New slayer on the battlefield? Introduce yourself to other CoDz members!
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1,821 topics in this forum
My name is Crazy, sometimes go by X-Kid, and I play the hell out of zombies, mainly BO 1, 2, & 3 I have returned. Seriously, someone fix the password system on here. Also, the guy that made a reply to me a year ago, how much of a ignorant f****t are you? I didn't leave by choice
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 5 replies
Hello, CODz slayers I'm a Mexican ZGamer who started fighting the undead during the BO1 era, currently popping ZBrains on PS4 I have successfully survived through the BOIIz, Extinction, Exo-Zombies, BOIIIz & IWz events (Still playing COD:BOZ on my mobile during my spare time... XD) Epic reviver in public zombie rooms (average 20+ revives in 30-40 rounds matches) Happy to join the community, looking forward to beating lots of EE quests and slaying thousands of maggot sacks!
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 4 replies
It's so great to be back to a place that I've called home for a long time. Some of the older members may remember my face Boy what a time away it's been, and have I missed every one of you guys and this great community. I guess it's only rigjt I give you all a little explanation. The past year has been tough, I've really not had much time for gaming as to why I've not been around here. To cut a long story short, I lost a very close family remember and also 2 great friends in the past year and due to this I've had no motivation what so ever. A lot of my time has been spent grieving I guess, and also work. I have…
Last reply by Spider, -
- 5 replies
Hello all! Just another fellow zombie slaya here trying to make a name for herself! lol Honestly, I'm just here to have fun and drop my thoughts on zombies, particularly of the IW variety whenever I'm not making the grade with Full Sail in the process of getting my Bachelors of Science in Game Design. My goal is to try to either work with Gearbox Software or Infinity Ward after I graduate. And as for my username/Xbox GT, yes I'm a huge Doctor Who fan! Ten is my fav Doctor and Clara is my fav companion.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone, I have just recently joined CoDz, and I hope to enjoy my stay here. Please show me respect for the first few weeks I'm here, as I can be a very aggressive person. I do have a YouTube channel, but I don't upload often. I am a very experienced zombie player. My highest rounds on each map, except Shangri-la, will be listed below, and in my signature. My current rank on Black Ops 2 zombies as of July 25, 2013 is skull and blue eyes. *****Highest Rounds***** Nacht Der Untoten: 14 Verruckt: 21 Shi No Numa: 36 Der Riese: 37 Kino Der Toten: 45 Five: 10 Ascension: 51 Call of The Dead: 34 Moon: 25 Green Run - TranZit: 18 Green Run - Town …
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 5 replies
Hello everyone. I just thought I'd introduce myself! I am VenomousBlood. Zombies is such an amazing mode and I've been playing it since 2009! I joined the group today but I wish I would've discovered this group sooner! I am a console game (Primarily PS4) I play mostly BO3 zombies but I am up to play others such as WW2 and IW! Hope this introduction isn't too much. Fun fact (I guess) My favorite zombies map is Shi No Numa. :D (I hope I am posting this in the correct area XD)
Last reply by ZombiesAteMyPizza!, -
So I want to preface this with a couple things. 1. I was once here, didnt post anything, sort of faded away from zombies for a bit, and when I came back I went to the reddit. 2. Yes, I was part of PTG at one point. It was for a month-ish. Their conduct disgusted me so I walked away from them, with fake information that landed me in a pile of crap with the Zombies community. 3. I'm drunk as I write this, and I was drunk when I blasted on reddit if you saw that post like an hour before I write this. Sorry bout that. Revelations got me all kinds of turnt. Now that's out of the way! I'm Syphon, I don't really like the gamepla…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Finally got around to posting here! I'm Alex, or go by SparkyMcSparks online. Originally from Chicago (land of deep dish pizza and really good hot dogs, Google 'em up to know what you've been missing out on). I moved to Los Angeles five years ago to work at Treyarch originally doing Wii / PC ports and Mod Tools for CoD, eventually shifted over to working on Zombie maps for BO2, and now working on something for BO3. In my spare time I still love to play mods and work on some, as well as learning other tools like Source engine and Unity3D stuff. I enjoy riding my bike on the beach year round and eating tacos around LA. If you ever want to game or chat about nerdy things,…
Last reply by The Clay Bird, -
- 8 replies
Hello my name is Lorne AKA TranzlusiD115 (Xbox One) im a gamer since i was 4 playing atari up to the current gen of gaming consoles. been a CoD Zombies lover since World at War. nice to meet you all
Last reply by itsOH, -
- 18 replies
Hello Zombags, Misty's here, im kicking ass and taking names, I got away from those crazy Germans and stoopingher long enough to say hi, and men, stop staring at my Chest, it really is unflattering, I am dressed skimpy like this so I don't get run down by heavy clothes, come on people you gotta understand, it is the Zombie Apocalypse and all? Sorry, the new round just started, those German guys really want us to power up that tower, don't know which one to listen to, ethier way, catch you on the flipside hagbags *Runs off to Kill Zombies* (My name is Veronica, im 20 years old from Florida, and I have been playing Zombies since WaW, I hope to make…
Last reply by Shooter, -
- 6 replies
Some of you may know me. I'm here to lurk and maybe post in your OT from time to time. Feel free to DM or reach out to me on Twitter. -Foxy
Last reply by DeathBringerZen, -
- 11 replies
Hey everyone, My name is John and I'm new to the forum. I joined this site to learn about new strategies I haven't tried yet and to meet some new teammates to play with. I currently have a ps3 and a ps4 and all of the black ops zombies PSN = PhD_Strange Games = BO1, BO2, BO3 (ALL maps) Looking forward to playing with some of you. Cheers!
