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1,821 topics in this forum
I am T-Rex
by T-Rex- 3 replies
Hello! My forum name is T-Rex, in case you didn't know. I love playing zombies, weither its high round attempts, having fun, exploring new maps, etc. Unfortunately, I recently bought an xbox one because I thought BO3 dlcs would be early for that system again. Lol. PS3- t-rex_dinosaur Xbox one- T Rex Spicy
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 6 replies
Hello everyone I am Thanasishim and I am a big zombies fan and a proud xbox 360 owner. I love zombies and I recently bought ascension and cotd (Yeah I am pretty late). I have all dlcs for bo 2 and bo1 except shangri la.I would like to meet people who actually play zombies and cod unlike the cod wiki (Yeah they actually hate cod). My gamertag is like my name but sadly I don't have gold.
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 9 replies
Hey I'm Gaycandybacon. That's my awesome gamertag. It gets mixed reviews, but it be a keeper. You can call me by my real name Nick, if that makes you feel more comfortable. Some people call me Nipple, but that's another long "cool story bro" story that I don't feel like explaining because I'm lazy. I'm me, I speak my mind. I can get crazy but really I'm just a down to earth guy. This silly, laid back, nerdy, boytoy is just trying to make it in this world. And yes, even the internet world, because I'm that much of a wanker. That's British chaps. I think. :roll: Well If you wanna play any zombies or simply just add me for shits and giggles. Just send…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 2 replies
Hello. Im TehGKBrief. I have been on the forums for a while. I am from Wales. I have a cool avatar. Umm, HEIL THE CROC!
Last reply by TehGKBrief, -
- 6 replies
Yeah, I joined a few days ago, and have been posting in threads that pique my interest. However, I didn't notice the introductions forum here :') Hey guys, i'm Hayden. Avid zombies fan since the original Nacht der Untoten. It's nice to find an awesome forum about zombies with such a thriving and amazing community. I play guitar n stuff and i've covered pretty much all of the zombie easter egg songs with my band, which we will be uploading to youtube shortly. I hope I can become part of this brilliant community, meet some people, and that my theories and other shiz interest you. Peace.
Last reply by Hayden, -
- 6 replies
Hello everyone. I'm sure there is a few of you on this site that know me. My zombie experience? I started playing zombies on world at war when it first came out. The good old days before training and getting to round 30 was a major accomplishment. Just kind of kept playing from then to current day. Now I play both Xbox and PC zombies and sometimes I stream to Twitch. Highest round is 70 solo on Ascension. Wasn't really planning on going that high, it just kind of happened that way. I do get bored playing now as zombies is pretty repetitive, but I do enjoy creating my own custom maps. I find it fun to learn how zombies actually work and I like watching people play and enj…
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 4 replies
I DONT HAVE BRAAAINSS!!! help me with this please :)
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 5 replies
Hey forum! I'm sure not any of you remember me anymore. I left the forum back in January, due to personal life reasons. But with those things all done and out of my mind, I have decided to return to these forums. Hopefully nothing like that ever happens again to cause me to leave.
Last reply by Slade, -
- 15 replies
Hey guys its me Zelkova and I have returned from my long dormant sleep within cyber space. Most of the old members know who I am as I helped come up with some storyline theories along with Murder. New members have no clue who I am. I am merely posting to let the old members know I have come back
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 5 replies
Even though I don't think anyone really missed me I'm just letting everyone know that I'm back! =P
Last reply by DJDerp, -
- 9 replies
Hello everybody, I am a former forum member who wants to lurk in the forums again. If you remember the username, Epsilon7, that was me. My password stopped working inexplicably and I began to dwell on Youtube for a long time. But at long last this unfortunate hiatus has ended, and I am back to racking up my brain for more hypothetical speculations on my favorite video game sub-category. Zombies. Now that Black Ops 2 is close to release I know that this forum has been revitalized to it's clamoring and debates and theorizing. This is why I chose to return, and I know this'll be a nice place to retreat to. Also, behold my beautiful brows.
