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1,821 topics in this forum
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Hello again everyboodddyyyy!! I am back and my spork is golder than ever! For those of you who don't know me, I am not new to this family. I just had to take some time away to deal with some IRL matters. As you all may know, CoDZ, and other things can become giant distractions from real life situations that we should be taking care of. Which was the case with me. So I felt it was best to put aside things here and elsewhere for a few months. But for the most part, the gears are now up and running and I am back. Happy to be back too! I had envisioned this day, CoDZ, the day of my return, for quite some time. And I am relieved to be here once again with my fell…
Last reply by thegoldenspork115, -
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I'm happy to join a forum that I enjoy to read. I am really interested in reading and getting deep into the story of Call of Duty Zombies. I have always been fascinated with the story and want to discuss more about it. Also, I have a YouTube channel. If you would be so kind, go check that out and maybe subscribe. I would really appreciate it. Thanks! TheVGExpert
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 1 follower
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What's up everybody! Skywhale here. I've been a longtime lurker of this forum. For some reason it took me about 2 years to finally make an account and another 2 years to post anything. Didn't see the need until now. Anyways I'm a 22yo dude that works in a bowling alley on the east coast, US. exciting, right? I'm a fun person and most of my entertainment and free time consists of working out or chilling on my couch with a game in the console. I first started playing zombies at black ops. Kino to be exact. I remember when making it to the stage and turning on the power was a really good game. I bought jug and then died the next round without a gun, or bought bowie and the…
Last reply by Lenne, -
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Hey guys its sushine1 here! or Scott. ive been a zombie fanatic since world at war nacht, which lets be honest made me jump since i had no idea what was going on. haha. ive only just recently started a youtube channel ( SushineGaming ) about zombies. i'm new to codz also; getting ready to submit my first video into the " Arena the ancient trials. " my top 3 zombie maps are origins, der eisendrache, and mob of the dead! im open for discussions about zombies! thanks for reading a tiny bit about me! have a fantastic one!
Last reply by sushine1, -
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Greetings CoDz, sorry that this isn't really a true introduction per say. To those who don't know, I used to do some stuff here. Anywho, the site looks absolutely gorgeous. I give mad props to the team. I see some familiar faces there. You guys have done great things here. Maybe I'll see y'all around, huh?
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
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7 years later and I still find myself coming back to this site in the midst of a new zombie game coming. I don't think anybody is here from when I was active back in 2011 but I'm happy to make new friends here. Hello everyone, I'm an up and coming content creator who started on fortnite but I am going to grind the **** out of zombies when it comes out. I will be starting with attempting to solve the easter egg first followed by high round records. If anybody wants to play, let me know I will be playing on the PS4. I'll most likely need a 4 man team who is willing to stay up probably 6+ hours after the game is released to try and solve this thing. Good to be b…
Last reply by JeanetteRadke, -
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Hey everyone, I'm Ahmad. This is going to sound weird, but I've never really been a member of this site, even though I'm a dedicated zombies fan who's been playing since the early Black Ops 1 days (I really hope to be able to make up for lost time though). Nice meeting you!
- 1 follower
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Hi everyone! Maybe, a little late when I’ve found this forum about my favourite game(mode), but anyways here I am! But who am I? I love helping people out with my fast, correct and solo guides on my YT channel, MysteryHQ. And how I started? I started playing on Tranzit, and back then I was happy if I had reached round 7-10. But I’ve never stopped, so I completed my first EE on Der Eisendrache! From that point I’ve completed all EE’s (except the BO1 ones, but I did them in Chronicles). I even completed the full Super Easter Egg in IW, so I beat Mephistopheles on my own. Currently I’m a BO4 Zombies slayer and I've never really been a member of this site, even thou…
Last reply by Boom115, -
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Hello everyone. I joined discord server 2 or 3 weeks ago and today finally decided to create an account as well. I found Cod Zombies Forum while searching for a place that still has the friendly vibe of the community. Especially after the events that took place after the launch of Black Ops 4, I must say it is really refreshing to find people who still cares about the community. Thank you everyone for your efforts and optimism. I will try my best to help you to keep this community as kind as possible like it was in the good old days. Also, I' gotta say you guys are really good at crafting theories and writing stories about the story line we all love. Once again, thank you…
Last reply by Brutus, -
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hello this is the first time I've entered any forum i played black ops zombies since bo1-bo4 i played all launch maps and a couple dlc maps played waw zombies but that was not before bo1 my personal favorite zombie maps are kino der toten shadows of evil origins der riese verruckt mob of the dead moon Der Eisendrache thats all my personal favorite maps and no i never completed an easter egg but im working on it
Last reply by Trump Assassin, -
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Hello boys and girls, I'm Chris, I'm 18 years old and I'm from Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. I own a PS3 and I love to play zombies! I also play other games, but zombies is my #1 game! My psn is: SickTrickZ-010, if you want to play with me feel free to add me! I got round 25 on kino, solo 41 34 on ascen 48 solo 16 on moon 23 on shi no numa Haven't got shangri-la yet, and I don't play COTD often, but I want to play COTD more! I don't like five and DOA and I haven't played the classic maps alot I hope to learn a lot from you guys here and hopefully make some zombie friends! :D
Last reply by TheSickTrickZ, -
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Lol, Not sure why I chose that subject. Anyways, I'm Figurine16, or JC, whichever you might prefer. I've always loved Zombies. I have played all 3 installments of Zombies (WaW, iPhone/iPod App, and Black Ops) and enjoy every bit of it...except for when I get double swiped! > lol so yeah..have a YouTube channel - - and a Twitter (not too active on there) - - so feel free to hit me up I'm looking forward to start participating here; after having waited so long before I actually registered >. May Samantha be with you. haha, not really.
