New slayer on the battlefield? Introduce yourself to other CoDz members!
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1,821 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
Sooo, im not very good at introductions, but here goes nothing. My name is Gus, i'm 18, and I live in San Diego, California. I'm an Xbox gamer & I absolutely LOVE zombie. It's somewhat of an addiction xD I found this site months ago and have been lurking around looking at strategies and techniques and just gawking at the amount of great players that are on here im amazed at this site, and at all of you who contribute to it i can't really be of any help, it seems that almost everything to say about zombies has already been said on here about 5 times each, so what i guess i really wanted to do was say thank you to all of you for sharing your knowledge to better t…
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 6 replies
I actually left because the site would never load and it always kept freezing but now the site seems to work just fine. I was reading some threads and i thought i read that Carbon isn't here anymore? can anyone confirm that?
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
- 4 replies
Hi guys, Dark Jolteon here! As you may know, for the last month or so my activity has been very limited due to laptop failures and other issues... Well, after all that time I have finally returned to the world of CoDz, and to mark my return I wanted to do something that I hadn't done before... Post an introduction about myself! Okay, here goes: Hi, my name is Kieran Lacey, AKA darkjolteon! I'm 16 years of age, 17 in about 3 weeks and live in Brackley, in the UK. I have been a user of CoDz for nearly 16 months and in that time have earned Veteran status, but more importantly have made many friends! My life consists of studying Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics A-Leve…
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 7 replies
Hello everyone. My name is Charlie (melon) and I am new to forums overall. As a kid, I LOVED Nazi Zombies on WaW. I spent most of my time with my mates trying to break each others records. I failed horrifically. Zombies was a pain for me. I didn't enjoy it at all, so I decided that I would give up on zombies forever. That was until my cousin said these words which made me love zombies; Instead of just breaking records, why not play to just, well, play? - My cousin. So I did. I couldn't stop playing it. I guarantee I was on it at least 4 hours a day. This is why I came on the forums. To give out my ideas to the community and see what they think of them. Sor…
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
- 2 replies
I am a hardcore Zombies enthusiast. Currently my leaderboards are Kino: 49, Five: 60, Ascencion: 50, COTD: 51, Shangri-la: 42, Moon: 94, Der Riese: 52, and Shi no numa: 39. I have high speed internet (30Mbps/5Mbps) and live in NY state. I have a pretty good PS3 mic. If you're interested in doing 2 player matches and making it to high rounds I'm down for that. I specialize in the maps listed above but I'll do any map including Dead Ops (32), Nacht (34), and Verrukt (46). Hit me up on this site or send me a PSN message. Make sure you have a mic, a decent connction, atleast 30s and a couple hours.
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 6 replies
Hi All, My names Wayne 26 years old from the United Kingdom, I'm a manager at a PC company I enjoy going fishing, Gym and love gaming. So yeah that's my little intro, Thank you reading :D
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys, I'm back. After about a 5 or so day break, I see it fitting to make the introduction I never made. For those of you wondering, this is why I left: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=19563 I know it's sad, but right now, I feel like I'm on top of the world, and so does my mom. Everything is perfect. I feel like I can fly. Thanks to everyone for your prayers and thoughts. This is my introduction to the site, almost exactly 6 months after I joined. Hey everyone, my name is Ehjookayted AKA EyeCntSpel AKA Ehj AKA Eye AKA Edge. You may know me from around the forums. I'm a PS3 Ambassador, member of Richtofen, and former January 2012 UOTM. I've written the Master Zombi…
Last reply by BlindBusDrivr, -
- 9 replies
Hello CoDz Forum Welcome to my introduction I'm a PS3 User and primarily on COD Black Ops, Zombies. I was introduced to the game 6 months ago and have been enjoying every minute, including those random games where newbs jack my window for cheap kills... then I get all that money back reviving them. I'm not into hacks or using glitches I play for pure skills and fun. I love using strategies that can speed up the process of getting through levels, so I'm constantly thinking of what I can do to improve my game. My goal is to reach Level 80... which I'm assuming is a 20 hour max game... Currently my Kino level is 56... SN= ScVz_9Wolf9
Last reply by Superhands, -
- 14 replies
Hello everybody, You may remember me when I tell you the name SickTrickZ-010 / Costari I came here to apologize for my very bad behavoir. I have been a total jerk, asshole, retard, childish, what ever you want to call me. I deserve it. And I'm really sorry for my immature behavoir. I quit BO zombies, due to not much time, bad internet and not much people to play it. Now I miss it, and tomorrow I will buy BO back. I don't understand why I acted so weird, maybe it has to do with my bad internet, not much time which resulted in not many people would could/wanted to play with me. I understand it, I didn't had many good highscores, and there a lot more pr…
Last reply by MrCostari, -
- 12 replies
