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Name: JeRicHoOL Age: 22 Country: Germany PSN: JeRicHoOL I started playing Zombies when "Black Ops" released because I never played "World at War". It fascinated me pretty quickly. I'm always trying to break my own records. I play with 4 players only because it's way too easy with 2 players and I refuse to get a high round the easy way. It's tougher with 4 because if 1 or 2 people go down Zombies are coming from several directions and you sometimes have to change your gameplan. My current records are in my signature. I'm looking forward to play with some very good players here to set new records. I have all the Zombie maps and will also get the "Moon" DLC when i…
Last reply by MaximusKillaz, -
- 1 reply
Hey everyone, I'm f0nZ. I'm from Portugal and zombies mode is what still gives me enjoyment to play Black Ops. I usally play on PS3, but maps like Call of the Dead and Shangri-La I played on PC. Most of times I play with my friends and sometimes online but people suck there If anyone wants to play with me I would be glad to. PSN ID: f0nZ_92 Cheers
Last reply by General Dempsey, -
hello i'm new to the site which i love by the way , looking for new zombie players trying to beat high scores or helping others with whatever. Main reason i joined is i always wanted a zombie team and i got one so cheers everyone! -SoScaryy--
Last reply by Doggy II, -
- 7 replies
i never introduced myself im killalkzombies if u even care to read the rest god bless u i love zombies im an enthusist but because of hammerface and 4 or 5 more members im leaving im not as dedicated as i thought codz used to be my absolute favorite site but its not about zombies anymore its about popularity and brains i guess i really dont fit in here so if you've read this far and even care then good job i might be back in a month to see the good-byes and then im off your over-hyper loud mouthed friend-killallzombies
Last reply by killallzombies, -
by die Doktor- 7 replies
Hey there just joined. I thought "Huim, I have already spent almost the psat month here. why not be able to comment?." Just a few things to pint out though 1. Just because I am young does not mean I cant lead an interesting thread. :evil: 2. Do not assume that I am annoying like some players that ALLl of have playeed with. :shock: :lol:
Last reply by killallzombies, -
hey :)
by flyinhyphy- 2 replies
just found this site after posting on gamefaqs. i love zombies and just got into it not too long ago after my gf forced me to get blops so that i would stop playing re5 mercs. i still havent quit re5, but play blops a lot more. id say 75% of the time im playing zombies. hope to meet new people and have some fun games. finding random games have been frustrating lately and not many of my friends play zombies or are interested in doing fun runs or helping me with trophies =/
Last reply by Edward7, -
- 1 reply
Hey I'm Fallen Hero I'm new to this site. I'm an average zombie slayer and looking to improve my skill and complete Easter eggs.
Last reply by right_direct, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, its SlateFx. I am a british kid that loves playing zombies, I'm into Graphic Design and Video Editing, and really love gaming. I've been playing zombies back since late 2008, but always saw it has just something fun to do, but over the last couple of weeks I have really got into it, so I bought Moon and decided to try and get the highest round possible on all of the mpas. I play with my brother and two of my friends, we are pretty good and always have a fun time but we dont really make it into the high rounds I see around here. As you can see by my signature banners that I created, Ive had a few good runs but mostly I just need to improve. I hope to be an active…
Last reply by right_direct, -
- 1 reply
My PS3 user: ericmase (add me)! I LOVE playing zombies in Black Ops. My top 11 maps in zombies is: 01. Der Riese 02. Nacht der Untoten 03. Ascension 04. Shi No Numa 05. "Five" 06. Shangri-La 07. Verrückt 08. Kino der Toten 09. Call of the Dead 10. Dead Ops Arcade 11. Moon (still waiting for it on PS3) What is your top 11? :D
Last reply by right_direct, -
- 6 replies
Hey everyone! My name is Daxton, but my nickname is Barry Sanders. Cause its a term me and my friends use when you are being cornered by a crap load of zombies but you manage to 'juke' your way out untouched! I do it the best out of my friends so they call me Barry! Im a huge achievement whore. Haha my Gamertag is 'TheBlackbirdIII' if you want to do some easter eggs, achievements, or just play to ge high rounds add me! Anyways my Statistics are; CodWaW - Nacht Der Untoten: 23, with 4 CodWaW - Verruckt: 18, with 3 CodWaw - Shi No Numa: 21, with 4 CodWaw - Der Riese: 28, with 3 Kino Der Toten: 28, with 3 Five: 14, with 2 (Hate this map) Ascension: 31, with …
Last reply by BarrySandersCoDz, -
- 3 replies
Hello, fellow CoDz members my name is Carnage and I'm happy to be a part of your awesome forum! I've been following your posts and topics without my say in it and I finally gained confidence that I'd be accepted gratefully. Anyways, I'll be posting in a steady pace whether an amazing find or not and I wanted to stop by and say my hello! I'll see you guys in other posts! Carnage, out!
Last reply by Faust, -
- 1 reply
Juli3t here, I've been stalking this website for quite sometime, always interested to see the theory's and ideas out there for zombies. I just now decided to create an account for purposes found in the teammate finder section, haha! :)
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 0 replies
Hey, mates! First of all this is the best Zombie website to be found! I am very happy to have found a website with other avid zombie slayers. I posted a guide on playing your ps3 in a hotel under Console discussion and sub forum ps3. Check it out and tell me what ya think.