Last reply by Wolfie, -
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What up guys and galls! My online name is Marshmellow, some call me marsh some call me mello, but no one calls me marshmellow lol. My real name is Codie. I'm 20 years old. I'm a heavy machine operator for a demolition company. I run a very successful and active clan called the Infamous Assassins. I'm a forum whore so you might see me around here alot. Dont know what else to say, but if you any questions feel free to ask!
Last reply by Blamco177, -
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Hey love the zombies gotta love every map. I never introduced myself simply cause i guess i didnt see it. i was more focused on learning cool new stuff. But yea. My highest is 47 on Ascension. i hate the leader boards cause it erased it. my favorite WaW map is Der Reise. and my favorite map on BO is Ascension, but im loosing focus on that map and quickly changing to Shangri-la.
Last reply by Tankeo Dempsaki, -
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New to the forum, I didn't know there even was a CoDz website till I watched CoDXP and heard the creators talk about it. I have two profiles on XBox 360 I use, although I mainly use 'smellytaint69' Friend me if you ever need help getting achievements, or going for a new record, or (my favorite) trolling/griefing 9 year old kids on Kino.
Last reply by yellow-card8, -
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Hey guys! this is my first topic written here, so i figured i might as well do it in the introduction section. my name is Josh, and on PSN my username is shirtlesservice. I've been reading these forums for a good 3 months now, i just never made an account cuz i didnt feel the need to comment. the master and solo zombie guides (EyeCntSpel and superhands89, respectively) got me into it, so thanks guys. Anyways, I recently hit 300 kills in NML on my other account joshuah1996 (if u wanna look it up), and ive hit 30 solo on 9 out of 10 of the maps (no offense to dead ops, i just dont play) and if anyone ever wants to play, message my shirtlesservice account, its my zombies on…
Last reply by shirtlesservice, -
hello guys lately i've been playing black ops zombies with a mate of mine. we only do der riese because we think its the best map sorry for my bad english thats because i'am dutch. my current record is: Solo round 19 with 476 kills and 225 headshots co op i think it was round 21 and about 300/400 kills i dont know for sure. i look foward reading and learning from those who are better than me and i am always open for critics and tips foppe:)
Last reply by foppe87, -
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I found this forum because Tom852000123 mentioned it on one of his videos. I've started zombies only about 2 1/2 to 3 years ago. Starting with WAW maps, they were already old by the time I started. I was mostly a camper, at the best I got to level 30 on Der Riese with two friends. In the last 4-5 months I've started to learn to run zombie trains. My bests are Assention 28- 4 man, 25 solo. Five 29 -2 man. NML 148 kills. I'm sure that with a bit more practice and good tips I'll start to make some big runs in the near future. I use a X-box 360
Last reply by shirtlesservice, -
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Hey. I'm a huge fan of World at War and Black Ops Zombies. I'm also an amatuer filmmaker and been thinking of doing a short film based in the Zombies universe. Anyways, I'll post on here time to time. So yea.
Last reply by InfidelWaffle, -
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Hi, I'm MixMasterNut, and I never made an introduction thread for myself, so this is probably long overdue. I'm going to let you guys know a little bit more about me. The kinda stuff you won't pick up in my normal forum posts. No other better way to celebrate my 1000th post, right? Even though I'm probably best known around here for my storyline theories, I consider myself a jack-of-trades when it comes to my place in the zombie community. I do hardcore zombie storyline research, pull off some impressive ingame scores/achievements, and run a HQ youtube channel dedicated mostly zombie gameplay. In this introduction I hope to give you guys a peek more a…
Last reply by MixMasterNut, -
- 10 replies
Hey guys, Just thought I'd reintroduce myself, what with the amazing new layout/theme and everything. My name's Alex, I'm on Xbox and love zombies (even though I'm nowhere near as good as Chopper, Super etc)! See you around
Last reply by heillingalj, -
- 10 replies
Hi everyone i am Pack A Punch 2, I play Cod Zombies on Xbox360. I record my gameplay and do live commentary on it. I also plan on doing easter eggs, party invite games and other stuff. I'm also getting partnered by Machinima in about 3 weeks. If any of you want to play zombies anytime hit me up on xbox send me a friend request gamertag = PackAPunch2 I only play Zombies in call of duty so im always online playing zombies. Looking forward to being here and posting and talking to you all.
Last reply by PackAPunch2, -
Sup guys my name is Timmy and I've been lurking these boards for a while but never felt like registering and posting until a few days ago lol. Anyways I'm a big zombies fan (like most of you here) and just wanted to make an intro 8-) Gamertag is iTz x TiMmY x Don't want to make this too long haha so I guess this is my attempt at an intro [brains]
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
Hello, I'm new here (but you probly know that), I play Zombies alot I don't normaly get to high rounds due to the fact most of my friends don't play anymore and when they do they get bored quite easy and when I don't play with them I play with random people as I'm prity bad at solo. But anyway I'm new and I hope I can be useful with in the fourms :D
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
- 10 replies
Hey guys I am new in the form but I read the form every day and because of this form i play Zombies And I am happy to be in this great forms
Last reply by Daveyjone,
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