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1,821 topics in this forum
- 12 replies
hello my name is Samantha, most people jokingly call me Sam Maxis cause of my Zombie addiction, I have been playing Zombies since day 1 of WaW, and enjoyed it ever since, my fav char is Richtofen while my fav map is Der Reise, I have been a avid lurker of this fourm and just had to join im a 19 year old female. im also a lesbian, but im very feminnine, but very tough and capable of kicking zombie ass Nice to meet you :D
Last reply by lucky11202, -
- 12 replies
At this moment I am brand new to CoDZ but by no means am I new to the art of slaying zombies. So a little about my general life; I was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska and am currently going to college in my home city. I'm not too fond of checking forums on a regular basis so if I miss out on information at different times, don't be surprised. About 3 years ago I bought WaW for the sole purpose of playing nazi zombies, as I had experienced the joy of co-op Nacht der Untoten on my roommate's xbox. Once I played Der Riese I could recognize the differences in design when compared to other maps, the difficulty yet simplicity and the map quickly became my favorite and r…
Last reply by TheSlushTurtle, -
- 12 replies
hi im very new to this but not to call of duty/zombies i have just made my channel on youtube and create many challenges on black ops. some easy , fun and hard ones. my lastest video is 2 player pack a punch in no mans land in 11.50 with no downs or perks then 13 rounds in moon with no doors open. i dont no if this is much interest to you ( hopefully ) but i just helped a fellow player in no mans land from 100 kills and he is now on 240 with my help and tips. i do this quite often and look forward to anyone else. feel free to add me on xbox or see my challenges, im 40+ on most maps :)
Last reply by shirtlesservice, -
- 12 replies
My name is Xerophobia and it is about time I introduced myself on the best Nazi Zombie site in the world. There is honestly no comparison to what you have here. The amount of knowledge and experience behind these codes are incredible. I'm sure your all already aware of that fact but I'm also sure it does not get stated enough. No site will ever match what you guys have going on here. I'm here because I have a thirst for Nazi Zombies that never goes away. My dreams are haunted with them. I still hear zombies moaning even when my system is off. Everything I do has been taken over by Nazi Zombies and I'm loving every second of it. I wasted my first two wishes. Bu…
Last reply by Eddiethehead, -
- 12 replies
Hello Forum! My username is LiL TS 420 but we're all friends here so you can all call me Tate! I love any game that has to do with zombies/killing zombies. I joined this Forum because i love CoDZ and wanted to interact with other players who enjoy zombies just as much as i do. If anyone would like to play or become friends hit me up on here or add my GT: LiL TS 420 all letters are caps except the "i" and the spaces are included! I have almost every Blops and Blops II zombie map so HMU!
Last reply by LiL TS 420, -
- 12 replies
Hi im Dan im new to this forum but i always play zombies on Xbox and if you want to send me a friend request to play zombies feel free GT: ZKB Richtofen
Last reply by PHD Flopper, -
- 11 replies
Hi everyone. I'm Gosu and i'm the admin from Prestige Gamerz. Some of you may know me already but to those who don't - Hi I created the Prestige Gamerz site with GoD_GraveDancer after getting bored with CoD HQ and decided i'd take all the main PS3 users to a new forum, which I knocked up in 10 minutes while at work. 11 months later and we've gone from a little MW2 free forum to a multi gaming/multi platform site and are being considered for Metacritic. All the success is down to all our users as PGz is 'For the Gamer, By the Gamer'. My real name is Rob and I'm a PS3 gamer from England. I'm married and have a 6 year old son and 3 year old daughter. I'm a g…
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 11 replies
(most of you are two young to know where that comes from! But it involves butter... and butter dishes... lol) Halo, Hello, Hola, HAI, Hayuh! I'm Claire aka JeepChick. Never knew that Carbon's site was so PIZMP (is that how the cool kids say it nowawdays?) Thought it was time to make an appearance, since Carbon is such a kick ass little dude... not that he's little.,.. I'm just big in comparison. I'm a long time member of the PMS Clan (all girl gaming group). Been with them since Gears 1 dropped. I'm inactive now, but I used to compete with them and also lead several divisions. My current main squeeze community is , D…
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 11 replies
Hello. New here. I'm glad I discovered this forum, there are loads of intresting stuff to read here. Keep up the good job guys. :)
Last reply by Shooter, -
- 11 replies
Where to start, where to start. Well i'm a long time lurker, i've made a couple posts here and there, but recently have been diagnosed with a thoratic vertebre fracture. Needless to say, my day to day life has been effected. More than likely i'll be going on disability and getting surgery if physical therapy doesnt strengthen and give me my balance back. This means my free time at home and internet time will be huge in the coming year. Well now that's through a little about myself. I live in a college town in michigan, i was/am and avid wakeboarder, snowboarder, skateboarder, and biker. Thats changing now, and I've always had a passion for video games (stating …
Last reply by Royal Gambit, -
- 11 replies
Hello my name is QuickReviveGuy or Quick. I live in Prattville, Alabama, I love playing Zombies on the PlayStation 3. I have an Xbox 360 but I don't use it often. I am decent at Zombies all rounds are at least 25 up except Shangri La (I hate that map). I hope to become a very active member of the community on Call of Duty Zombies. Thank You>
Last reply by heillingalj, -
- 11 replies
Hey guys, Tank Dempsey here! I kid you, heh heh. But seriously, hi, I'm a casual gamer who is hooked on zombies I'm not a leech, I'll read your posts AND contribute. I'm also pretty good with computers/consoles/techy stuff, just putting it out there. Happy slaying 8-)
Last reply by That Guy You Know, -
- 11 replies
Hey guys, DeathBringerZen here. Story enthusiast, and all round easter egg hunter and high round hitter. If anyone want help doing ANY of the games EE's, or you have any theories that you need people to help test out, then hit me up. Also keen to play custom zombies with anyone who plays. XBOX GT: DeathBringerZen STEAM ID: DeathBringerZen Thanks.