At this moment I am brand new to CoDZ but by no means am I new to the art of slaying zombies. So a little about my general life; I was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska and am currently going to college in my home city. I'm not too fond of checking forums on a regular basis so if I miss out on information at different times, don't be surprised. About 3 years ago I bought WaW for the sole purpose of playing nazi zombies, as I had experienced the joy of co-op Nacht der Untoten on my roommate's xbox. Once I played Der Riese I could recognize the differences in design when compared to other maps, the difficulty yet simplicity and the map quickly became my favorite and r…
Last reply by TheSlushTurtle, -
- 6 replies
Hey guys, Crows here. I'm back, some of you may be aware of that, some of you may not. But yeah, Hi, again :') Just gotta set one thing straight though. You can call me by these names; Crows Jamie Iron Man Or, The Doctor :D
Last reply by TheCrows, -
Right, I don't know how to start this, so I'll just give some basic details. Hello everyone, my name is Jonathan, Jon, Jonny or just about anything you think of that I might respond to. I'm 14 (*gasp*), from the UK (*bigger gasp*) and joined CoDz back in November '10. I (used to) make lots of theoretical posts discussing things I'd found, and generally jumping to conclusions, but now I've calmed down a bit and am much more stable. My main feeling is that if you don't understand anything I say, just ask, as it will make it much easier on everyone. I left CoDz around July last year, as I had some real life issues to address. Now that that's all done, I'm b…
Last reply by Jonnyo567, -
- 6 replies
Hi guys, I'm new here. A lot of my friends call me Momo. I'm a sophomore in high school and I have a GPA of 3.7 and I am taking several honors and AP classes right now. I really want to work with game development software and 3D design/animation when I grow up, but my legal status is really putting a damper on my thoughts for the future. I came here from Korea when I was four; a few days before my fifth birthday. I remember my aunt giving me a child's make-up set in their gigantic luxurious house and I was really happy. That's how I remember how old I was when I came here. I started kindergarten in 2002 and I was a problem child. I was still trying to get …
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 30 replies
Hey guys, self-proclaimed "lord of the flies" here. I've made five or six threads already, do I figured it was time to do this. So... Hello? I don't really get what I'm supposed to say... I'll be trying to make as many polls as possible to hear what YOU GUYS (people) think. Heads up if you read strategies or something I post, I say release the flies a lot, the meaning kinda changes... So... Yeah, I guess that's my introduction... Hi, and goodbye
Last reply by anguscr, -
Hey everyone! Uhm.. nice to meet you?
Last reply by Tankeo Dempsaki, -
- 2 replies
Sup, i play zombies and lots of multiplayer. PSN is flubstah
Last reply by Flubstah, -
- 5 replies
Guys that show up to parties with an acoustic guitar. I haven't registered or posted on a forum in years, but my undying hunger to kill zombies has changed my mind. I'm 27 and from Kansas City, MO. I go to school and work. I date a pretty cool chick. Both of my parents are white. I'm 6 feet, 1 inch. And I don't understand anything most British people say. Dan xbox: DIDDLE BANG
Last reply by Wolfie, -
- 4 replies
Looking forward to becoming a member of this community :P
Last reply by MegaAfroMan, -
- 9 replies
:) hey i missed you guys. Any news on new zombies?
Last reply by BlindBusDrivr, -
Whats up new to this site hoping to find some people to play zombs with
Last reply by piepwns, -
- 6 replies
What's up guys? I am The Dunbarian. In my spare time, I like to kill zombies. Basically, Zombies is the main reason I still like CoD, because for some reason it never gets old. I've never had a super-high round game (my highest is 45) although I believe I probably could if I ever had the patience to. Basically what I do in Zombies nowadays is just challenge myself (limit my weapons, etc.) I still like Nazi Zombies better than MW3 I'd also like to get a screen recorder and start doing YouTube commentaries, just cause I love this game so much. That's about it. This is the part where I post my records for all the maps: Nacht der Untoten - Round 18 w/ 4 playe…
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 3 replies
DarkWind here! Just a quick hello to everyone! Been into zombies now for well over a year and still I seem to find something new to try out, new ways of playing etc. Not gonna pretend I'm brilliant! I've been lurking around here for quite a while now but finally decided to make an account. Anyone wants to add on PSN its DarkWind_935, just let me know your from here!
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 6 replies
Hey ppl i'm new to this but I just love reading the views of other people and how much detail you guys put into your thoughts I hope some of you can find the time to join me in killing some zombies and does any1 know if it's the same crew for zombies on the new cod?? Thanks add Thorpy91 on psn :D
Last reply by Thorpy91, -
hi im jim. Heard about this website and i like all the cool stuff in it. I play ps3 and I play cod multiplayer too.
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 13 replies
Greetings everyone Just wanted to introduce myself and say that I hope to play zomz with some of you in the near future! A little about me, I enjoy playing zombies more than the actual MP. I used to be in a CPU online gaming community from the release of Medal Of Honor:AlliedAssault up to the release of the first MW. I am 30, married and we have a hilariously awesome 9 year old boy. What made me interested in this site is that first off its dedicated to zombies and secondly that it's a nice big forum. Only a couple of my IRL buddies that play zombies live in Hawaii so trying to get a game together with the 6 hour time difference is a bit of an arrow to t…
Last reply by lucky11202,
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