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1,821 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
I'm new to codz and still trying to navigate the site always looking for new people to play zombies with and Manet cleared something new. Hit me up my gt. StillTHUGGISH
Last reply by Tac, -
Im up to play with anyone who is decent, multi or zombs. Some of you may remember me I was here before. HAIii
Last reply by Sazh333, -
- 8 replies
"Oh great, another Intro thread!" :x Now that we got that out of way, bare with me. I'll try to make this short and sweet and try not to ramble too much. To be completely honest, I spend just as much time replying to other people's post that I do on my own. I like to include as much details I can with my responses if it's possible, so I tend to over do it a bit sometimes haha. I've loved CoDz since the first day I came here. I originally signed up to participate in the Ascension Easter Egg discussion, but ended up falling in love with the place. I had always viewed the site, but never signed up to post stuff. I learned quickly it was the p…
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
Well, I'm Xtron and I've actually gotten alot farther in zombies than my signature says, but I can't remember exactly . Well my gamertag is Xtron88 on Xbox live. Hope to see some invites! I really really wanna do The Shangri-La and Moon easter eggs.
Last reply by SaLaD_FiNgErS_HD, -
Hello guys I'm 18 year old COD fan, and probabbly just like you guys I enjoy playing zombies. Looking forward to be active with the forum. cya
Last reply by Tac, -
by IamBlackwing- 2 replies
Hey guys, im Blackwing (MrWing411) im a member of the elite Team 411 led by Mrdavetherave411. I've always wanted to make a account but im lazy. so yeah Hope i get a warm welcome! [brains] [brains]
Last reply by Tac, -
- 2 replies
im not too new to the site but i just got beck into it a few days ago, and it has changed allot since last i was here. i just love zombies allot that i wanted to give my ideas to treyarch but i don't know how so instead i found this site. in case your wondering about the name, it started as a clan with my friends called the I Like clan your Gamertag and to have I Like and an animals name ex:I Like oLamas. like that i choose oBearz because i liked the teddy bear from zombies. now that is basically my nickname. i even have a youtube channel that im going to post videos on it once Assassins Creed 3 comes out. [brains]
Last reply by Tac, -
Hello everyone, Diabolik SOVIET from Diabolik Gaming here. First thing's first this forum ID is in no way meant to be a advertisement, I am just simply addicted to the fun that is CoD Zombies. I have some interesting ideas and theories surrounding the Zombies universe and hope to make myself a useful member of the community here at
Last reply by Tac, -
- 1 reply
Sup everyone? Im new to this website but im not new to zombies (obviously) I am on xbox live (zombieman9) I've killed before though. he had it coming. He tried to bite me and hit and eat me. If you havent figured out the person im talking about is a zombie in Black Ops then i will tell you now so you dont fear me. ADD ME!
Last reply by SaLaD_FiNgErS_HD, -
Hey :)
by Alex982009- 3 replies
Hi, My Name Is Alex And I Like Playing Zombies In PS3 Especially Kino De Toten. I Once Had Moon,Call Of The Dead,Nacht Der Untoten,Verruckt,Der Ries,Shi No Numa,And Asencion But I Lost Them . Well My Player Card Is XXErasty115XX. I Am Happy To Join This Site :D
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys im Ultimatelink. I play BO zombies on PS3 and WAW zombies on PS3 and PC! I am a Nazi Zombie mapper, meaning i make my own maps. I have all BO packs and Map pack 3 on WAW PS3. For some reason I can't do any multiplayer on my WAW PC, so that kinda sucks. My favorite wonder weapon is the origional WunderWaffe!!! ZAAAAAPPP!!!!!
Last reply by Tac, -
hello guys, new member here loving all nazi zombie related, really like ur forum and all info u guys have in it.
Last reply by teh shrew, -
- 7 replies
Well like the title says, I'm back! I may not be on as much as I used to (jk that's a lie, I'll probably be on about every single hour cause I have no life at all), but with the little time I've spent away I've missed the community here at CoDz immensely. Now that that's over with, what major things have I missed?
