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1,821 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
How is everybody doing? I've been playing CoD for some years now and really enjoyed World at War zombies. Just recently go into Black Ops zombies. I'm also a fan of Left 4 Dead, Rage, Battlefield 3, and Borderlands. You can all guess I'm an xbox fan. Got out of computers a few years ago when I realized a console fits my budget and keeps me from the addictive MMORPGs. Hopefully I'll get to game with some of you in the future!
Last reply by piepwns, -
- 13 replies
Well, I found this website when I was looking for Kino Der Toten easter eggs. And here I am. I don't know what i'm going to post since everything I know has been posted already. But i'll find something. Also, free [brains] for everybody :D
Last reply by HammerFace, -
Last reply by gabbehhh, -
- 1 reply
Hi! This is FINboy1995 from Finland and I joined this forum yesterday. The main reason why I am here is that I grew tired of randoms at online and came here to find good zombie players to play with. All my other friends went to MW3 but I stayed and I still enjoy zombies a lot! My favourite maps are Kino, COTD and Der Riese. Thats all for now!
Last reply by RabbitZombie, -
- 4 replies
Hey this is whatshisface! I haven't played Bo zombies in some time thanks to selling black ops for mw3. Unfortunately, I found out very quickly that the survival mode for mw3 wasn't gonna cut it. I will be getting a copy of bops from a cousin soon, so with that, I'm looking for people to play with! Cheers (btw, I was wondering if anybody could tell where I could find other iPhone zombies players. Thanks again)
Last reply by WhatsHisFace305, -
wat is happenin i am RiinZlerz on ps3 just joined
Last reply by KrazyCookies, -
Found this website the other day after searching for some zombie tips online. Lots of good stuff here. I'm kind of an older guy (36yrs old) and have gotten into zombies more recently. COTD really got me interested in the zombie mode and that is the map that I play the most. In fact, I rarely play the other maps at all. One of the main reasons I exclusively play COTD is that my wife has also gotten into this game and this is the only map she really likes. She's very insecure about her playing ability so she likes to stick with what she knows. She's actually gotten pretty damn good at it. Our high round is 30 but we know we can get higher we just genera…
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 2 replies
HELLOOO EVERYONE >:E / So hiya, I'm SregorMan AKA oO0Rogers0Oo. I'm looking to share ideas, and find people who are willing to play zombies for both high rounds and a good time no boring/serious people plz, looking to make something of myself on YouTube one day, buying Hauppage for christmas so yeah, anyonee want fame?:3 Regards, Gage
Last reply by Wolfie, -
- 5 replies
hello there Codz members. this has been a long time coming as i am a frequent guest/ just turned member. been viewing the site ever since the blops viral went live and always loved coming here because of the wealth of info and theories to be read. i would call my self a above average player that can easily reach 50+ on all maps solo (except nacht as i can sometimes be a bit reckless) but struggles to find decent players to reach high level leaderboards (got to 61 2-player on ascension only to have the leaderboards not register). looking forward to the lead up to blops2 or more hopefully CODZOMBIES but in the meantime am commited to helping the community stay alive till …
Last reply by Wolfie, -
- 25 replies
Hey all, I'm sure most of you know who I am and what I do around here, but I figured that since my old intro thread was old (over one and a half years old) and that my life has changed since then, it might be a good idea to reintroduce myself. And yes, I realize that this looks long and rather menial, but I deem it necessary. Besides, I don't really care if you read all of it apart from a section I will put in bold and colored text further down. Here's a quick biography on me. My name is Nick and I'm currently 18 years old. I turn 19 in early March of next year. I was born in Provo, Utah where I lived for roughly the first 8 years of my life. My family then moved to …
Last reply by Undead, -
- 4 replies
I just want to take a moment to give special recognition to certain codz member, whose value here I feel is often over-looked. Or if not overlooked,the gratitude is not expressed as much as maybe it should be. I feel that CoDz is a great hub for all things zombies. This is where many among the best talents in the Z community congregate to. We share our knowledge and ideas, and through everyone's individual strengths we are made stronger. We have some of the best story-theorist, easter egg hunters, and game strategist, etc in the entire zombie community here. No matter what it is about zombies that interest you, you will find it at CoDz. That's why we are so str…
Last reply by aegisknight, -
- 5 replies
Hello people! my name is curtis and i just joined your community because i LOVE CoD zombies started with WaW wich i would still play over black ops if it werent for all the damnd modders ruining it but black ops is fun too just wish they kept the original weapons for the original maps anyways hope everyone has a good day and be sure mssg me on xbl or on here if u wanna play my name on here is the same on xbox.. oh yeah and i dont play ps3 for anything but fighting games
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 1 reply
I need help on how to customize my profile
Last reply by xFaTaLx RaMpAgE, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys, zombiekiller91 here. I've been following this forum for a while now and I just had to join. Seems like everyone is very helpful and nice. Can't wait to talk zombies with everyone!
