New slayer on the battlefield? Introduce yourself to other CoDz members!
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1,821 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Hello there! I'm BLINDguardian756, also known as Scott. My username is the same as my PSN, so feel free to add me - just say in the request CoDZ and I'll know. If you remember playing with me before, just mention that too. I do have Rezurrection, but my PS3 messed up today and will only let me play the 3 base Black Ops Zombies maps :x . Oh, some more stuff to say: my favourite weapon is the AUG, my favourite perk is Speed and my favourite character to play as is Richtofen (THE BLOOD! THE BEAUTIFUL BLOOD!). See you all around.
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 4 replies
No, not really, but my PSN is xxRICHTOFENxx, in case anyone was wondering. on with the intro: My name's Erich (everyone i know irl calls me Axel or Richtofreak though), I'm 26, i'm a diehard Zombie gamer/Zombie movie lover/Anime freak/ etc. and I develop my own music using FLS9 Producer Edition on the computer and with my piano/keyboard. not that any of this information truly matters, i'm just looking for people to kill some of those filthy maggot-infested walking rotbags in black ops or W@W with me. a Note, i DO host mods on W@W, but do not ask me to give out prestige or get you up on leaderboards, THAT, my friends, is CHEATING. when hosting, i always end…
Last reply by heillingalj, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone Im back and hopefully for good, Ive been sick like a long time and crud and b/c i was sick i couldnt keep in contact with anyone 3 but I'm back and crud now Yippe, everyone dance !!!!! o3o I wouldve came back sooner but my stepdad put a virus on my I waited for like a month for him to get the anti-virus So yea.....I'm expecting a big fat ol' virtual hug from all you guys > and anything i miss over my absence I should know about?! Btw the website is too flashy for me now D: someone help me out please and thankyew !!!
Last reply by SaLaD_FiNgErS_HD, -
- 4 replies
I've been around here for months but I've yet to post a proper introduction. I'm British, as you can probably guess. My favourite map is Kino as it is the only one I can play on since I have a Wii and my computer just can't do anything. My favourite character is Richtofen as I think he's loveable in a strange kind of way. I very rarely get very far on Zombies because I either get a little scared or jumpy on solo or I'm playing with a bunch of idiots in co-op. I am, though, very much interested in the Nazi Zombie Mythos.
Last reply by fifthAlpha, -
- 10 replies
Hi everyone i am Pack A Punch 2, I play Cod Zombies on Xbox360. I record my gameplay and do live commentary on it. I also plan on doing easter eggs, party invite games and other stuff. I'm also getting partnered by Machinima in about 3 weeks. If any of you want to play zombies anytime hit me up on xbox send me a friend request gamertag = PackAPunch2 I only play Zombies in call of duty so im always online playing zombies. Looking forward to being here and posting and talking to you all.
Last reply by PackAPunch2, -
Hey all! My name is James, 17, live in Amsterdam, been around this forum for a while now as a 'guest' until today that is! So uhm, for those interested: My favorite Zombie map is either Shino(WAW) or CoTD. (I have bought all the map packs, BO and WaW). Shino is awesome w/ a team of 4, never gets bored, love the 3-strike death hellhound thingy. Fav Playable Characters are Takeo and Robert Englund. Takeo is awesome, his uniform is cool, and his voice (especially his laugh) cracks me up every time. R Englund. Freddy, need I say more? Also Nixon is badass. A shame he only appears in "FIVE".
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 14 replies
Hi, my name is Sjoerd AKA I3lackI3ird and i am 16 years old. I live in the Netherlands, so i won't always speak english perfectly. I'm not quite sure what my favorite zombie-map is, but i think it is Verrückt, because it has just the basic stuff in it. So, yeah, that's my introduction. ;)
Last reply by I3lackI3ird, -
- 13 replies
Hey guys, just to let u know, i have recently joined the forum. expect more from me in the future!
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone! I figured it's about time I post something on this section of the forums what with the Medal that comes with the territory, and because of the fact that i THOUGHT I had done so already, but i suppose i didn't :-/ извините I'm killerussian, I live in Chicago, I am now a freshman in college-- so exciting! I love the color green as some of you may have noticed by my past posts. I love hearing people's opinion on certain topics among the zombie threads whether it be from adding new features to the game (gun, upgrades, maps, etc) I tend not to entertain ideas i think are... well, not the best, but I'm not a jerk about it. I love hearing explanations,…
Last reply by Moondance, -
- 3 replies
Hello! Really, this isn't an introduction, because I've been on here for about 1 and a half years now, but more a Hello and an insight into who I am I'm Sam. For people wondering, my name isn't just a mish-mash of random letters. My first (and now removed) YouTube account was created when I was 9, so my dad picked the name. It was, what was then, his make of motorbike. a CCM404E. Boom! I'm 17, I live in the south of Devon, England, and have been a regular Call of Duty player since MW2. It's kinda strange, I don't remember being that into WaW, but I do remember being really hyped for MW2. Kinda weird huh? I have a PS3. I've been a Playstation user pret…
Last reply by heillingalj, -
- 11 replies
Hello my name is QuickReviveGuy or Quick. I live in Prattville, Alabama, I love playing Zombies on the PlayStation 3. I have an Xbox 360 but I don't use it often. I am decent at Zombies all rounds are at least 25 up except Shangri La (I hate that map). I hope to become a very active member of the community on Call of Duty Zombies. Thank You>
Last reply by heillingalj, -
- 4 replies
I am Dr Edward Richtofen. I was formerly a Major General but I was transferred to weapons factory in Breslau, Germany nicknamed Der Riese. It's actual name was Waffenfabrik Der Riese. Here I joined a Group of scientists named Group 935. Our motto was " To improve the human condition". Here, I was also involved with many projects such as the Wunderwaffe project and the biggest project that the group had. Use a unknown element called Ununpentium nicknamed Element 115. When experimenting with this element, we found that one of its side effects was the ability to reincarnate the dead. This element had so much power that with it we created the Die Glocke prototypes which made…
Last reply by Tac, -
- 2 replies
Im a blarg, yeah thats pretty much it. [brains]
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 4 replies
Vie been here for a bit now, a little less than a year if im not mistaken. I'm Kai, pronounced like the word "hi" but with a k replacing the "h" sound. Anyways, just though I'd show up here and let y'all know who i be. 15 years old, born in NC, and I'm an average gamer. My main killer for zombies is time, stupidity from teammates, or a lack of interest. Im mainly a FPS and RTS gamer, but I'm settling into RPGs like Skyrim and Diablo III.