Last reply by DeathBringerZen, -
- 11 replies
Hello one and all! (Be gentle) I am new here and just wanted to post this for some of you to get to know me! The zombies story line to me is one of the best stories told to me ever. I just recently got into the zombies story line deeply. I have made a couple YouTube videos on Mob of The Dead, on how and why the zombies are there, Analyzed brutis' quotes, and even analyzed (For a lack of a better word) the Easter egg song "Where are we going" found in the game. I'm not known on youtube or really known at all, But I still make those videos hoping to find that perfect audience! Hope you guys like me, cause I'll have a lot of things to post in the future…
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 11 replies
Hello people, I'm JackedUpPerks, and i'm fairly new to zombies, My record on Kino is 14, I haven't bought any of the zombie maps yet though. I'm interested in learning more about the storyline, I play on PS3, message me if you want to play with me and Add me as friend retroknight6 is my gamertag.I'm ThrowAmonkeyBombs oldest friend so he'll help me around CodZ. -Heart of Courage
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 11 replies
i did write out a whole topic about 5 minutes ago but unfortunatly i got logged out i took that long... to sum up what i rote im an experianced zombies player, i have played all maps but do not own all of them maps i own are ascension moon all the classic 4 maps nuketown and origins, i apologise for grammer rapeas i am a little bit pissed off that it took me a whole hour to try and greet you guys properly but as i said i got logged out for taking to long... go figure..... I know alot about the storyline and i have a few theorys of my own just like you guys so all i ask is that you humour me while reading them and please dont bashme for sharing ideas, as i th…
Last reply by MrTreeStoner91, -
- 11 replies
Just kidding, Im no Crazy Natzi Scientist. I just control him from a cool device called a controller Anyway, I really enjoy call of duty zombies and its immersive (most of the time) story. I also make homemade horror movies on my youtube channel: Zomboy Productionz, feel free to check it out. My specialty in the zombies community is probably map idea making. I put a lot of thought into my ideas and dont just throw something down on paper, or screen, whatever you want to call it. Im basically saying that my ideas are a lot more in depth. 8-) I am a pretty good Zombies player and have every map from World at War Nacht to Black Ops 2 Origins I hope…
Last reply by Group115, -
- 11 replies
Hello CoDz forums, I am a zombies player who fell in love with zombies the first time I beat the W@W campaign. At first I was very nooby (obviously) but I have learned a lot over the years, and while still slightly nooby, i believe I will eventually be able to hit a 90+ solo by dedicating some time. To be fully honest, I have never reached round 50 before, my closest run was a 47, I believe, on Buried. I hate playing on easy mode. None of my friends are as dedicated to zombies as I am, and I can't wait till I am able to revive them in games like the most clutch person in the world. Well that was very rambly, I apologize. I play on xbox 360 and my gamertag is Ya Boy BrayJa…
Last reply by BrayJayTheZombSlaya, -
- 11 replies
Hey, I am new to this forum. My boyfriend introduced it to me a couple weeks ago. I've been playing zombies a long time, and decided that all my ideals on zombies are wasted on people who don't care about Easter eggs. So I came here with the hopes of finding people who are into this as much as me, and you guys delivered! I look like such a newb, but that's okay. I love learning new things about Zombies, because there is always something new to learn! Add me if you want, let's play!
Last reply by Mr. Jay, -
Got college life under control, got the Zombies thirst, expect to see me around for quite some time) Most of you know me and my background, but for those who don't, I'm mainly a theorist! But guess who trying to get into the gameplay side of things
Last reply by Undead, -
- 11 replies
Hey guys, You may know me as Ex-PTG Director extraordinaire 'Syphon'. Things went sour there pretty quick so I needed to get out, which I did. I has all the futerpoop intel from Benn and a little extra on the side, two weeks from now is gonna be a fun day... Anyway. Moving swiftly onward. I am here for fun, games and to talk Zombies. So, don't freak out about my PTG history. They were a bunch of twats!
Last reply by Damian-DeMort, -
- 11 replies
My name Stephanie, and I enjoy playing Zombies. I love music and playing video games. I'm from Scotland. When I play video games, I aim to get a lot of achievements because I like the idea of fully completing a game. I enjoy listening to music a lot, I love singing, I collect vinyls. I also write poetry. I'm also not good at introductions .
Last reply by CarelessRockets, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Hi guys, I'm the author of the new, work-in-progress Storybook section of the site. I've had an account here for a while but am just now becoming an active member of the community. I'm really glad to be here! Also big thanks to InfestLithium for inviting me to have my work on the site. I look forward to the future here!
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 11 replies
Hey everyone, My name is John and I'm new to the forum. I joined this site to learn about new strategies I haven't tried yet and to meet some new teammates to play with. I currently have a ps3 and a ps4 and all of the black ops zombies PSN = PhD_Strange Games = BO1, BO2, BO3 (ALL maps) Looking forward to playing with some of you. Cheers!
Last reply by Spider, -
- 10 replies
Hey everybody, I'm MeatPuppets, and I'm an alcoho- I mean, I'm new here. I've browsed the forums looking for people in need of zombies players before, but now I've finally decided to get on my lazy ass, open my laptop, and register an account. I've got a Playstation 3, along with Call of Duty World at War, Black Ops, Black Ops 2, and all of the map packs for each of them. Hopefully I can find some people on here to play with at some point! I have no idea what else to put here, so please enjoy this picture of kittens voting in the 1920 election after the succesful (but grossly undocumented) feline suffrage movement of the early 20th century.
Last reply by mralways1,
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