New slayer on the battlefield? Introduce yourself to other CoDz members!
QuoteNew to the site? Welcome. To view the rest of the forum sections, you need to make an introduction. Please post an introduction for the remaining forum sections to become visible.
1,821 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
hello there Codz members. this has been a long time coming as i am a frequent guest/ just turned member. been viewing the site ever since the blops viral went live and always loved coming here because of the wealth of info and theories to be read. i would call my self a above average player that can easily reach 50+ on all maps solo (except nacht as i can sometimes be a bit reckless) but struggles to find decent players to reach high level leaderboards (got to 61 2-player on ascension only to have the leaderboards not register). looking forward to the lead up to blops2 or more hopefully CODZOMBIES but in the meantime am commited to helping the community stay alive till …
Last reply by Wolfie, -
- 15 replies
As a reminder introduction topics are for new users and users who have been away for a long time. It is not meant for a current users who are wanting the medal!!! If its persists the violators medals will be removed!! If you would like the intro medal and have been with us for a long time and never made an intro make one, your ok. If you made an intro in the past please pm a staff member and we can verify and give you that medal.
Last reply by J_Rogiers, -
- 4 replies
Let's start this post off with a BANG! so here goes My name is Duncan and I live in the UK (jolly good and all that) not really because it is SO FLIPPING COLD RIGHT NOW! I study TV and Film Production at York St John Uni where hopefully I will pick up the skills to become a director in the future DREAMING BIG! Ermmmm now its time to think of some other things to say.... My favorite colour is Blue, obviously because Sonic the Hedgehog is blue and he is AWESOME! My hobbies include athletics and making Youtube videos for all of you guys at home! (you know, because you are ALL awesome) and the reason why I joined this forum is simply to get to k…
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, my name is Ari.. I'm 21 from Ohio in the United States.. My hobbies are video gaming, listening to music, drinking and just plain chilling. My Gamertag is: Sharpy420 I play all CoD:Zombies, even popping in World at War every so often. I'm just looking to meet a few cool people to play zombies with and hopefully a few people who are down to figure out future Easter Eggs, and also I need some help with the TranZit one so if anyone can help out just send me a message on xbox live. Well I look forward to my future here at the cod zombies forums, and I hope you all have a good one! // Sharpy
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 7 replies
Hi everyone I'm DJGxC and I like to play zombies... My console of choice is the PS3 (once you go black you never go back!) PSN: 'DaMo_Lime' , you might have seen me shootin' up zombies maybe (its what i do) =] I find playing zombies by yourself one of the most depressing things ever or playing with annoying stupid annoying people online who just take your windows and never open any doors resulting in death!.. so that's why I came here!; to find some zombie friends and just have a laugh playing zombies. So I hope I can become more noticable around the forums here and make some friends =] .
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 3 replies
Some of you may remember me, others possibly not. I wasn't the most active person but I did try to help out some people when needed. I guess you can call this my "Back to the zombies fan base" I never really left playing zombies... I just wasn't so involved with the forum after origins came and left. But now we have EXO ZOMBIES and I'm thrilled to come back to the forum I loved so much. So some people might need to help me with some rules or changes to the site ( That I haven't read already) Other than that I remember some old faces! I guess you can call this my resurrection?
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
hi there im THERYMAN13 im new to this website but not new to zombies i have been making theries for years :)
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, just registered my account and thought i'd stop to say hi before i lurk on in the depths of the forums. Just recently i've been looking to seriously get into codz (BO) but was having a hard time motivating myself in the solo version. And then i stumbled onto this community. So err... Please treat me gently. See you around.
Last reply by Sona7a, -
- 9 replies
Hi. Joined this site because I'm interested by the theories here and feel like contributing some myself. Hope it comes to fruition.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hello, This is sort of a re-introduction post actually. I was an active member here a few years ago under the name "Nightmare Voyager" and then I left because I sorta got disgruntled with the Internet in general. I wasn't entirely sure I would come back, I didn't feel a need to for a long time because I very much distanced myself from the Zombies community by then. However, with the advent of the Dark Aether Story, and me slowly falling back into browsing the forum and watching the Podcast, I kind of had to come back. The Zombies community seems to always be overwhelmed by its negative side, but whenever I pop in here it's always super positive an…
Last reply by Yuppa, -
- 3 replies
How are things guys? I've been playing zombies on the 360 for too long, really just another zombie player obsessed with the zombies storyline, slaying the undead, hitting high rounds and doing all the easter eggs. I've moved to PC recently (Custom maps/Mods are awesome) and can't wait to unravel all mysteries embedded in the zombies portion of COD. Should see me lingering around here every so often. Keep it real, over and out. Steam: DC_Cremkie
Last reply by zombieman9, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys is my old account banned or blocked how can i check? My old account name was CoDzOmBIeZ. Thank you :)
Last reply by Ak47, -
- 27 replies
Hello, I'm sure none of you remember me from when I ragequit CoDz. If you do, I was younger. More reckless. I let the... uh.... Salad Man Fans get to me. (oldy insider.) I see that most of the Vet's are still here, and I'm glad. Most importantly though: I'm back. ~Shapeshifter *edit* On a side note, I realize that I have the Veteran rank now. Sweet.