Last reply by Captain Luke, -
- 2 replies
Everytime I play there's always a retarded little kid trying to be funny on moon downning himself in NML. So hopefully I find some goood peopl here. And hello forums :)
Last reply by Reylink, -
- 2 replies
Hello codz! My name is Zombie_Demise (this is not my GT/PSN) and I'd like to say I'm a Really good zombie player, IMO . I've made it to very high rounds in zombies at every map and my goal for this site is to help people with easter eggs/ getting to high rounds, uncovering more of zombies storyline, & and be a very good member to codz . So Thank you for your time & i hope u enjoyed it.
Last reply by Zombie_Demise, -
- 1 reply
U_Cant_See_Me here, this is my first post and I was wondering if anyone who play zombies on the PS3 and who is a serious gamer wanted to play. That's a introduction good enough for me. Kino Der Toten: Solo-17; Multi.-29 Five: Solo-11; Multi.-16 Ascension: Solo-10; Multi.- 21 Call of the Dead: Solo-14; Multi.-27 Shangri-La: Solo-7; Multi.-13 I have not yet completed the Ascension, Call of the Dead, and Shangri-La easter eggs yet, also since I play PS3 I don't have moon and the first 4 zombie maps yet (I blame Activision) but there are my stats.
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
I'm SamanthaM! I'm new here and hope to get a warm welcome. I've been to a few other sites where most everyone thinks it's stupid that i'm a girl and play games. Hope that's not the same here. I'm new to the zombies storyline, but so far it seems pretty cool. If there's any other girls out there, just reassure me i'm not the only female gamer?
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys/girls I'm Hendy from Northern Ireland U.K, I'm 23yo, thought I'd give this a go to find decent gamers out there. I play on xbl and my gamer tag is hendyNI , I'm new to this site so it'll probably take me a bit to find my feet. I'm playing COD BO Zombies right now I've got all 4 map packs, highest round is 41 solo 33 multi on Ascension, it's fair to say it's my favourite. Online right now going to have a blast at moon, if any one's up for it send an invite or friend request, my mic's temperamental but will be getting a new one soon. Thanks for reading and stay trigger happy :D
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
- 4 replies
I am Train, I consider myself to be quite a good player, although I am well sure that many members here are better than me I am Canadian (French-Canadian to be more precise), I only have a PS3 and a normal Black Ops with all the map packs (getting Rezurrection as soon as possible). I currently do not have a mic, but I intend to get myself TurtleBeach. I am also currently working on a future Youtube channel, buying HD PVR, commentating mic and Sony Vegas is on my list. Anyways, if you want to know my records, I went 67 on Kino, 39 on Five, 40 on Ascension, 35 on COTD and 26 on Shangri-La. My average round (yes, I calculated it) is about 20-25 casually. Feel free to messag…
Last reply by The Serial Train, -
- 2 replies
Hello my name is will i mostly play kino call of the dead and hopefully when it comes out tomorrow moon. my highest rounds are 32 with four people on kino and 39 by myself, and twenty something in call of the dead with 4 people. Im mainly looking for people to play with when moon comes out so if you gotta mike and know what your doing send me a friend request (my gamertag is my username.) thanks guys.
Last reply by HammerFace, -
- 2 replies
Hey, I'm new. Been playing zombies for only 3 years (came into it during the later months of WaW) and I can say I am pretty decent at it. My XBox Gamertag is "TroubledTurkey", obviousley and I've been wanting to join a zombie board for a while now, but just havent gotten around to it... Well.... I hope I have some good discussions here, maybe even meet some new, actually GOOD people to play zombies with. Isaw everyone else doing this, so why not; Heres my rounds as I remember them (most of my farthest rounds are solo. Co-Op takes a while and Randoms usually suck): Nacht Der Untoten: 52 (Fanning in Help Room with M2 and Thompson. Solo) Verruckt: 24 (Camping in Speed…
Last reply by TroubledTurkey, -
Why, Hello
by Salty- 1 reply
Hey Everybody. It's me, Salty, but more than likely you don't know me. I'm in high school in the United States, so that narrows me down to about 1 in 7 million, but that's beside the point. I play on XBL only, but I don't have anything against Sony's system. My GamerTag is: My RT Is Salty, and my favorite character to play as is Rictofen, and I can wait until Tuesday to discuss the Big Bang Theory at his Cyrogenic Slumber Party. I'm new here, but a veteran of forums in general. I have nothing else to put here really, so here are my best rounds in Co-op. Kino: 26 Five: 19 DOA: 30ish (I Think) Ascension: 21 CotD: 24 Shangri-La: 25 (I Think)
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
Hi all
by nazminizal- 3 replies
Hello fellow zombie slayers. Still a noob when it comes to forums and only picked up zombies after I discovered the back story around the time CoTD came out. But I'm catching up and now I can do decently well by myself and with a team. Looking forward to the Rezurrection DLC! Cheers :D
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
- 1 reply
Everybody ready for Moon? Well I'm still trying to get my time travel will tell ee, OrganizedTuba is my XBL GT. Just watched the rez insider moves, and that is going to be a hell of a map, can't wait to argue about whether the wave gun is the zap gun, jk. But hopefully I can use my collegiate work in English/Philosophy to bring something to the table on this board. Thanks.
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 2 replies
Hello codz, i've been an avid reader of codz now for a few months and i finally decided to create an account i have a ps3 but no black ops since it crashed my last ps3 and i had to buy s new one so yea, i hope to become great friends with people and learn new things about zombies with all of you :D
Last reply by JuicyGrapes,
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