I've been playing zombies on the 360 for too long, really just another zombie player obsessed with the zombies storyline, slaying the undead, hitting high rounds and doing all the easter eggs. I've moved to PC recently (Custom maps/Mods are awesome) and can't wait to unravel all mysteries embedded in the zombies portion of COD. Should see me lingering around here every so often. Keep it real, over and out. Steam: DC_Cremkie
Last reply by zombieman9, -
- 1 reply
Sup guys, Im a huge zombie player and I'm not to shabby either. I enjoy writing my own Zombie Stories, so look out for them in the coming weeks. Im from England and since the weather is stereo-typically bad, I'm confined indoors. Im a Amateur/Semi-pro MMA fighter and training is a passion of mine. Thanks for reading my post P.S. My friend made my Sig, if you want one $5/£5
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
Hey everyone ItsRaffee here and I have been browsing this forum and couldn't help signing up! I have played zombies since back in WaW and followed the story ever since along with doing all the easter eggs so far (still puzzled at the new one though lol)and am hoping to help and submit my theorys and ideas as well as taking in others I enjoy other games too like Halo but this is a zombies forum so we will leave it at that. I also wanna say thanks for this site its what I have been needing, a place where serious zombies players can help each other out as a community etc and I am glad to have found it.
Last reply by xXExpertCoahXx, -
- 3 replies
Hi i am the da_best_jay. Well thats my psn! I have played every single cod game. From call of duty to call of duty black ops 2. I am a good zombie and a multiplayer player! If you ever wanna play, psn is da_best_jay
Last reply by -Armageddon-, -
- 2 replies
Hey! My name's Speyedur, or in real life John. Looked up how to make the jet gun and was sent to a thread on here, I thought it would be pretty nice to make an account and join in on this great forum. I'm looking forward to looking around and posting a bit Anyways, my favorite perk is PhD flopper, and love to kick zombie babies. I hope I can help out and contribute soon. I wish I could have joined earlier, but I've never heard of this place. Anyway this is getting a tad long so I'll see you all soon!
Last reply by xSpeyedur, -
- 1 reply
Hello commnunity, my name is Kevin. I'm new to the whole zombies craze but , not new to COD or hardcore gaming in general. I'm really trying to do the easter egg and attempt to crack it further. Feel free to add me on XBL:polomn, I'm always down to run.
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 6 replies
Wassup ppls this is that badazz zombie killa Sam best known by King_Sam420 [PSN name] and just wanted to introduce and say a few things in this epic intro lol First off i had no idea about this site until my gud friend/zombie partner told me about this, he goes by jay-f2008. i met him thru find match randomly and noticed as we played that he could hang with me! im not too big on the solo zombies, im more of a team player,[mvp] playing with randoms, its just more fun to me and you never know what your getting into especially when you got noobs on your side. [but since now that BO2 saves solo leaderboards i might give solo a try.] Through out all my zombies days i still to …
Last reply by Delta, -
- 8 replies
Thanks to MrRoflWaffles' stream, and the people in there, I've been sucked into the CoDz forum. Well... It looks awesome here Hopefully I can help out a bit
Last reply by Technicuddle, -
- 2 replies
How's it going everyone? My name is Kris, friends like to call me K-Kris(kaykris). Looking forward to future matches with ya'll. I currently play on Xbox360 Gamertag: OhNoItsKKris Highest rounds (black ops 1) Kino: 34 Five: 31 Ascension: 35 Shrangri-la(spellcheck): 17 (didnt like the map, just my opinion though) Call of the Dead: 30 Moon: 24 Der reise: 37 Nacht Der Tochten (spellcheck): 23 Verruckt (spellcheck): 22 Shi-No-Ma: 14 Right now, I'm mainly looking for people on black ops 2. I haven't done the easter egg yet :(
Last reply by CalloftheVaffles, -
- 2 replies
Duck hunt.. yeah.. well I am ZombifiedMemories er, or mudkip even zomkip. Not so new to this site been looking around on here earlier and thought I might join. I love me some zombies, so don't be scared to chat or whatevers I will not bite! o-o
Last reply by Blamco177, -
- 2 replies
Hmmmm....So hello everyone. This site has changed a bit since I last saw it! Some of the older members MAY remember me. It looks like we've got a new batch of specim-er members as well. So, anyone want to give me the word on any big changes? It would really be appreciated! So yeah, it's good to be back, and I'm staying!
Last reply by Blamco177, -
- 1 reply
Just thought I would drop in and say Hi from the UK. I have been looking for a good cod zombie forum and it looks like this is the place to be. I have been addicted to zombies from NDU and follow the story aswell as easter egg hunting. I would class myself as a skilled zombie slayer and have survived high rounds in solo and 4x on all maps. If you fancy a game sometime add me on xbox tag: DarthBumHole Cheers and happy slaying
Last reply by richlands24, -
- 2 replies
How are you all doing! This is KnoxVegas aka Cody here looking to join with a group of people to blast some zombies! I play on the PC i don't play any games on the xbox or ps3 besides hockey and other sports games. So anyway im looking to get in some serious matches with some fun zombie players and looking to have fun!
Last reply by KnoxVegas, -
- 1 reply
Hi! My name is Marty. I'm a Native American from Jemez Pueble, New Mexico. I play on the PS3. its my first Community site ever so i'm hopong people can guide me into the right direction. PSN: Kittenlover6996
Last reply by CalloftheVaffles, -
Hi, how do I get my site affiliated with you guys? The site I would like affiliated is, it's not very old but hopefully you can see the potential it has. If someone from the staff team could let me know that would be great, thanks in advance,.
Last reply by codman!, -
- 1 reply
Hey this is shnaggs11 I'm new to this forum. I am close personal friends with Tac, we run a YouTube channel together and I've seen him frequently posting this site, so I figured I'd join. If you feel like playing Zombies, hit 'shnaggs11' up on Xbox LIVE around 6 mountain time... EVERY DAY! :twisted: Hope to see you around!
Last reply by Tac, -
- 1 reply
I'm Wizardmanguy. I've played CoD zombies when it first kicked off in WaW (A friend and I co-oped through WaW just to play Zombies before they unlocked it from the start.) I've been in love with it ever since. I have watched the forums for a while, but with the launch of CODBO:2, I felt like the time to join on my own was right. Especially with all the new-up-coming easter eggs! I play on XBL exclusively, but I did play CODBO:1 on the PS3. I'm currently around 17-30 worldwide for revives, and I love my Krauss Refibrulator. My XBLGT is the same as my forum name, and I am always looking for competent teammates to play Grief, or Survival. I still have…
Last reply by Lenne,
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