New slayer on the battlefield? Introduce yourself to other CoDz members!
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- 2 replies
I believe I have been a member here on CoDz for almost a month and I realized just now that I never posted an introduction here. I am MegaAfroMan, it is my username here and my gamertag for Xbox 360. I have been playing zombies since day one on World at War and have all the maps for both games. I am sadly not online much or for long enough intervals to go for high round games during the week so my records will not be changing much, however I love the game and am always willing to play with anyone who is interested, considering I am able to, of course.
Last reply by Pope, -
- 2 replies
Hello everybody im am very happy to join in these forums! You may know my older cousin that goes by the username Snowdog115935. :)
Last reply by m12, -
- 1 reply
Hey CoDz, how's it going?! I thought I should do an introduction seeing as though ive just signed up and I wanted to take the chance to meet the community! So, my name's Mike and Ive been playing zombies since the W@W days and have also been following these kind of forums since then too. Im really interested in the whole backstory and mythology that surrounds the zombies game mode and have taken time to study it in depth; some of the digging around and research you guys do is unbelievable so thanks to the guys who put in all the effort for enlightening me To be honest though, I dont really have the right frame of mind or patience for all the detective work you guy…
Last reply by Pope, -
- 18 replies
Hello Zombags, Misty's here, im kicking ass and taking names, I got away from those crazy Germans and stoopingher long enough to say hi, and men, stop staring at my Chest, it really is unflattering, I am dressed skimpy like this so I don't get run down by heavy clothes, come on people you gotta understand, it is the Zombie Apocalypse and all? Sorry, the new round just started, those German guys really want us to power up that tower, don't know which one to listen to, ethier way, catch you on the flipside hagbags *Runs off to Kill Zombies* (My name is Veronica, im 20 years old from Florida, and I have been playing Zombies since WaW, I hope to make…
Last reply by Shooter, -
- 10 replies
Hi, I'm MixMasterNut, and I never made an introduction thread for myself, so this is probably long overdue. I'm going to let you guys know a little bit more about me. The kinda stuff you won't pick up in my normal forum posts. No other better way to celebrate my 1000th post, right? Even though I'm probably best known around here for my storyline theories, I consider myself a jack-of-trades when it comes to my place in the zombie community. I do hardcore zombie storyline research, pull off some impressive ingame scores/achievements, and run a HQ youtube channel dedicated mostly zombie gameplay. In this introduction I hope to give you guys a peek more a…
Last reply by MixMasterNut, -
- 5 replies
how da crap do u get [brains] if u wanna play zombies add me PSN: JFKASSASSIN requirements have a mic have all maps
Last reply by JFKAssassin, -
- 1 reply
Okay, i've been on here since December 2011 and I am (now anyway) quite an active member of the forum, and I just realised that I have never done an introduction on here yet, so I figured may as well do one now! Now, as my username suggests I am 17 years old and my name does begin with an M- Michael. I origianlly hated zombies with a pasion. I couldn't understand why people loved it so much, I thought it was shit. Then, my brother downloaded the WaW map packs and persuaded me to try out Der Riese. I'll cut the story down a little now, I became an addict and after following this website since the release of Moon in September 2011, decided to get involved with my own t…
Last reply by Luckasaurus, -
- 5 replies
Unfortunately I didn't even know this forum existed thanks to twitter and recent BO2 news exploding. But I guess since this is the right place I shall introduce myself: I have started COD since mw2 I have played WaW but I didn't actually start there. I'm not much a competitive player but I LOVE zombies. So I guess that is mostly why I am here, and to figure out this whole BO2 mystery. Nice to meet you all.
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 3 replies
Hey, wat up guys. Im 16 years old from Chicago, Illinois. Although I do suck at it (at times), CoD is a big part of my life and I really do enjoy playing zombies. If you want you can hit me up on XBOX Live: MRSshr00ms or Twitter: MRSshr00ms. Some of my personal hobbies are, baseball, computers and videos. You guys probably know me from the old forum but, hey, might as well put a formal intro on the new forum. So ya.. Enough SAID!!
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
Hey All ! I am MrUniQ from the Netherlands and i really love to play CoD zombies. Started playing zombies just a couple of months ago on Black Ops (PS3) because a friend of mine told me how much fun it was. Before that i only played multiplayer stuff on PC and Killzone on PS3. It took a while getting used to but now im totally hooked. My girlfriend bought me Killzone 3 when it came out and i actually never play it because zombies is so much more fun. When i dont play i read stuff about COD zombies and watch video's on youtube. So i started playing Kino and Five on BO and i really got (if i migt say so myself) pretty good at it. My brother in law also …
Last reply by 57r!k3r, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys I'm a YouTuber that is posting really good content from Call of Duty and I love livestreaming whenever I possibly can and I interact with my viewers and make sure you guys feel welcome.I'm a huge Zombies fan and I've gotten to round 100+ multiple times on stream. Also, I'm soon going to be playing tournament games for CoD and soon will be playing in the World League. If you guys would like to check me out, I'd love that! Just so that you guys know, I'm only 16. It would be great if you guys could help out a fellow zombies enthusiast with his YouTube channel <3 If you guys are interested, my YouTube name is Synergistic Squad.
