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- 5 replies
Been a lurker for over 3 years and a member for under 3, but just now doing an introduction. Hi. I've been playing zombies since the Nacht der Untoten unlockable map on WaW, then every other map as they have come out. Best thing to happen to co-op gaming in the last 5 years.
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 3 replies
Well there's not much to say, except for "Hello, everybody!" or something.
Last reply by xStopDropNKillx, -
- 5 replies
Hi there everybody i am an experienced zombie player my favourite map is The Giant On Black Ops 3 , i have been playing zombies since the first ever zombies released on world at war , i play with a mic and also here to say if anyone wants a fun game of zombies to challenge our selves and see what round we can hit please add me on psn merks-2k8 , My highest round on the giant is 104 SOLO With no glitches I once was number one in the world on the leaderboards on Playstation 3 and the game Black ops 3 LETS KICK SOME ZOMBIES AS*
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 8 replies
Hey guys, ques que up? I've been on this site for over 2 years now, and I don't have an introduction. What's ironic is that I reckon everything I write below, could be found somewhere else on the site, almost word for word! So, my name is Ben, but most people refer to me as Chopper, including most of my family, and a few friends. If I know someone well, I don't mind being called Ben. If not, I prefer Chopper I got into zombies just after BO1 was released. At the time I was living in Australia, and one day a friend invited me over to play his new game. We spent 15 minutes in MP, then he mentioned a zombie mode. Been hooked since, I actually bought…
Last reply by DeathBringerZen, -
- 12 replies
Hello Forum! My username is LiL TS 420 but we're all friends here so you can all call me Tate! I love any game that has to do with zombies/killing zombies. I joined this Forum because i love CoDZ and wanted to interact with other players who enjoy zombies just as much as i do. If anyone would like to play or become friends hit me up on here or add my GT: LiL TS 420 all letters are caps except the "i" and the spaces are included! I have almost every Blops and Blops II zombie map so HMU!
Last reply by LiL TS 420, -
- 4 replies
I'm Martijn from holland, i bought black ops specialty because it has a zombie mode:P I tried some tactics with friends, but they always run them down and i need then revive them so i register here on the forum to meet some good guys to play with so if u want to add me if u want:P magt is my name on steam also. or send me a pm. max round that i made is 34 but the other guy put ammo hack on it and it was very booring.. Ones i saw a tactic camping in the ally on youtube and i asked a friend about 2 a clock in the morning who was the only one that was online on that time to try that tactic and we made it to round 27 that is also the max round that i have made with…
Last reply by ChrisMathers, -
- 7 replies
Hello, CoDZ People! Some of you may know me, some may not. I'm going to take this opportunity to tell you guys about myself, so we can know eatch other! some personal stuf from my life, I live in the The Netherlands. My real name is Tolga, so you can also call me by that if you like or just call me Project. I'm a gamer, and for my income i dont have one, im still in school im trying to grow a youtube channel cuz i like to show people, what i do when i play games. thats my youtube. On The moment we have Der Eisendrache (DE) , Zetsubou No Shima(ZNS) and the ne…
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 2 replies
Hi all. Just stumbled across this site earlier and was rather impressed, so I decided to make an account. Really have no idea what to do at the moment so you may see me asking for help a lot, anyway see ya around!
Last reply by Spider, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys, Smellbringer's the name, and if you're wondering why I call my self that, it's because my smell is the smell of death for all Zombies. Conveniently, the smell of zombie death also smells like Strawberries.
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 4 replies
I've been here for quite some time but I thought I might as well introduce myself anyway. I am the type of guy who loves the storyline for zombies but isn't on the same level as some of the greats of this forum. I also love playing zombies but I'm not a pro at all and my highest round is 27 because of the fact I like playing for fun, not for competition. I also love cats, ducks and penguins coz they're hella cute. :3
Last reply by PurePainGaming, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone long time lurker here finally decided to sign up. I hope to become a contributing member soon. I really enjoy a lot of the in depth theories and research on this site and just flat out love slaying zombies. Peace
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 6 replies
Hi everyone nice to meet you all, just joine :)
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 4 replies
Hey all, glad to be here been playing zombies since waw. Decent team player here and always looking for players to play with. Currently stuck on playing revelations highest round 33 so far. I play on PlayStation gt ShAuN1856 if anyone is interested in on most days around mid day eastern time zone USA. Thanks and look forward to meeting some of you in game!!
