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1,821 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
I am back on CoDz Wat has happened since I have been gone.
Last reply by Pope, -
- 7 replies
Well like the title says, I'm back! I may not be on as much as I used to (jk that's a lie, I'll probably be on about every single hour cause I have no life at all), but with the little time I've spent away I've missed the community here at CoDz immensely. Now that that's over with, what major things have I missed?
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys, I'm Zombrex. You probably don't know me but I used to be on thie forum 24/7 (Mainly just browsing) I used to always come on here for my daily dose of Black Ops EE's. I also got most of my storyline knowledge from here aswell. I haven't been on here for over a year. I was thinking getting back in to Zombies when Black Ops 2 came out, but I thought I'd wait a few weeks until people start gathering info about EE's and storyline. Everyday at college for the past month I have been coming on here just browsing in the TranZit section and such. I actually don't play Xbox anymore but I might have to start playing again as all this shit going on with the N4 and such…
Last reply by yellow-card8, -
- 3 replies
Yes I have returned from my 2-3 month hiatus. Sadly I will be going on another one shortly due to the upcoming release of Dead Space 3: Awakened DLC. Plus I plan on getting my hands on Tomb Raider, so that will keep me occupied even longer. I'm going to try to post a few theories I've been conjuring up during my absence in the midst of these few days I'll be on the forums. Keep an eye out for them and it's great to be back! Even if it's only for a limited amount of time :P
Last reply by Hannibal, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys. Graffiti Skys here and is on vacation for the next two and a half months! I feel that due to college I was unable to finish the update on one of my easter egg topics. But I was checking back here now and then, seeing whats going on. I noticed my Avatar topic has a a large amount of requests so i'll get right on that with some new designs! Over the next fews weeks I'm totally free and for the most part of the 2 and a half months. So I'll glady update my topics and even might start up some new easter topics for Shangri La, Call of the Dead and Ascension. Oh and by the way whats the news with CoDz at this very moment Is it good? Bad? …
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
- 8 replies
Not sure if anyone will remember me but a while back, due to some family problems, I left this site needing to catch up with my family and what we were gonna do. Well after a few years, im back. I still remember some of you guys here.
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 6 replies
Hello all, to those that remember me. Hello to those that don't. I've been gone from the forum about a month, but that's because I didn't want any MotD spoilers (ps3 player here), so I tried to avoid all CoD websites. With it coming up now, I am back.
Last reply by Shooter, -
Hey guys, I'm sure you've all missed me (probably not, but still). My laptop broke and I just recently got a new one, so I'll be back to posting frequently once again. I'm sure many of you don't even know who I am, but for those who remember me, I just want to let you know I'm back.
Last reply by piepwns, -
Hi guys I'm Zombrex, I haven't been a very active or "well-known" member but I made 1 or 3 important posts and spoke and played with Arussianmonkey and Faust who are both well known here at CoDz. Now recently I have been getting back into Zombies and I needed to refresh my memory so I rememberd CoDz, and wow this website has changed alot! I like the new layout and everything it looks pretty epic! anyway I remembered I had a account on here so I logged in and read a few new threads and all and jogged my memory. I'll be here for a while now since my exams have finished and it is the holidays now, so I have been thinking of making a few useful posts and threads about BO…
Last reply by Ehjookayted, -
- 7 replies
Hello my friends! I have returned from my month in the wilderness of the southern Appalachians with a clear conscience and a very, very dirty body. I had a ton of fun—played a lot of basketball and tennis, as well as hiking some beautiful trails and seeing some old friends. I also had a humbling experience involving cellulitis caused by a staph infection on my heel. I came pretty close to losing my foot and had to go to the hospital twice. It also rained everyday for the last two weeks of camp. However, even with the rain and my foot infection, it was an excellent time! I thought a lot about the things happening in my life, and Codz was no exception. I found myself thinki…
Last reply by Jolteon, -
Don't know if ANYONE remembers me, since this site seems to have gotten large over time, but ... I seem to have found my way back. So ... what is up with that GKNOVA0, Still going on? Anyone want to suggest me a sig and AVA?
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys! Not sure if anyone remembers me, but I'm a bit of a veteran. I haven't been active in a while because I'm not a huge fan of BO2 zombies. But, if anyone wants to play classic zombies, let me know!
Last reply by piepwns, -
- 0 replies
Yea so i just wanted to let everyone know i am back. This time with more knowledge on decoding. If it is needed.
Last reply by ZombieNationZ, -
- 3 replies
Hey folks! im new here, and relatively new to the CODZ experience, but i am loving playing these levels. i havent done many of the achievements or easter eggs. i have TERRIBLE luck playing online, i got "schooled" in Zombies from a good friend of mine who lives here, and we play often online but usually just the 2 of us, or if he has someone over vice/versa. im interested in playing with people who know what they're doing and having a good time. i hate the jackass players who just ruin the experience for anyone trying to reach higher levels by messing around and not co-operating in strategy with the doors opening etc. all in all i have found …
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 7 replies
Why Hello there everyone! Do you guys remember me? I hope you do! Skool is almost out and Summer is riseing. So I will be coming back but I will be only playing PS3 from now on, yes I know it's down but I trust it will be back out before Esclation launches for the consle. P.S.: I spelled School like that for a reason, BECAUSE OF INVADER ZIM!!!!!!
Last reply by cjdog23, -
My name is Crazy, sometimes go by X-Kid, and I play the hell out of zombies, mainly BO 1, 2, & 3 I have returned. Seriously, someone fix the password system on here. Also, the guy that made a reply to me a year ago, how much of a ignorant f****t are you? I didn't leave by choice
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 6 replies
Some of you may know me. I'm here to lurk and maybe post in your OT from time to time. Feel free to DM or reach out to me on Twitter. -Foxy
Last reply by DeathBringerZen, -
- 0 replies
Hey every, I'm Mr. A. I play Nazi Zombies on PC, and since the server browser only ever shows about 5 servers, I need people to play with. I'm a moderator on, but there aren't as many users there as there are here. My xfire and steam are both "sirozog" is you want to add me. :D
Last reply by Mr. A, -
- 14 replies
i've always wanted a CoDz account like K.A.Z,and now i have one,i looooooove zombies and its awesome storyline i'll be getting a 360 for xmas,and me and K.A.Z will be playing alot
Last reply by Faust, -
- 3 replies
Hey there! My name's killerdominic23! I stumbled upon this site on accident, and I'm glad I did! I didn't even know there was a site full of Zombie enthusiasts such as myself! I hope to get to know the users and zombie killers of this amazing site!
Last reply by killerdominic23, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I'm new here but not new at Zombies. Just looking to see if anyone from the UK with a mic and over the age of 16 wants to group up. Add me on PS4 - AllStar_Caino I also have a community with over 300 people so far and counting. thanks
Last reply by anonymous, -
I was looking online for people to play bo1 or waw zombies with and I found this site so hello
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 5 replies
What's is up my homies :mrgreen:
Last reply by Delta, -
- 7 replies
Hello, I've been reading these forums since Call of the Dead speculations, and now i finally decided to make an account, because now is the most tense point in the zombie storyline, and i'm full of awesome ideas. I hope to be somewhat active in this forum, but i won't post too much. I dont know we'll see in the future. I'm true to the PS3, which everyone else looks down upon, but we don't have to pay for our service. I have a passion for zombies and love the concept of the game, which was introduced to me on the World at War Zombies app, two years ago. P.S. how do i insert my highest round thingy?
Last reply by DJDerp, -
- 5 replies
I've been browsing the sight recently and decided that I should make a profile here :)
Last reply by Tankeo Dempsaki,
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