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1,821 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Hi im zombieWar and ive always loved zombies but i would love to find some zombies gamer out there to play with me rather it Easter eggs or just casual play ive always played zombie by my self and get bored after awhile cuz i have no one to play with idk if ill ever get a reply to this but i really hope so cuz i really miss zombies but hate playing by myself
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 3 replies
Aye I play on Xbox and my gamer tag is bruddah pyro I need to get the Easter eggs done before doc 4 comes on the 6th
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
I'm new. I don't know what I'm doing. Bye.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 14 replies
I'v been following the zombie story line for a looooong time. even when the first couple hundred people beat the story mode and unlocked zombies before they gave everybody it ( i felt cheated tbh) but ever since then iv been hooked on the zombies up until recently. Black ops 3, i feel like its not even zombies anymore. well yeah it is but it just dosent have the same feel it used to have back with black ops 1 or even WoW. The Easter eggs feel mandatory and without them you cant get very far. So i like to stay back and play black ops 1. i'm always down to play some zombies if you add me and we can do whatever, high rounds, Easter egg, just fun messing around. even glitches…
Last reply by KlowniiN-, -
- 7 replies
Hey Guys, So im back on these forums after being away for ages - after I sold my 360 to get an Xbox one I have been deprived of Zombies and being feeling the withdrawal symptoms! haha so to say im looking forward to BOIII is an understatement! Used to be on these forums as EternalxChaos you guys probably wont remember me but I loved the content and stuff on here and reading all the theories etc... So you will probably see me about more! Djinn
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 6 replies
I actually left because the site would never load and it always kept freezing but now the site seems to work just fine. I was reading some threads and i thought i read that Carbon isn't here anymore? can anyone confirm that?
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
Back Again!
by Pasta- 4 replies
Wow it has been years since I've used this forum. I thought it was dead but thank god I remembered to come back. So anyways, I'm guessing inactivity caused me to lose my ranks, bummer. Can anyone tell me the ranks on the forums/the ribbons? How can I earn them? So I'm on xbox one, my gt is: Habeeb Alahad I was heavily involved in Black ops 1 zombies easter eggs, high rounds, challenges, etc. I miss having a solid, strong team to do high rounds or any easter egg related things. So hopefully I can play with some of you, and if way2g00 is still on these forums, you suck :p
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 0 replies
Alright fellow Codz users, I have been out of the loop for quite a while since I haven't visited the site in a very long time, say, eight months almost. I just thought I'd let you guys know that the suggestions and ideas for the possible new Zombies mode are great, fantastic, and wunderbar! I'm officially back and can't wait to read all the awesome ideas. Keep up the good work, and I'll be sure to contribute as much as I can!
Last reply by Wunderwaffle DG-4, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, After two years of not having played CoD zombies i'm back. two years ago i got a son so there was no time for playing maybe we can do some gaming together i hope i can still play like old times
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 8 replies
I just recently started to browse the forum again. Anything new in the last couple months?
Last reply by DJDerp, -
- 5 replies
Hey people, Its been a while and I just wanna say I miss you guys, Its pretty hard trying to do everything you gotta do in life, College studying law which takes up most of my time along with work and other things that mix in with it all, Its kinda hard to get one here and I do really wanna get on more often, Because I really do miss it and miss what everyone has to say, I'm also gonna make/start a youtube channel, So yet again guys sorry for not being on as much. Oh and also, If anyone needs a lawyer in about 4 years time, remember me and give me a call :)))
Last reply by Spider3000, -
- 10 replies
Hello again everyboodddyyyy!! I am back and my spork is golder than ever! For those of you who don't know me, I am not new to this family. I just had to take some time away to deal with some IRL matters. As you all may know, CoDZ, and other things can become giant distractions from real life situations that we should be taking care of. Which was the case with me. So I felt it was best to put aside things here and elsewhere for a few months. But for the most part, the gears are now up and running and I am back. Happy to be back too! I had envisioned this day, CoDZ, the day of my return, for quite some time. And I am relieved to be here once again with my fell…
Last reply by thegoldenspork115, -
- 21 replies
Add me on PSN: BanGuLLy Record: KINO: 36 FIVE: 38 ASCENSION: 25 (37 but psn timed out) SHANGRI LA: 31 MOON: 32 MWA2012 (way2g00) CHANNEL ON JTV BROUGHT ME HERE.
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 6 replies
Hey everyone! My name is Daxton, but my nickname is Barry Sanders. Cause its a term me and my friends use when you are being cornered by a crap load of zombies but you manage to 'juke' your way out untouched! I do it the best out of my friends so they call me Barry! Im a huge achievement whore. Haha my Gamertag is 'TheBlackbirdIII' if you want to do some easter eggs, achievements, or just play to ge high rounds add me! Anyways my Statistics are; CodWaW - Nacht Der Untoten: 23, with 4 CodWaW - Verruckt: 18, with 3 CodWaw - Shi No Numa: 21, with 4 CodWaw - Der Riese: 28, with 3 Kino Der Toten: 28, with 3 Five: 14, with 2 (Hate this map) Ascension: 31, with …
Last reply by BarrySandersCoDz, -
- 1 reply
Hey there, It's a me, mar- I mean, Z0MBIEStheyN0MBIES. I'm new to this forum but not to forums. I like to kill zombies on a daily basis, have read The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks (My Bible) and like to shoot guns.... at zombie targets.
