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1,821 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
What's up everyone. Im a big fan of zombies and its pretty much all I play. This seemed like a cool forum with insightful and cool people so I figured I would join. I look forward to contributing and socializing with all of you!
Last reply by Luckasaurus, -
- 3 replies
How's it going people, stumbled across this site a few days ago and have been really impressed with the professional layout, the maturity, and the passion for Zombies this community has. I've been playing since WaW and have always enjoyed endless hours of Zombies - mostly on PS3. I mostly enjoy/ specialise in 'High Rounds' and am not too familiar with the Story-Line/ Easter Eggs within Zombies. My favourite map is 'Der Riese' and I'm soooo happy it's coming back for Black Ops 3. I took some time away from playing in the last few months but I'm back now in full swing ready to kill some undead... leading to the launch of Bo3. I hope to get more involved with this community …
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 5 replies
Hye guys, just letting yall know I'm new here. Been browsing this site for a while, and finally decided to make an account, trying to get info on the easter eggs and looking at peoples ideas (exploring most of them). I've been playing zombies since Black Ops and love it! Absolutely love all of the easter eggs Treyarch comes out with too. You guys can find me on Xbox Live at: Mr Dandyballs and you're welcome to friend me if you want to play zombies sometime. Currently trying to figure out this damn Tranzit EE and looking for help, thanks!
Last reply by bbobs2, -
Hey, Funkdoc91 here, been browsing the forums on my ipod for a bit but thought it was probably time to register! Ah well anyway, hi guys, I've used many forums before so i know not to be a total troll I hope to be a decent contributor to the forums and uhh, that's it Cheers!
Last reply by m12, -
- 8 replies
hello everyone im new to this site and been playing zombies for a while i have all maps on Bo2 and kino five and classic zombies on Bo1 i do not own WAW but is wanting to get in all the custum zombies thang and maybe even map making i have a ps3 and my PSN is xsorburax so farewell
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
Well im new to the community, but have been loving Nazi Zombies sense I first laid my eyes on it. I decided to join after going back to Zombies and once again getting into it's almost Detective solving story. Well hope to see ya guys on the forums.
Last reply by YourdaWince, -
- 3 replies
Whats up zombie fans. I'm suffering a recent addiction to Nazi Zombies, so I figured I would join up Codz
Last reply by m12, -
- 19 replies
I've been lurking for awhile now, finally decided to get off my ass and register so I could stalk personal profil- Er, I mean contribute. Hello errybody my name is Merchant. EDIT: S'pose I should say a little somethin'. I recently purchased Black Ops during Black Friday (Fitting amirite) because I wanted to play some of that zombies that I loved oh so much in WAW. Little did I know I would become so obsessed with it and now here I am with Call of the Dead, Shangri-La and Rezurrection purchased. This game is awesome. I would post my GT but my internet lags to the depths of hell and back on zombies for some reason. My favorite map is probably a close thr…
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 6 replies
Howdy guys, I love Zombies hence why I'm here. Just registered. Loved Zombies since a friend introduced me to it a couple of years ago, Played every map, faves include Five, Call Of The Dead, Shi No Numa, and Nacht Der Untoten for that epic radio. Uhh, 16 from Australia, yes I'm not an annoying child. (Oh god, those bloody children...) Keen to hit up Zombies any time. Preferably Moon, CoTD but buying new maps soon! Live Gamertag: GiMpMeOuT Cheers everyone :)
Last reply by GiMpMeOuT, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys! I'm somewhat new to zombies, as I just bought a ps3 2 months back! Although I had been playing every once in a great while since World at War was first released. When I came across this forum looking for new and more interesting strategy's, and decided to join because I'm a HUGE zombies fan and this looks like a good community! Hope I'm welcome ;)
Last reply by ladyvikings05, -
- 2 replies
sup peeps getting bored playing zombies by myself and really wanting to get the shangri la easter egg done soon well my gamertag on xbox live is joek1rastafari im online most days so add me
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 4 replies
Hey all, just realised that I hadn't posted an intro on the site, not even sure if I did on the old site so thought I'd have a bash. WAW was a bit of a revolution for me, I bought COD4 and played but it was WAW that made me get a mic and get my mates involved online and I haven't looked back since. Totally loving the zombies efforts both by Treyarch and by this forum, legendary. WAW swallowed a huge part of my life and I've loved every minute of it, a bit sad that MW2 hasn't had the same effect. I found the original forum off the back of Carbon's unbelievable original post on aggregame detailing what he thought was the zombie story and got hooked from there. I'v…
Last reply by Alp360, -
- 5 replies
Just saying hi to the zombies community, I've never been here before, and I can't wait to get involved in some very interesting discussions about theories and stuff about the zombies storyline. It's such a difficult concept to wrap your mind around, I still have little idea of what it is all about especially after this new trailer (darn you Treyarch! (I love you really)), but it'll be fun to try and solve things with all of you. Please, be nice to me :3 See you about the forums!
