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1,821 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
im not too new to the site but i just got beck into it a few days ago, and it has changed allot since last i was here. i just love zombies allot that i wanted to give my ideas to treyarch but i don't know how so instead i found this site. in case your wondering about the name, it started as a clan with my friends called the I Like clan your Gamertag and to have I Like and an animals name ex:I Like oLamas. like that i choose oBearz because i liked the teddy bear from zombies. now that is basically my nickname. i even have a youtube channel that im going to post videos on it once Assassins Creed 3 comes out. [brains]
Last reply by Tac, -
- 1 reply
hey guys BIGSILK -(WTG)- here !! OG zombie guy lol . im ready for some deadops how bout u .
Last reply by m12, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, I really like this forum and its members so i decided to join up, I do NOT own W@W and have only played nazi zombies about 3-4 times. Although I do own MW2 for PS3 and will get black ops when it is released. I really hope BO will have some sort of zombie/ mutant creature hord mode. Now alittle personal info- *I'm 15 years old *I live in Australia *Im a dude *I have a PS3 and a capture card *Other FPS I own include- killzone 2, CoD MW2, CoD 4 (although I bought it after I got MW2) and BF:BC2. Anyway, can't wait to start discussing!!!
Last reply by Sigint, -
- 5 replies
The names Chris Gentry. I reside in Adamstown, Pennsylvania (Lancaster County) and im 18 years of age. Im a semi-professional skateboarder (couldn't make this up even if i wanted to so read on) with one leg. How you might ask? I was born with PFFD (fancy way of saying i was born without the femur for my right leg) So far in my lifetime i have been to multiple states such as Michigan and Florida all because of skateboarding. I won a bronze medal in 2007 and a gold medal in 2008 (extemity games). I am on a skateteam called Amped Riders ( and im also sponsored by Pierced Clothing, Burn A Blunt clothing, and (no advertising intended. r…
Last reply by BizBloodshot, -
- 9 replies
Hello, My name is Black Hand Smith. Prior to CodZ I was a member of another forum where I posted my stories and Ideas. Once the forum was shut down I searched for a place where I could share my ideas. Thus I became a member here. I have lot's of things Planned for the future so expect to see Map Ideas, weapon concepts and perhaps some extinction related posts. I also have a hand full of theories on where the story could go from Origins. I have experience making posts although sometimes when I get a really good Idea I try to get it all out before I begin to procrastinate. Usually though I will work a few weeks on a map Idea before actually releasing it. I look forward…
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 1 reply
Posting Glitches, Gameplay, DLC Updates, Theories and more! Please subscribe! REMOVED LINK
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 1 reply
Looking for some Aussie's to do Easter eggs on Shadows of Evil and Der Eisendrache, must be able to hold their own, preferably with a mic! Add: xoBliiTz_
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 4 replies
Hey Guys Its me the one and only YGM i haven't been on here since before the summer, and haven't been on because of senior year, with two weeks left until graduation and another amazing Treyarch game coming out im here to stay! But if you remember from before don't be shy!
Last reply by Young Gucci Messiah, -
- 2 replies
Hi My name is Egg, male 34 from Manchester england. On most evenings after 9 and I'm also off work tuesdays and wednesdays. Guys I need some help with several different easter egg acheivment from black ops 1 and 2. Is it just me or are the easter eggs getting harder and much more ridiculous? I tend to do a lot of them on my own as most of the people I meet online tend to be either kids, shockingly bad players or really selfish players. So just for ease and so I'm not wasting my time I do them on my own. If you check my achievements you will see I am very competent. Here's a list of the achievements I'm trying to do. It's a case of if you help me, in retu…
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by Rionisaboss, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys, my names Blackout, and I've been killing zombies since World at War! So I came here via a link on Twitter, and it seems like a pretty cool place! I post Zombie videos on YouTube from time to time, and figured it couldn't hurt to come here and meet other Zombie fans. So yeah, hi there~!
Last reply by Montage, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, I'm back from my long hiatus, i've had a few things getting in the way of me getting online. Moving across the country, school, and work have all kept me away from the internet for a while. So, now that i'm back, anyone mind showing me some threads on what i've missed?
Last reply by Phantom, -
Blood, guts, gore... guy stuff!
by Guest GOWarrio- 7 replies
Hello All! It's GodOfWarrio! I'm back. Apparently my count got deleted for some reason. I've been trying to sign in for days then I finally created a new one. I even tweeted this page but heard nothing back. Anyways Your favorite zombies killing play on words is back, to mess some ish up. Lets party, lets go crazy, lets kill some zombies!! Love this site man. As always you can add me on PSN: GodOfWarrio So hello again all. Missed ya the brief time I was away. If anyone can help me get my old account back that'd be great if not I'm fine using this one.
