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1,821 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
I am wesley aka WAK Fury on Xbox. i hope i can be a helpful part of this community
- 4 replies
Good AfterMorning folks ! I’m Jerry, also known as Jerry Krueger. 24 Year old outta Derrty Jerz (New Jersey). Look, long story short I’m tired of running lobby to lobby looking for pick up games of zombies daily. So, I stumbled upon this page (years later). I have a crew of 3 total (including me) whom I play with daily (it’ll mostly be 2 of us majority of the time tho). Everyday we start off with a warm up practice Easter egg run through any & every map (except shadows. Need 4). weve been helping gamers obtain their Easter eggs & trophies a lot lately & willing to help many more of you out if needed. I can assure you with our help, we’…
Last reply by Spider, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I'm a newish deaf PS4 zombie player, I have BO3 with all the maps and Infinite Warfare, gonna pre-order WWII soon. Def not a n00b to COD, Ive been playing since COD4. I go to school for Business Admin, Im a math nerd. My idea of insane fun on Zombies is to play Nacht Der Untoten with only the corner upper pathway open and hang out with some buddies in the room trying to stay alive as long as we can without training. Its all about killing zombies. :D I have done 3/5 of IW easter eggs, I need the AttackEE(but I need someone's help cause I cant hear the radio) and Beast. My favorite guns are the MAD and Kendalls PAP'd twice. EEs with a deaf person are…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 5 replies
Okay, uhh… Let's recap a bit, shall we? This isn't my first time here, so I'm calling this a reintroduction. In truth, I never introduced myself before. In the beginning, I had been on the Activision forums, as MLG_EPICzZzZzZz (let off, I was 11) since early 2012, then later M16_EPIC for Black Ops 3. I found this place through @DeathBringerZen, who was also active over at Activision. I came here between BOII and III. I started out as M16_EPIC, then changed my name along with my GamerTag to DerKungFuhrer over a year ago. When someone got my name banned on Xbox, I switched both to rerhuFgnuKreD. People kept calling me Kred, so I changed to Pcsolyar. So you may have seen me …
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 2 replies
What's up guys and galdem, anyone fancy partying up for Easter eggs, challengers or high rounds, hit me up at QuickDraw Panda on Xbox, or leave yours below
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 1 reply
I'm Denchurion, Based in the UK and ironically for this forum not the biggest Zombies player. I have played very little of the DLCs and most of my zombie experience is in Nacht Der Untoten, Kino Der Toten and Shadows of Evil. However I've been hooked on the Zombies story and the Easter Eggs, so I'm well versed in most maps...without ever playing them.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
Hello everyone, I'm not much of a "writer" so I'm just gonna try to keep it short. My name is Razz but I also go by the name of Razm sometimes. Started playing zombies on World at War, I was a real free to play and wasn't even aware that there were more maps than Nacht. Then I played a shit ton of Kino and didn't touch zombies until like a year ago when I picked up BO3 which got me obsessed with zombies. I play on PC and not many of my friends like zombies that much so I'd really appreciate if some of you guys who play on PC added me and maybe we could play sometime.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 6 replies
Hello everyone. Finally, I can get back to my long loved website after a rollercoaster of a year. I guess you could call this a re-introduction so I'll just post it in here. For the people that don't know me, I am Blurryface (Liam). I've been here for almost a year now and I've gotten to meet some great people along the way. If you haven't seen me around often it's because I've had some things going on and only this week have things came to term and settled down. Keeping it short, loosing a loved one so close to me was heartbreaking for me and I have been taking it slow and steady and finally I have started feeling a bit better. Moving…
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone! I'm Hardcore Cutie, or Cutie for short! I'm looking for some new friends to play with (on the xbone) and stumbled across this site. I would love to make some friends that are chatty and don't take the game too seriously. I'm not a very competitive player, I like more relaxed folks. :) I'm in my best element when playing on green run on BO2. Feel free to say hi.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 5 replies
Hello all! Just another fellow zombie slaya here trying to make a name for herself! lol Honestly, I'm just here to have fun and drop my thoughts on zombies, particularly of the IW variety whenever I'm not making the grade with Full Sail in the process of getting my Bachelors of Science in Game Design. My goal is to try to either work with Gearbox Software or Infinity Ward after I graduate. And as for my username/Xbox GT, yes I'm a huge Doctor Who fan! Ten is my fav Doctor and Clara is my fav companion.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
I was looking online for people to play bo1 or waw zombies with and I found this site so hello
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 1 reply
Shout out to ccm404e for this file I just wanted to share this with yall. The Complete Zombies Story.pdf
Last reply by andydabeast, -
Hello :) I'm cod fans and i would back to play cod games, so i'm there :)
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 3 replies
Hey there! My name's killerdominic23! I stumbled upon this site on accident, and I'm glad I did! I didn't even know there was a site full of Zombie enthusiasts such as myself! I hope to get to know the users and zombie killers of this amazing site!
