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1,821 topics in this forum
- 14 replies
Hey, deth_bringer1234 on PS3. I only play Kino and have found many hours wasted killing zombies. Made it to round 52 last night. Started with 4 players, ended with 2. Finally at the start of round 52 we quite, just took way to long. I think it was a 6 hour game and we were done. Anyway, if anybody is looking for a decent player to have a game with, I am the man. and look me up.
Last reply by Tankeo Dempsaki, -
- 3 replies
Hi am new her my names RetroZombies115 but you can call me Chris and happy i'll be around the fourms to hear about all your zombies theroys and news! :)
Last reply by piepwns, -
- 7 replies
Hi Everybody! I am an old face returning under a new name! I went inactive on the forum after losing my game, but now (a year later) I realize I can still contribute! I hope to have a great time like always Thanks!
Last reply by perfectlemonade, -
- 10 replies
What up guys and galls! My online name is Marshmellow, some call me marsh some call me mello, but no one calls me marshmellow lol. My real name is Codie. I'm 20 years old. I'm a heavy machine operator for a demolition company. I run a very successful and active clan called the Infamous Assassins. I'm a forum whore so you might see me around here alot. Dont know what else to say, but if you any questions feel free to ask!
Last reply by Blamco177, -
- 12 replies
hello my name is Samantha, most people jokingly call me Sam Maxis cause of my Zombie addiction, I have been playing Zombies since day 1 of WaW, and enjoyed it ever since, my fav char is Richtofen while my fav map is Der Reise, I have been a avid lurker of this fourm and just had to join im a 19 year old female. im also a lesbian, but im very feminnine, but very tough and capable of kicking zombie ass Nice to meet you :D
Last reply by lucky11202, -
- 6 replies
found this forum pretty randomly 2day but its easily the best iv seen to date primarily im a quickscoper however seeing as my mw3 is faulty and quickscoping on black ops sux i started playing zombies n iv never lookd bak. Anyways my PSN is xX_tRiKsHoTzZzZ i know complicated i only have the rezurrection map pack at the minute but ima fix that next payday and atm i dont have a headset seein as my dog decided that my turtlebeach was a better chew toy than his actual chew toys anyways hopefully ill meet some peepz on here that can teach me a thing or two bout zombs, till then, peace
Last reply by westy219, -
- 27 replies
Hello, I'm sure none of you remember me from when I ragequit CoDz. If you do, I was younger. More reckless. I let the... uh.... Salad Man Fans get to me. (oldy insider.) I see that most of the Vet's are still here, and I'm glad. Most importantly though: I'm back. ~Shapeshifter *edit* On a side note, I realize that I have the Veteran rank now. Sweet.
Last reply by MegaAfroMan, -
- 14 replies
I am The_Librarian. I am an avid Call Of Duty Zombies enthusiast who likes to remain formal. I know that now may be seen as an odd time to join, but I feel that now is perfect as it may be the calm before the storm. And this storm is going to be huge...
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 5 replies
Hi All, Found your site a couple of weeks ago & am well impressed! Always loved blowing holes in Zombies since the early days of Resident Evil on the PS1 8-) & can't get enough of Zombies in CoD! :twisted: Hoping to join up with a few of you online at somepoint - my skills are steadily improving but need to learn from the "Zombie Jedis'" out there to further my zombie mashing career! See you on the killing floor! Uh-rah!
Last reply by MegaAfroMan, -
- 8 replies
hey guys im part of some other online communities and am excited to join this one i put my records in my sig and am hoping to improve them i just made a new psn and hope to see some of you out there on the "battlefield"
Last reply by Jolteon, -
- 5 replies
Heellllooo, I just joined this forum, but fell in love with cod:zombies since it first came out in waw. my fave map is kinodertoten. nice to meet you all!