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 4 replies
Hello CoDz! Many of the veterans on this site should know me as TheOnlyShapeshifter, (an almost 4 year veteran myself) but since it's been QUITE a while since my last login to CoDz, I thought it would be very fitting to do another introduction, as this new wave of members has little to no idea on who I am! Well, let's see... I joined in the wake of the brilliant viral campaign, GKNOVA6, and have seen the rise and fall of the Henry Langham fiasco. I've been around since CarbonFibah (or CarbonFish) got his job at Treyarch, and I've seen mods come and go. I've been through 3 or 4 forum redesigns, and (along with UndeadXP) came up with the original idea of a Prestige sy…
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 7 replies
Hey everybody, i've been around for a couple of months now, but no one really knows me so I decided to introduce myself Call me Game. I've been playing zombies since WaW, but sadly I missed out a lot in BOI due to only buyong Rezurrection. I tend to play a medic style class, often rrisking my neck for a revive. I'm currently on around 1.1k revives! The ultimate goal is to eventually be part of the top 5000 on PS3. Other than all the shooters, I tend to mostly play RPGs. If you want to know anything else, please, feel free to ask.
Last reply by Spartica4Real, -
- 9 replies
My baby will be born today, im zombie freak like u guys what name should i give him.... Maybe Edward... Maybe...Nobody knows the 4 new guys names? Maybe aether sounds original Not sure maybe i give him my name and thats it... Help me out guys!
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
- 2 replies
What's up guys/gals, My name is Ross. I reside in Atlants, Ga. I'm a father of 2 boys and all I play is CoD. Best Regards, Ross
Last reply by CoDBlackIce, -
- 4 replies
Hi everyone, my name is AimForZer0 (you can call me Aim or Zer0), and after reading these forums for a while, I decided to make an account. Unlike the rest of the CoD community, Zombies seems a lot more loving, rather wanting to murder someone through a mic. I've been playing Zombies since it started in WaW, and I'll never stop enjoying it. Plus, I think I could contribute to these forums, and I'm always looking for a group to slay with.
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone. I'm an Xbox 360 player and my gamertag is xGIx Dethstalkr. My favorite genre of games are FPS, Survival Horror, and RPG games. My all time favorite game series is Resident Evil, RE2 being the one I like the most. I'm an average zombie player, highest round I made it to in co-op was 32 on Der Riese which is actually my record on both BO and WaW. Well that's about it i hope i get to know more of some people on this site. (Woot introduction medal )
Last reply by U.S.S. Deathstalker, -
- 2 replies
Um hello my name is TheDemon115 im new here but i played zombies since WAW when it came out its just amazing in my opinion every single map pack that came out i just buy them right away because of zombies!! So far i collected all the zombie maps just need Rezzurection to complete My Black Ops set !! well anyways im looking for some zombie slaying friends and i want many of zombie friends that are dedicated to zombie killing im a okay zombie killer i only went to 30 rounds but i dont really have alot of good players in public matches and im allways on my own :/....But ya this website is full of honor!! hope i make many friends in this site
Last reply by TheDemon115, -
- 6 replies
Hi Guys. Names Mike! Been an on and off viewer of these forums and i have finally got a new laptop (6 months without is hell!) so i decided i would sign myself up and begin to participate Only started playing zombies within the last year but have since gone back to all the old maps, now that i know what im doing Also an avid EE hunter and i can't wait to sink my teeth into MotD. Speak to you all soon!
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 9 replies
Last reply by Delta, -
- 3 replies
Hi everybody! My name is Dominic, or xBSTLx ShOcKeR on Xbox and YouTube. I mainly play Xbox, I'll play Zombies when ever you want. Highest Rounds (Not Very High) Moon: 36 Kino Der Toten: 30 Five: 25 Shangri-La: ? Ascension: 31 Call of the Dead: 25 I'll get back to you on the WaW maps. Just wanted to say hi. Thanks. :)
Last reply by Tankeo Dempsaki, -
- 2 replies
here is my welcome message... howdy all...
Last reply by m12, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, I decided to try out this forum because i'm a zombies addict, if people are active here i'll probably stay. Yeah, my name is awesome.
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone, my name is Evolve. I've been playing zombies for six years now, and it is my favorite thing to do. I play frequently and also record my gameplay. My gamertag on Xbox 360 is "Evolve 115". I love to make new friends who share the same passion for playing Zombies as I do. Doing Easter Eggs and making high round runs are among my favorite things to do in Zombies. I first launched a YouTube channel about three years ago, but I was on and off with my posting. I recently created a new channel that will be dedicated to posting the highest quality Zombie content on YouTube. I will have tips and tricks, strategies, Easter Egg guides, and much more. If you are inte…
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 5 replies
Sup guys this is HforHitmarker(gamertag, not name) and i am new to this site, obviously. Although im new to this sight i was a big follower of wethegamerz and was really into WaW Zombies, with all the theories and secrets. Most importantly i was really into the Zombies community. The amount of work that you guys did to figure out the backstory was simply amazing. Ok... now that im done kissing ass, heres some things about me: - I play many sports, mainly Baseball and Basketball -I am 15 years old and a sophomore in highschool -Call of duty is a hobby, not my lifestyle -I am (Real life) friends with Veteran YourDaWince, he is a boss. -Live in the SF Bay Area,…
Last reply by YourdaWince,
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