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 5 replies
Hello everyone. I just thought I'd introduce myself! I am VenomousBlood. Zombies is such an amazing mode and I've been playing it since 2009! I joined the group today but I wish I would've discovered this group sooner! I am a console game (Primarily PS4) I play mostly BO3 zombies but I am up to play others such as WW2 and IW! Hope this introduction isn't too much. Fun fact (I guess) My favorite zombies map is Shi No Numa. :D (I hope I am posting this in the correct area XD)
Last reply by ZombiesAteMyPizza!, -
- 3 replies
Hello, my real name is Chris and i saw the site when i was looking for the story behind zombies and BO2 wallpapers. I live in the Netherlands and I hope to find some people here who also play BO2 zombies on PS3. My PSN is christiaan076 and is free to add. For more about me, you can always ask 8-)
Last reply by FatedTitan, -
- 0 replies
Hey I'm new to this site but have been reading some of the discussions on here so I thought seems like something I should be apart of. My names james I have been a fan of nazi zombies ever since I heard about it back when it was first released and yea that's basically me I live in the UK if that's of any interest and hit me up on xbox my gt is ZzFLEXZAPDOSzZ but tell me that you are from this site
Last reply by ZzFLEX ZAPDOSzZ, -
- 3 replies
hey my fellow zombie maniacs, I'm AceClouds and this is my 2nd forum ever! im kind of excited for some apparent reason and im ready to get into this forum. and also im starting a youtube channel where i will be talking about call of duty and a bunch of other things and i would really appreciate it if you guys could help me out and watch the videos that i'll be making soon and tell me what you think and what i can do to make my videos better. they're going to look kinda crappy cause right now all i can use is windows movie maker and my webcam. heres the link to my youtube channel thanks guys
Last reply by Tac, -
- 5 replies
Hi! I'm OverWater17 and I'm new. I am an avid fan of the zombies gameplay, storyline, etc. and was interested in joining a community of similar people. Also, my PSN username is the same as my CoDz username (OverWater17) if you're looking for anyone to play with. Thanks!!
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 4 replies
Hello everyone. My name is Matt, and I.. well enjoy Bo Zombies. Little about me... I'm a 21 year old man living in Texas. I never considered myself a hardcore gamer.. but something about Zombies interests me greatly. I love games with a hidden story. A story you have to find you know? We all want to figure out whats going to happen next in zombies. We all have our theories. Trying to play online with strangers however.. is impossible... We've all dealt with children. We've all dealt with new players or "Noobs". Lately I feel like, Ive gained skill in Zombies, (I have barely even played the Campaign or Multiplayer), and I want to join the best. So if you people will have m…
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 3 replies
I'm saleenseven for all who do not know. Came back from a long break in zombies. Impressed at how the site developed. I dont belive I have ever done a intro, might be too late but what the heck why not. I play mostly on Xbox but I occasionally go on PC. I love keeping up to date with the zombie storyline, it has always interested me. I also have a tend to discover things/stay up to date with all new info relating to zombies or any gaming related things overall. Shangri-La is my favorite zombie map by far. I like how the map implements multiple ways of travel, and has optional day night weather cycles. That's all i got for now...happy zombie slayin'!
Last reply by Saleenseven, -
- 1 reply
I havent introduced myself yet and have been posting for a few weeks. My names Wilbizzle and I love zombies I play no other game other than Black ops2. I'm starting to get involved in the zombies zommunity and have plans to create tutorials, debunk myths, and get to round 50+ in solo Tranzit. I've been playing since WAW and really got into it in Black Ops and plan to help further our knowledge of this awesome game.
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 3 replies
Well, I've been on the forum for a couple weeks and only just remembered to make an intro, whoops lol. I've been playing Treyarch zombies since Kino, but was kind of a casual back then. I remember after a few games I first got to the outside alley area and had my mind blown that there was an outside. But I got interested in the story after stumbling upon one of KillerFinland's videos, and immediately was very intrigued. I didn't really pay attention outside of watching youtube videos until BO3 though, when I actually started looking into stuff. And while in hindsight I'm not really a big fan of BO3, it was still very fun at the time. Since then, I've be…
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hi. This is my first time entering this forum. I have been playing zombies since the start and only missed out on black ops 4 because I did not like it a single bit. I'm returning now with cold war zombies. I am really enjoying it and I love all the changes they have done so far. Can't wait for the next map.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 8 replies
My name is ZombieDieHard as u can see, I've been playing zombs since nacht I play PS3 my PSN is Solracito and im thrilled for the next Black ops where o much more mind blowing stories will be thrown at us thank you and goodbye.
Last reply by Tankeo Dempsaki, -
- 7 replies
Hello i'm new here and i guess from what i've been seeing i'm pretty good at kino about 150-250 rounds soooo... hi.
Last reply by Shooter,
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