Last reply by Spider, -
- 10 replies
Greetings CoDz, sorry that this isn't really a true introduction per say. To those who don't know, I used to do some stuff here. Anywho, the site looks absolutely gorgeous. I give mad props to the team. I see some familiar faces there. You guys have done great things here. Maybe I'll see y'all around, huh?
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 12 replies
Hey, you might not remember me but I used to pretty active during the BO3 days. Life and lack of interest in non-Treyarch games got in the way, but I’m back and hoping to have some good discussions with you all about Black Ops 4. Thanks for reading, and happy hunting.
Last reply by Inconcievable, -
- 12 replies
Hey all, I am Gunoftruth Aka Andy my real name Ive been a huge zombies fan since 2008 and wish continue it here . About me: I'm From Hamburg Germany but i moved to the United States recently. I am in the Custom Zombies Community i am very well known in Custom Zombies community, I am currently making Cyborgs zombies mod in World at War, Cyborgs zombies are the special mode from the Chinese Call of Duty called Call of Duty Online. This mod is going feature one amazing map me and my friend have been working on, this map will feature the original Cyborg Characters, unlimited rounds of Cyborg hordes and more .I am to revolutionize World at War Zombies and much more. I…
Last reply by Gunoftruth, -
- 15 replies
Well, look what we have here. I haven't been on this site since 2012, and boy has it changed. I recognize some of the names on here, but I am completely lost on the site. It was very different from the last time I checked. I've stopped playing the new Zombies stuff (haven't played since Black Ops 1) but I still do write stories, and I'm here to get feedback. Look forward to talking to you guys. I'm sad they took away all my brains.
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 16 replies
Hello to the 1 of you that has clicked on this page! I'm huffpuff1337, on all platforms (well, just xbox 360, it's the only thing I go on.) I really like CoD zombies, however I only got into it a year or so ago. Before that, my 'friends'(could you even call them that?) invited me to a game, I joined, and then proceeded to die 10 times in 1 game. Needless to say, my 'friends' weren't playing zombies with me anytime soon. Skip ahead a few months or so and i've started getting into it. I played a few sessions of TranZit on Public Match. After around 20 deaths in Town, I finally got the hang of it. Skip ahead a year, to a few months before now, and I have the Season Pass…
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hello, This is sort of a re-introduction post actually. I was an active member here a few years ago under the name "Nightmare Voyager" and then I left because I sorta got disgruntled with the Internet in general. I wasn't entirely sure I would come back, I didn't feel a need to for a long time because I very much distanced myself from the Zombies community by then. However, with the advent of the Dark Aether Story, and me slowly falling back into browsing the forum and watching the Podcast, I kind of had to come back. The Zombies community seems to always be overwhelmed by its negative side, but whenever I pop in here it's always super positive an…
Last reply by Yuppa, -
- 15 replies
Ooh ooh, no I thought of a better line, here goes. I guess I just keep coming back, huh? Nailed it. And that is internet old, by the way. Don't think me decrepit, if you please. Anyhow, hello. How's it going? Long time no type. What's in been, a year? Well, true to my word, I came back upon the next zombies. Well, it was an announcement that pretty much said nothing for a game that is half a year away, but pffft, I'll say it counts. A quick search tells me some things are the same, some are different. Well, some things are different for me too. I figured I could just jump in, but I'd rather circumvent the whole re-get-to-know-me thing, so I apologize in advance for m…
Last reply by Slade, -
- 5 replies
Okay, uhh… Let's recap a bit, shall we? This isn't my first time here, so I'm calling this a reintroduction. In truth, I never introduced myself before. In the beginning, I had been on the Activision forums, as MLG_EPICzZzZzZz (let off, I was 11) since early 2012, then later M16_EPIC for Black Ops 3. I found this place through @DeathBringerZen, who was also active over at Activision. I came here between BOII and III. I started out as M16_EPIC, then changed my name along with my GamerTag to DerKungFuhrer over a year ago. When someone got my name banned on Xbox, I switched both to rerhuFgnuKreD. People kept calling me Kred, so I changed to Pcsolyar. So you may have seen me …
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
Im baaack!
by Pope- 19 replies
Hey guys just postin' to say im going to try to get back on CoDz!for those who dont know me i was quite active til late october and took a break to concentrate on other things...but im back and hope to see you guys soon! Scott.
Last reply by Pope, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys, Smellbringer's the name, and if you're wondering why I call my self that, it's because my smell is the smell of death for all Zombies. Conveniently, the smell of zombie death also smells like Strawberries.
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 2 replies
Hello people. Long time lurker, new member. I got my start on zombies with Black Ops at a friend's house(Really wasn't much of a CoD player prior to that, only CoD I had played before that was Finest Hour on the PS2) on Kino Der Toten and fell in love from the very first game. I instantly went out and bought Black Ops solely for the zombies. First CoD game I ever bought. I eventually clawed my way up to being good at the game and quickly learned the storyline. Lurking the site off and on over the past couple years, I've expanded my horizons even further and hopefully becoming a member/poster on the site will further expand them.
Last reply by BlazeyTheWolf115, -
- 2 replies
What's up guys and galdem, anyone fancy partying up for Easter eggs, challengers or high rounds, hit me up at QuickDraw Panda on Xbox, or leave yours below
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 18 replies
I'm afraid I have to say farewall to zombies. I seem to playing zombies always at the wrong time, when I'm pissed off or just tired.. And I'm losing my interest fast, running circles for hours and hours on is just not my thing I quess. I like solo, since I can pause, but what if I feel like playing another game? I can't. I like the gameplay a lot, but I just get bored so quick. And now whit school, I should concetrate more on school, school is really important for me. I'm pretty busy on school and I don't want to let zombies ruin it. I'm going to miss this forum, maybe I will stick around here a bit, but I quess zombies is over for me now. Goodbye CoDz mem…
Last reply by Tac,
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