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1,821 topics in this forum
- 14 replies
So I'm Lauren, yes I'm a girl. I live in New York and I love cats I would consider myself a pretty experienced zombie player. Especially on the maps I know like the back of my hand. ZBNS and DE, I'm getting pretty good with SOE also. But I basically wanted rant and see if anyone else expierences this problem of people just leaving games basically every game that you get into. So? I was reluctant to join a forum like this to find players because of the simple fact that I really don't like to talk while I'm playing and i know a lot of serious players make that a requirement. But I just can't stand the fact anymore that every game I join it doesn't go through to th…
Last reply by Lauren, -
Mr. Touchstuff is touching my stuff again.
Last reply by CE5k21, -
- 13 replies
Some of you may remember me from my old posts here on CoDz, or maybe from my "affiliation" with PLAYtheGAME (ex-affiliation btw), or from some other source. For those of you that don't, I'm 17. Born in 96. From a small town in the southern part of West Virginia in the US. (Bloody Mingo, google it sometime for an interesting read) I love a lot of different genres of music. Some of my favorite songs that can generalize it for you are When You Were Young - The Killers, Can't Be Saved - Senses Fail, My Curse - Killswitch Engage, White Blank Page - Mumford and Sons, just about anything Avenged Sevenfold. My hobbies are doing Youtube videos. My channel is Mayonais…
Last reply by EricMaynard, -
- 2 replies
Ahoy CoDz. Nemesis here. I've been around for a while, though not many people know me This is the main thing I'd like to be known for around here: ... 28&t=19557 I like designing things, playing stepmania and of course CoD! I'm not particularly good at zombies generally. The highest I've ever got is like 38ish on Ascension. Anyway, hi! Nemesis out. Now gimme introduction medal ahahaha :mrgreen:
Last reply by Nemesis_96, -
- 3 replies
Hey Guys, Hope you are all good! We are CodeNamePizza ( Ben & Joe - Also known as Caspa and Stop Inn ) We have been playing zombies since the release of World at War and have loved it every since, Our passion for zombies led us into creating a Youtube channel which we have been uploading to for around a year now, We currently have 108 videos all to do with zombies and 1500 subscribers which we are very proud of, We are also partnered with Machinima Some of the videos we get amazing feedback for are " Myth Busting Mondays " This is a show that we put out every Monday where we bust myths in the zombie community which our subscribers leave …
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
G'day everyone, I'm happy to join. Been playing zombies since WaW days. Playing zombies up to Black Ops III, the newer games just don't cut it for me.
Last reply by iAmShock, -
- 6 replies
I am the Lord of Shadows. I have been playing Call of Duty: Zombies since I was around 12 years old, and am now 20, so around 8 years. I know a lot about the story, though I haven't been able to play some of the newer maps for Black Ops 3. I would like to get in touch with anyone that has played those maps, for a rundown of it's events, or any kind of information about the map, such as the revlelations promised by the namesake. When i have a console of my own, I will be playing. i have the strong intention to complete all of the Easter Eggs. I am also a writer, so I will likely be posting original content every now and again. Take it as you will, regardless a…
Last reply by SPARTON3, -
- 14 replies
I'v been following the zombie story line for a looooong time. even when the first couple hundred people beat the story mode and unlocked zombies before they gave everybody it ( i felt cheated tbh) but ever since then iv been hooked on the zombies up until recently. Black ops 3, i feel like its not even zombies anymore. well yeah it is but it just dosent have the same feel it used to have back with black ops 1 or even WoW. The Easter eggs feel mandatory and without them you cant get very far. So i like to stay back and play black ops 1. i'm always down to play some zombies if you add me and we can do whatever, high rounds, Easter egg, just fun messing around. even glitches…
Last reply by KlowniiN-, -
- 17 replies
Hi, I'm Samantha I have 2 profiles on CODz one is Lady Psychotica, and the other is just my name - Samantha. I'm a girl obviously. I love playing zombies! I'm a stay at home mom, so I like to play a lot. I don't know anyone IRL who plays so I figured I'd try to find someone to play with . Just because i'm a woman doesn't mean I can't kick some zombie ass . I've gone 13 rounds as Samantha, and I think 12 as Lady Psychotica. I play on wii. If you wanna ally and play a game, HMU. Nice to meet you all!!
Last reply by Wolfie, -
hi, im a cat
by Cat- 7 replies
Heyo, i found this neat fourm while looking for ways to find zombie groups, and it looks pretty neat. I look forward to my time here. I've been playing since WAW, and I'm getting back into the swing of things with BO3 on PC. Hoping to meet some neat friendos through this forum!
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 10 replies
Hi. Old gamer here (43), I got into cod through WAW zombies and have been playing since then. I work too much which cuts into my zombie time, but while I work, I surf and learn what I can. I am odd and unique, usually I am really nice and helpful, but occasionally I am an ass due to high blood pressure issues. Don't worry, it is always short-lived when I am assy. So just laugh and point if I get jerky. I won't mind at all. Happy gaming all!