Last reply by MegaAfroMan, -
- 10 replies
Greetings CoDz, sorry that this isn't really a true introduction per say. To those who don't know, I used to do some stuff here. Anywho, the site looks absolutely gorgeous. I give mad props to the team. I see some familiar faces there. You guys have done great things here. Maybe I'll see y'all around, huh?
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 4 replies
Hey guys and gals (if any). My gamer tag is nked ninja. I play Xbox one and love zombies. On the way to master prestige and trying to finish all Easter eggs. Hit me up for EE help anytime. Thanks
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 10 replies
7 years later and I still find myself coming back to this site in the midst of a new zombie game coming. I don't think anybody is here from when I was active back in 2011 but I'm happy to make new friends here. Hello everyone, I'm an up and coming content creator who started on fortnite but I am going to grind the **** out of zombies when it comes out. I will be starting with attempting to solve the easter egg first followed by high round records. If anybody wants to play, let me know I will be playing on the PS4. I'll most likely need a 4 man team who is willing to stay up probably 6+ hours after the game is released to try and solve this thing. Good to be b…
Last reply by JeanetteRadke, -
Hey guys! I decided to come back and check you guys out again. I was a member when CoDz first started, when we did not have our own domain. After you guys migrated, I never recreated my account but yet visited the site. I'm a web developer and designer. I own at photoshop so if you guys need any graphics just PM me.
Last reply by DEMON xMYQx, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys, it is time to get motha freakin crazy, yeaaaaaaaaa boy!!! How are you zombie fanatics doing??? Just wanted to introduce my crazy self and meet all you awesome zombie enthusiast as well. I'm Stuckdizzle and I have been playing zombies since WAW came out and I'm really diggin Mob of the dead. I run a youtube channel in which I upload zombie tutorials of Easter Eggs, persistent perks, and puzzling theories. I am always active on twitter talking about the lastest and greatest news on zombies and any new discoveries. I live in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania (Go Pens and Steelers) and married with twin boys, so you can image my life being crazy by completely being …
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 9 replies
What is up, ladies and gentlemen? I've prowled this website for years. I was once extremely active on the site for a time until the dreaded BO2 era came and I hadn't returned since. But with BO3 has come a beautifully crafted story that has come a welcome surprise! I'm just introducing myself now to all these new users I've never seen before. I'll be posting a lot and contributing posts to a lot of the threads on this forum for the coming months. Love you all.
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 7 replies
I've been browsing these forums for the last couple months. I'm not anything new to zombies I've been playing since the Verruckt map pack was released March 2009 for World at War. Here is my YouTube I've had much higher runs (into the 80s and 90s), but do to music on another Account they got deleted. I still have the recordings somewhere on my old Laptop, and I livestreamed most of them too. My is I try to stream almost every night. So that's about it guys as always Take Care!
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 2 replies
I have come across the site by a video from Project Black ops and all the packages all the clues leading to the supposed zombie "co-op" really got me into it so i wanna help out in any way possible! So, Hello people. =)
Last reply by lissa110, -
Its Matuzz
by Matuzz- 1 reply
Hi some may know me from cod HQ forums, I decided to log here :D
Last reply by m12, -
Never actually posted an intro when I first joined the site, but here I am! Some of you call me pancake, others, wunder. I love to play zombies, along with Minecraft.I post here from time to time, but use to be a regular. Well, I guess, that's that. Nice to finally post an introduction. -Pancakes
Last reply by heillingalj, -
hey its me mundi3 :D
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 8 replies
Yo Its Ya Boi Mr Short Khop, I Got Tha PS3 (MSG Me For Tha Add) Im Down For Zombies, Love Madden Gettin 13 2KNBA, Down For Some MGS Peace Walker MP, Love WestCoast Rap/RnB/G-Funk/P-Funk/Hyphy Q1ptSA-JBvg Dope Song This is Why My Name is This Same wit My PSN so yea Aint gonna say too much dont even know yall, All Im Down For is Zombies, and Sports and Shottas aka Shooters,
Last reply by Covert Gunman,
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