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1,821 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Hi All, Found your site a couple of weeks ago & am well impressed! Always loved blowing holes in Zombies since the early days of Resident Evil on the PS1 8-) & can't get enough of Zombies in CoD! :twisted: Hoping to join up with a few of you online at somepoint - my skills are steadily improving but need to learn from the "Zombie Jedis'" out there to further my zombie mashing career! See you on the killing floor! Uh-rah!
Last reply by MegaAfroMan, -
- 7 replies
Hello everybody. my name is Gretchen. (yes. im a hardcore gamer girl) im 23, and ive been gaming since I was 14, the first game I ever played was Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and from then on then I became a hardcore shooter lover, I also occasionaly play other types of games, but im mainly a shooter girl. I played the first CoD on PC back in 03, and own every installation in the CoD franchise. CoD became my life somewhat, (I mean I have a life, gotta spend time with the GF so she don't dump me ) but anyway. Ive always loved Cod. but then WaW came. and I played Zombies. and I loved it. ive been around since day 1. and will be around until Treyarch no longer makes more …
Last reply by Mr. Touchstuff, -
- 7 replies
Hello everyone Davey here Im 21 I've got a PS3 my names my online addy im looking for some people who like to take it serious and have a laugh whilst doing so im sick of people leaving games and messing about or being greedy with points. Anyways i have All the WaW maps Favorite is DerRiese. Add me i dont bite...or do i. Cheers Davey PSN: X-DieRichtofen-X
Last reply by X-DieRichtofen-X, -
- 15 replies
I just joined this forum and wanted to say Hi. Hi. My name is Banks. I'm obviously quite fond of call of duty zombies. I make music, visual fx, motion graphics, etc. Check out my short film in my sig if you want to see some live action nazi zombies. I'm also working on a ray gun prop that I hope to finish and post up soon! See y'all around. Thanks. Bye bye.
Last reply by mynameisbanks, -
- 1 reply
Hey everyone! I'm new to the forums. Excited to be here! I'm from Pittsburgh, PA, where there is quite a bit of zombie history :geek:
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 10 replies
Hello everyone. Stumbled upon this forum while looking for Zombie help, looks pretty good. I'm from Scotland i'm mainly looking for PSN players to help with EE and general fun playing Zombies. Majority of my friends list have either stopped playing Zombies, don't like it or don't have the DLC which is a shame. I normally play solo or with randoms which is never really that fun, lol.
Last reply by swappingspit, -
- 3 replies
Hello Guys and Gals Im Craig im from the UK, ive only just really got into Zombies. I did play it on WaW and Black Ops 1 but not for any great length of time. Enjoying it on Black ops 2 though Look forward to being a member here. Im 34 years young and I am as addicted to my gaming as I was when I started over 25 years ago !. Look forward to hopefully playing some Zombies with you in the future. Thanks Craig
Last reply by Wiggy, -
- 14 replies
My name is Armageddon. Half-Noob at Zombies. I'm much better than all my friends (bar one, we play together alot) Hopefully I will be here for a long time Catch you all later, I'm off to start contributing :D
Last reply by Technicuddle, -
- 3 replies
Hey I'm John I'm 26 and 3 funny children and my beautiful wife of two years I have been scouring the forums for a whole and I love them much more mature people here. :D
Last reply by Lenne, -
Hy guys great to join this community and share with all of you the love for this epic saga
Last reply by Hoekane, -
Hi, My name is Michael, and I am 16 years old. I am currently doing my GCSEs in school, and hope to work in the games industry in the future as a designer/writer. I am deciding whether to do a Computer based degree or an Engineering one at University, as both interest me. I enjoy reading, playing football and golf, and playing on my PS3. I am quite good at writing, and am currently working on a Fallout 3 based fan-fic, I might even post it here if I can. I am good with computers, helping most of my class out, and own a Late 2008 Aluminium Macbook. I joined this site from a link posted by carbonfibah on the Call of Duty forums in the topic abut GKNOVA. It looks …
Last reply by YoungMaxwell, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys was searching the web looking for a site that could potentially have good zombie resources and players. My real life friends absolutely suck at zombies and I really want to finish all the Easter Eggs before the next cod comes out. I play on the ps4 if anyone would like to do the easter eggs add me please my gamer tags are HintonDaHitman and MancHitmanTwitch. I've only done the Shadows of evil one so far.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone, I should've signed up here long ago but never did, some of you may recognize the name from other forums, i am the same person, i thought since this still seems like an active forum i'd join in .
Last reply by S.O.P.H.I.A., -
hello guys, new member here loving all nazi zombie related, really like ur forum and all info u guys have in it.
Last reply by teh shrew, -
- 8 replies
I'm relatively new here. Figured I'd make an intro post! Soooo wassup! I'm a big zombie theorist.. so look out for my theories. I already have one (in my sig), you may want to check it out. As you might learn something...
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 6 replies
Hi all. Names fiklstein. I play on psn with the same name. I have a mic and i will play any time i can. Have all the map packs that are out and the 4 originale zombie maps Looking for good zombie players to find easter eggs and find hints to the zombie story :)
Last reply by AnnieBerries, -
- 3 replies
sup guys im new to codzombies and interested on zombies and if some1 want to play here my ps3 on your invitation tel me that you are from codzombies i have all 3 map packs so we can play where u want 4 the moment ill not play im trying to level up on modern warfare 2 and bfbc2 but we can do it another day :P
Last reply by Sigint, -
Hi to this forum but not to zombies, i've been in it since i first played Nacht. I'm a PS3 user I love COD but its not my favourite game. I'm Irish I just bet my recored on Kino...35!! Can't wait till Ascension I think i'm going like it here
Last reply by m12, -
Hey guys Robert here, seen the website on the google website for some reason.. Anways hope to look forward to cool updates and to play some guys from here on the consoles! -Robert
Last reply by MaximusKillaz, -
Hello everyone, my name is R2. I have been playing zombies ever since if first appeared in cod waw. I love going for all the achievements while going for high rounds. The new map Buried brought me to this site in search of new information and other good players to try and complete the New and some of the old Easter eggs. hmu to play on xbl. My gamertag is R2RHIN0 with a zero. Cant wait to get to know all of you!
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys, I am new to this forum and from what I see, it is very useful and imformative. I do play zombies often, but not extremely often, unlike some of our members on here. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Alex and I play zombies using an Xbox 360. I was born deaf bilaterally, and in my mind, that's a good thing! If you want to add me as a friend on XBL, just PM me. This is my 1st post on here btw. Whoever is running this site, keep up the good work!!
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
whats up?im new here..
Last reply by m12, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, I'm new here. Just looking for some help with the moon and shangri-la easter eggs. If you can spare an hour or two hit me up! RumBuddyBoo on Xbox live.
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 6 replies
Hello Everybody i'm new here and I joined these forums to improve and help other people. I am excited about making new friends, helping others and Making the Zombies experience even better :3 -Hero
Last reply by SaLaD_FiNgErS_HD, -
- 4 replies
Did was wondering what kindof of things people post in this forum, and also whats is the deal with brain things [brains] ? Hopefully you will be hearing a lot from me :D
Last reply by Phillips455,
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