Last reply by BombProof, -
- 2 replies
Hello there, I've decided to join this forum after lurking for a while, and I am REALLY and I mean REALLY into the Zombies Storyline, and I am always interested in hearing your theories. I've seen the theories you guys have put together, and I have to say they never sound stupid or ridiculous, and they are always awesome and based on facts. I hope I can do the same, and come up with theories along side you guys. Oh and I almost forgot, I am only 16 and I am from Australia. Thanks, I love you guys already.
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 2 replies
hi i forgot to go here before i rely started to post topics. I kind of got of on a bad start so forgive me for the stooped bored post. sorry. 14 years old.
Last reply by amazing1pj, -
Well well well... As the title suggests i am returning to CoDz. Now this may not be needed to be posted in the Introduction section but i thought i would let all of yous know that i am returning to this website and will try to achieve the same great posts and consistency i used to have. There will be some members (probably most) that won't know or remember me atoll and there will be a small hand full who will hopefully remember me and how i used to be.So to every single member of this great community i say hello (again) . First off i will start by explaining a little bit about who i am, things i like and general traits about me and and just 'stuff' pretty much. …
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 6 replies
Hello everyone. I hope you all had a great holiday season and new year and that you are all well. I've had such a busy few months and have been working away from home thus not being able to find the time to post but I am now back to my normal routine. I also got my first car so that's pretty cool. Im glad to be back and with the new DLC coming out for IWZ I can't wait to get back into posting and helping you wonderful people out! Sorry for the inactivity You guys rock !
Last reply by Spider, -
- 4 replies
My highest round on DE is 41, I have completed the easter egg and I am trying to start making youtube videos about COD Zombies
- 8 replies
G'day fellow zombie conspirators! My name is ExperienceThis. Tristan in real life (weird name i know). As you could probably tell from my greeting I am from the land down under, Australia. I have been prying through these forums for nearly two years now but I recently decided to make myself a new profile. I have been following Nazi Zombies since World at War was released. During my first game of zombies I was hooked. My best round has been on Kino Der Toten where I reached round 86. However recently I have gotten a little rusty at zombies. Just wanted to say "Hi" and try to get to know some of you other brilliant minds. Thanks! ~Experience
Last reply by nayrcraig, -
- 5 replies
Well, I am off to summer camp for a month, where I must face the wilderness. And bugs. And trees. AND THE SUN. I am not going to write you guys a heartfelt post or anything. I've never been too good at goodbyes, so I will just say, well, goodbye! I will be back sometime in July; I've forgotten what the exact date is, but I think it's definitely past July 20th, if that means anything. Okay, so remember when I said that I didn't have a heartfelt post to give to yall? Well, I lied. I do. But it's not finished yet. It will have wait until I get back, unfortunately. I hope to see your smiling faces then! Have a great month, Codz. Be sure to keep the party going…
Last reply by MegaAfroMan, -
- 16 replies
Hello my name is the TH3 ON3 and I am new to this forum thank you for welcoming me
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 2 replies
As many of you know (I hope ) I left the site for about a month or two to enter in a little tournament. So now I am back, and I also wanted an excuse to use this: PS I am so sorry phillip, I ended up using earthquake to K.O my last opponent. Its good to be back.
Last reply by flamecommando36, -
- 1 reply
Hey I'm PIGoPRIOR! I've been browsing these forums for quite some time now and decided that I should make an account. I started playing with the first Black Ops and got hooked ever since. If you are on PlayStation and want to play with me sometime just hit me up. My PSN is PIGoPRIOR. Thank you.
Last reply by Delta, -
- 4 replies
Hi All, I hope you’re well. I’m relatively new to forums and with that in mind I thought I had best follow the code of conduct and introduce myself! I’m 29, fast approaching 30. I have been playing games for as long as I can remember starting with my Amstrad CPC games, Atari, Mega-Drive (BLAST processing! HA), Mega CD, NES, SNES, PC and the common consoles we all know about today. For work I am an Internet Security Consultant, so I try to stop the nasties who attack you. I recently purchased an Xbox; (I joined the Xbox 360 band wagon a few years ago but bailed after I started working for Sony and sold it off), reason was the online capability, commun…
Last reply by spacedDMC, -
- 14 replies
Hello, CoDZ! Some of you may know me, some may not. I'm going to take this opportunity to tell you guys about myself, so we're all familiar with each other! In late December 2012 I took over as Admin of CoDz. My journey with CoDZ started back in 2009, when the site first opened. I had been following this guy "Carbonfibah" on this new thing called "Twitter". I had found Carbon on the Xbox forums, back when he posted THE original Zombies storyline thread. Before Shi No Numa came out, he started a forum by the name of "" and within the week, I had signed up. I followed CoDz through WAW, all of the DLC's, into GKNova6 (I still remember th…
Last reply by iamnick,
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