Last reply by Shooter, -
- 3 replies
My trip is over and now I'm back on the forum, time for the randomness to continue. Random moose is random. :lol:
Last reply by teh shrew, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys, Dark Jolteon here! As you may know, for the last month or so my activity has been very limited due to laptop failures and other issues... Well, after all that time I have finally returned to the world of CoDz, and to mark my return I wanted to do something that I hadn't done before... Post an introduction about myself! Okay, here goes: Hi, my name is Kieran Lacey, AKA darkjolteon! I'm 16 years of age, 17 in about 3 weeks and live in Brackley, in the UK. I have been a user of CoDz for nearly 16 months and in that time have earned Veteran status, but more importantly have made many friends! My life consists of studying Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics A-Leve…
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 7 replies
Hey there. I've been a member for a little over a month so I guess I should post some kind of intro. I'm not really a forum guy. This is actually the first forum I've joined, ever. My main reason for joining is to find decent people to play with, since pub matches on BO2 are actually worse than BO1 (no lobby filter for leaderboard; leaving = high rd not saved = wasted efforts). I was hoping Teammate Finder would be a better alternative to pub matches, so I posted there. It's been about a month since, so I don't think that worked out too well. I wish there was some kind of real time chat interface for spur of the moment games. I prefer playing with…
Last reply by Riot, -
- 4 replies
But died in the end. Every time other than golden sporting that weasel in the back. I'k not much for forums being as I gotta save the world from this apocalypse and all. However I could use a few competent friends come game time. I'm good not great but I'd say I can hold my own and rarely quit out of a game. I have and likely will again though. Tturbine trolls and whatever. But yeah im new so ahhh hi. Ha
Last reply by Tasha, -
- 1 reply
How does the ranking on the forums work? It says i'm human right now. Is there a page that explains the ranking anywhere?
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 2 replies
Hello Everyone ! I Never did one of these introductions to the forum, so no time better then now i guess, So my Name is Alex, but you can call me OPL, Razor, Awesome God of Canada, idk whatever works ! I Love zombies and the story line and often times i have theories and storyline ideas always coming into my head and often times they all can be backed up by evidence ! I Run a Partner Youtube Channel, Often times i will post any interesting findings i see, related to possible storyline, and Easter eggs and such, often times i will try to also do a video which ill add to the bottom of my post (Or where ever it would seem to fit the Best) I look to start disc…
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 18 replies
I'm afraid I have to say farewall to zombies. I seem to playing zombies always at the wrong time, when I'm pissed off or just tired.. And I'm losing my interest fast, running circles for hours and hours on is just not my thing I quess. I like solo, since I can pause, but what if I feel like playing another game? I can't. I like the gameplay a lot, but I just get bored so quick. And now whit school, I should concetrate more on school, school is really important for me. I'm pretty busy on school and I don't want to let zombies ruin it. I'm going to miss this forum, maybe I will stick around here a bit, but I quess zombies is over for me now. Goodbye CoDz mem…
Last reply by Tac, -
Hey everyone! I haven't been on this forum in about 2 years, but I was reminded of it recently and I wanted to check it out again. I couldn't remember my password, and my old account is so embarrassing that I decided to just make a new one instead. Seeing this place again is interesting. I don't play CoD anymore, but I might stick around anyway. Please be gentle.
Last reply by Speedo Cola, -
- 8 replies
Hello (I did not lie) So where to start, my name is Tom im currently 19 years old and studying 'Game Design' at Staffordshire University, also im a massive zombie enthusiast, i love to share theories and ideas on the storyline and help the community in anyway i can. I look forward to speaking to some of you soon.
Last reply by Steelie, -
- 4 replies
Hello CoDZ, Yachi here. I've been playing Zombies since WaW, back before there where all these fancy map packs and such. I didn't know that there was a forum for this until my girlfriend showed it to me. Anyway, hello, I hope to be a productive member of the community.
Last reply by Yachi, -
- 15 replies
I take a few years off and I don’t recognize any names ? who ARE you people? ?
Last reply by DeathBringerZen, -
- 4 replies
I'm not really one for introductions, I prefer to lurk. but anywho, I'm OMJashin, 17, PS3 user, crazy cat lady. I play MW2 and Black Ops, mostly the latter. Prestiged once, just to say I did it, and I don't think I will again. Nazi Zombies is one of my obsessions. I play it more than multiplayer. I joined because my brother (beefbobjones) said I should and because I like reading about the theories everyone has. I might contribute someday, If i feel I have something significant to say. Otherwise, I'll just be lurking.
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 13 replies
Hey everyone! I am brand new to this site but definitely not new to zombies! I have been a fan ever since World at War. Since then, I have purchased every single zombies map in some way or another. The only reason I played CoD was really for the zombies. My friends call me a variety of things. I have been called a "zombies nerd" and a "zombie fanatic." In fact, when I am introduced by friends, they usually add in something like: "He literally knows everything about CoD zombies!" Though I put most of my time to my school work and my social life, zombies takes up a great deal of my free time. Even when not playing, I like to study up on the weapons, strategies, maps, and th…
Last reply by Delta, -
- 5 replies
There appears to be many new members since I left, so I'm not sure if everyone will remember me, but for those that do, I'm back. And if you didn't, well I guess this is an introduction lol. Anyways, I disappeared because my music career has been taking off locally, and I've been devoting most of my time to recording and performing. However, I want to stay "in the loop" for Black Ops 3, and I miss the old days so I have returned. I won't be extremely active, but I'll post when I can, and hopefully, once I purchase the DLC for AW, I can get into that discussion also. Hope everyone's been doing fine. Oh, and I have a map idea I've been working on for a while that I will pr…
Last reply by Speedo Cola,
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