Last reply by killerdominic23, -
hi, im a cat
by Cat- 7 replies
Heyo, i found this neat fourm while looking for ways to find zombie groups, and it looks pretty neat. I look forward to my time here. I've been playing since WAW, and I'm getting back into the swing of things with BO3 on PC. Hoping to meet some neat friendos through this forum!
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
My name is Crazy, sometimes go by X-Kid, and I play the hell out of zombies, mainly BO 1, 2, & 3 I have returned. Seriously, someone fix the password system on here. Also, the guy that made a reply to me a year ago, how much of a ignorant f****t are you? I didn't leave by choice
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 1 reply
Hi im fariko Bears 3years member of fariko gaming community And website and forum designer I'm 28 years old If you know more pm me Greeting Fariko bears
Last reply by Spider, -
- 3 replies
If you wanna make it far, do the easter egg or what ever I got skills and need a team! 18 yo or older please.
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 5 replies
Its been about 5 years since I last dropped by, but I decided to fire up black ops zombies this weekend for old time's sake. I used to be here a lot, but I never actually got black ops 2, so kinda just fell off the map. First game in about 4 years, and set a new record! I never bothered to go past 50 before, so I did one extra level just to say I did it. Unfortunately, zombies just takes too much time nowadays, it was great when I was a student, but game length just doesn't jive with work/wife/travel. I really enjoyed it while it lasted, but I think this is the end! Thanks for the good times, COD zombies, I had some really great games with people …
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 1 reply
I've just started up a zombies channel, and would love if some of you guys would go and check it out and maybe give me some feedback if you feel like it. I mainly go for high rounds (high as in 100+), easter egg runs and speedruns and I'm going to start doing some world record speedrun attempts soon. I'm going to stream 4 times a week, generally at times when the big zombie YouTubers aren't, and if my channel sparks some interest in the zombies community i would gladly start streaming daily. Sorry for the shameless self advertising, i don't like having to do this, I'm just not having much luck getting …
Last reply by S.O.P.H.I.A., -
- 5 replies
Hello, CODz slayers I'm a Mexican ZGamer who started fighting the undead during the BO1 era, currently popping ZBrains on PS4 I have successfully survived through the BOIIz, Extinction, Exo-Zombies, BOIIIz & IWz events (Still playing COD:BOZ on my mobile during my spare time... XD) Epic reviver in public zombie rooms (average 20+ revives in 30-40 rounds matches) Happy to join the community, looking forward to beating lots of EE quests and slaying thousands of maggot sacks!
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 10 replies
Greetings CoDz, sorry that this isn't really a true introduction per say. To those who don't know, I used to do some stuff here. Anywho, the site looks absolutely gorgeous. I give mad props to the team. I see some familiar faces there. You guys have done great things here. Maybe I'll see y'all around, huh?
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys, Some of yous may know me and some of yous may not, But yeah i'm back again and hopefully here to stay, Had my little moment there where I had so much in my head that uit just F*CKED with it, after finding out I was gonna be a dad at such a young age I just had to prepare, I'm sure some of yous can understand this, then sadly went into a little dark deep stage of my life, But the past is in the past, I just wanna now have a laugh its gonna be so good to hear from all of yous again, SEE YOUS AROUND MOFO's. Ps Dont have to show me sympathy cauyse me not want it, Now lets rock and roll and kill so Zombies. Peace out ;)
Last reply by itsOH, -
- 6 replies
I am the Lord of Shadows. I have been playing Call of Duty: Zombies since I was around 12 years old, and am now 20, so around 8 years. I know a lot about the story, though I haven't been able to play some of the newer maps for Black Ops 3. I would like to get in touch with anyone that has played those maps, for a rundown of it's events, or any kind of information about the map, such as the revlelations promised by the namesake. When i have a console of my own, I will be playing. i have the strong intention to complete all of the Easter Eggs. I am also a writer, so I will likely be posting original content every now and again. Take it as you will, regardless a…
Last reply by SPARTON3, -
- 14 replies
Message From: SPARTONWARRIOR3 Hi everyone, hope you're all having a great day and enjoying zombies! I love to play zombies all the time, reach high rounds, complete Easter eggs, attempt difficult challenges and help the community in becoming a much more skilled Zombie Slayer. I've been playing zombies since it launched back in 2008 and It has become such a huge passion of mine. If your looking for someone to give you advice on strategies, rank up fast, complete Easter egg quests, etc. I am more than happy to help you! Black Ops 3 Game Mode Ranks Campaign Rank: 20 Multiplayer Rank: 204 …
Last reply by andydabeast,
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