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1,821 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
- 772 views can I change my username? 2.I've been reading the forum for over a year and just joined. 3.I can't download any maps for my xbox because I don't have internet anymore. Anyone know if charter internet is good, because otherwise I'm getting DSL. 4.Anyone know where I can still buy world at war PC? I haven't seen it in walmart.
Last reply by unlawfully inacurate, -
- 1 reply
Hi Guys im new to this forum and im a really good zombies player looking forward to staying here :)
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 1 reply
Whats up guys, Camadoadam73 (Ako73 on Xbox live) Well the reason i MIGHT be switching is because two days ago right after making it to round 35 on moon with my friend, the next day my xbox tells me in sign language to get f#%$ed. Apparently red flashing lights means just that. So my question is, and i hope i'm not stepping out of line here...I downloaded COD black ops, the "skidrow" version, and was wondering if there's anyway to play online with this version? I really don't feel like i should pay for ANOTHER copy of COD black ops, because I've already purchased a copy, an xbox, and an xbox live account for one year, that i can no longer use because my xbox…
Last reply by CamaroAdam73, -
- 2 replies
names Wolfie. Been looking at this site for about a month now and registered like 5 minutes ago. Want to meet more people to play zombies with and go freakin BERSERK and such. If you like Bullet for my Valentine, Celldweller, Blue Stahli, AX7, and stuff like tha then we will get along perfectly. I play on Ps3 most of the time names WoLfiEfaNgZxD or Wolfie_Fangz_xD im not sure one of those ( think its the 1st one ) HURRY AND ADD ME I GOT LIKE 90 FRIENDS AND THE LIMIT IS 100 RIGHT?! Okay that's enough about me add me if you wanna learn more :twisted:
Last reply by Wolfie, -
- 2 replies
hey guys, my name on here is selectyeti89 because it used to be my gt but I changed it to verrucktzombie1 since. I started a clan called VRKT. I made the post to introduce myself just because I have never done it before. I also want some people to join my clan, you dont have to join the clan to join the website. To join the clan you have to have been to round 40+ at least once on one map because that proves you know what your doing. My clan doesnt all think they are the best and we will help you get to round 40+ if you havent yet to be ablr to join the clan. mostly what I want with the clan is a group of alot of people who play alot of zombies so the clan can all avoid pl…
Last reply by selectyeti89, -
- 3 replies
whats up lads , came across this site looking online for players ha, , names cian im looking to get a good match on moon, psn = Juice-Monkey11 want to get to a high round cool site
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
Hey guys Robert here, seen the website on the google website for some reason.. Anways hope to look forward to cool updates and to play some guys from here on the consoles! -Robert
Last reply by MaximusKillaz, -
- 1 reply
It seems that I too have been here almost a month and have never properly introduced myself. Basically I play tons of Dead Ops Arcade and haven't played a serious zombies match for 3+ months unfortunately. So I am pretty much willing to play with anyone if I have time (which isn't that often)
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 2 replies
I believe I have been a member here on CoDz for almost a month and I realized just now that I never posted an introduction here. I am MegaAfroMan, it is my username here and my gamertag for Xbox 360. I have been playing zombies since day one on World at War and have all the maps for both games. I am sadly not online much or for long enough intervals to go for high round games during the week so my records will not be changing much, however I love the game and am always willing to play with anyone who is interested, considering I am able to, of course.
Last reply by Pope, -
- 3 replies
I'm Josh. I play on a PS3. As you can see, I'm new here. Actually I've stalked around here for a couple days before I decided I should probably join. All of you seem like a friendly bunch of Zombie killers....I hope. I'm not the best Zombie player around, but I digress. I hope I can get settled in rather comfotably and get to know you guys/gals/zombies. My PS3 is Ramos_95. You can add me if you like. Alas, I'm not into DLC so I don't have all of the new Zombie maps.
Last reply by UKzF_LAuREn, -
- 3 replies
i decide to join this becuase of my interest in watching nazi zombie on YOUTUBE i do not actually own any of the DLC so my knowledge is limited to what i saw on YOUTUBE. i am going to trey createing many interactive threads like i did on stickpage(stickfa)
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 7 replies
Hello. I'm the leader and founder of the world's #1 Call of Duty Zombies clan, [NZP] The Nazi Zombie Pros. I enjoy playing Call of Duty, especially Zombies (obviously), making graphics with Photoshop, drawing, reading and playing basketball. Besides running a large clan (530+ members in 4 months), I have much experience in staffing other sites, running other websites, etc. In my experience I've picked up a bit of HTML coding knowledge (of course BBCode as well, that's so easy it doesn't even count) and am constantly improving my graphic design skills. :)
Last reply by The Nazi Zombie Pro, -
- 4 replies
hello everyone my name is alec I love Zombies video games epspecially nazi zombies my highest level: solo: 10 Co-op: 26 I hope to see many new teammates to play with in the future oh and it does not matter what level I get to I just want to have fun
Last reply by Alecjackdemolay, -
- 1 reply
Well, that's my Gamertag anyway. I'm a pretty skilled player and just want to hook up with other skilled mature players for some Zombie killing fun. I love the game and take it serious but not to the point of hurting anyones feelings. I do not like to play with kids that much but if you're pretty mature, I'll give you a shot. If you want to hook up with a solid player, Hit me up on XBL. My Gamertag is I Bout Drama I.
