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1,821 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hello there. I created this accoung almost 2 years ago, but I never really did anything on Codz. I've decided to introduce my self. i have been playing zombies ever since Nacht on WaW, and think that I am a pretty decent zombies player. My favorite maps are Verruckt, Der Riese, and Ascension. My least favorite is Kino Der Toten. If you love playing zombies as much as I do, feel free to send me a friend request on Xbox Live My gamertag is: ItsFromMars
Last reply by richlands24, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I ran out of interesting topics, so dug deep into my pocket for this. This is in response to Chopper's mega intro. Enjoy. Jay the person Forget what you think you know, he's actually quite no non sense in the mold of MMX. He believes in hard work and preparation, his motto since school days and extended into work. He preaches effort will accomplish things intelligence alone cannot. He loves sports and participated to full extent back in the day. He bleeds black and gold and dies a bucco. His boy in Steeler gear: He owns a pistol and enjoys target shooting. That is the iconic CZ 75 found in BO1 Like a typical boring male, he also likes…
Last reply by Mr. Jay, -
- 10 replies
Hi, I'm Jay, once a regular on the forum. A good friend on the forum and on PS3 lobbied for my return, as well as PMs from other dialy contributors asking for my participations to help drive for forum. Not sure what I can bring to the community, but here I am. To be honest I never really left, lurking from time to time, as well as skyping many others since my departure. The forum is lacking activities lately, and hopefully many big names will re-emerge. To the new guys who have no clue to who Jay is, he was a regular poster from March until late July, left in frustration due to many great users MIA. Along with Tankeo and MLH they formed the three stooges of …
Last reply by shirtlesservice, -
- 1 reply
Hi CoDZ members, I'm Jenkins-BE and just registered on this (fantastic) forum. I started playing Zombies on Black Ops (though I've tried NDU in WaW, too) on the PS3. I'm very interested in the Zombies-story and would describe myself as a mediocre Zombies player, mainly because I play with randoms 95% of the time and my Internet connection is not top notch - I think. I know the basic strategies to play Zombies succesfully (been watching Xcal and Syndicate for quiete some time) and the my highest round on all maps (except Five) is bewteen 20 and 23. So, I think that's all you need to know. Looking forward to play with you guys and learn more about this fanta…
Last reply by Suhn-Sol-Jashin, -
Name: JeRicHoOL Age: 22 Country: Germany PSN: JeRicHoOL I started playing Zombies when "Black Ops" released because I never played "World at War". It fascinated me pretty quickly. I'm always trying to break my own records. I play with 4 players only because it's way too easy with 2 players and I refuse to get a high round the easy way. It's tougher with 4 because if 1 or 2 people go down Zombies are coming from several directions and you sometimes have to change your gameplan. My current records are in my signature. I'm looking forward to play with some very good players here to set new records. I have all the Zombie maps and will also get the "Moon" DLC when i…
Last reply by MaximusKillaz, -
I guess I'm a little late to this but better late then never right? Hey guys and gals my name is Kenny I'm 20 I play on Xbox 360 GT=Jew Feedz. I feel I'm a pretty decent Zombie player and im always looking for more good player to play Zombies with. I just cleaned out my friends list so if you're looking to get some high rounds hit me up!!! -Kenny
Last reply by Jew Feedz, -
- 2 replies
Hey everyone, Jordan here. I play Black Ops zombies on xbox from 20-40 hours a week. I have Turtle beaches and actually USE my mic! Invite me 80% of the time and I will join you to play zombies See you in game
Last reply by Zslayer, -
- 5 replies
Hey guys! You might have seen me on the other two community boards! I run my own gaming community and love supporting others. I am a COD player and very much into the zombies mode more than the campaign/co-op mode. It is great to be here!
Last reply by JoyFreak, -
by JTRaines92- 0 replies
What's up people? I liked CoD5 more than any other CoD and I'm thinking CoD: BO is gonna be part two of that. I love sports and I'm very active on forums, mostly sports forums. I post on NGU, that's the only shooting game forum I post on. If I like this place I'll post a lot. Anyways, here I am.
Last reply by JTRaines92, -
JTG aka n00b
by jtg- 1 reply
evenin everybody im JT your newest member (so far) hopefully i wont be too much trouble and i hope you all enjoy my contribution to the forums.