Last reply by i am richtofen, -
- 2 replies
I haven't been a member of the site very long. This is a great site and I look forward to spending my time here, chatting with a lot of people. My name is Jacob and I reside on the PS3. Friend me if you want to have a good time. I'm 14, and I have a microphone if it matters.
Last reply by heillingalj, -
- 9 replies
After many months of leave, I've decided to come back to CoDz, just so I can keep up with the gaming community. Now before I just calmly walk back in here, I want to get some things strait, so there's no confusion. 1. I work at PlayTheGameco, that being said, I'm in the middle of the spectrum and when there's rivalries, I tend to stand aside and let things happen. 2. Yes I'm a brony, yes I like MLP. 3. I realized I was in the wrong when it came to hating upon CovertGunman, BUT. There is a person who I "dis-like" on the forum. Seeing as though I'm a BRONY, and it's in our code to Love and Tolerate, I will ignore him and anything he says and/or does. I …
Last reply by i am richtofen, -
by LiamFTWinter- 3 replies
Well, after being here for over a year I think it's time for me to make an intro. (Totally doing this for the medal) Anyway, I'm Liam, College Student, Youtuber, Dweller and some other less important things. I was introduced to Zombies when WaW released, but my interest wasn't really sparked until mid 2010 when my friends urged me to play with them. And since then I've loved the Zombies game mode. I'm a YouTuber and I'm partnered with Machinima (Meaning I earn money by making videos) My channel is very heavily based on Zombies. My zombies videos make a collective amount of 1,348,610 out of my 2,053,642 total YouTube views. When I think of all those peopl…
Last reply by i am richtofen, -
- 1 reply
Hey all, my name is James, thought I had done this but I guess not, I love music and video games, I play almost all games and platforms. Mainly xbox... So if you fancy killing zombies, blowing up Geth, racing round a track, snowboarding down a deadly decent or just playing poker drop me a invite. Xbox: speedmetal890 James aka speed
Last reply by heillingalj, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone. I'm an Xbox 360 player and my gamertag is xGIx Dethstalkr. My favorite genre of games are FPS, Survival Horror, and RPG games. My all time favorite game series is Resident Evil, RE2 being the one I like the most. I'm an average zombie player, highest round I made it to in co-op was 32 on Der Riese which is actually my record on both BO and WaW. Well that's about it i hope i get to know more of some people on this site. (Woot introduction medal )
Last reply by U.S.S. Deathstalker, -
been playing zombies solo for quite some time but i always sucked, Now i got wifi and me and some friends got to round 26 before we made a mistake and all died. Found this site and thought i could use some of the resources to learn more about the maps. I got a PS3 and my ID is my username.
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 1 reply
Hey Guys, I know i signed up to the forum a while ago but haven't been using it in ages so thought i would post another post here just to say hi, might see me post an odd thing here and there getting back into zombies again (i have missed it! ) Cheers Dan
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 4 replies
hello am an avid zombies player/watcher/fantasiser and would love someone to talk to about the subject while playing the XBOX version GT is : SpartanZombieXD, am an interesting guy I think, Brown belt in JJ, big reader and writer, UFC addict, guitar player, all that nonsense lol add me on XBOX and well chat your loving SpaZ
Last reply by Vengefulxdjinn, -
- 10 replies
Hey guys, Just thought I'd reintroduce myself, what with the amazing new layout/theme and everything. My name's Alex, I'm on Xbox and love zombies (even though I'm nowhere near as good as Chopper, Super etc)! See you around
Last reply by heillingalj, -
- 2 replies
Hello! I'm Dan and sick of playing zombies with 12 year olds and wanna discuss the wonderful world of zombies! :D
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
Never actually posted an intro when I first joined the site, but here I am! Some of you call me pancake, others, wunder. I love to play zombies, along with Minecraft.I post here from time to time, but use to be a regular. Well, I guess, that's that. Nice to finally post an introduction. -Pancakes
Last reply by heillingalj,
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