Last reply by Strwrsbob, -
- 2 replies
While the subject is a play on words with my name I would like to introduce myself. My gamer tag is DaSurfinBird on 360 and I think most of us know where the influence came from. I love zombies, and I've been checking out the theory sections for quite some time. I would love to use the teammate finder when things slow down a bit but I am a college student so time is something I don't have a lot of. My favorite maps are FIVE and Shi No Numa because of the crazy atmosphere and feeling I get while playing them. I am an average player with my highest round only being 33 on Kino and Ascension but this looks like an awesome community here on this site, and I'm sure I'll pick up…
Last reply by MaximusKillaz, -
- 2 replies
Hey everyone, I am DrChiz, known by my YouTube channel as DrCoffeeMD over here: The Coffee-Addicted Gamer. I am a huge fan of zombies, love it to death playing it and setting records. I am good friends with some of the best, MurkaDurkah, TheSyndicateProject and of course Yoteslaya. So Zombies is a big part of my life. I am surprise it took me as long as it did to find this website and forums but I love it here and plan on posting a lot. Love the story and what not. Just looking to discuss zombies while making entertaining zombie content for my subscribers. Love this community. Hope to make some friends. Have a great day e…
Last reply by DrChiz, -
Hey i am new here and looking for people to play zombies with made it to 32 der riese and 25 moon so pleez add me (GT:popescott2) 360 and would also like to know how to be nikolai on here.Thank you :arrow: Pope.
Last reply by Pope, -
- 1 reply
Hello zombie fans! Time for a quick introduction. This is TSbuster (also on Xbox 360), but my real name is Josh. My username is inspired from the TimeSplitters games and the Ghostbusters movies. I'm from The Netherlands. My main hobby's are gaming and drawing. I'm also a big fan of the James Bond franchise. I'm looking forward to discuss!!
Last reply by General Dempsey, -
- 1 reply
so basically I joined this site because zombies has been my primary game ever since i first bought black ops and played kino and five. only recently (rezurrection) was i able to play the waw maps and i must say, these maps are so much better, especially verruckt and der reise. anyway, I really hope Treyarch (or anyone, within reason) decides to continue the zombies franchise. with each new map, i feel like they take some ideas in the right direction, but fall flat with others. i've been lurking this site for a bit and some of the map ideas proposed sound pretty interesting. it's a shame we have to wait so long for new maps. look forward to discussing zombi…
Last reply by General Dempsey, -
Hey Guys. My Gamertag is xI Rack City Ix I'm good at zombies and playing legit I like to play on moon since it is a lot easier to me I only play on xbox 360 If anyone wants to play zombies with me hit up the gamertag :)
Last reply by General Dempsey, -
Hey all. FB here. I'm 19 and live in New Zealand. Real name is Aaron Hope to enjoy my stay.
Last reply by General Dempsey, -
by KidInAmerica- 5 replies
Hey I'm new to the site but i play zombies all the time. I dont play online much because of all the sucky randoms so im hoping to add people who are decent at the game and don't sound like a 4 year old. I have gotten to 20+ on all maps with 2 people but I can get farther with the right people. Add me on PS3. Also I need all the easter eggs so if you could help me out thatd be awesome. GT: KidInAmerica
Last reply by Beware of the Docter, -
- 17 replies
Hi, I'm Samantha I have 2 profiles on CODz one is Lady Psychotica, and the other is just my name - Samantha. I'm a girl obviously. I love playing zombies! I'm a stay at home mom, so I like to play a lot. I don't know anyone IRL who plays so I figured I'd try to find someone to play with . Just because i'm a woman doesn't mean I can't kick some zombie ass . I've gone 13 rounds as Samantha, and I think 12 as Lady Psychotica. I play on wii. If you wanna ally and play a game, HMU. Nice to meet you all!!
Last reply by Wolfie, -
- 1 reply
Hello Fellow Zombie Slayers! My name's MaximusKillaz (Billy), been playing zombies since Nacht der Untoten on W@W i never play with randoms because my FL is mostly full of zombie players anyway. i always get to level 30 upwards on all the maps. LOVE zombies and seriously hope they make a game! If anyone want's to jump on Zombies with me then send me a invite my XBL: MaximusKillaz. Looking forward to speaking to you all soon. Happy Slaying! Oh and i hope there are NO trolls on this site i can't f**king stand them!
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 1 reply
[brains] Hey people its Undead Nazi or Sean, im from the UK. Play they Xbox And Ps3. Add me if you want Gamertag: FinalAntichrist PSN: TheOriginalXenon [brains]
Last reply by Lizizadolphin,
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