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 5 replies
Well, I am off to summer camp for a month, where I must face the wilderness. And bugs. And trees. AND THE SUN. I am not going to write you guys a heartfelt post or anything. I've never been too good at goodbyes, so I will just say, well, goodbye! I will be back sometime in July; I've forgotten what the exact date is, but I think it's definitely past July 20th, if that means anything. Okay, so remember when I said that I didn't have a heartfelt post to give to yall? Well, I lied. I do. But it's not finished yet. It will have wait until I get back, unfortunately. I hope to see your smiling faces then! Have a great month, Codz. Be sure to keep the party going…
Last reply by MegaAfroMan, -
Hello :) 1 2
by darkflareon- 42 replies
Hello, my name is darkflareon, and I'm darkjolteon's girlfriend He has tried to convince me to join the site for a long time, and now I have. I am interested in writing and things like that. I don't really play CoD, but I'm being trained by Jolteon to get better. -Flareon :D
Last reply by darkflareon, -
Hello all! I'm new to the forum and thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Eryn and my gametag for Xbox is Quinzels. I joined to hopefully find people to play some Black Ops zombies with me and my friend and also in the future play Black Ops 2 with.
Last reply by MegaAfroMan, -
- 7 replies
I've been browsing these forums for the last couple months. I'm not anything new to zombies I've been playing since the Verruckt map pack was released March 2009 for World at War. Here is my YouTube I've had much higher runs (into the 80s and 90s), but do to music on another Account they got deleted. I still have the recordings somewhere on my old Laptop, and I livestreamed most of them too. My is I try to stream almost every night. So that's about it guys as always Take Care!
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 15 replies
I just joined this forum and wanted to say Hi. Hi. My name is Banks. I'm obviously quite fond of call of duty zombies. I make music, visual fx, motion graphics, etc. Check out my short film in my sig if you want to see some live action nazi zombies. I'm also working on a ray gun prop that I hope to finish and post up soon! See y'all around. Thanks. Bye bye.
Last reply by mynameisbanks, -
- 8 replies
Hey guys. I've been here a while, actually over a year now, but as you can tell i don't post much. So thats why I'm posting my intro so late. Usually, if i don't post, i'm just "lurking" haha. But i plan on being more active, especially with Black Ops 2 right around the corner! I usually am up for zombies whenever. I was apart of the team that finished the Easter Egg on shangri-la, almost first in the world with RedDeadRiot, Strwrsbob, and Dream. I've been up to round 40 on almost all the maps, solo or co-op. Send me a message/friend request if you wanna play sometime. Also, follow me on twitter @Sz0ACiiDRaiN. I livestream occasionally, but i'll definitely b…
Last reply by Sz0ACiiDRaiN, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I'm new to the forums! Just wanted to say hi. I will talk about zombies nonstop. Thanks. Can I get a holla!?jk :D
Last reply by Silentcrisis, -
- 7 replies
Hello everyone Davey here Im 21 I've got a PS3 my names my online addy im looking for some people who like to take it serious and have a laugh whilst doing so im sick of people leaving games and messing about or being greedy with points. Anyways i have All the WaW maps Favorite is DerRiese. Add me i dont bite...or do i. Cheers Davey PSN: X-DieRichtofen-X
Last reply by X-DieRichtofen-X, -
- 6 replies
Hello every1! I'm nome and I rly luv zombies! Ive been playin since Black Ops and I can't wait for Black Ops Part 2! I am 14 and my favorite food are cookies! I make sounds like this when i eat them hehehe I am excited about looking around this forum sum more!!!
Last reply by perfectlemonade, -
Now then all I'm Andy from UK who loves zomies,really glad I found this place looks like there are a few interesting topics which ill check out later. Thanks too the tactillaty squad whom I Bern talking too on Twitter who actually told me about this place . Anyway guys ill have a good look around ere later on and look forward to talking to you guys bye 4 now
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone! I've been on this site since early 2011 but I never posted an introduction. I decided its better to make one now then never. I'm 12 years old(don't worry though,I'm very mature) and I started playing games at an early age. Actually, I started playing when I was one(Fact). I am fascinated with video games,especially Treyarch Call of Duty's, and love to play soccer. I'm entering 7th grade starting August and I am an intelligent person. I am in all advanced classes and I am taking 9th and 10th grade math in my next school year.(Not trying to show off if that's what it sounds like ) Like I said earlier, I love soccer. I'm hoping to make it to a soccer …
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
- 4 replies
Hello everyone! I am pleased to finally join this site, after lurking for so long. Ii joined, after waiting so. long.The reason i joined was because i have so many ideas. I dont know where to put them, but someone might help with that. Like you, I love zombies,and like you, i love strategies and the storyline. However, unlike you, i am using. A Nook so i will havd a lot of spelling/grammar issues. Also, I am probably the youngest person on this site (11). Dont let this fool you. I am kinda good at zombies and love strategies. please dont treat me like a baby, i am mature i look forward to being active on this site!
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound,
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