Last reply by YoungMaxwell, -
- 3 replies
Sup guys. My name is Juice503. I've belonged to the original CODZ site since the day it went up. I play BFBC2, Nazi Zombies, and sometimes MW2. If you ever wanna play, you can add me. My PSN is Juice503. I'm on quite a bit, so You should almost always be able to join a game. As for Zombies, my highest rounds are: NDU- 27 VER- 70 SNN-76 DR- 72 I'm usually good at lasting until the higher rounds, but I'm also pretty good at reviving people too. I average 14-18 revives a game, so you usually survive. Other than that, Nice to meet you all....again! Edit: Forgot to mention you can follow me on Facebook. Name: Josh Moscatello
Last reply by firevice, -
- 0 replies
Hello everyone, I'm not the best at introductions but I figured I'd go ahead and give it a try. xD I'm Devon, in real life any way, but I generally go by Zadoc online. Zadoc-Zaraki is my psn username, so I figured I'd go ahead and use it like that for a website where I would meet other gamers. In real life I'm a senior in high school, and just recently began playing Call of Duty because of my friends. I found it to be awesome of course, especially the co op modes. I can't say that I'm great at the game, but I've gotten a lot better since my first time picking up the controller. I have some talent in photoshop, though I can't say I'm a proffesional, its somethin…
Last reply by Zadoc-Zaraki, -
- 4 replies
Hello there,I am ViraL x Vandal,thats my xbox gamertag as well,And I'm a big zombies player,I don't mean like streaming or youtube,I'm kinda like a fanatic,and I'm actually pretty good at zombies,it's my favorite thing in Call Of Duty,and My favorite map would have to be Mob Of The Dead,I first got into zombies on Black Ops 2,I found it so fun,i bought WAW,and Black Ops 1,and all the map packs,I'm 15,I have a awful mic,and I wanted to find a nice place to chat,and talk ideas with other fellow zombies players.And this website seems perfect,If you ever wanna play zombies,or even multiplayer,or just talk for a little bit,you can pm me on here,or add me on Xbox Live if you wa…
Last reply by ViRaL x Vandal, -
- 2 replies
Hello everyone! My name is Jake-Duck, and I am about one year and five months late to post this. You have probably seen me post around as a general user, not posting many theories or strategies. As of the time I am writing this, I am 15 years old and just about to finish 8th grade. (I started school a year later than most kids did, I wasn't held back or anything ) Like many people on this site, I am an avid gamer. I play for several hours nearly every day. I do not only play games, I am also learning to mod them. I am only a novice modder, but if you want to see I bit of what I can do you can see my Perk-a-Colas and Hellhounds in Skyrim mod here This mod was made t…
Last reply by JakeDuck, -
- 4 replies
Sup guys, I've been viewing this forum for a while, so I said "Hey - why not join it? Looks friendly enough." I hope I chose right. :D
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 8 replies
"Oh great, another Intro thread!" :x Now that we got that out of way, bare with me. I'll try to make this short and sweet and try not to ramble too much. To be completely honest, I spend just as much time replying to other people's post that I do on my own. I like to include as much details I can with my responses if it's possible, so I tend to over do it a bit sometimes haha. I've loved CoDz since the first day I came here. I originally signed up to participate in the Ascension Easter Egg discussion, but ended up falling in love with the place. I had always viewed the site, but never signed up to post stuff. I learned quickly it was the p…
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 8 replies
Hello guys! I joined year quite a while ago, nearing a year ago, during the whole Zombie Easter Egg. I didn't stay active as the zombies saga was temporarily ending so I left. Now, with what will undoubtedly be the release of Black Ops 2 and Zombies, I've decide to come back! So, hi!
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 4 replies
Name on Black Ops is CoolKiller420. I'm pretty new to FPS games in general, but I've been picking up very quickly on everything so I'm a pro noob at best lol. Zombies is what seems to dominate my time of Call of Duty, and for good reason too (it's freaking awesome for one). I'm alright at Multiplayer, but definitely don't have a great K/D ratio (it's something like 0.83 or something like that right now lol). I am getting decent at Zombies, playing mainly the Kino Der Toten level (best solo is 19 so far). The storyline is what really intrigues me, and it's this website that got me into the whole story aspect of the Zombies mode and made me better from reading tips. Hope to…
Last reply by fisher10190, -
- 4 replies
Hello all! Just wanted to check this place out because I saw my friend on here and realized that this place looks absolutely amazing! . I go by Greg or Live so which ever you call me is fine . Questions comments or concerns with me, my actions, and or my opinions can all be directed to my inbox which I never mind checking . I have a twitter and youtube account which you can obtain info by just messaging me . I thank you all for your time and hope you have a wonderful day!
Last reply by Delta, -
- 8 replies
Hello everyone I'am glad I finally became part of such an awesome community I have read a lot of good theories also my favorite moment in zombies was when I did the moon ee the first week it came out.
Last reply by PHD Flopper, -
- 3 replies
Haven't been too active lately, but decided to check in. Hopefully I will find the time to be a little more active around here. I joined back when we were decyphering the Black Ops Zombies clues. I've been playing zombies since WaW (on ps3) and typically get to around level 30.
Last reply by darkflareon, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone, I've been a big fan of zombies since COD WAW, but its hard to find people to play with so thats lead me here. A lot of my friends talk a big game but they never really want to play lol Any who Id like to play with some people who actually really like Zombies and are interested in exploring the new maps as well as playing the old ones. I play on XBOX, and I work mornings so I'm usually on in the evenings. Please help save me from either playing solo or with a bunch of 7yr olds......wait that didnt sound right. THANKS!
Last reply by Tac, -
- 1 reply
Hi, my name is James (obviously) I'm a 17 year old from the UK who enjoys zombies and just wants to find more people to play zombies with. If your down feel free to add me
Last reply by Spider3000, -
- 8 replies
Hello guys my name is Chris i'm 19 years old. This forum is what i'm looking for, hope will stay here longer!
Last reply by Faust, -
- 3 replies
hey guys, im new to this board and just want to say hello and introduce myself. my name is paul, im 30 years old and im living near cologne germany. im reading here since few weeks now and i love to kill zombies. im playing codz since nacht der untoten but unfortunately i missed the maps shangri la and moon. it was a time when i was not playing that much... at the moment i play mostly die rise of course. highest round for solo is 54... Greets Paul
Last reply by HansLanda420,
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