Last reply by m12, -
- 3 replies
Been on this site off and on for years .. Never really posted much but I'm getting back into zombies .. Out of the loop since I am a father of 1 and one more on the way .. Bought another 360 with more memory and have all of my cod zombz dled .. Randoms are no fun to play with from what I can remember and all of my buddies that used to go rounds with me have moved on .. I'm still loyal though! Just thought I'd throw it out there that I'm back in the game and need to find some fellow freak bag killers .. Hit me up on live if you want .. Xboxsucks510 .. Yes there is a story behind my gt .. Cheers
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys decided to check back this old site and looks like a lot has changed, recognize a few faces and all the people I remember seem to be Mods now or something I like the new look and the new trophies, I'll probably lurk for a while and maybe start contributing a bit more, but to be honest I'm pretty bored of COD for now, maybe when BO2 comes out I'll see what people think of it.
Last reply by teh shrew, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
So i have putting this off for a while but i suppose i better get done Hi im Matt aka shootinfish aka graphitesix I have been playing zombies since Waw DR and got into the story a little after that I have been a member of the site for a while now but never really logged in or posted but with BO3 releasing soon i will try to be a more active member In my spare time i enjoy trying to make electronic music and im trying to teach myself Computer science but i get distracted easily and spend most of my free time on the 360 or PS4 I look forward to participating in future threads till then thats it from me
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
Ever since WAW came out with zombies I have been looking for a place like this to strategize and meet new zombie players instead of the 90 percent of idiots that play online. my PSN is guccilafluer. I have a buddy I play with online so we are looking for some more people to join us and get to higher rounds. I have reached round 18 due to the fact that not a lot of people have mics and when things get hectic people kind of fend for themselves instead of sticking to the plan... Anyway hit me up I will be around here often. Looking to get some zomb games in tonight also.
Last reply by m12, -
- 3 replies
I know these cyphers have supposedly been cracked, but am curious of possible other outcomes, thinking of TV in Nuketown, and moon. Richt says the password is A liar, later in Origings he calls Maxis a terrible liar. He also says, horrible accent, and something about stupid Rules (but could Rules be Rollsj, like with an accent one might roll their R’s. So wondering if Maxis could be a password or cypher. Plkyxl Xkarvd’l pvvl aga vabrmrno th hbv mepmwp rrscjms hy Kmwm- tqhz, buk rvit uxaairq, qw cvfal kivtek xhg hgg. V smax hvv Thrhpxvho pwc fref azxh zkvyq rovr gpeke slvx tuh xuhev erjempespe wxzmsi Iwe fing soef dxohwxnwer aveivrc. I frzimj iia aw yunthr vhu…
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 8 replies
Hello to everyone I am The_ Giant_935 or better this is my gamer name, I am Ivan, I am very happy that I've found this forum because cod zombies is absolutely my favorite game and I like have the possibility to talk with the community about it. I'm a young player of zombies, I've started during bo2 era then I've bought past ones like WAW and BO1 playing and recovering the knowledge about early games too. I was introduced to it by a dear friend who actually is part of the Uagna team (is an Italian channel and magazine about games especially cod) The first map I ever played is Tranzit and that's why it is one of my fav maps, then I…
Last reply by andydabeast, -
- 7 replies
Hello CODZ, I've been a member of this site for a little while (I used to check it a lot back in the Tranzit EE days also) but I haven't formally introduced myself yet so here goes. Some of you might know me from UGX/Custom Zombies as I make maps for WAW which you can check out over on aforementioned forum, and I'm delighted that Treyarch have decided to release mod tools for BO3 (about time too) so I look forward to making some epic maps on that in the future. Decided to get BO3 on PC for that reason instead of splashing out on a new PS4 so if anyone wants a game on PC feel free to add me on Steam (same name as here) or post your name here (I…
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
- 6 replies
I've been reading for a long time, but I don't talk much in life and so I don't post much either. I live at the beach though, so there's not much going on in the winter and I've been killing a lot more time here lately, trying to post more. Anyway, hello.
Last reply by swappingspit, -
- 4 replies
Hello fellow zombie enthusiasts. I've been a member here for a while now & I've never actually properly introduced myself. Soo, I thought now would be a good time to do so. My name is Joshua. I'm married and have 4 beautiful children (2 girls & 2 boys). In my downtime I'm also a Zombies aficionado (it's more of an obsession really). For the past 6-7yrs I've spent a vast majority of my time playing solo high rounds. The only exception being when a map first releases, I get into this full on Side Quest/Easter Egg hunting mode. When this occurs, a few of my buddies & I get together and spend the first 24-48hrs trying to figure out/solve all the dirty little …
Last reply by Dopey Legend, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys I've been playing Zombies since World at War and been following it online since the start of the GKNova6 campaign. Recently, all of the constant negativity from the more mainstream places related to Zombies has frustrated me to no end so I'm glad I'm here just in time to enjoy the final map and discuss all things Zombies with you all!
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