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 0 replies
hey my name is billy and i am a serious zombie gamer theres nothing i enjoy more then shooting mustang and sally and watch the dead bodys show through the smoke plz check out my links for zombie campaign and my question on cosmic silverback..... zombie campaign: viewtopic.php?f=53&t=22356 cosmic silverback question: viewtopic.php?f=56&t=22208
Last reply by bloodrip, -
- 1 reply
hi im blueandproud (blue for short) im brittish i use ps3 but hopefully in the future ill have a computer my psn is blueandproud95 add me i mostly go on cod 5 (mp and nazi zombies) hopefully i can help with gknova regards Blue
Last reply by carbonfibah, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone, names Blur. I made a account a while back, January if I remember correctly, but have just now really started using my account. I'm a big zombie fan but not exactly the best at zombies. My favorite part is picking apart the story and creating theories. What I lack for in skill I hope I make up in brain at least xD. All in all I'm extremely excited to be a part of the best zombie community out there. I'm a Xbox player and is active frequently. Well, that's all really, see ya around guys. 8-)
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 9 replies
Pardon my French, but I'd just like to say hi to the community. I'm quite the Zombie enthusiast, having played all the zombie maps to date. I often play with my local friends competitively, always challenging our scores. Xbox is typically my hardcore gaming platform but I have played a lot on the iPod, too. No matter what, though, once I hear zombies I'll be pumped to take on the horde. Anyway, I can't wait to here what's in store for the continuation of the zombie franchise and look forward to meeting the forum community! :)
Last reply by Alter72, -
- 3 replies
Hiya. I'm EvilHERONeos (typo in username just noticed GAH) and i've been a guest on the site for a couple months and finally decided to delve deep into the treasure trove that is Codz forums. PM if you want to talk (or don't), and add me on PSN. Mostly do Solo but on occasions I like to enlighten thee in the game of me.
Last reply by EvilHERONeos, -
- 8 replies
Boring new guy intro: Recently got addicted to zombies, hoping to join the elites one day. Catch me on PS3 Jay-F2008.
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys (and girls, and everything outside and inbetween), I'm JoshuaBananas, but feel free to just call me Josh. I've been a fan of CoD zombies since Black Ops 1, and I've been playing ever since. I primarily play for the rich story, fun game play, and good times to be had. I play via Xbox One (and 360), so if you ever wanna play sometime, feel free to add me on Discord (JoshuaBananas#4846). I have the entire Black Ops games (WaW, Bo1, 2, 3, 4, Cold War), plus some other games. Not sure how to really end this so, uh, yeah. Cya?
Last reply by anonymous, -
Hi everyone! I'm a mod and frequent poster over on WePlayCoD. Saw Carbon's post and figured I would drop in and say heyyyyy. I'm a proud member of Gamerchix and I love anything and everything COD!! I'm an English Major concentrating in Professional writing. I love to write and have my own gamer blog that I have recently expanded to include a few more gamerchix writers. soo check it out
Last reply by firevice, -
- 5 replies
I posted on this site earlier today, but have obviously skipped what I now see as blatantly obvious C.O.D.Z protocol. Hello, my name is brightnocturn and I love playing co-op zombies (I get bored really quickly playing solo since I'm alone and it presents me with no reward in the form of a record I can display). I discovered this website upon watching a youtube video in which it was mentioned to me that firstly, this website existed, and secondly that Treyarch was frequenting it in search of constructive criticism. Although it is unlikely that they will view my post, I hope that the issues I brought forward in that post have already been brought to their minds or are…
Last reply by Ehjookayted, -
- 7 replies
I'm trying to update my profile, but it's not working so I'm just going to post all my info and updated records here. I think the last time I was on this website was one or two years ago. The website looks a lot better than it used to! You're doing a great job! The reason I'm posting again is to hopefully find someone with similar records to mine who might want to play Co-op games (both serious and for fun) from time to time, because I have no potential Co-op partner with similar stats and experience as I do. Highest Round: Solo: 50 (Suicide) on FIVE, Kino, Shi No Numa, Verrukt, Tranzit, Farm, Town, Die Rise, Mob of the Dead, Buried, Origins. Co-op: 50 (Suicide)…
Last reply by Brightnocurne, -
- 2 replies
I, my friends, am Lucifer. You may have some... confusion... about me. You think that Joshua is the Shepherd? It's easy to be a Shepherd to God's chosen... it's terrifyingly difficult to be a Shepherd of Fire... a Shepherd of the Damned. I won't say much about myself here... just the bare essentials. I'm a conspiracy theorist. A con artist. A writer. A Musician. I'm such a good liar that I could make you think the truth was a lie, and you would only ever believe my lies. I illuminate the darkness, and corrupt the light... I am the son of god, and the prince of demons. I am the light within the darkness, and there's no need to fear me..…
Last reply by Inconcievable, -
- 2 replies
hey i'm BuddyKhryst on XBL/PSN W@W/Black Ops/Black Ops 2 for XBOX & Black Ops 2 for PS3 + all available DLC No mic presently for the PS3. I do respond to repeated jumping up and down or melee attacks at objects as a form of communication. Last night I attempted and succeeded from one game to get Hells Redeemer and Golden Spork on Solo. Took a break to eat and I died on Round 36. Keep calm and bombs to the zombz! - BK
Last reply by GRILL,
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