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- 2 replies
Hey guys , I know im really late in introducing my self but hey i might aswell, So Hiya my names Liam, I live in Uk, Scotland, Edinburgh And like gaming (Obv) Im still at school unfortunatly but not long to go and LORV CoDz. Just wanted to get it out there but hey, Worth a try xD
Last reply by Phillips455, -
- 4 replies
Finally pre-ordered black ops 2 last night and I'm ready for zombies
Last reply by goblue418, -
- 9 replies
:) hey i missed you guys. Any news on new zombies?
Last reply by BlindBusDrivr, -
- 0 replies
Hello all. Been a wee while since I've posted here. How are we all?
Last reply by Reddonkeyham, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, I have come here for the Ancient Trials. They look pretty great. I started playing COD Zombies in August of 2009 with WaW, and have been playing all Treyarch zombies ever since (plus mods). Glad to be here.
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 18 replies
Hey everybody, back again since the BO2 news is picking up. How's everyone doing?
Last reply by i am richtofen, -
- 0 replies
Looking for a good team to try the ee with on mauer der toten. Preferably UK just because of different time zones.
Last reply by Queen-Kym, -
- 1 reply
Hey all, If you are a "Journey is more important than the destination" kinda person, then I'm looking for you.. Just would like a good group (with mic) to play Zombies, with a specific focus on solving mysteries/easter eggs/ciphers/ and gerneral story lore discussion. Personality is more important than skill, you can always get better at zombies ;) anywhoo... if you are also looking for a zombie nut , contact me XBOX ONE Jami San
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 0 replies
I have watched all the guides & such for the EE’s on YouTube but have never actually completed one. Looking for people who want to run some of the BO4 EE & once I can get Cold War start doing those as well. I’ve tried solo but I end up forgetting a challenge or pack & die after round 20. Thanks!
Last reply by superman631, -
- 6 replies
Found this site a few days ago, i never play online and think my best bet is to make the next step into online play. I usually co-op with my friends but im usually holding them up the entire time, or taking all the risk running trains and whatnot. They dont have any map-packs and usually come over to play split-screen. I do have all the map-packs and a mic, i dont know were to rate myself as a player, i usually can make 30's solo on der reise and kino, ive had a few high rounds (mid 20's) on moon solo and co-op, but i know im better than this and want to see how i could do with some other players. My psn is the same as my username, weston_19, add me and invite me to a gam…
Last reply by weston_19, -
- 3 replies
Hi. I'm looking for team-mates for zombies on Black Ops 2 on Xbox Live. Tranzit, Die Rise and after tomorrow Mob of the Dead, etc. I have them all so msg me up or send a frnd req on xbox if you wanna join me. If you msg me, just tell me if your from the Codz forum And I'm a good zombie player. Not a complete noob. :lol:
Last reply by DenyingErrors, -
- 0 replies
Looking for team players to accomplish objectives and crystal grinds!
Last reply by Tim Burns, -
- 0 replies
Anyone wanna be friends add me on ps chels__22 :)
Last reply by chelsea Rees, -
- 6 replies
I am the Lord of Shadows. I have been playing Call of Duty: Zombies since I was around 12 years old, and am now 20, so around 8 years. I know a lot about the story, though I haven't been able to play some of the newer maps for Black Ops 3. I would like to get in touch with anyone that has played those maps, for a rundown of it's events, or any kind of information about the map, such as the revlelations promised by the namesake. When i have a console of my own, I will be playing. i have the strong intention to complete all of the Easter Eggs. I am also a writer, so I will likely be posting original content every now and again. Take it as you will, regardless a…
Last reply by SPARTON3, -
- 4 replies
Hello! Technically I'm a tortoise.
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 5 replies
Well, second time i'm doing an introduction post... My name is Lukkie1998, or you can call me Luke. I'm 16 y/o, live in the Netherlands, i'm Site moderator on UGX and Administrator on (Also known as "FF"). Unlike others, i don't like to play custom zombies. Don't ask me to play, i won't . But I love making maps, and especially porting weapons. I released two maps, called "Nazi School" & "Civil Nativity" (Together with someone else). At the moment i'm working on other projects, more info on these maps will be revealed later this year. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Lukkie1998
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 0 replies
Hey everyone. I'v been lurking for a few months maybe, decided to join. I can't post TOO much on story continuation and theories etc.... But I can try . I do have a question though, where is Ascension in terms of timeline? Because a few days ago, I was playing on the map as Richtofen, and when I got the Gersch out of the box, he said, "This future stuff is very interesting." Anyone notice that? EDIT: Found a video, skip to 14:03;
Last reply by SGUber, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone, I am new to this site but I love playing zombies on any console but I use ps3 and pc. My PSN/PC name is sniped_them and I am always willing to play.
Last reply by Shooter, -
- 1 reply
I would like to see a mod that where each attachment can be dropped from tier 1 (red) to tier 5(orange/gold) and each stat on the attachment is increased and a way to make the round harder... as starting a game with +1 to world growth in round 1 it would. would make it a round 2 difficulty. Also ways to make where you can have more bosses, armor zombies, dogs, mobs, money and loot drops to be increases. + increase zombies hp + increase zombies dmg + increase zombies element resistance + increase bosses spawn + increase bosses hp + increase zombies spawn + increase dogs spawn + increase loot drops + increase salvage drops …
Last reply by Hoekane, -
hay All im Mako (or thats the name i go by) now i play 360 and love to find glitches and cheats on systems i share what i find in the forums so that you guys dont have to search and test alot of bogus stuff so if you happen to see a post that you have questions about ask im here to help
Last reply by Mako, -
- 0 replies
Whatsup you Zombie Slayers it has been fun to slay the undead together eventhough we never met . . i know there are people who kill zombies every day i want to commend you for keeping the blood flowing. Speaking for myself i can not live without a day not shooting the Undead so if you want to team up and make them ******* bleed please join my cause. I concider myself to be one of the best zombie slayers around on every scene possible . . Kino , five , ascension , call of the dead or shangri-la it all doesnt matter. my best round without glitching is 45 on kino , 36 on five , 45 on ascension, 39 on call of the dead and 27 on shangri-la wich i havnt been playing f…
Last reply by MarthenMania NL, -
- 0 replies
Im a high round zombie player and i go for solo wr im also a youtuber heres my channel also if you want to play bo3 with me my gt is spiderman500p
Last reply by llzombieslayall, -
- 0 replies
Im a high round zombie player and i go for solo wr im also a youtuber heres my channel also if you want to play bo3 with me my gt is spiderman500p
Last reply by llzombieslayall, -
- 5 replies
Hello all! Just another fellow zombie slaya here trying to make a name for herself! lol Honestly, I'm just here to have fun and drop my thoughts on zombies, particularly of the IW variety whenever I'm not making the grade with Full Sail in the process of getting my Bachelors of Science in Game Design. My goal is to try to either work with Gearbox Software or Infinity Ward after I graduate. And as for my username/Xbox GT, yes I'm a huge Doctor Who fan! Ten is my fav Doctor and Clara is my fav companion.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 4 replies
Hello! my name is Alex, I enjoy zombies, the shitbox is shit (shit box is the xbox) i like pc and I use a ps3. highest round : 36 (after killing myself) and i just like to have fun. :D
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound,
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