Last reply by killallzombies, -
- 8 replies
First of all I would like to thank Ehjookayted, who advise me to come here and introduce myself Hello there, I am a pretty dedicated zombie fan, and not just on Call of Duty zombies either, I am interested in almost all kinds of zombie-associated materials. I was first introduced to this site by some web browsing for I was bored from just the surface gameplay of the COD zombies and decided to explore deeper into the zombie lore, and I am pretty glad I clicked this site when I first saw it on Google-not only because the abundant amount of information that puts my zombie knowledge to shame, and also I have finally encountered many other dedicated zombie fans as w…
Last reply by way2g00d, -
Hiya names ronan being playing zombies nearli 2 years now so decide to join and see whats goin on in the zombie world.. ;)
Last reply by gabbehhh, -
hey its me mundi3 :D
Last reply by Phantom, -
Hi, CODZ forums! I'm a lurker by trade, but this place has coaxed me out of my little hole. My name is Lucinda, and I'm a sixteen year old story obsessed female, with a love of seeing zombies explode into chunky salsa after giving them names. Started playing zombies in Black Ops last January or so, and zoned straight in on the delicious science conspiracy goodness, with this place as my giant archive. Nice to meet you all.
Last reply by gabbehhh, -
- 9 replies
Hey! What's up CoDz forums, a noob here to this site but a veteran in zombies. I started taking interest in zombies only in 2010 when MW2 just came out during January, since before I totally hated zombies since I didn't understand the concept of it. Until, I told my friend about this and he trained me to love and play zombies more than anything else in the game. So, before some people angrily type in the reply section that it is actually Wunderwaffe instead of Wonder Waffle, LOL I know . I just thought Wonder Waffle sounded better and more comical than Wunderwaffe as a username. Anyways, I hope I have an amazing time here, and I …
Last reply by ZombieOfTheDead, -
- 12 replies
Hi, I joined the forums some time in February last year and was an active forum member, I put forward my theories and was amazed by the storyline. However when Annihilation came out I lost interest in it and CoD in general. Im a Halo fan now, the fiction is thick and enough to keep my mind busy. Basically I just wanted to know how the forum and its inhabitants are doing and whether anyone remembers me.
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 19 replies
Uhm, hi. I'm an avid zombie player. At first I distasted zombies mode because I had no idea how to play. Aha but after watching other I have gained the acquired skills to be able to get to round 25 on kino by myself. Aha. Which isn't that big of a thing I realize. But it is better then getting to round five. Aha. Anyways, I want to say how amazed I am to as how you guys put things together. It seems to me the information everyone started with was slim to none. And you guys expanded the story immensely. I may be wrong on you all creating the story. But the easter egg finders, are still incredible. To say the least. I'm curious to as how you guys figure the things out that …
Last reply by anguscr, -
- 7 replies
hey guys im new to this jus wonderin how to play custom zombie maps could u help me out :)
Last reply by Matuzz, -
Hello everybody, I joined this forum because I fucking love zombies. I have been playing ever since World At War came out. If there are like any research teams or anything, I will gladly help record games and such. I know zombies is kind of dead (no pun intended lol) but I thought it was nice to join this. kbye
Last reply by Pasta, -
- 5 replies
[brains] Hey guys im just really so happy to join your epic forums since im a huge call of duty fan and espically the zombie call of duty ones such as Call of duty world at war and call of duty black ops. I bet im going to enjoy my time here!
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 8 replies
Hi! I joined just a few minutes ago. I hope I can learn and give out some good strategies! My favorite map is ascension,by the way.
Last reply by xFaTaLx RaMpAgE, -
- 3 replies
hi everyone my name is Luigi, I'm 18 years old, and I live in Boston. I am a huge fan of zombies both storyline and gamemode(even though I'm not the greatest expert). My favorite map would be either Der Riese or Ascension. So...HI! :D
Last reply by piepwns, -
- 14 replies
i've always wanted a CoDz account like K.A.Z,and now i have one,i looooooove zombies and its awesome storyline i'll be getting a 360 for xmas,and me and K.A.Z will be playing alot
Last reply by Faust, -
- 19 replies
I've been lurking for awhile now, finally decided to get off my ass and register so I could stalk personal profil- Er, I mean contribute. Hello errybody my name is Merchant. EDIT: S'pose I should say a little somethin'. I recently purchased Black Ops during Black Friday (Fitting amirite) because I wanted to play some of that zombies that I loved oh so much in WAW. Little did I know I would become so obsessed with it and now here I am with Call of the Dead, Shangri-La and Rezurrection purchased. This game is awesome. I would post my GT but my internet lags to the depths of hell and back on zombies for some reason. My favorite map is probably a close thr…
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound,
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