Last reply by gabbehhh, -
- 4 replies
Hello. I am MurderMachineX. Not to try to sound conceited, but I believe I am quite knowledgeable about Zombies, and it's my all-time favorite video game. Throughout my Zombie research, I have stumbled across this site a few times, but now I've decided to see if I can attempt communication. The main thing in which I am interested at the moment is the Zombie storyline. I have a fairly long storyline myself with documentation that does NOT match a lot of what is posted here. So I figured I'd join and see what I can or cannot learn. I'm not really good at introduction threads...
Last reply by MysteryMachineX, -
Hey, my name's Edward, anyways I've had this account for like a month and never REALLY took the time to learn some things. I've heard about these things called "brains" and never really knew what they were all about. So can someone tell me what they are? Also please forgive me if I post a comment on a wrong topic I tend to do that.
Last reply by Wolfie, -
- 9 replies
Hello CODZ, I am Epsilon 13...that's all I have to say about my self, lol. I think that this forum is pretty cool and that's why I joined. I've been reading various topics in this forum for about a few days and I find them really interesting. I find it odd how this community is nice, funny, and helpful unlike most forums. :shock: Anyways what I found most interesting on this forum were the strategy guides for the Zombie maps. I find them really helpful, especially the ones by Superhands, Edjookayted (is that how you spell it?), ChopperNator, and many others. I'm really looking forward to the "Masters Zombies Guide." Anyone have an idea when that comes out? (I …
Last reply by Wolfie, -
- 3 replies
What's happening everybody!? Matt is the name, or Big White if you prefer. I reside on the East Coast of the US. I've been lurking around the forum for about week reading several of the theories and explanations. I started my zombies obsession when World at War came out but it stopped there as I didn't buy an Xbox and was just playing at a friend's house. Then Black Ops came out and I had tried out the zombies on it and I got hooked again so I ran out and bought me an Xbox and Black Ops and began my zombie obsession again. I'm usually up for a game of zombies when I'm not lagging lol. If there's anything else you want to know, just ask.
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 7 replies
Well, you heard correct, I am the new guy. So don't laugh as I bumble about the forums. Anyways, to get to the point, Im NoQuarter and I play on the 360 and am a big fan of CoDz. Thats really all i have to say, sorry to disappoint. Hope to see you around, -NoQuarterX ..that is if anyone even read this at all....hmm....
Last reply by amazing1pj, -
- 18 replies
I'm afraid I have to say farewall to zombies. I seem to playing zombies always at the wrong time, when I'm pissed off or just tired.. And I'm losing my interest fast, running circles for hours and hours on is just not my thing I quess. I like solo, since I can pause, but what if I feel like playing another game? I can't. I like the gameplay a lot, but I just get bored so quick. And now whit school, I should concetrate more on school, school is really important for me. I'm pretty busy on school and I don't want to let zombies ruin it. I'm going to miss this forum, maybe I will stick around here a bit, but I quess zombies is over for me now. Goodbye CoDz mem…
Last reply by Tac, -
- 7 replies
i've been here for a month now and I can see myself slipping away from this site Usually after school I would run on here as soon as possible to see if anyone wants to play or to talk but that usually doesn't happen ..... I fear that before this year ends that I'll just be another inactive person taking up space on this site. I try to get to know new people but that doesn't seem to work for me So if I mysteriously disappear this would be my goodbye letter to this awesome site. But since I'm new and whatnot I don't think anyone would notice if I just left :?
Last reply by Wolfie, -
- 3 replies
Hello this is Evolved001 from colony #001.
Last reply by amazing1pj, -
- 2 replies
Hey dudes! My names Jason and I'm from Scotland (UK.) I'm 21 and just new to the forum. Looking for a few demons to get into the higher rounds on zombies! I'm an xbox gamer and my tag is JASEE ADAMMM . My highest round is 34 on der reise, then level 30 on kino. I tend to play the classic maps to be honest. I hate accention call of the dead and shangri la. That's about all I can think of. Any questions or that feel free to ask :)
Last reply by Royal Gambit, -
- 5 replies
Hello all, My name is Tim, and I've been a CODZ member since the beginnning. Now, I've been very inactive, but I've been registered. I used to play with all the other 360 members, wrote stories on the storyline, and had a lot of fun. When I found out CodZ 2 came out(moved hosts), I registered but was again inactive. I've come back to creep on the forums more, and hopefully become more active. I really only play zombie games, its either BO or RDR-Undead, but I still only play about once a week. I was at one point a veteran, but I'm going to guess that the forums were wiped of old unused accounts or mine was deleted. I think I was 15(?) when I reg…
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 5 replies
1 Of my best friends from XBL has joined codz his names crownzyy he cant post an introduction at the time cuz of a dead iphone i will get him to reply when he does welcome him and give him some [brains]
Last reply by Ehjookayted,
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