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Hi everyone! Maybe, a little late when I’ve found this forum about my favourite game(mode), but anyways here I am! But who am I? I love helping people out with my fast, correct and solo guides on my YT channel, MysteryHQ. And how I started? I started playing on Tranzit, and back then I was happy if I had reached round 7-10. But I’ve never stopped, so I completed my first EE on Der Eisendrache! From that point I’ve completed all EE’s (except the BO1 ones, but I did them in Chronicles). I even completed the full Super Easter Egg in IW, so I beat Mephistopheles on my own. Currently I’m a BO4 Zombies slayer and I've never really been a member of this site, even thou…
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 10 replies
7 years later and I still find myself coming back to this site in the midst of a new zombie game coming. I don't think anybody is here from when I was active back in 2011 but I'm happy to make new friends here. Hello everyone, I'm an up and coming content creator who started on fortnite but I am going to grind the **** out of zombies when it comes out. I will be starting with attempting to solve the easter egg first followed by high round records. If anybody wants to play, let me know I will be playing on the PS4. I'll most likely need a 4 man team who is willing to stay up probably 6+ hours after the game is released to try and solve this thing. Good to be b…
Last reply by JeanetteRadke, -
- 14 replies
Greetings. I am Graven. or BRpwnagedotcom, if you want to call me by my gamer tag. I have been a zombies player for at least 3 years. My favorite zombies character is Dr. Edward Richtofen, and my favorite map is Origins. My favorite weapon is the Wunderwaffe DG-2. I am going to comic con this years as origins richtofen, and my highest round is 116 on der riese, solo. Unfortunately i did this on my iphone, which broke, got a new one, leaderboard was wiped, and lack evidence of it, so there goes my Stuhlinger medal Q.Q. I have finished the easter eggs: Fly Trap (if you really consider it a easter egg), Casimir Mechanism, Tower of Babble, and High Maintenance. I know where e…
Last reply by Graven, -
- 4 replies
Good AfterMorning folks ! I’m Jerry, also known as Jerry Krueger. 24 Year old outta Derrty Jerz (New Jersey). Look, long story short I’m tired of running lobby to lobby looking for pick up games of zombies daily. So, I stumbled upon this page (years later). I have a crew of 3 total (including me) whom I play with daily (it’ll mostly be 2 of us majority of the time tho). Everyday we start off with a warm up practice Easter egg run through any & every map (except shadows. Need 4). weve been helping gamers obtain their Easter eggs & trophies a lot lately & willing to help many more of you out if needed. I can assure you with our help, we’…
Last reply by Spider, -
- 23 replies
Hey everyone. I am a chick who likes to play zombies. I watch Livestreams of people playing zombies. I guess you can say I am alright, I am not that great. I try to play when I have time. I have a ps3 PSN: sweethearts87
Last reply by shirtlesservice, -
- 8 replies
Hello (I did not lie) So where to start, my name is Tom im currently 19 years old and studying 'Game Design' at Staffordshire University, also im a massive zombie enthusiast, i love to share theories and ideas on the storyline and help the community in anyway i can. I look forward to speaking to some of you soon.
Last reply by Steelie, -
Last reply by Speedo Cola, -
hi im jim. Heard about this website and i like all the cool stuff in it. I play ps3 and I play cod multiplayer too.
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 8 replies
Hello to everyone I am The_ Giant_935 or better this is my gamer name, I am Ivan, I am very happy that I've found this forum because cod zombies is absolutely my favorite game and I like have the possibility to talk with the community about it. I'm a young player of zombies, I've started during bo2 era then I've bought past ones like WAW and BO1 playing and recovering the knowledge about early games too. I was introduced to it by a dear friend who actually is part of the Uagna team (is an Italian channel and magazine about games especially cod) The first map I ever played is Tranzit and that's why it is one of my fav maps, then I…
Last reply by andydabeast, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I'm a veteran zombie killer but getting tired of kids that just want to session the mystery box. Hit me up for deep and meaningful zombie easter egg destruction. Ps4. tomarselawton
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
What's up everybody! Skywhale here. I've been a longtime lurker of this forum. For some reason it took me about 2 years to finally make an account and another 2 years to post anything. Didn't see the need until now. Anyways I'm a 22yo dude that works in a bowling alley on the east coast, US. exciting, right? I'm a fun person and most of my entertainment and free time consists of working out or chilling on my couch with a game in the console. I first started playing zombies at black ops. Kino to be exact. I remember when making it to the stage and turning on the power was a really good game. I bought jug and then died the next round without a gun, or bought bowie and the…
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys, been long overdue since I signed up. Been playing since Black Ops 1 and been a long time lurker on these forums, so naturally I've seen many faces come and go and the way we play the game and view the story turned on its head by certain individuals as time has gone by. I always came to this forum as a beginner/intermediate player to browse the strategy sections and see what was new, and there was always something new! I've always been more into the gameplay side of things. As a beginner, several of the guys here past and present really inspired me and taught me a lot. Be it @Chopper, who I still consider to be one of the best "move and shakers" of all ti…
Last reply by shirtlesservice, -
- 3 replies
I am wesley aka WAK Fury on Xbox. i hope i can be a helpful part of this community
- 4 replies
First of all i wanna thank carbonfibah for this great homepage! I´m following this side for a few month, and this community is awesome. Some people of might know that the zombie-mode is illegal in Germany and not available on XBL Marketplace. So many germans STILL DONT KNOW THE ZOMBIE MODE! We only can play with the UK or US version, than we need to get a PC with a british IP... But thats enough feedback from this point. Im playing CoD WaW for more than a year. I have all mappacks and I bought the game only for killing zombies and i am still addicted to it :twisted: some GK Nova Documents are in german language. If you want it translated contact me I´l…
Last reply by GermanZombiefreak,
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